Washington, Apr 19 (PTI): A 26-year-old American woman will file a lawsuit against a Catholic Indian priest and his church in India for allegedly sexually abusing her during his posting in the US between 2004 and 2005.
The move comes in protest against the recent Vatican decision which announced Diocese of Ootacamund located in Mylapore is reinstating Joseph Jeyapaul to ministry.
Minnesota attorney Jeff Anderson will file suit on behalf of the victim in federal court that claims the Diocese of Ootacamund endangered children by reinstating Jeyapaul.
Jeyapaul who served as a priest in Crookston township of Minnesota in 2004 and 2005 was arrested in India in 2012 and extradited to the US on charges of sexually abusing two girls in a congregation.
He was later deported to India last year, after serving his sentence of one year and one day. In a statement, advocacy group SNAP (Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests) announced that one of the sexual abuse survivors would sue the priest and the diocese.
"It may be the most irresponsible Vatican move we've ever seen: Catholic officials in Rome have lifted the suspension of a recently convicted predator priest. We are stunned and saddened by such blatant recklessness and callousness," Barbara Dorris of St Louis, Outreach Director of SNAP, said in a statement today.
A letter sent to Anderson and Roseau County Attorney Lisa Hanson and signed by over 500 Jeyapaul supporters in India will also be released as evidence of the public danger (nuisance) permitted by Indian Bishop and Vatican, it said.
"On January 16, 2016, with the permission of Pope Francis, Bishop Amalraj lifted the suspension of Father Joseph Jeyapaul," the firm said, adding that in 2015, after his extradition from India, Jeyapaul plead guilty to criminal sexual conduct involving the sexual abuse of a minor girl while he worked in the Diocese of Crookston in 2005.
"Catholic officials refuse to keep this admitted sex offender away from kids, so our only hope of stopping him is to get him charged and convicted again," Dorris said.
Over the weekend, Barbara and the victim were seen distributing leaflets outside the church in Crookston to find another sex abuse survivor.
"Our goal is to find just one more victim who might be able to file criminal charges and get this proven predator behind bars," the victim told local 'Grand Forks Herald'.
The lawsuit would charge Catholic officials with creating "public nuisances" by hiding and helping predator priests.
"It was the first victim's courage that brought forward a second victim of Fr Jeyapaul. It was the second victim's courage that prodded Fr Jeyapaul to plead guilty. And we hope the courage of a third victim will get Fr Jeyapaul extradited, convicted and jailed again, so that no more innocent lives are shattered," SNAP said.
"Until he's charged and convicted again, Jeyapaul should be put in a remote, secure, independently-run treatment center far from families who have learned to trust him," it said.
Comment on this article
dev, mangalore
Thu, Apr 21 2016he should be gifted a tight c*****
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Vincent Rodrigues, Frazer Town,B'lore
Wed, Apr 20 2016Mostly this suit need to be filed in US court and the court will look after this allegation.
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Cynthia, Moodbidri
Tue, Apr 19 2016Priests do make mistakes. Catholic people themselves expose it and if the priest found guilty, get punished. What more we need ? are we hiding here anything ?
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Don, Mangalore
Tue, Apr 19 2016Let's all condemn sin, let's forgive the sinner move on. Forgiveness is in the Lord's prayer as we are all sinners and we all need to be forgiven by someone else. But there should be true repentance and genuine remorse for the wrong committed and most important of all - DO NOT ever do it again.
DisAgree [9] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse
John Tauro, M'luru / Kwt
Tue, Apr 19 2016The church never errs doesn’t stand good anymore. The once convicted pedophile priest should not have been reinstated into sacred service. He should have been stripped of his robe. When so many sex scandals had taken place all over the world involving the priestly community, why can’t the church do away with celibacy and permit them to marry? No priest can take the place of Jesus Christ by remaining celibate. After all they too are human beings with all human weaknesses and desires. The Roman Catholic Church had been foremost in bringing about changes in rituals and obligations. Why not a change in lives of priests and nuns as is prevalent in other sects and for the betterment of society?
DisAgree [4] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse
Alphonso Rodrigues, Udupi
Tue, Apr 19 2016These type of instances exist in every faith. There are a few rotten apples in the basket. Let the law take its own course, and lets move on as well.
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Roshan Braganza , Mumbai
Tue, Apr 19 2016Its a comedy circus . Girl is above puberty and not a ' kid ' in no stretch of imagination . if priests broke celibacy , that's a issue , but here its a CONSENSUAL affair . Girl was sleeping all those years and now suddenly woke up realising its ' exploitation ' . Ridiculous . I can blame pope for here for not putting age of consent laws very straight. Cannon law legalises age of consent as 14 ( marriage ) , so why not make it universal just like SHARIA laws !? This will stop grown up ' kids ' claiming they were exploited with so and so hidden motives .
DisAgree [17] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse
essell, Mangalore
Tue, Apr 19 2016There are many more unfiled cases!!!
DisAgree [2] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse
Dev Kumar, Ranganpalke/Kawdoor District
Tue, Apr 19 2016It's not the first time priests in western countries involved in such type of abuse. Church itself claimed are pouring lot of money to the victims on such type of abuses. It's normal. But in India we won't come to know...as they themselves a born saint.
DisAgree [7] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse
Suleman Beary, Udupi
Tue, Apr 19 2016Let all priest have wives and legalize marriage for all saints too.
DisAgree [11] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse
Tue, Apr 19 2016Dear Mr.Suleman Beary, Udupi,
If one apple is bad in bucket of apples it doesn't mean all the apples are bad or throw them.
priest wood and saint wood it is difficulty to fallow,it need lot of dedication and sacrifies,
if this priest is really done such a nasty work then he is not desrved as a priest ,and action must be taken immediately.
DisAgree [5] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse
Suman, Mangalore
Tue, Apr 19 2016Itni sanata kyun hai bhai?!!...Priest ne Chamatkar nahi balatkar kiya hai !!
DisAgree [16] Agree [37] Reply Report Abuse
Lydia Lobo, Kadri
Tue, Apr 19 2016Suman,
Do you know the difference between sex-abuse and (balatkaar) rape ? The victim was 17 years-old when the abuse took place. She was not a baby to have been enticed with a candy, she too had her role in getting near a person who is similar to a hermit practicing Brahmacharya.
Having undergone the sentence imposed by law of the land, the priest is deported. What else does she want ? Him renounce priesthood and she marries him ? If that was her intention, why tried him at all ? She should have done that by admitting consensual act ?
Be informed that there is an institution that governs priests. Priests are highly educated and trained by this institution that also has its own principles and punishment for the offending. He may have put his case before his authority who may have found him fit for another chance. What is so disturbing ?
DisAgree [35] Agree [35] Reply Report Abuse
hemanth, Bangalore
Tue, Apr 19 2016Yes. It's mistake of girl for getting sexually abused by priest.. May be girls came close even with Asram. Will you stand by your opinion for similar incidents?
DisAgree [7] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse
Lydia Lobo, Kadri
Tue, Apr 19 2016Hemanth,
Do you have the extent of exploitation Asaram Bapu and his son Narain Sahin did ? Asaram even had a devotee roaming around with a gun, targeting witnesses. Its only after his shooting down several witnesses that the police nabbed him. The duo abused not one but several, nobody knows the exact number.
Do you still believe he is a religions guru ? The priest here is an ordained member of an order who served sentence in the country where he offended. Do you expect him to serve sentence in each country he goes ?
DisAgree [4] Agree [3] Report Abuse
Ramesh s, Mangalore
Tue, Apr 19 2016Do you have any idea how many child abuse cases filed on vatican. Its in thousands. No proper investigation carried culprits shielded all along. There is rampant financial irregularities going on. No one allowed to investigate. I read that there is parallel govt in Italy. It is the present pope who is opening door for investigators and accepting that there is sexual abuses happened in past and going at present. Just google how many unsolved death suicide cases of nuns in kerala. Its slaing. Its more dangerous than our nityanand and asharam cases.
DisAgree [10] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse
Shankar, Mangalore
Tue, Apr 19 2016Wow Lydia,
now going for victim bashing!!!
DisAgree [7] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse
Langoolacharya., Belman/Washington,DC.
Tue, Apr 19 2016Bejaimai,
Following is 'definition' of Brahmacharya...
Brahmacharya (/ˌbrɑːməˈtʃɑːrjə/ Devanagari: ब्रह्मचर्य) literally means "going after Brahman (Supreme Reality, Self, God)".[1] In Indian religions, it is also a concept with various context-driven meanings.
In one context, Brahmacharya is the first of four Ashrama (age-based stages) of a human life, with Grihastha (householder), Vanaprastha (forest dweller) and Sannyasa (renunciation) being the other three Asramas. The Brahmacharya (bachelor student) stage of one's life, up to 25 years of age, was focused on education and included the practice of celibacy.[2] In Indian traditions, it connotes chastity during the student stage of life for the purposes of learning from a guru (teacher), and during later stages of life for the purposes of attaining spiritual liberation (moksha).[3][4]
In another context, Brahmacharya is a virtue, where it means celibacy when unmarried, and fidelity when married.[5][6] It represents a virtuous lifestyle that also includes simple living, meditation and other behaviors.[7][8]
Among the Hindu, Jain and Buddhist monastic traditions, Brahmacharya implies, among other things, mandatory renouncing of sex and marriage.[9] It is considered necessary for a monk's spiritual practice.[10] Western notions of the religious life as practiced in monastic settings mirror these characteristics.
Kallen moooooooooo???
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Lydia Lobo, Kadri
Tue, Apr 19 2016Langoolacharya,
Catholic priests too must take vow of celibacy and maintain it for lifelong. If he breaks his vow, he no more fit to be a priest. However, when they have explanation to what happened, Church heads consider it and keep them in managing positions, not in public service nor in looking after a Church.
Its not yet known where this priest will be accommodated or whether people will accept him or revolt against him which is always a possibility.
DisAgree [2] Agree [4] Report Abuse
R.Bhandarkar, Mangaluru
Tue, Apr 19 2016Itna Sannata??
Isliye Bhai kyonki Priest ne Apnaa Khola Hai..
Sab Kuch khola hai...
Bhagwan ke aage nahin lekin....
DisAgree [7] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse
mann, bengaluru
Tue, Apr 19 2016There should not be any leniency if found guilty and do not try to prove him innocence if really guilty because of his Cassock (Like some swamis\bapus)
When a person abuses his profession where people trusted them and takes advantage of them for immoral activity through their wily ways, such god-men of all religions should be taken to task\punished and should not be protected....
DisAgree [1] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse
santoshprabhu, india
Tue, Apr 19 2016no this is not asaram or nityanand case. issue here is Catholic officials in Rome have lifted the suspension of a recently convicted predator priest. how can church allow pedophiles roam free and give them access to parish children. I want to here opinion on this from my catholic friends. What action are they planning to take. did they protest this with vatican? did they wrote to it asking for his removal?
DisAgree [2] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse
R.Bhandarkar, Mangaluru
Tue, Apr 19 2016Jeyapaul served in Crook ston....
It had to do with the name of the place I believe.
Otherwise, I think the Nuns and all are safe. Is it not?
Is it not?
In an article prior to this somebody was going gaga about the previliges of a Nun and all that.
DisAgree [7] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse
Tue, Apr 19 2016He is like Asaram bapu.
DisAgree [21] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse
R.Bhandarkar, Mangaluru
Tue, Apr 19 2016You mean God is different..
Eating habit's different.
Asaram B...eating'Dhokla'
Jeyapaul: eating Kombi Rice...
Blood and organs same..Is that it?
otherwise how he can be like assaram?
DisAgree [6] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse
gm, mlur
Tue, Apr 19 2016Khoon ka rang tho ekhi hai...
DisAgree [7] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse
R.Bhandarkar, Mangaluru
Tue, Apr 19 2016Yahaan Baat Khoon Ke rang Se Zyaada..
'Rang Rang Rangeelepan' ki hai...
DisAgree [3] Agree [6] Report Abuse
Santosh,K, Mangalore
Tue, Apr 19 2016Sexually abusing her during his posting in the US between 2004 and 2005. WHERE WAS SHE ON THIS PERIOD, AFTER 12 YEARS SHE FILING A CASE AGAINST PRIEST. IF FOUND GUILTY PUNISH THE PRIEST.
DisAgree [8] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse
krish, Dubai
Tue, Apr 19 2016"FEKU" priest
DisAgree [6] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse
Tue, Apr 19 2016hahaha
jiya jale ... jaan jale... naino tale... duwa chale.... duwa chaleeeee
DisAgree [7] Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse
Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai
Tue, Apr 19 2016Every family has one @saram or @ityanand ...
DisAgree [42] Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse
santoshprabhu, india
Tue, Apr 19 2016dont know about u but my family doesn't have one.
DisAgree [10] Agree [59] Reply Report Abuse
The Guru, Mangalore
Tue, Apr 19 2016Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai
First correct and clean your house after that you can show dirt in your neighbors house
There are so many child abuses happening in Kerala alone by these so called priests, but people are not raising their voice against the same.
DisAgree [14] Agree [42] Reply Report Abuse
krish, Dubai
Tue, Apr 19 2016"FEKU" priest
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rahul, Mangalore
Tue, Apr 19 2016if the priest himself is a rapiest, what he will preach to community other than fekugiri???????
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Tue, Apr 19 2016WHY SILENT ... COMMENTS PLEASE ...
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sid, mangalore
Tue, Apr 19 2016ya she can do that from US only , here in india .. rahul ghandhi will run to the priest and make it an intolerance issue ! so much for the Fake priest
DisAgree [13] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse
dev, mangalore
Tue, Apr 19 2016Jossey what is your suggestion?
DisAgree [10] Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse
santoshprabhu, india
Tue, Apr 19 2016sicular commentators missing from this news. just imagine the number of comments if it was a swamiji. We should be unbiased while condemning this type of incidents and shaming the culprit
DisAgree [15] Agree [33] Reply Report Abuse
Zeitgeist, Mangalore
Tue, Apr 19 2016Humans do tend to have Confirmation bias. And it can go to ridiculous lengths.
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gm, mlur
Tue, Apr 19 2016Punish the Priest.
DisAgree [6] Agree [35] Reply Report Abuse
Tue, Apr 19 2016"Catholic officials refuse to keep this admitted sex offender away from kids"..not surprised..VATICAN itself not investigate or put under carpet hundreds of child abuse cases all over the world..hundreds victims still fighting it in court..
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Aubb, Kuwait
Tue, Apr 19 2016Ramesh,
what about Assaram(baba), Nityananda case .......???
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