Professor Ramakumar''s reason for the delay in submitting the demonetized currency is making headlines.
Dec 22 (Asianet) : Officials of a bank in Kerala capital were left perplexed when the customer gave a written reply for the delay in submitting demonetized currencies.
"I trusted the words of my Prime Minister and Finance Minister that I have time till 30-12-2016 to remit old notes.," wrote R Ramakumar, member of Kerala State Planning Commission. "But they changed their mind," he added. He was referring to the restrictions brought in by the government on the remitting old notes.
Earlier, the central government had set December 30 as the deadline for depositing banned currencies of Rs.500 and Rs.1,000. But the other day, it announced restrictions on submitting old notes.

The reply by Ramakumar, who is also the professor and dean of Mumbai School of Development studies, came as a shock to the cashier of the bank. In utter confusion, the employee took the piece of paper to the manager and Ramkumar was asked to meet the officer.
The manager requested the professor to give some other reason. The academician was not ready to lie. He said he was not ready to rescue the government from its responsibility for the whole mess.
Later on Wednesday, RBI took U-turn and announced KYC customers can deposit any amount, any number of times