Kerala pastor sentenced to life imprisonment till death for raping minor

Daijiworld Media Network - Thrissur

Thrissur, May 12: A pastor who is already in jail serving 40 years of rigorous imprisonment for raping a minor, has now been sentenced to life until death by the Thrissur special court.

The court on Friday May 12 sentenced Sanil K James, a pastor who was in the Salvation Army Church, to life in jail for raping a 13-year-old girl multiple times since 2014.

Pastor James is currently lodged at the Viyyur Central Jail.

In March 2016, under the Protection of Children from Sexual Harassment (POCSO) Act, James was convicted of raping a 12-year-old during December 2013.

In the second case, the the pastor raped the 13-year-old girl several times over a period of three years from 2013 to 2016. The girl, who initially was too frightened to speak about the matter, finally confided in her teacher, who in turn alerted a child helpline. The child welfare committee informed the police and a case was filed.

The pastor was arrested and medical report of the girl confirmed the rape.

The POCSO court heard the case in the presence of the victim, who was enclosed in a specially arranged box that hid her from view. There 32 witnesses, 16 documents and four items of material evidence. Public prosecutor Pious Mathew fought the case on behalf of the victim.


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  • Kavita, Kuwait

    Sat, May 13 2017

    For the information of all of you, who are commenting here about the pastor's profession, please note that he is not a Catholic Preist. Other than Catholic Priest, all other preists/pastors in christian community can marry and live their normal life along with serving God.

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  • Gangaram, Moodbidri

    Sat, May 13 2017

    I dont think those who are commenting against sexual crime are all saints here!!!

    Until and unless someone catch you for bad doings you are saint yourself!!!

    Physically many may not done rape but mentally they did by eyes itself!!!

    DisAgree [3] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • Shankar, Mangalore

    Sat, May 13 2017

    Put and see sex under the same category of other basic necessities like hunger and thirst.
    All these pervert actions will be stopped by itself.
    As long as it seen as a taboo, people find different ways for quenching!

    DisAgree [2] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Sat, May 13 2017


    Sex is not a taboo - our society has some custom/tradition after which nobody will stop a man/woman from enjoying sex.

    Foremost, marriage. One man must accept a woman as his partner in marriage thus s/he are entitled to indulge in sex. Marriage has two purposes - sex and procreation. A procreation by marriage is legal heir to the man. A man can't have sex beyond marriage, procreate and leave the woman with the child to feed/raise all by herself because such child is called ****** and a woman a *******. Both end up being vulnerable to further abuse.

    The topic we have in this news is about celibacy - a man vows to live without indulging in sexual activity. A agree it can be very tough but he has an option to leave his profession and revert to family life. But practicing bachelorhood for namesake but indulging in sex activities is deception to all involved (I've listed them in my previous comments). Its dangerous especially to the child involved because being she a child herself, if she gets pregnant out of this illegal relationship she enters a world pointed within xxxxx above as well as endangers her own life.

    The man must be made responsible/answerable to his action - nothing less.

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  • Shankar, Mangalore

    Sat, May 13 2017

    If marriage is the key for sex, allow them to marry!
    I believe, anyone can carry on God's work even after marriage.

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Sat, May 13 2017

    There is a term Saadhu/Saadhvi. Are you against such terms too or, its just priests in other religions you don't support remaining unmarried for life ?

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  • Shankar, Mangalore

    Sat, May 13 2017

    I am very loud and coherent in my comments. let me clarify again.
    I meant everyone denied the privilege of having sex (you say it as marriage) should be allowed to marry or to have sex, be it sadhus, saadhvis, nuns, priests..all.

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  • k b r, Mangala Uru

    Sat, May 13 2017

    There should be 0 tolerance for sexual offenses by religious leaders (all religions).

    Beyond legal punishment, strong public opinion is also required.

    DisAgree Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • Roshan Braganza, Mumbai

    Sat, May 13 2017

    Courts in kerala turning notorious for awarding biased judgements which lack logic and utter misandry . The above case is a clear CONSENSUAL intimacy which happened over the span of time , so whats the points in only prosecuting man ?! . The act is punished under which carries but forgo the wisdom that cannon law mandates age of consent / marriage as 14 .

    DisAgree [21] Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • Peter, KSA

    Sat, May 13 2017

    Dear Roshan, the girl is a minor. How can it be consensual intimacy ? The court has done the right thing. All rapists should be sentenced to life imprisonment.

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  • Roshan Braganza, Mumbai

    Sun, May 14 2017

    If its aboit relationship with minor , then its statutory , mere rape context xannot be applied , as a girl over perioid of time had intimacy with him . ( Not a case of single incident or attempt ). A 13 yeara old girl is above puberty and uderdtand its efficiency , as vatican too had consent at 12 ( which is amended recently ) , so its not wrong to say that court has to consider sufficient grounds before awarding such haste judgement . Google , recent delhi court judgement where court absolved man of such charges ....

    DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

  • R. Fernandes, Mangalore

    Sat, May 13 2017

    After so much debate about this, I want to say something. This man is not ordained Priest and not under real Christian leaders. There are few like him, self styled Pastors for their own benefits, they gather people somewhere if not someones or their own house, and people who are with blind faith join them leaving behind what they followed for years with real faith. These are the people who confused many for conversion tag on real Christians

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  • Jk, Udupi

    Sat, May 13 2017

    What made him to become pastor with so much of negative filled in his mind.

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Sat, May 13 2017


    As per the faith (denomination) I follow, an incumbent is ordained as a priest at minimum age of 25 years. Till then he must undergo various studies along with theology (study related to belief/God) and re made to stay among people so that they get time to decide whether they still want to proceed and become a priest. Apart from this, upon being ordained, the religious head asks him before assembled people whether he is willing/ready to take the anointment as a priest.

    Therefore, its purely his own decision to be deviating from his chosen profession and that too making a child a victim of his lust. This is equal to dragging him by his collar and making him a priest. He has deceived the entire order that educated him as a priest and the family that took honor of being related to him because he chose such a honorable and pious profession, and us all humans irrespective or religion/faith.

    He must answer the order, his family, the law of the land and foremost the innocent child's questions.

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  • shan, dubai

    Sat, May 13 2017

    We can ask Asaram Bapu....... He faced same rape case.

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  • Clifford, Mangalore

    Sat, May 13 2017

    Pastors should live according to their vocation. If they can not live then resign and live like a ordinary person. But nothing happened much to the pastors who murdered Fr. K.J. Thomas, Bangalore.

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  • Rajesh, Udupi

    Fri, May 12 2017

    Just losing count, if it is same as the news few months back in north kerala? That time I wished all such rapists be brought to justice and there be no special treatment.. God knows how many more hidden cases will come out or buried for ever....

    someone here is fond of saying .. first time in 70 years.. now what? lol

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  • Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai

    Sat, May 13 2017

    Rajesh, I was the first to condemn ...

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  • ROSHAN DEEN, Mangalore

    Fri, May 12 2017

    “If a bman commits adultery with the wife of1 his neighbor, both the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death".Leviticus 20:10
    Sin leads to death. The Bible is clear about that: “Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.” (1 Corinthians 6:9-10).
    Jesus said" Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill.18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
    20 For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven".(Matthew 5:17-20)

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  • Valerian Dsouza, Udupi / Mumbai

    Fri, May 12 2017

    So sad and disgusting. Person preaching salvation is destroying the defenseless child victim. He was supposed to nourish them with Godly values.
    Instead of bringing glory to God in the sight of men, this hypocrite destroying the faith.
    Normal men can not rape. They care and share. They can not enjoy themselves in partners agony.
    Pervert Satanic men alone can rape! He deserved harshest punishment!

    DisAgree [1] Agree [26] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rajesh, dubai

    Fri, May 12 2017

    Good lesson for all who do bad things...... I am surprised that our constitution is not written properly. Our law study is also differs from place to place? Why Gujarat rapists are not given the sentenced to life imprisonment till death. Why some people left on bail????? How judges of the court decide the punishment..... on the basis of state, religion etc????

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Fri, May 12 2017

    Persons who function under dedication to life, irrespective of religion and sect, when deviate from their pious lifestyle and indulge in abuses as reported in this news, are liable for double punishment than a common man.

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  • Swamy, Mangalore

    Fri, May 12 2017

    When these people become victims of these tendencies should give up thier vocation admitting it was a wrong call and start a worldly life.

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Fri, May 12 2017

    Leaving their vocation and starting a worldly life does not become a punishment but deception to the vocation, worldly life as well as the victim.

    They should be made to serve double punishment, first for breaking their promise to their vocation and the second for the abuse they carried out. Just removing them from the position and allowing them to live worldly life will mislead others into enter a celibacy oath and enjoying sex without suspicion.

    A few rotten apples will brand the entire basket as a basket of bad apples !

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  • Swamy, Mangalore

    Fri, May 12 2017

    Lord's vineyard should be a open place for its labourers to serve in a manner fitting to the Lord according to thier ability and call. If some feel it's the wrong call then they should be allowed to do according to thier call without holding them by force which will be more devastating and against Christ's teachings. Few chosen ones are better than many retained by force.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Sat, May 13 2017


    Many people serve in Lord's vineyard, even without being members of clergy - example, social workers. However, one is required to be a priest so that he has time and total dedication which otherwise will be divided between his family and vocation. When one surrenders his life to work for Lord's vineyard as a priest, he must stay faithful to his promise, else he is unfit so he must leave. However, he should not do deeds like rape before leaving, he must prior leave the congregation and thereafter marry to enjoy physical pleasure.

    When they do such things secretly and anticipate sympathy when got caught is unforgivable - but there is law to deal with it. My insisting is that they should be given double punishment for the purposeful wrong they did and its my personal opinion because no law will give double punishment to any wrong.

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  • essell, Mangalore

    Fri, May 12 2017

    Sexual harassment at worship places hardly revealed.

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  • Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai

    Fri, May 12 2017

    Lesson to people of all faith ...

    DisAgree [11] Agree [44] Reply Report Abuse

  • Leslie, udupi

    Sat, May 13 2017

    Very disturbing and sad news...
    Little Angel must have gone through hell several times...
    Life has to show better life...
    But learned lives choose to do otherwise...

    DisAgree Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

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