Kuala Lumpur: Irked by Study Choice, NRI Kills Daughter


Kuala Lumpur, Apr 15: An Indian national stabbed to death his 17-year-old daughter who had been awarded a scholarship to study medicine in Chennai because he did not want her to go to India, reports said in Kuala Lumpur on Monday.

S Narrmata was stabbed repeatedly by her father Selvaraj Deekramasamy, 49, who also killed his younger sister Mahalaxmi, before hanging himself from a ceiling fan, the reports said.

All of them were Indian nationals living in Malaysia as Permanent Residents. Selvaraj, 49, an ex-taxi driver was unemployed for the last 10 years, while his wife was a cleaner.

Media reports said the family prayed together at about 2pm on Sunday before having lunch to celebrate the Tamil New Year. The incident took place after his wife left for work.

Narrmata, who had obtained top marks in her exams had been awarded a scholarship to study medicine in Chennai. Her father was against her studying in India.


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