Kochi, Nov 19 (PTI): Demonetisation was not an appropriate response to the black money issue, former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said and suggested that the government simplify tax and administration systems to address it.
The answer to black money problem was to simplify our tax, land registration and the administration systems. That was the only way in which the country could move forward in a society where there was less role for black money generation, Singh said interacting with students of St Teresa's College, Ernakulam here.
Singh said he believed that demonetisation was not an appropriate response to the black money problem.
He said demonetisation had caused a lot of distress to farmers, small industrialists and many people died while standing in queues in front of banks to get cash because of the ban of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 currency notes last year.
Asked how demonetisation has affected India's economy, Singh said it has put the economy in a state of stagnation.
"There are people who believe that the economy will soon recover to its normal speed. I am doubtful. My own feeling is that the next one year, the economy will remain in doldrums and therefore demonetisation has harmed the process of economic development to that extent," he said.
Earlier, Inaugurating National Seminar on "Macroeconomics Developments in India : Policy Perspectives" at St Teresa's College, Singh said the last few decades of rapid economic development have been accompanied by rising income inequality both at the individual and regional levels.
"Social mobility in India continues to be restricted, especially among the lower castes and minorities. Recent economic research has pointed out how income inequality in India has grown since independence," he said.
Singh said economists have also pointed out how state-level regional inequality has also grown in independent India where some states were outperforming the rest.
"It is the time we pause, step back and recalibrate our macroeconomic thought that will acknowledge both the virtues and pitfalls of free markets," Singh said.
He lamented that nature of economic development was not leading to the creation of enough jobs to absorb all the new entrants to the labour force estimated at 10-12 million per annum.
Inequality and joblessness could be extremely dangerous in a diverse nation like India. There were no easy economic solutions for these problems as the world grapples with the dilemma of balancing the benefits and damages caused by globalisation, market failures and domestic imperatives, Singh said.
He said the first three decades of India's economic policy focused on nation building through a strong state, developing capabilities in private enterprise and providing strong social foundations for economic development.
The next three decades of economic policy have been driven by increased private sector participation and a smaller role for government.
"Today we stand at the threshold of another beginning." Ever since the 2008 global economic crisis, the wisdom of markets as a panacea for all economic issues was under severe doubt, he said. "Markets can fail. They fail often. When they fail, they fail big," Singh said."
Comment on this article
Mohit, Mangalore
Mon, Nov 20 2017Looks like congress still has a few crores of black money.
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SMR, karkala
Sun, Nov 19 2017“Mere pyare deshvasiyon, give me 50 days of pain to deliver the India of your dreams,” said Prime Minister Narendra Modi on November 8, “otherwise punish me at the place of your choice” - and most of India was sold to the utopian idea.
The nation went hysteric at the prospect of being able to sacrifice in what they believed was a chance to take part in a "freedom struggle" against the greedy rich.
People lined up outside ATMs and banks, for hours, days; often returning empty handed when machines ran out of cash; the poor hopeful that black money hoarders were going bankrupt, even as corrupt bankers laundered money.
It was, therefore, with great excitement and confidence that the working class and the poor waited for Modi to share details of the black money banks had collected in 50 days. They were sure he was going to lay bare a balance-sheet, including details such as money spent on printing new notes, and how much more time would be required before the withdrawn equivalent currency would be back in the system. People expected life would soon return to normal.
More than one year past RBI is yet count the 'demonetised ' currencies. No one even know how much 'blackmoney' collected with 99% of hard cash returned.
The PM did not keep any of his promises made in 2014 Lok Sabha elections. He must keep the one he made for us.
Jai Hind
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Rajesh, Mangalore
Sun, Nov 19 2017Keep spinning as much as you can. People will keep voting f Mr Modi . Hope You know the results of UP elections which happened after demonetisation. if you stop potential black money by instilling a fear factor in the minds of citizens, that is huge sucess. By the way who told you that if people deposited money in the Banks demonetisation is a failure?
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Sun, Nov 19 2017the person who fooled tthe nation comments on black money!
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Flavian, Mangaluru/Kuwait
Sun, Nov 19 2017Demonetization & GST etc. is brain child of BJP governments efforts built on MODI economic reforms & doctrines.
Even Moody's agency have said that it was lifting India's rating to Baa2 from Baa3 and changing its rating outlook to "stable" from "positive"
Next generation will surely enjoy the fruits of today's economic reforms.
'Rome was'nt built in a day'
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Mahathma, Mangalore
Sun, Nov 19 2017Mouna mohana singh started to speak now....great. All credit goes to NAMO and his party. He was PM for 10 years but has no power! only scams like 2G, Adarsh, CWC, Tehelka, Common wealth etc., etc., he was puppet and slave of Italian Aunty??? now blaming???
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RAVI, Mangalore
Sun, Nov 19 2017In the Name of Black money Demonetization done for own benefit not for a country.
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Prabhakar, Bola
Sun, Nov 19 2017In this context I love the cartoon of Mr. Satish Acharya in daijiworld "Then Mute.....Now Loot"... Well suited to our ex-PM. Lol...
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Karthik Karkera, Maryhill Mangalore
Sun, Nov 19 2017We know Manmohan Singh's remedy for Black Money, make some record breaking Scams like 2g , coal , Adarsh , CWG, chopper scam , Bofors, etc to the tune of 10 lakh crores , pay royalty to Italian Madam and be her puppet, Bring ordinance to shield corrupt politicians against supreme court order and then when it backfires send Rahul Gandhi to year the ordinance so that PM gets the blame and Rahul Gandhi gets credit .
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Nithya, Mangalore
Sun, Nov 19 20172G, CWG, coal scam were proper things to do ?
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Anirudh P, Bengaluru
Sun, Nov 19 2017This guy deeply got hurt as his "Madams" hard earnings 😜have become toilet papers post Demonitisatin 😂😂😂😂😂
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sri_elder, Karkala
Sun, Nov 19 2017Finally mms started speaking independently...earlier as PM we have seen him addressing press conference with Sonia madam.. Without madam there is no press conference..
Sorry sickulars that is the truth...
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Rathan, Mangalore
Sun, Nov 19 2017Jossy
Is that for sickulars in Gujarath ?
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Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai
Sun, Nov 19 2017Rathan
For people who implemented half cooked Demonetization ...
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Rathan, Mangalore
Sun, Nov 19 2017Jossy
adrak Ka swad gadha kya jaane
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David Pais, Mangalore
Sun, Nov 19 2017Vhp, bd rss is happy with its black money made white in no time.
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Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai
Sun, Nov 19 2017'Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do' - Luke 23:34 ...
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Anirudh P, Bengaluru
Sun, Nov 19 2017Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai praying to forgive the sins of Italian gang🤗😂😜
Jossey tusdi great ho 👌👌✌️
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Jossey Saldanha, Mangalore
Sun, Nov 19 2017Which Duffer implemented Demonitization 😀😀😀
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David Pais,, Mangalore
Sun, Nov 19 2017my sins I am responsible. 4 your sins you r responsible. praying 2 others sins a person is not going 2 heaven. va onji kirikir maaraya
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The Guru, Mangalore
Sun, Nov 19 2017Are you telling to forgive those people who killed Hindus in Goa for the sake of expanding peace loving religion.. they will be never forgotten or forgiven. My ancestors temple was looted and destroyed by these thugs from west
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Antonio DSilva, Kuwait
Sun, Nov 19 2017The Guru, Mangalore
So in essence what you are saying is; the Indian thugs can carry on endlessly looting the Indians just as the thugs from the west looted us 6 to 60 decades ago?
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Peter, KSA
Sun, Nov 19 2017The Guru, look at the crime rate in northern state where there is no peace loving community. Look at southern states where there is peace loving community who give education, medical service and equality to people. This comparison is enough for you to decide what will happen to people like you without peace loving community.
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Karthik Karkera, Maryhill Mangalore
Sun, Nov 19 2017We know very well which community is peace loving, which community is jihad loving, which one is conversion loving etc We have not forgotten what the Islamic invaders, Portuguese and British have done to this country. The remains are still available in Hampi, Konark and so many other places . Still there are Communities in India which are slaves of Portuguese , British and Moghuls
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