128 nations including India vote against Trump's move on Jerusalem

Washington, Dec 22 (PTI): India today joined 127 other countries to vote in the United Nations General Assembly in favour of a resolution opposing the recent decision of US President Donald Trump to recognise Jerusalem as Israel's capital.

Nine countries voted against the resolution, while as many as 35 countries abstained.

India's decision to vote against American recognition of Jerusalem as the Israeli capital comes a day after Trump warned countries against opposing the US position. India did not speak on the floor of the Assembly in New York, but after Trump recognised the holy city of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, it had said that its Palestine position was independent and consistent.

In her intervention at the NAM ministerial meeting on Palestine on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly, External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj had said the path to Israel-Jerusalem peace clearly lay in an early negotiated solution between Israel and Palestine based on mutual recognition and security arrangements.

The UN General Assembly resolution moved by Turkey and Yemen stressed that Jerusalem was a final status issue to be resolved through negotiations.

It demanded that all States comply with Security Council resolutions regarding Jerusalem, and not recognise any actions or measures contrary to those resolutions.

In his address to the UN general Assembly, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said that Trump's decision was an outrageous assault to all universal values.

"The Palestinians have the right to their own state based on 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital," he said.

"This is the main parameter and only hope for a just and lasting peace in the region. However, the recent decision of a UN Member State to recognise Jerusalem, or Al-Quds, as the capital of Israel, violates international law, including all relevant UN resolutions," Cavusoglu said.

The eight countries that joined the US in voting against the Turkish resolution were Honduras, Israel, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau, and Togo.

Among the major countries who abstained the voting were Australia, Bhutan, Canada, Columbia, Hungry, Mexico, Panama, the Philippines, Poland and Uganda.

Strongly supporting Trump's decision US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley warned that the US may strip funding of those countries that voted against its Jerusalem move.

"The United States will remember this day in which it was singled out for attack in the General Assembly. We will remember it when we are called upon to, once again, make the world's largest contribution to the United Nations," Haley told the General Assembly.

"America will put our embassy in Jerusalem. That is what the American people want us to do, and it is the right thing to do. No vote in the United Nations will make any difference on that. But this vote will make a difference in how Americans view the UN," the top American diplomat said.

Trump had warned against cutting funds yesterday. "Let them vote against us, we'll save a lot. We don't care. This isn't like it used to be where they could vote against you and then you pay them hundreds of millions of dollars and nobody knows what they're doing," Trump told reporters at White House yesterday.

Early this week, the US had vetoed a similar resolution in the Security Council. The resolution passed by the General Assembly has no legal implications on the UN member countries.

Trump praised Haley for taking a tough position on Jerusalem at the world body yesterday and warned the countries who voted against the US that America will not be "taken advantage" of anymore.

"All these nations take our money and then vote against us at the Security Council," Trump told his Cabinet members at a meeting at the White House.

He was referring to the isolation of the US in the UN Security Council when all 14 members of the apex body joined hands against Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as capital of Israel.


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  • Don, Mangalore

    Sat, Dec 23 2017

    In India's long term interest and friendship with all sides I think the best route would have been is to remained non aligned and abstained from voting just like many countries.

    Secondly, if India voted against the motion which meant it threw its support behind the Palestinian/Arab and Muslim cause, but do you know this same block constantly supports Pakistan. In every OIC meeting Pakistan brings up the Kashmir issue and this block condemns India.

    Hence, it was a big mistake for India to take side as it should have stayed neutral and kept its friendship with all sides.

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  • Gilbert, Udupi/Kuwait

    Fri, Dec 22 2017

    Indias decision is in the right direction. TRUMPS MIIDLE EAST POLICY IS NOT GOOD. Instead of solving Palestian issue he want to dictate new terms for Palestine along with Israel grabbing their land for years and making new settlements which is illegal. PALESTINE DESERVE A STATE SOON.

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  • Santhosh Kulal, Mangaluru

    Fri, Dec 22 2017

    A strategical blunder by India this time by not supporting Israel. If they were in dilemma they could have abstained from voting. But by supporting Palestine and voting against Israel, India has put itself in hot waters. This could again cost India a permanent seat in the UN with both US, Israel stalling India's efforts. They have been India's best friend for such a long time and so far our policy has always been shrew and intelligent with him. not hurting them, neither hurting Palestine. But now with a vision-less leader leader leading the country, these kinds of historical blunders are expected.

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  • Rolf, Dubai

    Fri, Dec 22 2017

    Our India is great and strong we no need to depend on ishrell .india took the desision stick on it or go to ishrell .Bolo Barath matha ke jai . Jai shree ram .allahu akbar. Praise the lord.

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  • Rolf, Dubai

    Fri, Dec 22 2017

    India know who did sep 11 attack. No more believe in ishrell.

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  • Rolf, Dubai

    Sat, Dec 23 2017

    India do not want to be with the tratior .india know who brought dowm world trade center . Isrerell main agenda to fight between countries and suppley weapon. If there is war the most benefiting countery in the world is ishrell & america

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  • Kiran D Souza, Mangalore

    Fri, Dec 22 2017

    All the Nations in the world are spineless except Israel & US. Israel & US have determination, courage to fight the enemy.
    Rest are all Spineless nations without determination & courage.

    DisAgree [11] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ismail, Moodbidri

    Fri, Dec 22 2017

    I visited a place. There I found a person like you. He was telling "everybody is bad".

    DisAgree [10] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • Chris, Tel Aviv

    Fri, Dec 22 2017

    The prophecies of the Bible are being fullfilled one by one .its written all the nations of the world will rise against Israel , but god this time will grant victory to Israel . In the final war all her enimies will be destroyed forever .

    DisAgree [15] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • I LOVE INDIA, Mangalore/ In sea now

    Fri, Dec 22 2017

    I LOVE INDIA. Very bad decision from INDIA.now China will make use of time.Neither Israel nor US will support

    DisAgree [9] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • Chris, Tel Aviv

    Fri, Dec 22 2017

    Israel and US can handle all these 128 countries in one hand lol .besides god is with them. no power on earth can stop Israel.

    DisAgree [14] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rolf, Dubai

    Fri, Dec 22 2017

    Cris . Ishrell could not handel hizubulla .then forget handling others .

    DisAgree [11] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Chris, Tel Aviv

    Fri, Dec 22 2017

    Israel alone defeated 13 Islamic nations in just 6 days even today those nations are crying for it .hizbolla is a rat in hiding , just like other Islamic terrorists organization. .

    DisAgree [7] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rolf, Dubai

    Fri, Dec 22 2017

    When the Europe came to know ishrell . Theu threw them out see what Hitler did . When you people where driven out phalisten brother came forward and given their home land to you . Now you with the help of amirican jew want to drive them out of their land . Which can not happen forget about greater ishrell. Think of shorter ishrell.

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  • Mona, Mangalore

    Sat, Dec 23 2017

    North Korea... ?

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  • Chris, Tel Aviv

    Fri, Dec 22 2017

    Long long before Islam there was Jerusalem. So why all the fuss ??

    DisAgree [8] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • Shammi, Karnataka

    Fri, Dec 22 2017

    Brother Chris,
    This is the biggest misconception world is having.Let me clear you Islam is in the picture when the day Adam and Hawwa(eve)PBUT were created.First when Adam was created he sneezed and lord said say Alhumdulillah (praise be to lord in Arabic).

    Later Iblees ( Master of Satan,who was earlier pious)told to do sajda infront of Adam(PBUH).This is where the war started between lord and his friend Iblees- was close aide of lord.
    He didn't bow.He said with pride n arrogance why should i bow to clay creature(Adam),when i am a fire creature.
    Islam was already there but the proper guidelines were not given to any prophets abt 5 pillars .They were just doing sajda n fastings n also piligrimage.But everything got methodically like prayer 5times,fasting 30days,hajj once in Life Time,charity 2.5%to be given.All this came after prophet Muhammed(pbuh).

    The main reason many Shaikhs say they hated us is because they were so excited the last and final prophet (pbuh)would be from their tribe prophet Isaac(pbuh) descendant.But unfortunately prophet muhammed happened to be Prophet Ismail(pbut) descendant from mother Hajar side.This is where they started hating n torturing ,killing etc.It was test for them n they failed how to react.
    This was God's plan.He is most superior,most merciful.We are not to question his dominion.
    So we hve Islamic calender from 1400years hijri calender.Coz we cannot predict how old is Adam(PBUH).

    We love Jews and majority Islamic world is also bearing them is as they are the beloved ones to God.We have so many prophets from their tribe. But their arrogance will destroy them as they are direct war with lord, Trust me whatever I am saying ,you ll remembr my words when for sure you witness it

    DisAgree [17] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • Af,,, Mangalore

    Fri, Dec 22 2017

    We are worried our man will not get chance to visit US again.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse


    Fri, Dec 22 2017

    America is becoming more and more a disgrace each and every day. As usual, it is just the US and Israel. How does Israel have such influence on the United States? You have AIPAC that has not registered as a foreign agent as RT has been made to do!

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  • Ajay, Mumbai

    Fri, Dec 22 2017

    After shrimaan modiji went and hugged trump and enjoyed beach with nethanyahu why this dhoka. I think somebody within govt is sabotaging this like 2g issue.

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  • Shammi, Karnataka

    Fri, Dec 22 2017

    Those who donot know the history of Jerusalem should not speak here nor there (In US Trump)

    Trump is new to this.Jerusalem is a city where miracle happened ,A mother(maryampbuh) gave birth to her childJesus PBUh without any male intervention,Like God said in his last testament Be and it is!(Qun fa yakun)arabic translation.It was a test for her.Her infant spoke when he was in cradle.This was second miracle.Lasttime the keys of masjid was handed over to third caliph Omar(pbuh).

    Jerusalem has a unique masjid which is very old ,where the first Qibla (direction of prayer)was decided here.All the prophets prayed here.
    It is believed Jesus will visit this place to thank God in his second coming
    All the christians and muslims staying here have strong love for this masjid till today Now how can Israel have it when they have lost it .They went against God's commandmends.
    Its not that God doesn't love Jews(Israelis),infact the last testament Holy Quran,if u think its about muslims and prophet Muhammad (pbuh),then i say I ve never seen such big fool.Quran is all about Israelis ,their love for prophets and hate for prophets.Its mainly about Bani Israel(Children of Yaqub(Jacob)pbuh.
    Lord just love dthem so much even he bears their tantrums.Just like how amother bears her kid.Its his love that made him to create them flawlessly ,they are beautiful ,magnificent creature added to that he made them very smart.Just google their images.Almost all the major Jews are ruling the world .There are so many great leaders.

    Now why he hates them,but still gives them privilige ,we cannot question that.BUT HE SAID THEY ARE THE ONES WHO ARE SPOILT,SO NEVER FOLLOW THEM.Angel's curse is upon them.They ll never prosper .That's the reason they are never at PEACE.ALWAYS FIGHTING AND TILL LAST DAY THEY WILL DO SO....THIS IS SUCH ABIG CURSE FROM GOD FOR THEM.
    I pray let us be the lovablein the eyes of God If not we will also not live peacefully.THERE IS NO BEST GIFT IN THIS WORLD THAN TO HAVE PEACE

    DisAgree [13] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • geoffrey, hat hill

    Fri, Dec 22 2017

    You have overlooked a very important thing here. Trump's son in-law, Jared Kushner, a business magnate, also a senior advisor to his father in-law happens to be a Jew.

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  • Shammi, Karnataka

    Fri, Dec 22 2017

    This is where the connection is!
    Now I get that puzzle solved.Well I never researched aboit Trump.He always seemed Funny clown to me which i felt time waste to research on him.

    Anyways he is playing with fire,If he goes ahead he should think of his loss,theinvestments he made in middleast will all be sunk.UAE has already sealed his properties there.

    DisAgree [8] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Luv, Mangalore

    Fri, Dec 22 2017

    But Jewish beliefs are exactly the opposite. They believe it's their God's promised land and they will claim it today or tomorrow by force.
    If all muslim nations had acknowledged Israel instead of threatening to wipe out from the map, there would have been a peaceful solution until now.
    Problems will only multiply in coming years where palestinian population has grown many fold and becoming like nazi ghettos without proper food medicine and education.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • Declan, Mumbai

    Fri, Dec 22 2017

    Israel has the support of the US completely, militarily and otherwise. However, the rich Islamic nations support Palestine only morally and with financial aid but no military support mainly because they too are under the control of the US with the exception of Shia Iran.
    The land conflict between Israel and Palestine is complicated with both sides sticking to their stand. Words like 'wiping Israel from the map' are just rhetoric and posturing. A dispute like this can only be resolved if both parties are willing to equally compromise like in 'give and take' or else I don't see a resolution at all.

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  • Declan, Mumbai

    Fri, Dec 22 2017

    Modi government's fake romance with Israel and Donald Trump (Dotru) has been exposed. Modi government had no option but to side with Palestine on the Jerusalem issue otherwise India too along with the US would be isolated on the world stage.

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  • Luv, Mangalore

    Fri, Dec 22 2017

    India has taken a neutral position in middle east conflict so far.
    Going along with the world on Palestinian issue is a easy decision for India because , Palestine is the only common ground where Saudis and Iran agree upon. Pleasing both Saudi and Iran at the same time is a rare opportunity for India.
    As the whole middle east is getting sucked into Saudi and Iran conflict , its getting difficult for India to maintain good relations with Saudi and Iran simultaneously.

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  • Declan, Mumbai

    Fri, Dec 22 2017

    Agree that India's position has been neutral but Modi government was trying to change that by hugging Trump and Netanyahu so many times only for one reason in my opinion which is their anti Islamic stand. Modi government must remember that the Gulf countries provide employment to about 8 million Indians irrespective of religion. So many of our citizens and their families today have a better life in terms of a home (shelter), education, health care, marriage, old age savings etc. because of the Gulf where they were compelled to go to or preferred to go to as most jobs in our own country do not pay decently enough to afford these. In comparison what has Israel done for India ? Personally I have nothing against Israel except for their illegal occupation of territory but the Trump administration support Israel because firstly the Jews are among the most powerful financially in the US and secondly Trump treats muslims in general with suspicion who suffer this treatment on account of the actions of a few fanatic groups trying to cause damage to Islam without success.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • geoffrey, hat hill

    Fri, Dec 22 2017

    Don't be surprised if there's a beeline visit to Uncle Sam with tonnes of apologies

    DisAgree [2] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • Gabriel, sagar

    Fri, Dec 22 2017

    Pax Romana was the norm of the Ancients. Pax Americana need not be the norm of multinational Universe.

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  • Maria, Moodbidri

    Fri, Dec 22 2017

    Palestin is recognized as country in tbe first plsce , Palestians carry travel documents or jordanian passport. Is trump decision going to reverse? Not at all. Trump got the support from opposition party in his decision.

    DisAgree Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • Hussain, Abudhabi

    Fri, Dec 22 2017

    128 countries opposed US and only 9 countries supported it .., and we have few more disgruntled here in this forum 🤣

    DisAgree [7] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • Kumari, Karkala

    Fri, Dec 22 2017

    Its already official that Jerusalem is Israel capital. Tbis is all drama now so called voting to fool muslims.

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  • Rolf, Dubai

    Fri, Dec 22 2017

    Kumari .ithink only you know the reality. Rest of the 128 nation people who voted against dont have thinking capacity. Come out of day dream kumari .

    DisAgree [4] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sampath, Mlore/Blore

    Fri, Dec 22 2017

    Where are those people who would post in the FB pages of Modi with Mr Trump with some strong statement?,

    Where are those who were rejoicing when he visited Isreal as if he won the world war?.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • Karthik Karkera, Maryhill Mangalore

    Fri, Dec 22 2017

    India should have abstained atleast instead of voting against this.

    DisAgree [10] Agree [29] Reply Report Abuse

  • Hussain, Abudhabi

    Fri, Dec 22 2017

    Just look at the countries that supported US... It’s self explanatory... I know you people are sad ... Have some water or burnol 🤣
    1- Micronesia

    2- Guatemala

    3- Honduras

    4- Israel

    5- Marshall Islands,

    6- Nauru

    7- Palau

    8- Togo

    9- United States

    DisAgree [11] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • sri_elder, Karkala

    Fri, Dec 22 2017

    I didn't like India's stand...
    Trump was right in his decision...
    Palestine should be happy with existing land and should not ask more just like pakis

    DisAgree [22] Agree [31] Reply Report Abuse

  • David Pais, Mangalore

    Fri, Dec 22 2017

    chaiwala has no mind.

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  • sri_elder, Karkala

    Fri, Dec 22 2017

    Sushma's decision

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  • Shammi, Karnataka

    Fri, Dec 22 2017

    Yes ,the second Iron lady and future PM of India ,if BJP wins.She has brains.USA can never be trustworthy country,when it finishes its propaganda ,it ll cut off the relations, unlike middleeast countries.
    People are worried abt US consequences,what if India supported US in this matter,you ll see bigtime trouble fo Gulf NRIs .Then its major economical attack on India.
    Abudhabi temple will always be a dream.Petrol price will be skyrocketed.
    India geographically settled under many muslimncountries.So one should see all these aspects.Iran is missile warrior .It can strike anytime any missile.They ahve done missile strike just two days back in Riyadh.That government doesn't care its own people ,neither its own religion people,then do u think it ll spare the ones who go against their policy.Palestine is bridge between saudia n Iran.Only in this matter it connects them.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [4] Report Abuse

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