Agra: Shiv Sena's Puja at Taj Mahal Creates Stir


Agra, Jul 24: A group of Shiv Sena activists on Thursday claimed to have performed a puja at the Taj Mahal , the 17th century monument of love, creating a commotion but authorities denied that any worship took place.

Agra Senior Superintendent of Police Raghuvir Lal said seven Sena activists led by local party leader Viru Labania, sporting party headband, entered the Taj Mahal precincts with some guests after buying tickets.

Uttar Pradesh Additional Director General of Police (Law and Order) Brij Lal said in Lucknow that Lavania was accompanied by five men and two women into the Taj Mahal all of whom came out and did not perform puja inside.

The CISF personnel, in charge of security of the monument, kept a watchful eye on Labania and his companions, Lal said.

Coming out of the Taj Mahal, Labania claimed he had performed a puja at the white marble monument, which was dismissed by Lal who said the Sena leader did not carry any material for worshipping.

"The seven people who visited the Taj were Shiv sainiks and had saffron scarf tied on their head. They got themselves photographed outside Taj Mahal folding their hands", Lal said.

"I am myself standing on the spot and the news is just based on faslehood", he added.

 Lal said the question of detaining or arresting anyone did not arise as no puja was performed.

"No such incident took place inside Taj Mahal permises", state Secretary (Home) Mahesh Kumar Gupta said in Lucknow, adding the reports are a "mere propaganda".


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    Sun, Jul 27 2008

    It is a common practice in India Worshiping a Film Star or a Politician as a God(Bhagwan). No wonder if Shiv Sainiks worshiping a dead queen Mumtas as their Godess. ""Der Aye Durast Aye" But it is too late, Queen Mumtaz was died on 16.6.1631 as per Mogul History.They should have been started to worship her earlier. From this type of act one can understand who is giving birth to the terrorist.?

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