Pak Opens Fire along LoC, Army Jawan Killed


SRINAGAR, Jul 28: An Army jawan was on Monday killed as Pakistani troops opened fire on Indian positions in Nowgam sector of Kupwara district near the Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir, Army sources said.

The sources said Indian troops came under heavy fire from the across the LoC at around 3.30 PM at Khayan in Nowgam.

One Army jawan from 22 Rajput battalion has been killed so far, the sources said. According to reports,

Indian troops retaliated with small arms fire. The Indian Army spokesman Brig. Gopala Krishnan Murali said, "Pakistani troops crossed into the Indian part of Kashmir in a brazen violation of cease-fire and opened fire." According to reports, four Pakistani troops were killed in retaliatory fire.

This is the first violation of ceasefire between India and Pakistan in Nowgam sector. Violations had been reported in Tangdhar, Poonch and Rajouri sectors of the state earlier this year.

India and Pakistan had agreed to a ceasefire along the International Border and LoC in 2003 which held good till the beginning of this year.


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  • Raj, mangalore

    Tue, Jul 29 2008

    This is a cowardice act by the Pakistani troops.Every Hindustani should condemn this act.jai hind

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