M’lore: St Aloysius Students Stage Protest against Principal for Assaulting Collegemate

M’lore: St Aloysius Students Stage Protest against Principal for Assaulting Collegemate

Pics: Prajwal Ukkuda
Daijiworld Media Network - Mangalore (SP)

Mangalore, Aug 1: Students of St Aloysius College in the city staged protest against the principal Fr Swebert D'Silva for allegedly assaulting a student on Friday August 1.

Sources said that the principal of the College Fr Swebert D’Silva assaulted a second year BBM student Amogh, for riding the bike at an unusual speed and recklessly within the college campus. The principal is said to have taken him into task for this mistake and assaulted him, sources added.

Students streamed out from their classrooms immediately after the second hour concluded and gathered at the campus, protesting the assault on the student. The students shouted slogans against the principal and demanded for his apology in front of the students.
Students filed a complaint with the college rector Fr Francis Serrao relating to this issue and the Rector is said to have invited the student leaders for discussions, sources confirmed.


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  • Dr. Kiran Pereira, , Mangalore/ Maldives

    Sun, Aug 10 2008

    In my school days , may be in 1989 - 90 , there was an accident in the college campus and 2 students died in that mishap, I dont know whether you people know that, even they were warned many a times , and even suspended, but when they were taken back to college , they were coming in the road beside the basketball court , leading to chapel . they hit an car and they died on spot. What do you say you students who suport this student.

    When I was working for a multi speciality hospital in Mangalore, we used to get around 4 to 5 students from this college .. SAC ... Now what do you say about this??? please the students supporting this student I want an answer for this..

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  • Amogh Dsouza, Mangalore

    Tue, Aug 05 2008

    As Amog a student of II BBM in St Aloysious College reached few minutes late to the college in the morning, the watchman took his ID card from him and handed it over to the principal. The principal Fr Swebert D'Silva put false blame that Amog was riding his bike too fast in the college premises and manhandled him. In fact he continuously hit him, forcing him to agree that he was riding his bike very fast along with his friends. Amog was continuously beaten up by the principal because he did not agree to whatever the principal forced him to agree. Actually the principal was trying to put someone else's blame on innocent Amog. He struck him badly and his ears started bleeding and on seeing this the student union decided to go on a strike. The enraged students demanded for an apology from the principal as it was not the first time that such an instance taken place. In fact the principal had not handled many other students also and the strike was taken back because principal apologized that such a complaint wouldn't appear again. So the classes were reopened.

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  • Marilyn Rodrigues, bejai mangalore

    Tue, Aug 05 2008

    When etiquette education begins early and is consistent throughout childhood,then good manners becomes as natural as breathing.Everyone makes mistakes.So bad behaviour has to be handled sensitively.The spirit of discipline is certainly not punishment.Love,kindness,praise and encouragement to good behaviour is all that is needed to transform an ill mannered child to a responsible human being.

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  • Reshma Kunder, Mangalore

    Tue, Aug 05 2008

    What the principal done is correct we should obey the elders specially our teacher they are making students to achieve something in life

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  • Jacintha Dsouza, Mangalore/ New york

    Mon, Aug 04 2008

    I really support fr Dsilva.Wel done Fr keep up yuor good Job. Student is totally at fault.. Students have come to study there Not for stage protest. Punish the wrong doers. Dear students shame on your part asking for apology from your Principal.

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  • Stibert Pinto, Dubai

    Mon, Aug 04 2008

    Question is not who is right who is wrong. Students should follow college rules. It is loud and clear certain Principals are strict in maintaining diciplene. Since I know personally Fr.Sweebert I would totally agree with him in handling the student of that nature.

    In my opinion he should have been kept on suspension. This would bring more decipline among students. If students representatives resort to only boycotting the classes it shows they are not future leaders. I love decipline and my children have been trained uder Jesuits in Bangalore. It is a unique experience studying under these Institution.

    I have worked under Fr. Sweebert D"Silva for 4 years and I loved working with him. I am not the one to comment on his action to mould the indiciplene spoilt student but take things cool. My support always with teachers that is how the students benifit and reach the height of their career. I am with u Fr.Sweebert. Experience makes a person more perfect.Institution needs Principals like u .Cheer up

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  • Gerard Dsouza, Mangalore

    Mon, Aug 04 2008

    St aloysius should ban students coming on bikes and cars imagine that beautiful hockey ground where we used to shout our voices hoarse during hockey matches in the "BENJA DAYS" the great PD of AC is a parking ground for the toys of the rich and beautiful.. Frs what about the poor who still trudge the slope to SAC.. have common rules like St Josephs Engg College uniforms..if the students dont conform to your rules don't admit them

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  • Naveen, Anagally

    Mon, Aug 04 2008

    These are the students who are trying to spoil the reputation of the college. Dismiss these students immediately so that these incidents donot recur. Ex Student.

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  • Gladys Mudarth, Mangalaore

    Sun, Aug 03 2008

    Guru - Rev. Fr Swebert D'Silva Shishya - Child Amogh If I were you, I would fall at my Guru's feet and take his blessings - have a long way to go.

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  • Gladys Mudarth, Mangalore

    Sun, Aug 03 2008

    It is sad Teachers have apologise to students. Parents have to plead with the children. Money, cars, bikes, mobiles are the root cause. Prayers and anything connected with God is secondary. Thank God we were born when we respected our parents and teachers. No doubt, youngsters opt for computers and electronics.

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  • Alwyn Noronha, Bajpe

    Sun, Aug 03 2008

    I totally go along with the Principal. Being a teacher in profession, I understand the difficulties in moulding present generation,specially in this modern era of globalisation. Students behave so called mature, eventhough at the stage of their own transformation from adolescent to responsible youths. I being an ex Aloysian know the care and love shown by Jesuits by discipline.

    Being firm and strict,students can be taught to face the realities of the present world. So, hope my young friends understand the mission in SAC and join the classes unconditionally.

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  • monthi, bahrain

    Sun, Aug 03 2008

    I agree with Walter's comments,student should have good decipline,respect to Guru,so that they can be ideal to next generation.

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  • Harold D'cunha, Mangalore/Dubai

    Sun, Aug 03 2008

    Whoever supports the student, lets ask a straight forward question. Suppose the student comes with the same rash speed in bike or any vehicle and hits one of your children, are you still support the student? This case may not be in St. Aloysius College premesis, anywhere your children studying. Discipline is for the betterment of everybody.

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  • VIJAY, Mangalore/Israel

    Sun, Aug 03 2008

    Father you have taken the right decision my full support with you

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  • Noorulla, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Sun, Aug 03 2008

    What is wrong with you students? stop this non-sense get back to your classess. Principal if any students not appearing classess on Monday, issue them mass TC's and let them join Gemini Circus, they can show their monkey stunts also make some money.

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  • Bernard Fernandes, Mangalore/ Louisiana, USA

    Sat, Aug 02 2008

    I am so happy to read that there are so many individuals who support my view on this aricle that the Principal was absolutely RIGHT in stopping an adverse invent from happening on the campus. But I must also say the Principal was also absolutly wrong for having assaulted the student. I am sure there were other disciplinary actions available to the Principal, but he rather chose to assault the student,and in today's day and age, that is not permitted. I remember the days when the headmaster kept a cane in his office and students were sent to his office if they had a problem. A person of authority should not demonstrate that inflicting pain to another is justified and this is especially important of an educational institution.

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  • Carol, Udupi

    Sat, Aug 02 2008

    The Principal has taken the right decision.Once a student gets into the college it is his/her responsibility to follow the rules. Its really shame on the students who had done the strike n were involved in it.

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  • Vitus Rasquinha, Bendur/Mangalore

    Sun, Aug 03 2008

    This is utter nonsense asking the Principal to apologise to the student. When parents correct their children and even give a slap do we ask for an apology? Fr Swebert should suspend the student and his friends for showing the great college in poor light.

    Parents cannot control one child at home what about the Principal who has to control thousands of students that too from various backgrounds. The student leaders should make this boy apologise publicly.

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  • Bharath Ramesh, Bangalore

    Sun, Aug 03 2008

    ALL these things happen in college life..students have to take it easy or a challenge.But father should'nt have assaulted him in that way.That is very bad.Even i was the student of this institution.No such incident happened in my college life.Even if it happens then student should not take it for granted.Please stop these.....and concentrate on your career life...there are lot of things to achieve.Do not waste your time such silly things.Please stop it....its an humble request from my side.

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  • saaz,

    Sat, Aug 02 2008

    I agree with Mr. WALTER, whoever break the rules & regulations they should be punished.

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  • Kavinand, mangalore

    Sat, Aug 02 2008

    Walter, what you say is partially correct... but just think if that student was your son then what you would have done...

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  • Santosh Bennet Vas, Mangalore

    Sat, Aug 02 2008

    One day an excellent article in Daijji about the Jesuits and the next day for no fault of these good Priests - they get dragged into an unwanted controversy. Bottom line - the concerned student should be given a warning and then dismissed for bringing this great institution and its Faculty to disrepute. I am a product of the Jesuits throught my Academics (Ex Aloysian Mangalore / Ex Joesphite Bangalore) and never have I faound fault with their Administration. Fr. Swerbert nor the Rector should apologise to this arrogant Brat who I am sure must have begged to get a seat in SAC. This culture of striking for silly reasons has to be stopped and if I may add are politically motivated.

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  • Walter, mangalore

    Sat, Aug 02 2008

    Kudos to students who fight for ........ (exactly what)...How many of them know what they r out for....? Is it the apology they want from their ......Guru,who is in the place of.... their father and mother. India has a tradition to take blessings from the guru not an apology. Something has gone wrong somewhere. For instance let us think that the guru here is wrong and asks apology, then would you consider that the action of the boy is right.

    Before doing anything just ask only one question "what the boy did is right or wrong ? If it is right then all of you take your vehicles on the college ground, if it is wrong then have the guts to say that it is wrong. How many of you had the guts to stop that boy. The principal did it. He does not need any promotion, nor does he need a raise in his salary.

    Today we lack the people who stand for justice, who have the guts to stop the fellow students from doing wrong. You are  fighting for a cause, and what is that cause, a student is punished for doing something wrong. Are you really interested to help the student by encouraging him to break the laws of the society. One who breaks the rules with a vehicle, will later on will break the traffic rules, and the laws of the land. Are you encouraging that.

    Mangalore did not have this culture, but it is prevalent in some places and just read the newspapers and see which places do have the highest number of crimes and the behaviour of the students at those places. Dear students do not make it a prestige issue.just ask yourself if the principal asks apology how it will help you and make any change to that boy. Personally I feel that the student council should share the responsibility in maintaining discipline in the college.

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  • Joe, Dubai

    Sat, Aug 02 2008

    Quitte obviously the incident has political overtones and unwanted manipulation. I am an Aloysius Alumni and a Jesuit product. The student is wrong regardless of his grievance. I pity his parents. I pity the students who decided to waste time and efforts in supporting a silly bloke and his stupid advernturism. Student needs to be expelled.

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  • Jacob, Niddodi

    Sat, Aug 02 2008


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  • Vinay, Bangalore

    Sat, Aug 02 2008

    Dear Arnold I think you must keep in mind that the principal is responsible for all the students & college property,Let it be Jesuit priest or ordinary man. According to your view the priest should have forgiven the person& pardon the one's who have done wrong? If you were hurt/dead by the bike,will you / your parents forgive him, who will be questioned, "The principal".

    Better know the trafic rules before driving. If he was not disciplined today he may repeat it later. According to me the student must be suspended with written warning atleast for a week or two. Just a small question, if you drive rashly in your home compound will your parents keep quiet with other siblings around playing. Think about it. 

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  • Ronald, Udupi / Sharjah

    Sat, Aug 02 2008

    You silly student, best thing you can do in your life is go along with your parents to Principal Fr. Stewart and apologise for your mis behaviour. Today in undivided South Canara and many parts of the world if you say that once upon a time you were student of St. Aloysius College, you will get one time food for free. That is sufficient to rationalise your past behaviour. This boy has poor upbringing for sure. Parents please teach values of life to your kids!! before you send your kids to College.

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    Sat, Aug 02 2008

    Speed thrills but kills,if you die we dont cry but for you mischief if others die the curse will go to 7generations and your children and grand children will regret. By the way practice your stunt in circus easy money man. No need to study and getting slaps from good people those who have brain.

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  • Lancelot Pais, Urwa/Toronto

    Sat, Aug 02 2008

    SAC is SAC and thats why we have thousands of Aloysians holding very high positions arround the world. How dare these kids ask for an apology. Wonder if they asked their parents for an apology for correcting them in their early days. Well its time that the SAC management tell these students...if you dont like our ways of correction then they should find ways into tens of other colleges in the city.

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  • Regina , Mangalore/ USA

    Sat, Aug 02 2008

    What nonsence is this. I am a student in USA. India doesn't have strict rules. Boycotting for stupid reasons is just crazy, I wouldn't even expect this from a 4 year old. Is that student out of his damn mind. I wonder how he got into college, because it is pretty clear he doesn't have sense. Who rides a bike inside a campus that also at a high speed. What if someone got hurt?

    I think the principal was right. If I was the principal I would have been more violent and strict. And what was he thinking, it isn't his fathers college that he goes riding his bike like a total idiot. The principal slapped him for a reason, and I have no idea why anybody is boycotting. The idea and the concept is very simple. The boy shouldn't have done this, the principal was doing his job in order of the well-being of everybody. If the principal hadn't slapped him and just given a warning, this issue could continue.

     I find it totally senseless to do all this. I mean the answer is very clear. The boy is WRONG. The principal is RIGHT. And, why are you all boycotting? Only because you all are students or are his friends. Think outside the box. What if someone got hurt. Go back to classes, Expel the boy for a week or two. And in a matter of days he will learn his lesson and everything will be back to normal. END OF MATTER!!!

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  • Murali, Mangalore

    Sat, Aug 02 2008

    I too was a student of SAC. I give a lot of respect to this school/college. One of the well known educational institute of Mangalore. By making such silly issues, don't spoil the name and fame of this great college. It should not come as a news on the TV. I Love SAC.

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  • Ronald, Mangalore/Dubai

    Sat, Aug 02 2008

    Dear Arnold as you said"I agree the student has done a mistake by zooming in the college campus" If the student has done big mistake by runnung over somebody or taking risk with somebodys life in the campus by zooming, would you keep quite? What Principal is done is right. The student should have been suspended from college, This is a college campus.  Students are coming there to study not to learn stunt or circus!It is their parent's mistake giving them motorbike before they earn their own, they should be given them only bycycle.

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  • Clement Coorg, Mangalore/Dubai

    Fri, Aug 01 2008



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  • Titus, Mangalore / USA

    Sat, Aug 02 2008

    Who is this big shot riding the bike in the school compound as he likes? Arrest this idiot. If his father have lot of money, let this boy sit at home and ride his bike at his home compound whole his life, not at school.

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  • edward, Mangalore,Dubai

    Sat, Aug 02 2008

    Children, Go to school and learn to be somebody. Mangaloreans are achievers, so educate yourself.  Do not waste time. It's only yourselff who will lose.

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    Sat, Aug 02 2008

    Living in USA we come to know the day to day happenings in Aloysius college from our nephews and neices. Father has done a correct thing which that boys parents were unable to do so far. May be after 10 or 20 yrs the boy will realize his mistake and may thank Father for correcting his mistake.

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  • Parvez Ali, Riyadh, Mangalore

    Sat, Aug 02 2008

    My son is now studying at St.Aloysius College, if this incident happened with him I would have ordered my son "Go and Ask apology from the Principal" . I hope the said boy's parents will interfere and solve the problem.

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  • Dr Danush G Desai, Maharastra

    Sat, Aug 02 2008

    I am a Ex Student of SAC, and I know the descipline, and personally the Principal Fr Swebert D’Silva, student did show up his might in the college campus, which if it was on the public road, Traffic Police would have done the same assault on public that too in a larger scale with better words not only to the student but also to his parents. I think the student getting an assault from a teacher than the Police is more preferable. Because in the former case it had a care and intention to correct the student.

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  • Greesh Kumar, mangalore

    Sat, Aug 02 2008

    Dave Cutinha, Mangalore are you out of your mind???why the Principal is going to ask for an apology...

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  • Arun Noronha, Mangalore

    Sat, Aug 02 2008

    Shame on you students. You have proved that you are going to college only for fun and not to gain knowledge. Discipline is most important in life and you students will realize this once you are out of college.

    Being ex student of this great institution I know these students having bikes and vehicles and how these students drive the same. My humble request to the students is please attend the lectures and be good human beings and bring laurels to this great institution. Parents have to learn a lot from this and they should teach their children good behaviour inside and outside college campus.

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  • Bhaskar r Poojary, Neermarga

    Sat, Aug 02 2008

    College is not a place to show the Motor bike stunts, students must understand this first. Now the principal must take a decision, and should not allow any students vehicle inside the compound. The parents of very same protesting children will blame the college authority, if someone gets hurt.

     Secondly I refuse to believe that any Priest, being Principal of a college assaulted any of his students, rather it must have been the other way round. Student’s leaders must understand the root cause, and ask Amogh to apologize immediately. These students not came for study they came to find whats going wrong in the college may be the student of the father is wealthy man...

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  • Raymond, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Sat, Aug 02 2008

    There is no need to make the issue a big one. The Principal has all the right to enforce the discipline in the college. It appears that he has no intention to harm the student. The students should immediately understand the situation and attend to their classes.

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  • Lancy, Mangalore

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    I am ex-student of SAC. I remember me and my friends have gone through reprimands hundreds of time. But I do not remember ever a protest was carried out. I would say this student requires more than what he got. The student council should be dissolved and barred. A new council should be elected.

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  • Praveen, Bangalore

    Sat, Aug 02 2008

    Dear students....always the majority rule does not hold good...because many studetns joined together to protest does not prove that what you did was right...from my experience let me share with you few things 1. you have joined the college with the purpose 2. the purpose is to get good education 3. this implies that you remain faithful to your studies 4. therefore college is not a place for the students to show ones own stunt... 5. riding bike in an unacceptable manner shows the mental disorder of a person who has not realised the purpose of his joining the college.... 6. if a student wants to perform those stunts (just to get the attention of the girls in the college campus) should realise that college is not the right place for him to continue. 7. he is not only disturbing the whole college atmosphere by his harsh driving but also desecrating the purity of the college which we indian consider it to be "gods temple" 8. as he has got the right to be heard of treated well by principal the student must also realise that the principal has got the responsibility to see that the sacredness of the college is kept up and other students feel comfortable in the campus which includes that he takes strong action agains the clprit who goes against that rules of the college and the sacredness of the education 9.students, its true that you have got the rights to be treated well by your college authority at the same time do remeber that you have got the right only when you remain faithful to your duties and respnsibilities by following the rules of the education institutuions which you belong to 10. going for a protest is uncalled for..its sad to know that students who belongs to a prestigious college failed to realise that they are becoming a slave to the hidden political agendas and to the group mentality which ultimately spoils their career. 11. even if the principal has punished( dont use assualted.....because the student was taken into task for the mistake committed by him...

    So dear student dont act as if you are innocent and apologise for the blunder that you have done...because of your rash driving many students would hve lost their lives...which would have been worst that you being punished by your principal)the person concerned ,the rest of the student should support the principal because the action was taken with the intention of creating a condusive atmosphere for you all!!! 12. i am not trying to justify the act of the principal. may be there were other methods and procedures which the principal could have followed to solve the problem.....but that does not mean that the principal is wrong...and it would be blunder from student part to ask for public apology be the principal..the student was beaten(if at all) in principal chamber then if the principal had already asked apology from the student( whish shows the great personality of the principal to ask sorry from the guilty student) then principal need not again ask sorry in public.

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  • John Crasta, Mangalore/Ranchi

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    The way the SAC students have reacted to the alleged incident is very unfortunate and discouraging. I wish the more serious and sincere students of the SAC understood how the spoiled children of the rich parents are taking them for a ride. Dear students, focus on your studies and career and do not allow yourselves to be used/abused by these elements. There are more important issues to be fought against: communalism, terror, hunger, disease and the list is endless!!!

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  • Mohan H Naik, Mangaluru

    Sat, Aug 02 2008

    The student, by his action has demonstrated that he is student less and bike racer more. A person in-charge of an educational institution has every right to protect the sanctity of the institution. If the students are unable to understand this truth right now, they will definitely realize it later by which time it’s TOO LATE.

    I fully support the principal, as I know, if at all, he has slapped the student that is not with the intention to humiliate him, but out of frustration, looking at the present student kind. All concerned, need to understand this and not make it an issue. Apology from Guru to Shisya , sounds nonsense, as rightly said by a reader.

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  • DONY LOBO, Kelarai,Milagres,Mangalore,

    Sat, Aug 02 2008

    If at all you and me were in Fr.Swebert's place, may be the intensity of the indesciplined act of the student might have irked and provoked us to react in the same way. Show off by children of rich people, show off with cars and motorbikes and other gadgets....should be banned within the sacred compound of the St.Aloysius College.

    Its to live a desciplined life which our parents and forefathers and we ourselves learnt from St.Aloysius., and that's what St.Aloysius should continue to teach. Those who do not like it ....the gates are wide open and they can seek their pastures elsewhere.

    The Aloysian authorities did not beg these students to come and enrol themselves as the students of the institution....they came there asking (or perhaps even begging) for a seat.... All said and done some newly elected student leader from obscure background trying to cash in the situation and seek cheap popularity (may be at the behest of some hidden political party god fathers)

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  • Oswald Monteiro, Mangalore

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    Boycoting the classes for such a silly reason? Fr. Rector, arrange a weeklong retreat and training for your students' leaders.

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  • Canan, Mangalore

    Sat, Aug 02 2008

    The college road is not a 8 lane highway where you can cruise along....and if at all there happens any mishap or a catastrophic incident, again the students will blame the College management....how ironic is that..?. So guys...stop fooling around and get back to work.....there are many more to come down the lane and Remember....."He who can ride fast can never ride Slow and he who can ride slow can always ride Fast" enjoy guys... cheers!!!

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  • Khaleel, Dubai

    Sat, Aug 02 2008

    Hey guys ,conecentrate on your studies.do not get envolved in rubbish politics & insulting your guru's.ok.  This u will come to know when your out the campus & thousand miles away from your hometown that it was a mistake from your part & u may not have so much guts to apologize for the same.so be good students with productive curriculum.good luck.

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  • Kiran Acharya, Udupi

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    WOW! just because we all heard the news about "alleged assault" we are all assuming that the boy has been assaulted! And we are all quick to pass comments like "priest should have exercised restraint" etc., WHO ARE WE TO PASS JUDGEMENT, WITHOUT KNOWING THE FULL STORY? Remember that we all have not heard Principals version...Mob justice wont do! Please do not jump into conclusion, just because you heard it or seen it on TV...most of the time the reports are in favour of the person who has committed the mistake!

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  • Clement Coorg, Mangalore/Dubai

    Sat, Aug 02 2008

    I do agree with Mr.Siva & Mr.Naveen Frank's comments. I think student must have lied to take revenge against Principal. Principal Fr. Swebert D'Silva did right thing. "COLLEGE CAMPUS is not a CIRCUS PLACE to ride bike recklessly. SHAME ON PARENTS OF THIS STUDENT.

    Principal has done parents job here. Dear Father, please do continue to correct these misbehaved students, so that they can become good VALUABLE CITIZENS to the nation and not (ROWDIES/ GOONDAS/ CRIMINALS)

    My dear students, this is the way you can learn good life lesson. Teachers are there to correct your misbehaviours. You people are going to study and not to create unnecessary troubles. This is not an insult by the principal. REMEBMER, "GURU(PRINCIPAL,TEACHER) ALWAYS WISH HIS SHISHYAS (STUDENTS) GO IN RIGHT PATH". Good Luck. Study well and do prepare for exams and get good results. My dear Nel & Lloyd, if this had happened with us, we wouldn't have created such a scene, istead we would have apologized to the Principal.

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  • santhosh d'costa, capitanio/Dublin/ireland

    Sat, Aug 02 2008

    If the both are wrong tell the student study in nehru maidan not in class room you might not know what is the difference between principal and student dear shwetha

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  • Rajan, Singapore/Mumbai

    Sat, Aug 02 2008

    Dismiss the unruly student for this behaviour father. Also warn all others who boycotted. Students are our future, they should not be lead toward underworld and goondaism. Also pls ban all student vehicles inside campus. Let them park outside, then they will learn etiquttes.

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  • dhanapal kodiyalbail, mangalore

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    students must obey principals order. students are totally wrong.

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  • ALWYN , Toronto

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    Students, Please focus on your studies. I am sure the principle has no intentions of hurting or harm you on anyways. It is your age and ego is creating a mental trouble in you. Clear out your pshycological problems, pride. Please go and apologize the principle of what you've done in the compus. When you do mistakes your father will correct you and ask you to apologize. Same way go and apologize your principle.  Wish you goodluck in your studies at St.Aloysius college. Behave and be good.

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  • michael, bangalore

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    I watched the local news showing the incident .The student leaders look like they wanted publicity and the boy Amog sound's like a liar and was distorting facts. GOOD JOB FR SWEBERT.

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  • sajeeda begum, u.a.e

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    Father you have taken the right decision my full support with you

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  • Dave Cutinha, Mangalore

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    The boy riding the bike at an unusual speed is wrong but Fr Swebert has not right to even touch a student. The Principal needs to apologise and close this issue

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  • sanil symon, surthkal

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    I totally disagree with (ANIL Mangalore)Am The present student of Aloysius.If this situation would haven taken in your life what will you do?... You will go acc to college rule.. My dear friends that is impossible....Because in mouth every one will say everything.But when it comes in reality What will you do? Just think......?

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  • Alwyn , Mangalore

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    I agee with rights here. All these rights are creating a problem with parents vs children vs Schools. Dicipline, moral all these things have to be learned first rather then focusing on the rights. I hope you agree with me.

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  • Arnold , Mangalore/Bangalore

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    Dear Naveen- I do not agree with you. Fr. Swebert Should ask for apology in front of all the students and the lecturers and not in front of the students council.

    Dear Simon- Fr. Swebert being a priest he should have called the student and made him understand what he did was wrong and should have told him nicely. He has no right to harm the students. He should be passing on the Jesuit Education to students and not show his rude behaviour by hitting the student since he's the Principal of the College. Jesus has told forgive the people and pardon the one's who have done wrong? Fr. Swebert should apologise immediately to the student.

    Dear Ronie- I truly agree with whatever you said,awesome pal!!!!

    Dear Lloyd- I agree cent percent with you.

    Dear Rolphy- You dont know the actual fact what's happening @ aloysius...Students are made to sit in class which is half painted and just painted too..Ask any current student of aloysius now...

    Dear Harish- I dont agree with you a bit. If it happened to you, you wouldnt have kept quite. If students keep quite now Fr will continue to hit the students forever.

     Dear Siddique- I truly agree with you bro.. Dear Dolfus/Melwyn- Dont agree with what you said. It should have happend to you or your fly member,then you would realise the fact.

    Dear Anil- Think your Fr's Pet. Fr Rector it's upto you to decide. I agree the student has done a mistake by zooming in the college campus,but hitting and assaulting the student is not the solution. 

     Hoping to you do justice and also both the parties should be warned....

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  • Captain Stanley Latif Correa, Urwa Stores/Jeddah,Saudi Arabia

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    Students must maintained discipline once they entered the college compus. Principal has the authority over students who are indisciplined & punish them within the college guidelines. In this situation I standby with the Principal. Students staging protest is assaulting the Principal. Students please study well, get good marks, do not play politics, your character & conduct is recorded. I am sorry to hear this baseless protest by the students.

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  • P. D'souza, Kirem/UAE

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    Dear Students, If you want to Bunk the college go ahead, there are quiet no of good students coming to gain knowledge, whose parents/ brothers toil in rain and hot sun in fields/ gulf to see their children/brothers/sisters coming out with honours from SAC. Not as goondas by following you people. Come on stop this and get back to Classroom.

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  • Mohammad Rafiq Sampya, Subhash Nagar, Mangalore

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    Teachers have the right to stop students doing mistake, but they should know to take stern steps which will benefit the student to correct his mistake and at the same time avoid protests. Dear students there are a lot of people around in the world who repent for their careless college days.

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  • Don, Mangalore/ Canada

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    There are always misguided among us, but to the majority of the students who would like some good advice they should realize their folly and apologize to the principal and DEFINATELY NOT the other way around.

    Going by your report, if the Priest assaulted a student because he was driving recklessly on the college campus, it was to protect "YOU" the student because in all probability if there was a mishap, the chances would be that a fellow student would have been injured or even seriously maimed and not the principal. Hence, the students should have been thankful that the priest was acting on their behalf and being protective of them.

    St. Aloysius is one of the most respected institutions of Mangalore, and many of us who have succeeded and earned name and fame in all corners of the world are products of this great institution, and this symbol must be respected, treasured and honoured at all times.

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  • ahalya, mangalore/chicago

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    95% of the students gathered there wont be knowing for what have they gathered...its just for fun rather than standing up for ethics..only amogh and Fr.D'silva know what happend inbetween them..Cant believe that a priest can assault a student...college campus is not for displaying your riding stunts!students get back to ur classes and concentrate on studies.

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  • Irwin Pinto, Mumbai( Mangalore)

    Fri, Aug 01 2008



    ALL THESE INCIDENTS ARE NOTED WORLDWIDE. STUDENTS SHOULD GIVE VERY GOOD COOPERATION FOR STAFFMEMBERS WHILE CONCENTRATING ON STUDIES. YOUR MISBEHAVIOUR WILL NOT GIVE YOU ANY KIND OF PEACE OF MIND. DAMAGES CAN BE MADE IN ONE DAY. TO REBUILD IN TAKES TOO MANY YEARS. also i suggest management to put stoppers/ metallic fabricated gates of 6" height at the entrance for blocking two wheelers/three wheelers. also ban mobiles in college premises. Many colleges have implimented. also insist to maintain dresscode for all students.This will help them to concentrate on studies irrespective of rich or poor.otherwise students will waste their time observing others- especially girls.

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  • M.Y.Bhandary , Udupi

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    What I would have done - after the student is identified and brought to me - as Principal - ask the sentry/security man the details in the presence of the student and then tell the sentry to wait outside till he hears from me.

    The student will be simply told to stand in the room without any feeling of anger from my side. Over phone, my administration would be asked to send me on a sheet of paper,the details of the students parents, etc, - this would be heard by the student, in my room. After about an hour or so,when the student has possibly realised that he would have to do all explaining to his fans whatever transpired in the principal's room - the facts would not be believed. Instead of becoming a hyper-active hero,he would have to save his face as one who is an inactive moron.

    I would also invite the student leaders later in the day and explain to them the background where a number of complaints were being received about rash riding, orgainising in racing, eveteasing in the college ground by outsiders/non-students and invite their co-operation in maintaining discipline.

    This is not a preaching, but in similar instances, without any heartburn or bad blood, the issues have been settled before they reach to such proportions.

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  • fredrick tauro, bantwal

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    What if the racing driver student knocked down the Principal and Principal in turn assaulted the driver student? Against whom then the students revolt?

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    Fri, Aug 01 2008


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  • Shradda, bangalore

    Sat, Aug 02 2008

    Dont compare the situation.. I agree he shouldnt have played around with his bike but are you all telling me that slapping a student a right decision??

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  • Ganapathi Bhat, Abu Dhabi

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    I really support Principal if that was the case of student. Students should focus on how to shine their life to lead a good life without depending on fathers hard earned money. It is easy to spend Father's money on Bike and do kiddish unsafe act.

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  • Dr.Anand T Pereira, Sakleshpur

    Sat, Aug 02 2008

    Parents and STUDENTS should be grateful and thankful to the Principal for keeping the interests of all the students foremost in the mind. In today’s competitive world, loosing even half a day of studies will create problems for the students and not the Lecturers. Let the student address the other students and boldly say, yes, it was my fault and the Principal did the right thing. This indeed will be the turning point in the life of the student.

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  • jennifer, mangalore

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    nel, true that all of us were students one time .But one knew how to behave.If he had sense he would have called his parents and settled the matter , instead of disturbing the whole college . Thereby i can say that he is of nuisance value and not worth wasting your time.

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  • cyril mathias, udupi

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    Teachers are like parents,they have a right to give corrections.Even if the parent of such a student, who rode the bike very fast, would have done the same.Some of our students dont like to be corrected.Students have so many other issues to strike such as curruption in govt.offices,late announcement of results,hike in fees etc.They are making mountain out of mole hills.

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  • Naveen Frank, Mangalore/Sharjah

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    Years ago, in the late seventies, a similar event occurred. We stormed out of our classrooms because one student was allegedly assaulted by a college priest. Not caring to learn the truth, we blindly followed our elected college representatives and boycotted classes. Just not to make the situation worse, the humble priest apologized to the student. The same evening we learnt that the concerned student was begging for mercy from the priest for what he had done. We later learnt that the said student had left all the water taps of the college hostel open .

    The priest who was passing by sternly ordered him to close the taps and not to do it again. That was the real truth. Even after so many years, I feel guilty of my actions. I have personally known Fr Swebert Dsilva. He is an exemplary priest and a wonderful person totally incapable of doing anything at he is accused of . I urge the student community to check the facts. Do not jump to conclusions without hard facts and evidence. As an Aloysian , I stand by Fr Swebert and the Jesuit community. Let the truth prevail ! Naveen Frank Sharjah, UAE

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  • Noor mohammed, Mangalore

    Sat, Aug 02 2008

    Dear students dont make issue out of it.Principal may be your fathers age. Just slapping you will not humiliate you. What he did is to correct your behaviour.Your protest will not make any difference to his status.

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  • Simon Lasrado, Bangalore

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    This is the least punishment the student recieved for his rude behaviour inside the campus but the Principal should not have beaten him.If it was in B'lore the student would have been showed to the door or dismissed from the college.Beating the student or restricting the students nt to use mobile in college is not the remedy.The Principal should have talked to the parents of the student.

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  • siva, usa

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    Shishya should apologize to the Guru - that is our trdition Amogh - not the other way round. Students should behave well, study well and then be a good citizen and not a goonda or a rowdy politician! We already have enough of them!!

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  • Ronnie D'souza, Mangalore / Kuwait

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    I also studied in St.Aloysius and I have seen firsthand how the boys from wealthy background behave out in open and in classes. I think that the principle, being more mature could have acted more wisely rather than being taken away in the spur of anger. Its the boy who provoked him in first place to react this way. Hope both sides resolve their issues amicably without hurting this prestigious institutes reputation.

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  • Chandrahas Kunder, Suratkal, Riyadh

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    Respected Principal, you have done nothing wrong sir, college campus is not belong to their father. Students should obey the rules of the college.

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  • lloyd, mangalore

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    thank u friend atleast one person has commented on behalf of the students...we dont bother what the people say but we stand for our students right...we boycoted classes after geting the complete information...tomorrow it might be against me...will i keep quiet... ?

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  • Eugene, New Jersey, USA

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    Student is wrong. But assault by Principal [i.e. presuming it to be true] was also wrong. The right course would be to impound the vehicle for a fortnight and thereafter returned only after the rental/penalty for the period of impound is paid by student.

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  • Rudolph, Kadri, Mangalore

    Sat, Aug 02 2008

    My Dear Student, Amough, If you want to show your Bike stunts you have lots of other colleges where you can avail admission without merit. Also you you have lots scope on our excellent Roads maintained by mangalore city corporation(specially from Urwastore to Panambur). My sincere advice to you is to make good use of your reputed institution only for Education & co-Curricular activities. Please approach your parents and try to solve the issue within the campus without giving much publicity. -Ex-Aloysian

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  • Donald Pereira, Belthangady/Mangalore

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    It's very clear that these young students have behaved without thinking the consequences. It's amazing to see all students coming out of classroom and shouting slogans against the principal, which was not at all necessary. If the reported incident of assault took place, there is a democratic method. College management should ban students from driving & using mobiles inside the campus. Most of the younger generation do not know what is discipline, courtesy, manners and responsibility means. Their parents should act more sensibly and with more responsibility without listening to the false rumours.

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  • Rolphy Almeida, Udupi/Bangalore

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    College is not a place to show the Motor bike stunts, students must understand this first. Now the principal must take a decision, and should not allow any students vehicle inside the compound. The parents of very same protesting children will blame the collage authority, if someone gets hurt. Secondly I refuse to believe that any Priest, being Principal of a college assaulted any of his students, rather it must have been the other way round. Student’s leaders must understand the root cause, and ask Amogh to apologize immediately.

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  • Stan Rodrigues, Farla/Italy

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    Who is right and who is wrong is not the point of discussion! Assault on a student is not a remedy for the mistake.

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  • Harish, Mangalore

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    I was also the student of St.Aloysius college..from this situation i fully support Fr for what he has done.. the students have supported the wrong thing.. shame on st.aloysius students, you have shown disgrace to Mangalore and also to your family...

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  • Mrs. R. Quadros, India

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    I think students were waiting for the reason to bunk the classes thats it. It dosen't seems that all the students are supportive to this incident. U can make out in some photos some students are enjoying...dancing. Whatever principal did is correct.

    In case of  accidents within the campus then parents ask principal. Better to ban Bikes inside the campus, in many colleges this rule is strictly followed..those who want to show off let them do it outside the college. students should have the common sense that they are disturbing other classes.

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  • raymond, barebail/Toronto

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    Come on kids this is rightway way to learn how to stand up for our rights, after all safty is first.I pray for rector to solve this issue wisely

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  • Noel, Singapore

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    Principal has just done his duty, nothing wrong in that

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  • Ambrose , Mangalore/Bangalore

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    Hi everyone.. Even i was a Students of St Aloysius College and we had same kind of treatment from lecturers and the principle inface i was thrown out of the college for a week. However we never went on strike and disturbed any other students who were really interested in studies. From the pictures its very clear that students just wants to enjoy may be its raining heavily out there. I respect FR Swebert for what he has done. Am sure students will realise what a college life is once they start working... guys call off the strike and get into the calssroom... if Amogh is not interested let him sit at home...

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  • S.M. Nawaz Kukkikatte, udupi

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    Principle like a father in a College. so we should respect him.

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  • Neville, Boston, USA

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    I clearly support Fr. Swebert. The students have forgotten that they have come to this prestigious college to study.

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  • Hosanna, Mangalore

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    I don't agree with what shwetha/ Kulshekar has written.

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  • nel, mangalore

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    everyone blames the students not realising they were students too once upon a time... had this situation occured with you all, you would have known how it feels to be insulted in front of ur fellow students n teachers...

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  • Vandan, Mangalore

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    Oh please! these students are not even taking their strike seriously look at them, they are stand talking and smiling with their mobiles and taking picture. Moreover what proof do we have that the Principle assaulted him. Who know he must have done it himself to take revenge. Kids these days are capable of anything.

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  • Siddique, Surathkal

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    What the student did was wrong. But the principal should not have assaulted him.

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  • Dolfus, Bangalore

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    We do require such a daring and tough principal to deal with the students who do not obey the rules of the institution

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  • santhosh, mangalore.u.a.e

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    nice to see once a while students having a break to chill out keep it up for your success.

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  • Shwetha, Kulshekar

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    Both the principal & the student were wrong.

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  • teena, m'lore

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    all students must follow the rules and regulations of the college.dismiss the student immediately

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  • johnson, barkur

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    The principal should have used his pen rather than using his hand...

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    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    Fr Sweebert you have taken a right decision.This is a lesson for all the students also.take proper action against all those who have supported this cause.this is totally against safety for rest of the students especially the younger and innocent pupil

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  • Hosanna D'silva, Mangalore

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    what the Principal did is absolutly right.

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  • Amitha, Mangalore

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    Generation has changed, gone are those days treating our teachers as God, gone are those days respecting our elders. A parent cannot handle a child in between the four walls, how can a lecturer or principal can control in the college ??

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  • Ganesh, Mangalore

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    Students playing with mobile phones and racing bikes in college campuses are just not acceptable.There are parents who support such things which is the fate of today.

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  • Vinson Vaz, Kadri, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    It is indeed very disheartening and shameful to see to the pictures of students protesting in the St. Aloysius campus. Off course I wont disagree that the principal being a religious priest has no right to assault any student, but the students could have peacefully brought it to the notice of the Rector, who is appointed always to assist in the day to day affairs of the working of the college.

    But resorting to such a big gathering and protesting and enabling all the ex-aloysians to witness such an incident is really disheartening. Am sure all the other Ex-Aloysians with agree with me. Some things need to be settled in private than making it all public. what happens inside the college campus is the business of the college and it outsiders cannot involve in it.

    I would sincerely advise the college principal to duly apologise for the misdeed and also the student too need apologise by creating a nuisance by driving in a rash and negligient manner inside the college campus. And above all the students need to put down in writing that such protests inside the campus shall not be the talk of the day!

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  • santhosh d'costa, capitanio/Dublin/ireland

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    these students not came for study they came to find whats going wrong in the college may be the student of the father is wealthy man...

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    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    The students and they representatives should go through the article penned by Stephen D'Souza, an ex-Aloysian,

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    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    Stop stupidity and go to the classroom….study hard….

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  • Melwyn Sequeira,

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    I think student was wrong in this case. He shouldnt have done like this.

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  • Moosa Kunhi, Kakkinje/Dammam

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    What the Principal did is correct

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