Mangalore: Chaos in City - DYFI Activists Caned - Five Injured - Mob Damages Buses

Mangalore: Chaos in City - DYFI Activists Caned - Five Injured - Mob Damages Buses

Pics by Prajwal Ukkuda
Daijiworld Media Network - Mangalore (SP)

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Mangalore, Aug 4: Protesting against Mangalore City Corporation’s action in hiking water tariff, issuance of exorbitant water bills, poor maintenance of the city roads and garbage disposal as also coercive methods employed by the employees of private firms engaged for recovering the Corporation bills, Communist Party of India (Marxist) laid siege to the city corporation today at 10.00 am.

The protestors led by advocate Yashwant Kumar Maroli , Muneer Katipalla and city unit secretary of the party Sunil Kumar Bajal, who came in a procession to the corporation office from Ballalbagh junction, squatted on the way leading into the corporation office. Later, they extended their protest to the main road in front of the Corporation office, blocking traffic for some time. After the policemen present urged them to clear the road, they again blocked the passage leading into the Corporation office.

After the leaders delivered speeches denouncing the Corporation administration for its mishandling of city affairs, the protestors wanted to submit a memorandum to the mayor. As the mayor was reluctant to come out to receive their memorandum, they tried to storm into the Corporation office. As the policemen blocked their entry, one of the protestors hit Kadri circle inspector Ganapati with a chair.

The policemen then resorted to lathi charge (caning) to disperse the crowd. The protestors too retaliated by using sticks used for their flags. Five persons including a woman named Baby Shaktinagar and Dolphy Bajal, a boy, were injured. The protestors, while dispersing, pelted stones at the vehicles and damaged 3 buses.

It may be noted, that the party had not been given permission by the police to hold the protest, as the issue is already in the court.

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  • Manjunatha, Kasaragod/Bengaluru

    Fri, Aug 08 2008

    Oh no.These marxists will not allow anyone to live in peace.They have ruined kerala and Bengal, but people of Mangalore wont become their prey. when they didnt have permission then why did they hold the protest rally.I am sorry for the innocent people who were injured.Police had to retaliate before the situation got worse.

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  • thameem ullal, kuwait

    Fri, Aug 08 2008

    I totally agree with Thanzeel, its not a way police hitting the people like a animal. So where is the justice...

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  • Irfan, M'lore/ Dubai

    Fri, Aug 08 2008

    I agree with your comments, Cyril

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  • Praveen Kamath, Belman

    Wed, Aug 06 2008

    Since when it is ok to destroy public property? Anyone watching video can see that situation was really going out of control and if protesters had entered the office it would have been chaotic. Sadly it appears to get news coverage one has to resort to violence these days. And commies are importing their Calcutta Kerala culture to our area now. This should be nipped in the bud.

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  • Cyril Mathias, udupi

    Wed, Aug 06 2008

    Brutal, inhuman and barbaric on the part of police.They have lost all morality and behaving like govt.goondas.Where was their valour when bajrangis looted innocent hoteliers? Shame on you, police.

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  • Jessie, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 06 2008

    I fully agree on Mr. Joe's comments. Had the Mayor took the trouble to came out and listened to the grievances of the protestors, this major mishap could have been averted. What more you can expect from the Mayor !!! The loyal citizens, specially middle class and lower class who pay the taxes promptly are deprived from every facilities and they are the victims for these mishaps! leave alone the improvement of the Mangalore City, when there is no humanity !!!

    CM is all set to take the credit of making the full-fledged international airport, whereas the corporation and the state government is least bothered to take initiative on the road projects and the welfare of the poor citizens ! Please wake up and work sincerely rather than taking credits and merits !

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  • Clement D'Souza, Bangalore

    Tue, Aug 05 2008

    Where were this CPI (M) leaders & their supporters when there were bomb blasts, where were these leaders when the Inflation rate was record high? Was this the same CPI (M) a partner with the central Govt. It's a surprise!!!! Now they know that general elections are near, so it's all drama than nothing. But really our people are crazy too.... nothing will change in India as long as the people didn't change.

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  • Nilesh Kamath, Mangalore

    Tue, Aug 05 2008

    The Police have done nothing wrong in this case.The communists are known to unleash voilence in Kerala and West Bengal where places like Nandigram and Kannur have been turned in to KILLING FIELDS,So when they get a taste of their own medicine it is called atrocity ????

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  • Simon Lasrado, Sullia/Bangalore

    Tue, Aug 05 2008

    Good field work for the police of Mangalur since,since that suitecase drama

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  • E P Cutinha, Mangalore

    Tue, Aug 05 2008

    The concerned authorities owe an explanation to the public in Mangalore as to why is the Corporation paying taxpayer's money for inferior quality road work year after year. Who are the Engineers authorizing and certifying such inferior quality work ? Would they have done so if the work was their own personal and they had to pay from their own pockets ? How can they be called public servants if they feel that it is below their dignity to listen to the public.

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  • Ahmed, Mangalore

    Tue, Aug 05 2008

    Dear Ganesh , what did the police do when a father and son were paraded naked on the street for 2 hours and tortured.. isnt this terrorism . ??? the court acquited the people involved scott free so that they make more trouble in the future

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  • Thanzeel, Kallapu, Kuwait

    Tue, Aug 05 2008

    Mr. Ganesh, When the mayor is not ready to receive the protestors, then there will be no question of not having the drama. The duty of police is to maintain the peace and not pooring the korocine into fire. Of course, the protestors lost their control which means Police should also loose their control?

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  • Saif-tannerubavi, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 06 2008

    Caning by police men shows that corruption can not be questioned in India. It is the permission given by government to politicians & police men. Brutal police men. They don't know the value of hard earned money & poverty.

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  • Steve- Attawar, Mangalore

    Tue, Aug 05 2008

    How brutal indian police men are?. what would these police men have done if they were in these people's position?

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  • Rahul Khanna, Mumbai

    Tue, Aug 05 2008

    I am an Indian by heart and it pains to see the people of our country being beaten by so badly but i suppose DYFI activist are to be blamed for this incident. I am sure the police would have never used their force on fascist people groups like Bajrang Dal,RSS,VHP or Shiv Sena. I dont know where is our country heading to.

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    Tue, Aug 05 2008

    Mayor should have come forward and talk to the protesting leaders immediately when dharna started . suspend the police and transfer the commissioner at once also the mayor has to resign from his post for a better and prosperous Mangalore ... alll the best to DYFI and CPIM ACTIVISTS

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  • Ganesh, Mangalore

    Tue, Aug 05 2008

    Dear Mohammad,Why one should poor animals? Why do you accept cruelty with animals.When people become uncontrollable,then police take action.Do you accept if some of your relative got hit when those protestors threw stones on the bus?

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  • Arun Kamath, Mangalore

    Tue, Aug 05 2008

    Its inhuman to see the brutal caning. People have right to protest.. Damaging the public property is wrong. Police still have British era mentality towards Indians.

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  • Pramod Pailoor,

    Tue, Aug 05 2008

    Police have taken right decision.

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  • Shilpa Rego, Padil/Dubai- UAE

    Tue, Aug 05 2008

    Protesting is fine…. Every individual has to fight for their rights and facilities, but destroying public property is absolutely wrong what DYFI has done in this issue. I don’t think the police has done anything wrong by doing latti charge. Keep it up police force by doing it… according to me all people should be punished who destroyed public property.

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  • Anitha, urwa _mangalore

    Tue, Aug 05 2008

    Mr. Mohammed, Police hitting the people like animals, because the animals do not know how to behave, WHY damage private buses.....what have the bus owners done, instead they travel in these buses and then like cheap people who have no other work but only to destroy private property......The protesters should know how to behave, and solve the problems in a peaceful way.

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  • Joe D'Souza, Mangalore

    Tue, Aug 05 2008

    It was a peaceful protest and it is one way to achieve the need by protest. Founding Fathers of Independence practised this process. Protest turned the wrong way only with the refusal from Mayor,to accept their petition. He must have forgoten that,it was Okay for Him(Mayor) to go,door to door,pounding and begging for votes on the house steps of Citizens.

    Now that He is Crowned as Mayor,it is beyond His Prestige to come out and meet Citizens at His office steps to accept the Memo. This is the true colour of Politician. Mayor is part of the Hindu Party and most of the people beaten by Police are Hindus and women too. Lotus does not grow in clean water.

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  • Lancy Moras, Bajjodi, Jeddah Saudi Arabia

    Tue, Aug 05 2008

    Oh God. Why this Communist party is in Mangalore now ? This is too bad news of the day. Police have no blood in their eyes hitting poor people like dogs. God save our Mangalore.

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    Tue, Aug 05 2008

    My dear citizens you are fighting for a noble cause.but the way of your protest is not noble. No one has got the right to destroy the public property.these are for our convenience.  We need to change this trend. People think unless you damage some public property,break some glasses of vehicles and stop the traffic strike wont be successfull. Please think twice before you do this shamefull acts.

    I think police should arrest these people and put case on them for destroying our property and later make them to pay for what they have damaged. I request please dont repeat such kind of acts. It is the responsibilities of the leaders who stage these protest to tell the people in advance not to damage any public properties.

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  • vincy, Shamboor/Bangkok

    Tue, Aug 05 2008

    The city Mayor has failed in keeping the promises made prior to civic election.The roads all over mangalore are very bad.The people of Mangalore are paying income taxes and muncipal taxes which are used only for upgrading the facilities for the Political leaders,government houses.

    All the tax payers money in mangalore is spent on providing secuirity for the government servants and in promoting facilities for them.The Mayor should have come out and listen to the greviences of people and the whole issue would have ended if he had given little importance to the people who had gathered on a monday morning.

    Unfortunately our CM is busy on mery making,visiting temples and praying to remain for 5 year full term in power.No doubt he need super power from the temples which are located at hills which have tough roads to reach.Its read that one of his follower car met with an accident with a police car.Hope the CM could make it to all the temples through these roads which are no different than a roller coaster experience.

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  • Siva, usa

    Tue, Aug 05 2008

    You want water but don't want to pay bill saying it is high. You want wages to be paid and increase the pay but do not want them to increase water cess? How can the corporation pay? Do they need to print notes? violence breeds violence.

    Hitting a police officer who have canes (thank God just canes) is like hitting your head against wall. If it was US, the police would have used his revolver in such a case!!! CPM is anti-people. Corrupt Congress and Corrupt BJP are far better than cruel people

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  • Akshay Boloor, Mangalore / Mumbai

    Tue, Aug 05 2008

    Well, Have you people ever wondered why one can never see cops cane BJP , Bajrang Dal or RSS workers when these men go on a rampage ..... Third Class Treatment of smaller parties ? or is it the "SAFFRON" effect? It appears that these folks were belted like animals. To bad... these folks preach about treating animals like God and then they treat human beings like animals....... And what can i say about the POLICE FORCE of M'Lore & UDUPI... They are a feudal army......They need learn a thing or two from their Mumbai counterparts.

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  • Madhu, Mangalore

    Tue, Aug 05 2008

    the action by the police was needed or else mangalore will be like kerala where strikes are everday affairs.

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  • Francis-Mangalore, Mangalore

    Tue, Aug 05 2008


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  • Lona, Dubai

    Tue, Aug 05 2008

    Irrespective of different factors that led for today's DYFI Activists protest. It is right of every public to question the Govt. Because of corruption & irresponsibility of our politicians are responsible of this kind of incident. I appriciate the Leadership of DYFI, public please support DYFI more.

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  • Abdul Lathif, Mangalore

    Mon, Aug 04 2008

    Such issues are not party related. Why do we pay taxes to the MCC if we cannot basic facitlities like water, good roads, libraries, garbage removal etc. In addition to the taxes we have to pay private individuals to have the garbage removed. Every citizen should protest irresepctive of party affinities.

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  • Ananth, Mangalore

    Mon, Aug 04 2008


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  • Antony Thimothy D' Souza, Doha-Qatar

    Mon, Aug 04 2008

    Irrespective of different factors that led for today's DYFI Activists protest, what I really appreciated most was that I felt as if I am watching a live coverage from the next compound of Mangalore City Corporation’s office. Such was the efficient coverage of our Daijiworld from audio and video point of too. In a mass protest of such type though causing loss of property is deplorable yet not easily controllable.

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  • mohammed , mangalore,dubai

    Mon, Aug 04 2008

    police hitting people like animals...

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  • Denis, Mangalore

    Mon, Aug 04 2008

    Though we condemn this kind of approach to redress any issues, Do you think a peaceful agitation could have solved this issue ? Anyone who want's to see our "growth" can see just half a kilo meter stretch of road from Pumpwell circle to Kankanady junction which is neither motorable nor walkable which I have been witnessing since last 4 great years !!! Different local/state governments..still same old story...we can't even maintain some of the roads made during British rule forget about making new ones.

    Those who opposed nuclear deal should remember. We all live only once. We need electricity when we are alive and not to light up our pyre when we are dead. Look at the lost productivity during powercuts & frustration when you travel/drive on our state roads !!! Forget hype..look at the basics first...

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  • Charan, DUBAI

    Mon, Aug 04 2008

    Do the Police have guts to cane BJP party workers or Sangh Parivar members ?

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  • U. P Hegde , Mangalore

    Mon, Aug 04 2008

    Well, to all critics kindly read the print"the protestors wanted to submit a memorandum to the mayor. As the mayor was reluctant to come out to receive their memorandum, they tried to storm into the Corporation office. As the policemen blocked their entry, one of the protestors hit Kadri circle inspector Ganapati with a chair."

    Its evident that the Mayor should have atleast come and received their Memorandum and ended this peacefully by not accepting the memorandum ..this sent out a wrong message to these folks..after which these people were annoyed and hence all of the above occured. People just make assumptions of CPM and left and comment..which is wrong .... Regarding someone hitting a cop with a chair...who knows what the truth is...remember a coin has two faces and a story have two versions.

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  • Steevan Pais, Mangalore/Dubai

    Mon, Aug 04 2008

    What's happening in Mangalore,,,Ministers are always behind money,, they dont care poor people money money and only moneyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy and the poor people have to suffer

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  • prakash, Mangalore

    Mon, Aug 04 2008

    I think the protest should be in a peacefull way without disturbing the general public.Obtain the police permission to stage a peaceful and meaning ful rally and than handover the memorandom to higher authority rather to have a riotic demonstration.Mangaloreans are peace loving people and well educated too..

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  • Shetty, Udupi, Udupi/Oman

    Mon, Aug 04 2008

    Please, we do not want any communism in Karnataka, Please. Kerala and W.Bengal have already suffering from these

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  • Zulfikar A., Mangalore/KSA

    Mon, Aug 04 2008

    Protesting is every parties agenda for any inconvienance matter. It must be in peacefull manner but not hatred type. They should take care about attacking any department people or govt structures.If they do like this way, how department(police) can handle?. This will cause more effects to public also were as department also.

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  • Yogindra, Mangalore

    Mon, Aug 04 2008

    The CPM/DYFI need to first look into the cost of supplying water and the overheads involved in delivering water to every household in mangalore city, only after this they must issue press statements and have protests. the water rates have been hiked after thorough analysis during the term of the administrator(Mr.Maheshwar rao,IAS the DC of Dakshina kannada)in august 2007.

    They should also know that the current rate of 65 Rs per month is 3 times lower than the water rates in cities like bangalore and hubli/dharwad. Regarding hefty bills: the last time the bills were issued in mangalore city was 1 year ago(in many cases 2 years ago) this will obviously lead to hefty bills now. Moreover the corporation does not have necessary staff for meter reading hence outsourcing of bill distribution is the only option.

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  • Prashanth, Mangalore

    Mon, Aug 04 2008

    These kind of sights are common nowadays in Kerala. But why cant our brothers and sisters (protestors)protest in a peaceful way.Time waste of our police dept., loss of public and private properties. Is this the democracy (demo crazy ?)

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  • Rajendranchan, mangalore

    Mon, Aug 04 2008

    Protest must in a democratic society to air your grouses. But a workers party should never attack a worker (Police) of the government. Because he does only what he has been told to do.

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  • nannu, mangalore

    Mon, Aug 04 2008

    Why DYFI should protest in this cruel manner. If really investigated authorities can find out really how many of protesters gathered have water connections from MCC. In my view not even 30%.MCC has reduced the rates and billed amount before reduction of the rate is the decision of administrative body which was formed before formation of council by BJP.

    The congress is also aware. Innocent people should stop joinng the hands with protesters which will  result in these type of situations.Protesting front leaders should watch Munna Bai MBBS movie.

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  • Ganesh, Mangalore

    Mon, Aug 04 2008

    It is very much clear that these people are against only on a particular party that is BJP.Why they have not fought against the poor progress of the NH-17 widening for which the centre is responsible? This is because communist were are also the part of govt at the centre.Anyway communist were never fair and transparent in their actions and they have never done anything good to this nation.

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  • Padmanabha, Mangalore

    Mon, Aug 04 2008

    Recently I had read somewhere that the Communist party is like a college students council. Its a party which stands in the sidelines and blames the administration for doing/ not doing things. They do not take the pains to take up the responsibility of the same.

    We have seen this at the Centre and now even at the local level. When the matter is in the court, whats the need to take law in your hands? Looks like a cheap way to attain publicity. After all, water is a basic necessity of everyone. Raising a hue and cry will garner everyone's support... I can only pity their ideologies...

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  • Sadanand, Mangalore

    Mon, Aug 04 2008

    People should join to raise their voices against certain civic issues which causes inconvenience to the citizen , but in a peaceful manner.

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