TN Govt Buses to Run at Slower Speed to Save Fuel


Chennai, Sep 4: Drive slow to save fuel.

That is the message of Tamil Nadu government to its buses which are running at slower speed with the maximum fixed at 60 kmph for the express services in a bid to save fuel.

The engines of the buses have been tuned to allow a maximum speed of 60 km only  an official said here on Wednesday.

The tuning of the engines would give 0.40 km mileage per litre.  The drivers have been advised to drive the buses in such a way that the mileage touched five km per litre against the present 4.45 km per litre.

In cities and towns however, the buses would be allowed a maximum speed of 55 kmph.  Our aim is to achieve a mileage of 4.22 km per litre in towns instead of the present 3.92 km a litre.


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  • Simon Lasrado, Sullia/Bengaluru

    Fri, Sep 05 2008

    Mr.Karunanidi,can you call our respected Chief Minister BSY,to your State,to teach him how to save the fuel.

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