Mangalore: St Aloysius College Graduation Day
Media Release
Mangalore, Nov 1: The Annual Graduation Day of MBA, MCA and M Sc-Bioinformatics courses of St. Aloysius College, Mangalore, affiliated to Mangalore University was held on 1 Nov. 2008 at 10.30 am in the Eric Mathias Hall of the IT Centre of St. Aloysius College, Mangalore.
“Greed is the reason for the meltdown” said Shri Ananthakrishna, the Chairman & CEO, Karnataka Bank , in his Gradation Day address to the large number of students gathered for the graduation. He exhorted the students saying “whatever you do, don not have greed. Do you work with commitment expecting no result”. In his threefold manthra he told the students fist of all not to shirk work. “Take every difficult task as an opportunity; secondly do not work because of supervision, but love your work; and thirdly he said that one should get the attitude of giving and not getting from the institution one works for. He said, “what you get you make a living, and but you give you make life”, he said. He also told the students that what he has learned a lot for his life from St. Aloysius College when he himself was an alumnus.
Fr. Denzi Lobo SJ, Director, presented a report on the achievements and activities of the students and the faculty of AIBA and AICS . He informed the gathering that the NEW CAMPUS for management and IT will be ready by May 2009, and that the aim of the College is to make this campus the very best in India, offering excellent Management and IT education and preparing “men and women for others” to take up leadership positions in India and abroad. He also mentioned that great persons like Mr Prem Watsa, Chairman and CEO, Fairfax Financial holdings and others are supporting this new venture and want to make it famous at the global level.
Fr. Francis Serrao SJ, Rector , Aloysian Institutions, in his presidential remarks thanked shri Ananthakrishna for his enlightened leadership in the banking sector and appreciated his simplicity. He also thanked Fr Denzil Lobo , Director for taking AICS and AIBA to greater heights and having a vision to excel in all respects. He asked the graduating students to take “memories and impressions” when they leave the Institutions. But he said it is not enough to just to take such memories, but it is important they also take a set of “value system’ they have learned when they were at St. Aloysius. “Not having more , but being more; not individual achievement, but common good; not corruption in any form, but collaboration and justice” should be their hallmark he said. Finally in his message to the graduating students he told that they should have threefold attitudes-“use material and do not love it; love persons and do not use them; and thirdly put into practice what God want s you to do in life”
Fr Swebert D’Silva SJ, the principal, St. Aloysius College exhorted the graduating students to dream big, and try to do great things for our Country.
Fr. Rector distributed the certificates to the graduating students and the solemn oath was taken by the students to be true to their vocation and that they would be just and honest in their life.
Three of the students who have secured ranks at the University level were honoured. Adrina Pinto, who has secured the FIRST RANK in MCA was awarded the DEWANG MEHTA PRIZE of Rs. 10,000 for the meritorious MCA student. This award is instituted by a friend of the College who has also sponsored the Dewang Mehtha Library in the IT Centre. Shruthi Maroli, who has secured the IV RANK in MBA at the University level was awarded the Prize of Rs. 10,000 instituted by Bharath Kumar, an alumnus and Associate VP, Cambridge Integrated Solutions, UK; and Seema Shenoy, who has secured FIRST RANK in M Sc-bioinformatics was awarded the prize of Rs 5,000 instituted by Cosmic Enterprises, Mangalore.
Prof. Santhosh Rebello, Dean, AICS welcomed the gathering and Dr. P. G. Aquinas, dean, AIBA proposed the vote of thanks.