Jerusalem, Oct 25 (PTI): India has awarded an additional USD 777 million deal to a leading Israeli defence firm for supplying Barak 8 LR-SAM Air and Missile Defence Systems to seven ships of the Indian Navy, the company announced Wednesday.
The Long-Range Surface-to-Air Missile (LR-SAM) system is an operational Air and Missile Defence (AMD) system used by Israel’s navy as well as by India’s navy, air and land forces. With the latest deal, the Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) said that the sale of Barak 8 system — jointly developed by India and Israel — a sign of strong bilateral partnership in defence, has crossed USD 6 billion over the past few years.
The system provides broad aerial and point defence against a wide range of threats to the marine arena from the air, sea or land. The system integrates several advanced systems as digital radar, command and control, launchers, interceptors with modern radio frequency seekers, data link and system-wide connectivity.
Designed to defend against a variety of short-to-long-range airborne threats including fixed-wing aircraft, helicopters, drones and projectiles, Barak-8 incorporates a state-of-the-art phased array multi-mission radar, two-way data link, and a flexible command and control system, enabling users to simultaneously engage multiple targets day and night and in all weather conditions.
The missile system has been jointly developed by IAI, India’s DRDO, Israel’s Administration for the Development of Weapons and Technological Infrastr-ucture, Elta Systems, Rafael and some other Indian defence companies. The new contract announced by IAI was entered with Indian state-owned company Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL), which serves as the main contractor in the project. “Congratulations to Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) and the defence establishment on the huge transaction involving the sale of Barak 8 to India,” Israel’s Defence Minister Avigdor Liberman said on twitter.
The deal is “proof that security is an investment, and not expenditure”, he said adding that the IAI is a national asset, which must be maintained and strengthened.
Comment on this article
mohan, Mangalore
Thu, Oct 25 2018This is the program done by Manmohan Singh in 2012.... due to financial..... but Modi delayed this time he completes 4and half years... and now he is making money to buy and give it other than make money..
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Sudhakar, Kallianpur
Thu, Oct 25 2018If you set aside taking money or giving money, you mean to say present government is financially sound than UPA govt.!!!!
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Charles D'Mello, Pangala
Thu, Oct 25 2018why these missiles....????? To kill only defence men and common people...??? In none of the wars the Leaders or monarchs were killed. It was the case in Libya, Iran , Iraq, India, Pakistan wars etc. If only militery and common people are to be killed, then why these sophisticate weapons to be bought from common public's money..??????????
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Moshu, Mangaluru
Thu, Oct 25 2018Indias dream of becoming superpower remains a myth if we pouring billions of dollors on arms purchase.
We need to stop our wealth going on to Western countries .Either they transfer technology to Indian companies or we stop buying weapons at all. Our politicians should also learn that the countrys pride is above than commision.
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Nash, Mangalore
Thu, Oct 25 2018When you have neighbors like Pakistan Bangladesh and China.... Alteast in last 4 years military has had a upgrade.
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Moshu, Mangaluru
Thu, Oct 25 2018My point precising that India has the talent and potential to emerge as a global platform for defence research, manufacturing, supply chain sourcing, software development which will strengthen our defence capabilities and spur industrial development as well as exports in this sector. Modi yesturday said world community wants India to lead the Globe which is utter nonesense if we indians prefer turtle moves.
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Avil Dev, Mangalore
Thu, Oct 25 2018Of course, its obvious the Pappu brigade will oppose anything he does, despite having only 2 states in their kitty.
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David Pais, Mangalore
Thu, Oct 25 2018y a pauper was given rafale contract. he knows 1nly 2 fly kites?????????
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Thu, Oct 25 2018The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) entered into a contract with M/s. Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI), Israel to jointly develop a Long Range Surface to Air Missile (LRSAM) system for the Indian and Israeli Navy in January 2006. A few days after he publicly informed parliament of the USD 1.4 billion Barak missile cooperation with Israel in July 2007, Indian Defense Minister A K Antony told Indian media, "Successive governments since 1992 have had defense ties with Israel. This is not new. And the relation is not ideological, but purely based on our security requirements." As of 2009 the cost of project for LRSAM was Rs. 2606.02 crore, compared to the 282.68 Cr expended on Trishul. Installation of Weapon Control System and Multifunctional Surveillance Threat Alert Radar (MFSTAR) is in progress. Two Control and Navigation Flight Tests have been conducted successfully at Israel during July 2012. The Missile integration infrastructure has also been established.
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Karthik, hat hill
Thu, Oct 25 2018The famous Rafael has it's share in this one too!
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John R Lobo, Kaikamba
Thu, Oct 25 2018Karthik,
What you have mentioned " Rafael" nothing do with Israeli Rafael.
Rafael is Israeli Defence Co. and SCAM hit " Rafael " fighters are produced by Dassault Aviation France.
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Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai
Thu, Oct 25 2018Please don't route this order through "Reliance Defense" ...
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Shankar, Mangaluru
Thu, Oct 25 2018'Adani Defence' will be ready!
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