New Delhi, Oct 29 (IANS): Union Minister Maneka Gandhi said on Monday that the Missionaries of Charity would henceforth follow the Central Adoption Resource Authority (CARA) rules on child adoption.
"Met the delegation of Missionaries of Charity (MoC)-led by Sister Mary Prema Pierick, who is heading the organisation after Mother Teresa.
"I requested them to come back into the CARA system of adoption so that children in the 79 MoC homes can go into family care," the Minister for Women and Child Development tweeted.
In 2015, the Ministry had issued a protocol allowing single, divorced, and separated individuals to participate in adoption services.
However, the MoC, which has a policy of only placing children with a married mother and father, stating that it violated natural law and their religious views, had decided not to follow it.
The Minister said Sister Prema has agreed to her request and would be on board with present laws on child adoption.