Heavy security in Ayodhya on Babri demotion's 26th anniversary

Ayodhya, Dec 6 (IANS): Heavy security deployment has been made in this temple town in Uttar Pradesh on the 26th anniversary of the razing of the 16th century Babri Masjid by a Hindu mob.

Major roads have been barricaded and vigil has been stepped up around the disputed site. People visiting the temple of Ram Lalla, that was set up hurriedly on the ruins of the mosque, are being frisked thoroughly.

Checking of vehicles at all entry points has been enhanced. Special teams are monitoring entry of outsiders into the town.

Police teams are patrolling sensitive areas and prohibitory orders have been clamped barring the assembly of five or more people.

A district official told IANS that while the 'darshan' of Ram Lalla is allowed like all days, crowds have been asked not to raise any slogans.

Bomb disposal and dog squads have been spotted at major thoroughfares.

Meanwhile, Mohd Iqbal Ansari, the lone Muslim litigant in the Ayodhya dispute, has said that he has received a threatening letter.

According to him, the letter writer has asked him to withdraw his claim in the court or else he will be eliminated. Police have increased security at Ansari's house.


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