Dubai: Fr Freddy D'Souza - Completing 10 Years in the Service of God

Dubai: Fr Freddy D'Souza - Completing 10 Years in the Service of God
by Jerina Lewis,  Dubai

Dubai, Dec 20: Fr Frederick Peter D’Souza, lovingly known as ‘Fr Freddy’ to all, is illustrious to Konkan community of entire UAE rather than to say only to Dubai. Within 3 years of his service as an Assistant Parish Priest of St Mary’s Church Dubai, one of the largest parishes in the Gulf coast, Fr Freddy has become popular and well-accepted by the parishioners of Dubai. Familiar by his signature bearded appearance, Fr Freddy’s ever approachable attitude with an infectious smile has won him many admirers across the world. 

Fr Freddy completes a decade of his ordained life as a Capuchin priest. Here's a short interview with him which brings to light his life and views. 

Can you please elaborate on your childhood, family, education etc?

I was born in Kedumbadi village of Vorkady parish.  We are five siblings. I am fortunate to be the 'middle one', as I have a sister and brother who are elder to me and another sister and brother who are younger to me. I was educated in my home town and after my initial education responded to the religious vocation and joined Capuchin order in 1986. After my basic training in Goa and Mangalore, I underwent my Philosophical studies in Bangalore and Theological studies in Mysore.  I was ordained a priest on December 20, 1998 at Sacred Heart Church, Vorkady. 

What inspired you to choose religious life?  How did you become a priest?  What advice would you give to someone considering to becoming a priest? 

With all my experiences in my priesthood, I feel that the priesthood is not meant for all.  I sense, it was God who wanted me to become His servant to serve His church. On my part I had no interest to become one of them.  But God was interested in me. That is my conviction.  I will be very happy if someone comes forward to become a priest.  But now it is a rare chance.  Now it is really a CALL.

May you shed a light on your life at seminary? Any particular event or situation which you will remember ever?

Seminary days were really nice.  We were well protected by our Rectors and Formators.  With our Ordination, we were thrown into real-life situations.  We had to learn to swim against the current.  But it is really a nice experience.  

Can you recollect what were your sentiments on the day of Ordination?

I was very happy to receive the Sacrament of Ordination.  It was witnessed by nearly 5000 people on a Sunday.  All were happy at home.  

Can you give us a brief account on various places you served after you were ordained? 

Immediately after the Ordination, I was sent to Farangipet near Mangalore to our training centre to help our Seminarians in their training process.  After six months, I was transferred to Bejai, Mangalore to train our Brothers.  At the completion of two years of service there, I was appointed as an Administrator of the Spirituality Training Centre (FISI) in Bangalore.  Again, after two years, I was assigned as a Director and Superior of the Seminarians in Potnal, Raichur, Karnataka.  After two and half years of service there, I was asked to board Dubai flight to take up the pastoral duties in the Parish.  It has indeed been an incredible and memorable journey so far.

What was your take on Dubai before you arrived here? Any specific recollection on the day of arrival or initial days in Dubai.  

I landed in Dubai on Thursday, so next day it was Friday and it was amazing to see the huge crowd.  For the first time, I was encountering the Filipino community in Dubai and I was not aware of their custom of receiving the blessing from the priest.  As I was passing by, after the nine O’clock mass, someone pulled my hand from the crowd.  When I turned and saw, I got shock of my life, as she was a Filipino girl pulling my hand.  But gently she placed my hand on her head and asked “Bless Me Father”.  

Please detail your life as Assistant Parish Priest in Dubai, like what do you do on your average day?     

The words are not enough to express my activities during the day.  Every moment is utilized without keeping any record.  As long as the Lord is there with me, I have no worries.  He will keep all the records.  

Well, only one thing I have decided is to put an additional counter in RTA for blessing the cars!!  Immediately after the registration, 'blessings' will follow. Since I have to pay heavy rent for the counter, there will also charges for the blessings and once the rent is covered every month, others will have free blessings!

Can you please narrate one or two funny instances that took place in your life?     

Oh! Life is full of fun.  During my studies in the seminary, one day our cook was not present. So I was asked to prepare the breakfast.  Instead of sugar, I prepared tea with salt and served everyone!  Funny thing was that everyone drank the tea without a complaint and congratulated me for the different taste in preparing the tea!  

Can you recount any memorable experience either of Dubai or India, which is still fresh in your memory?

I cannot forget even a single day in Dubai.  For the last 3 years, all my days are memorable ones, filled with new experiences and I am sure that one will not have these experiences if he/she lives in any other part of the world. My priesthood is being utilized to the maximum here.

Do you recall any difficult/grieving/depressed moment encountered in life?

There were so many difficult moments in my life.  But I was never depressed due to them.  Only it was very difficult to accept the death of my dad when I was in Australia.  Before leaving for Australia, I heard my inner voice speaking to me that dad will be called by God soon. Accordingly, I was in a dilemma as whether to take up the journey or not. So, I called my sister-in-law at home to enquire about my dad and she said that he was quite okay then.  All through my journey, I was thinking of it. On my way to Australia, my cellphone went off due to low battery. 

When I landed in Sydney there were no immediate facilities for us to make calls.  It took 3 days to call my home number.  On the day he passed away, I again heard my inner voice telling me that I would be receiving the message about his demise after the celebration of the mass.  Therefore, I did not switch off the mobile phone, but kept it on silent mode.  Immediately after the mass, as I was walking back to my residence, I took the mobile in my hand and saw that there was this message of my dad’s demise. Now, I did not know how to work out to reach for the funeral, since everything comes to a standstill by 5 pm in Australia. Eversince I had left Dubai, I could not eat properly.  Particularly on this night, I did not have anything, just thinking of reaching for the funeral. That whole night I did not even get sleep.  However, early in the morning, for a while, I got little sleep and saw a dream.  In this dream,  I was attending the funeral and my dad spoke from the coffin,  assuring  me to stay back in Australia for the rest of the programme and come back only after the completion.  That brought me little consolation.

Any future aspiration you want to fulfill? 

I do not have any future aspirations.  I take life as it comes and the rest, I leave in God's hands.
Your message to the readers/well-wishers? 

Be a follower of Christ for 24 hours in a day, 7 days in a week, 30 days in a month and 365 days in a year.

Now, some of one-liners for your response:

What are the finest things about being a priest?

There is only one fine thing is “The Priest is a Representative of Christ”

What are the difficult parts of being a priest?

Almost everything is difficult.  Only He has to take it easy.

Do people treat you differently because you are a priest?

Majority of them treat me as one among them and also some of them keep distance.

Who is your favourite Saint?

Padre Pio

What do you thing would happen if Jesus had been around today?

Everyone would have left the job and run to Him with the list of favours!

The person you desire to meet?

Only Jesus

The specific area of your interest (teaching / singing / preaching?)


The place you are yearning to visit?

Whole world is in the list!

One past incident you could change, if you were given an opportunity?

Response to the “CALL TO PRIESTHOOD”! 


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  • Peter DSouza, Andheri, Mumbai

    Tue, Dec 23 2008

    Congratulations to you Fr. Freddy Dsouza. Best wishes to remain forever as people's favourite pastor and God's loving disciple.

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  • Seema Rodrigues, Dubai

    Tue, Dec 23 2008

    Congratulations! Fr. Fred, God may always keep your charming smile on your face and grant you grace to serve His people. Best Regards.

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  • Mervin Fernandes, Mangalore/Dubai

    Tue, Dec 23 2008

    Congratulations Fr. Freddy DSouza. Your constant work and discipline in the Parish is outstanding. God bless all your future Endeavors. Daijiworld your concise interview is crisp and good.

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  • Michael , Al Quoz / Dubai

    Tue, Dec 23 2008

    Fr. Freddy congrats. We are happy to have you as a inspirational Spiritual Director to our JMJ prayer Group who brought great changes and success to the group.

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  • Maxim Suneetha Lobo, Karakal- Attur

    Mon, Dec 22 2008

    Dear Fr. Freddy, hearty congradulations. Dear Father i wish good luck,good health be yours to lead the flock of Jesus. I take this oppertunity to thank you for your prayers. You have blessed our new wishes from Maxim, Matilda, Melric

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  • Roshan Dsouza, DUBAI, UAE

    Mon, Dec 22 2008

    Father Freddy Congratualtions. Admire your attention and time to everyone who come to you. God bless you with same grace and good health forever.

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  • Oliver , Kadri, Dubai

    Mon, Dec 22 2008

    Dear Fr. Fredy, congratulations on your ordination anniversary. We are lucky to have you in Dubai Parish. The way always people flock around your office, my friends refer your office as 'Mhova Thatti' (Honeycomb]! God Bless you.

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  • Arun Lewis , Mangalore / Dubai

    Tue, Dec 23 2008

    Blessed wishes for the great day of your 10th anniversary of ordination. Prayers and wishes to continue your work with the same simplicity and zeal that you have been accomplishing.

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  • Roshan D'souza, Manglore / Mumbai - Kanjur Marg

    Tue, Dec 23 2008

    Dear Fr. Freddy/Peddy Dattu, Congratulations!!!! Congratulations to you Father freddy for this great years of service to the Lord.You are an inspiration, and a guiding star to all the world parish. We all pray & that Lord may shower his blessings on you to continue your mission. With lots of prayers, From all the members of D'souza Family . Maurice D'souza & Fly ,Felix D'souza & Fly ,Denis/Joseph D'souza & Fly,

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  • JAMES LOBO, Dubai/Siddakatte

    Sun, Dec 21 2008

    Congratulaltians Fr.freddy.for completing 10 years in service of god. James V. Lobo & Family

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  • Vincy Lewis , Dubai

    Mon, Dec 22 2008

    Congratulations Fr. Freddy, have a great celebration. May the Lord keep you always smiling and happy to bring happiness in the life of others. Wish you success to carry on your mission.

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  • Diana & Peter, Bangalore, India

    Sun, Dec 21 2008

    Dear Fr. Freddy, glad to know about your 10th ordination celebration. Congratulations. As you brought comfort and happiness in others life, pray that may Jesus bring happiness and ease in your life too.

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    Mon, Dec 22 2008


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  • Wilson , Paladka / Riyadh

    Mon, Dec 22 2008

    Congratulations to dear Fr.Freddy on completing his ten years in service to god . May god bless him with happiness and success in the years to come . Love From

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  • Ronald D'Souza, Palimar

    Mon, Dec 22 2008

    Congratulations to you Father freddy for this great years of service to the Lord.. May God Bless You. From Florine, Ronald, Franky, Steevan & Aasuntha

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  • Diana Sutari, Mumbai-Dubai

    Sun, Dec 21 2008

    Fr.Freddy, You are an inspiration in the Dubai Church. May God bless you and give you the strenght and courage to spread his good news to the world.

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  • Lydia Correia, Dubai

    Sun, Dec 21 2008

    Dear Fr. Freddy, Congratulations on completing 10 fruitful years in priesthood. May the Almighty Lord Jesus with the Holy Spirit bless and protect you and strengthen you always . May Mama Mary keep you always Smiling and Happy. With Prays and best wishes, From Lydia and family.

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  • Lavina, Pangla/Dubai

    Sun, Dec 21 2008

    Dear Father Freddy, 10th Anniversary blessed wishes to you. With your warmth, care and smile, you have won the hearts of many people, especially children. Congratulations once again!

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  • Reena Crasta, Dubai - UAE

    Sun, Dec 21 2008

    Congratulations on completing a decade of dedicated service of God. You have touched many lives with your simplicity and frankness, may the Lord bless you to continue to do so.

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  • Roshan Dias, Dubai

    Sun, Dec 21 2008

    Hello Fr. Freddy, happy to congratulate a wonderful priest like you. Your easy and accommodating nature has made you distinctive. May God bless you to reach out to many more in future too. Nice interview Daijiworld.

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  • Jerome Sequiera, Sonapur, Dubai

    Sun, Dec 21 2008

    Fr. Freddy congratulations. May God bless you, your family and loved ones. Thank you.

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  • Joel, Dubai/UAE

    Sun, Dec 21 2008

    Congratulations dear Fr. Freddy DSouza and wish you success for your future service of God. Thank you for being kind to the children of Dubai Church and we love you Father.

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  • Leena DSouza, Dubai

    Sun, Dec 21 2008

    Dear Fr. Freddy congrats and heartfelt wishes for the great day.You have made a great difference in St. Mary's Parish with your kindness and assistance. You are people's favourite simple pastor. Blessings and best wishes always.

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  • Naveen Monteiro, MANGALORE/DUBAI

    Sun, Dec 21 2008

    Dear Fr, Feddy Congratulations, Sincerely thnk u For your examplary life, and for all that u have done to me, May the God Bless your Future ministry,

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  • Mangalore Konkans Dubai, Dubai

    Sun, Dec 21 2008

    Dear Fr. Freddy, Congratulations on completing 10 years of priestly service. It is really a great service to God and society. We are very fortunate to have a kind and loving priest like you amongst us. We pray to God that he may bless you with good health, to serve the community for many more years. President and Members Mangalore Konkans Dubai

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  • Agnel D'Silva, Katapadi Konkans - UAE

    Sun, Dec 21 2008

    Congratulations Dear Fr. Freddy on completion of 10 years of service to god and his kingdoom. it is  valuable and we pray it will grow more and more in the years to come. We wish you all the best. May our mother mary protect you guide you to serve our comunity. Katapadi Konkans - UAE

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  • Peter Lobo, Al Quoz/Dubai

    Sun, Dec 21 2008

    Dear Fr. Freddy, happy to wish you on completing 10 years of God's work. I always attend your konkani mass, which keeps alive memories of my hometown. Thanks for your dedicated service to Dubai Konkani Community.

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  • Ivan Dsouza, Dubai

    Sun, Dec 21 2008

    CONGRATS FR. FREDDY. You are true inspiration to those who want to serve God and do Lord’s work, being simple, honest and straight forward. Tried your new tea recipe, its awful!!

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  • Richard DSouza , Mangalore/Dubai

    Sat, Dec 20 2008

    Congratualtions Fr. Freddy completing glorious 10 years of God's service. May God give you strength and His blessings to continue the great work.

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  • Alwyn DSouza , Dubai

    Sat, Dec 20 2008

    Fr. Freddy, wishes for completing 10 years of ordained life. May Jesus walk with you always. Remember your warm and down to earth nature. Pray that we may have many more priests like you.

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  • Nixon George , Dubai, UAE

    Sat, Dec 20 2008

    Fr. Freddy congratulations and Lord's blessings always be with you. You are great with your approachable nature and simplicity. Thanks Daiji for the nice interview.

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  • Ryan Fernandes , Surathkal, Abu Dhabi

    Sat, Dec 20 2008

    Hi Fr. Fred, I don’t know whether you remember me, I met you once in Abu Dhabi and indeed your infectious smile and friendly nature drew my attention. You are really a people's priest. Congratulations and keep smiling to inspire others. Good work Jerina Lewis.

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  • Dr.Fernandes H.R., Mangalore

    Sat, Dec 20 2008

    May God bless you and keep amidsts us in the vineyard of God in Dubai to carry on the mission.Congratulations.

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  • Alex Thomas , Kerala / Dubai

    Sat, Dec 20 2008

    On completion of 10 years in serving God's vineyard, we congratulate you Dear Father. You have been giving wonderful service to our Dubai Parish, specially your love and care for the children in Catechism and Altar Servers is noteworthy. God bless you in hundred folds.

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  • Christopher , Shirva/Jebel Ali

    Sat, Dec 20 2008

    God Bless you Fr. Freddy. Congratulations. We are thankful to God for granting your service to us. May God keep you ever smiling and happy. Thanks Lewis, appropriate article for the occasion.

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  • Hemacharya, Dubai

    Sat, Dec 20 2008

    Congratulations Fr. Freddy. You are a true freind, a capable leader and a committed servant of Jesus Christ. Keep up your smile and good work. Best of wishes to take you ahead towards your 25th year in the Service of God. Hemacharya, on behalf of members of Daiji Dubai and Daiji Rang Mandir

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  • capton combo, mangalore

    Sat, Dec 20 2008

    Congratulations Fr. Freddy. for completing 10 years in the service of God with the new hair and the smilefull servece.

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  • Fr. Clayton Fernandes OFM Cap, Rome

    Sun, Dec 21 2008

    Dear Fr. Frederick, God has indeed blessed you with a wonderful attitude. 10 years of Priestly Life is a remarkable milestone already. Better things still await you. Be the same straight-forward person you've always been. The Church needs pastors like you today! I really appreciate your service to the Konkani speaking community in particular and the parish community at St. Mary's. God Bless & Ad Multos Annos!

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  • Fr. Joel Rosario, Mangalore, Rome

    Sun, Dec 21 2008

    Dear Freddy, congratulations as you have successfully completed 10 years as priest in the service of the Lord and his people. May you continue to inspire people and draw them closer to God through your priestly ministry.

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  • Prakash Rebello, anagally,Kundapur/ Dubai

    Sun, Dec 21 2008

    Dear Fr. Freddy, Congratulations on completing 10 years in priesthood. Really we are fortunate to have a kind and loving priest amongst us we pray to God that he may bless you with good health, to serve the community for many more years to come.

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  • Henry Vas, New york

    Sun, Dec 21 2008

    Bloom where you are planted.Congratulations and God bless you.

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  • LANCY NORONHA, Bellore/Dubai

    Sun, Dec 21 2008

    Congratulations dear Fr. Freddy! for completing 10 years of service in God's vineyard. It is really a great service to God and the society.we are lucky to have you as our JMJ's spiritual director. May the Almighty Lord bless and protect you and strengthen you to render service to the community. Hearty congatulations!!!!

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  • Sr. Lenita D'Souza UFS, Nympha Sadan, Bolar, Mangalore

    Sat, Dec 20 2008

    Congratulations Fr. Freddy for successfully completing 10 years of priesthood in the Capuchin Order. May more and more people may reach Jesus through you.

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  • Albert Lewis, Bangalore

    Sun, Dec 21 2008

    Dear Fr. Freddy, Congratulations to you on the Decennial Celebration of your Priesthood. May God bless you abundantly in the years to come.

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  • Vinod Pinto, Mangalore/Jebel Ali

    Sun, Dec 21 2008

    Hello Fr. Freddy, congrats to you on this great day of yours. Attended your Konkani mass in Jebel Ali few times and nice to hear you in our pure mangalorean accent. May Jesus keep you humble and smiling forever. God Bless you.

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  • Joel Rodrigues , Doha Qatar

    Sun, Dec 21 2008

    Blessed wishes to you Fr. Freddy. You have been quite familiar on the websites and it is nice to know about you. Thanks Lewis.

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  • prasanna kumar, dubai

    Sun, Dec 21 2008

    Congratulaltians Fr.freddy.for completing 10 years in service of god.

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  • Anitha Moraes, Andheri, Mumbai

    Sat, Dec 20 2008

    Congrats Fr. Freddy on this blessed day. It was indeed a call from Jesus to serve His people. May He always lead and bless you. Straightforward questions and your witty replies make interesting reading.

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  • Rocky Corda, Goa, India

    Sun, Dec 21 2008

    Dear Fr. Dsouza, Congratulations. May the Lord always bless you and be with you. It was heart rending  to read about your ordeal during your Dad’s death. Great and simple article, really appreciated your honest answers.

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  • Rosaline Fernandes , Goa/Abu Dhabi

    Sun, Dec 21 2008

    Fr. Freddy D'Souza, wish you God's abundant blessings on this special day of yours. Good interview.

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  • Thomas A., Amsterdam

    Sun, Dec 21 2008

    Congrats Father Freddy. Pray to God that we may have more priests like you. Wish you all the best.

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  • fr.bona marcel ofmcap, bangalore

    Sun, Dec 21 2008

    Congratulations to you Fr. Freddy. May God continue to bless you to be a man of God for others.

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  • vincy vorkady, dubai

    Sat, Dec 20 2008

    CONGRATULATIONS,Fr,Freddy being Completing 10 Years in the Service of GOD.May GOD Bless You with Good Health and shower his Blessing upon you & your Family.

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  • Bosco Rodrigues, Goa/Dubai

    Sun, Dec 21 2008

    Dear Fr. Freddy,Congratulations and may the Lord always bless you to serve Him. Nice humarous interview. Good work Ms. Lewis.

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  • Anita Dsouza, Taccode/Mumbai

    Sun, Dec 21 2008

    Congratulations dear Fr. Freddie. May God Bless you!!!

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    Sat, Dec 20 2008

    Congradulations Fr. Freddy for completing 10 years in the service of God. May God Bless you

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  • Alban D' Souza, Udyavara

    Sat, Dec 20 2008

    Congratulations dear Fr. Freddy!for completing 10 eyars of service in Gody's vineyard. It is really a great service to God and the society. Your preaching is indeed an inspiration and very accurate to the present day world and interestign with wisdom from the Gospel. May God bless you and shower His blessing upon you and your Family and the people of Dubai parish for which you are currently serving. Good and great job. Good luck for the future.

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  • Famad Pernal Kuttom, pernal/dubai

    Sat, Dec 20 2008

    Dear Fr. Freddy, Congratulations!!!! You are an inspiration, and a guiding star to all the zamaths & organisations in the dubai parish. We thank you for your service to the community & pray that Lord may shower his blessings on you to continue your mission. With lots of prayers, The President & all the members of Famad Pernal Kuttom.

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  • Mark Denis D'souza, Niddodi/Sharjah,U.A.E.

    Sat, Dec 20 2008

    Dear Fr.Freddy Hearty congatulations on your Friest hood 10th anniversary, may Good Lord always gauid you gaurd you and fill you with wisdom,courage to serve mankind. Mark Denis D'souza & Family.

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  • Mark Denis D'souza, Niddodi/Sharjah,U.A.E.

    Sat, Dec 20 2008

    Dear Fr.Freddy Hearty congatulations on your Friest hood 10th anniversary, may Good Lord always gauid you gaurd you and fill you with wisdom,courage to serve mankind. Mark Denis D'souza & Family.

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    Sat, Dec 20 2008

    Congratulations to you Father freddy for this great years of service to the Lord I have seen you when you first came to Dubai and the way you have moulded your self with the hearts of little children during the cathecism mass I wish you all the very best

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  • Reny Fernandes, Mudarangadi/Dubai.

    Sat, Dec 20 2008

    Congratulations Fe Freddy.Wishes from Reny, ASha,Rean & Regan.

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  • prakash Leema, Bhatkal / Dubai

    Sat, Dec 20 2008

    Congratulation dear Fr. Freddy. Really we are lucky to have you as our parish priest as well as our JMJ's spiritual director.

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  • vijay roshan dsouza, sharjah

    Sat, Dec 20 2008

    CONGRULATION .. Fr.Freddy ... May god bless you...with prayers ....

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  • Clement Cardoza, Kelmbet, Dubai

    Sat, Dec 20 2008

    Congratulations Dear Fr. Freddy, and prayerful wishes for many more such anniversaries, to serve Gods chosen flock.

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  • Alex Lewis, Dubai

    Sat, Dec 20 2008

    Congratulations Dear Fr. Freddy. for completing 10 years in the service of God. May the Almighty God bless you with many more wonderful years in his service here in St. Mary's, Dubai.

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  • Joseph Michael Brax, Bajpe/Bangalore

    Sat, Dec 20 2008

    Congratulations Fr. Freddy on completion of 10 years of priesthood. I still remember those days at FISI when I was working there. Now I am at Darshan College.

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    Sat, Dec 20 2008

    Congratulations Father, on completing a decade in the service of the Lord , and 3 years in Dubai.You have made made a difference with your humble approach & Zeal in all the ministries / sodalities as a spiritual director , notably the Altar servers sodality , which has grown leaps & bounds. May GOD continue to Bless you & use you for greater things in the days to come. Thanks Jerina for the excellent interview.

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  • Lavina Jossy Pinto, Mangalore/Dubai

    Sat, Dec 20 2008

    Dear Fr. Freddy, Congratulations on completing 10 fruitful years in priesthood. May the Almighty Lord bless and protect you and strengthen you to render service to the community. Prayerful wishes from : Jossy, Lavina, Jovin & Joel

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    Sat, Dec 20 2008


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  • Anil Pinto, Puttur/Sharjah

    Sat, Dec 20 2008

    Congratulations Fr.Freddy.for completing 10 years in the service of God.

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  • John M. Monteiro, Mangalore/Jebel Ali, UAE

    Fri, Dec 19 2008

    CONGRATS, Fr. Freddy, it appears more than 3 years in Dubai as we all know your contributions to the Parishes all over UAE and in particularly to Jebel Ali. We thank you for celebrating Konkani Mass every month in Jebel Ali. May the Almighty Lord bless you with many more years in His serice. John M. Monteiro, President, JAKC, Jebel Ali

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  • DAD - Dony, Asha, Deona, pernal/dubai

    Fri, Dec 19 2008

    Dear Fr. Freddy, Congratulations on completing 10 fruitful years in priesthood. While we are fortunate to have a kind and loving priest amongst us we pray to God that he may bless you with good health, to serve the community for many more years to come. With Best wishes, Dony, Asha & Deona Correa

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  • Harry D'Souza, Mangalore/Ann Arbor, USA

    Fri, Dec 19 2008

    Congratulations Fr. Freddy. I wish you all the very best. You are true inspiration. I read your entire interview. I am happy to see such devotion and yes, I'll try to make tea with salt. Why not? All the very best, and many happy decades of success in the name of Jesus Christ to you.

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  • Marina Menezes, Vittal/Dubai

    Fri, Dec 19 2008


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  • oliver, Bangalore/Dubai

    Fri, Dec 19 2008

    Congratulations Fr. Freddy. for completing 10 years in the service of God

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    Fri, Dec 19 2008

    Congratulations Fr. Freddy for completing successfull 10 years in the service of God and 3 years in Dubai St.Mary's Church.You have become very popular not only among the Konkan community, but in the whole parish. May the Almighty God shower his blessings on you to keep up the good work, may you have many more years to come. Appriciate Mrs. Zarina for taking an initiative to interview Fr.Freddy, Thank you very much. Norbert Sequeira Ferar, Dubai.

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  • William Mascarenhas, Moodbidri/ Dubai

    Fri, Dec 19 2008

    Congratulations Fr. Freddy. for completing 10 years in the service of God.

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  • don, katapady

    Fri, Dec 19 2008

    Tx Jerina for providing the detail info on Fr. Freddy. Congrats Fr. for serving the community & making a great sacrifice.

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    Fri, Dec 19 2008

    Congratulaltions Fr.Freddy being completing 10years of service to the lord. May god bless you...with prayers

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