Chennai, Jan 12 (IANS): Tamil Nadu Chief Minister K. Palaniswami on Saturday said the allegations made against him in a video released by a former journalist were totally false and suspected to have been politically backed and motivated.
Speaking to the media here, Palaniswami said a case has been registered over the allegations which linked him to a robbery that took place in Kodanad Estate, belonging to late Chief Minister J. Jayalalithaa, in April 2017.
The video was released on Friday by Samuel Mathews, a former Tehelka journalist.
It featured two accused in the robbery case-- Sayan and Manoj.
According to Palaniswami, 10 persons have been arrested in connection with the case and they have appeared in court 22 times.
The robbery case is coming up for hearing on February 2.
Referring to the allegations made in the video that said Jayalalithaa had obtained some documents from party officials and the accused had gone there to take them, Palaniswami termed that as false.
Palaniswami said spineless people who are not able to face him and the AIADMK politically are resorting to such cowardly tactics.