Mangalore: Hindu Yuva Sena Demands an End to Pub Culture

Mangalore: Hindu Yuva Sena Demands an End to Pub Culture

Pics: Prajwal Ukkuda 
Daijiworld Media Network - Mangalore (RS/CN)

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Mangalore, Feb 2: The Hindu Yuva Sena demanded that the pub culture be brought to an end as it is not Indian culture.

Hindu Yuva Sena activists were protesting in front of the deputy commissioner’s (DC)  office and  demanded that the government ban pubs and save Indian culture.

Hanumanth Kamath of the Sena said that it was natural to be hurt when a foreign culture takes over one’s own culture, which one loves most. 

Indians fought the British and got them to leave India, but now a foreign culture is again occupying us. We should protest against this pub culture, said Akshatha, a student leader. 

If a woman, who is the mainstay of her family, spends her time in pubs and other such activities, her family will suffer. Her children will have no one to guide them and they will turn into bad citizens, she added.

Activists from the Sena also held a rally prior to the protest.

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Daijiworld Follow-up:

  • ABVP's Demand - Watch Video - Click Here
  • Attack on Pub - Watch Video Click Here
  • Arrest of Prasad Attavar - Watch Video
  • Watch NDTV News Clip - Click Here
  • Arrest of Mutalik - Watch Video- Click Here

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    • taurojohn, mangalore

      Thu, Apr 16 2009

      I am sorry, I think we are forgetting our culture,of wearing mundu,doti,rumal and dowry cockfight, beedi,tadi,and arrack and many childrens.   We must fight to bring it back. back.

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    • Abu Omer, Mangalor/Dubai

      Thu, Feb 05 2009

      I totally agree with Hindu Yuva sena, Pub culture is not ours... Ours is ARRACK SHOP  culture and  BEATING women Culture.....

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    • RANJITH SHETTY, Ambalpady

      Wed, Feb 04 2009

      Does Rama sane or Hindu sene know what is pub culture? Drinking in bar or drinking in hotel the same. They should ban everything if they have guts... current BJP government should take action against those involved , other wise they will not get votes again

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    • Francis, Moodabidri/Sharjah

      Wed, Feb 04 2009

      Wearing mini skirts, , fashion show, , miss india, miss universe,  wearing suites, pants are our culture but only pub is not our culture !! Why our so called culture saviors do not wear  kurtha, dothi and mundu ?

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    • rizwan, mangalore/dubai

      Wed, Feb 04 2009

      I do not understand as to how many SENES we have to live with in the coming generations. Rama Sene, Hindu Yuva Sene, Bhanjrang Dal, MNS of Raj Thackrey, Shiva Sena, RAVANA SENE...... so on. Almighty God, please have mercy on us and save us from these sene.

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    • Jerome, Mangalore

      Wed, Feb 04 2009

      Banning liquor is right. Even Gandhiji was for it.Unfortunatly our polititians are against it.

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    • Charles D'Mello, Pangala

      Wed, Feb 04 2009

      I fail to understand what is Pub Culture. The beer bars and Bar and restaurants were there in existence since long and now why we object ??? Mere closure of some pubs will not solve the problem of consumption of Alcohol or Beer by youngsters. If At all we are so much interested to preserve the culture, stop production and sale of alcohol. Can anybody do that ??? Does our government is ready for that ??? Drugs are sold freely at almost all colleges since I graduated ( Almost 22 years) has anybody taken steps to stop that ???

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    • mahendra shetty, mangalore

      Wed, Feb 04 2009

      Our culture, zindabad. Ram sene, Zindabad. Beating women, Zindabad???

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    • Rahul, Mangalore/Dubai

      Wed, Feb 04 2009

      First of all i just wana ask if every one in sena is planing to ban western culture pub etc then why did they allowed aishwarya rai to wear bikini and also when she won miss world why did they welcome in such a nice gesture in mangalore when she is Hindu is that a special Indian culture where she made us proud

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    • Vasanth Kumar, Dubai

      Wed, Feb 04 2009

      Mr Asru Bajpe, Yes right. Hindu Yuva Sene demands end to pub culture. They want to continue with the existing culture i.e. Muppa and Ajpa peg with Goti soda.

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    • Lancelot N. Tauro, Manglore - Doha qatar

      Wed, Feb 04 2009

      Unemployment, lack of descipline root cause to youngsters fall on the street now and then.

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    • vinod rao, mangalore

      Wed, Feb 04 2009

      Down with pub culture. Keep it up Ram Sena. We are all with you for Gadang culture. We have support for our Gadang culture from all people. Long liv our gadang culture.

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    • Sunita, Tirupati

      Wed, Feb 04 2009

      Rama sene? Bima sene, vanara sene That was old time story now modern sene in force that is called TV Cars Education Saloons Alchol Cigarrets Aeroplanes Bike s for every lad all this is society. No limits and forbiddance can be opted, those who opt restrictions on society will loose the power in politics for sure.

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    • Shreelatha, Mysore

      Wed, Feb 04 2009

      So what if pub culture is not Indian culture? All those who are opposed to it are exposing their own insecurity stemming from lack of education and unemployment. There is no rule that what is not Indian culture cannot be practiced. When western countries have begun to embrace Indian culture why cant we be open to them? These people are just hypocrites with idle minds and idle hands that itch only to hurt another.

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    • Felix F., India/ME

      Tue, Feb 03 2009

      Alwin B.C.roads comments, not only makes sense, but incites laughter as well.Which everyone needs badly. If the Hindu Yuva sena knows, that the End of Pub culture means "GADANG BANDH" as well, there will be not a single sena activist left to protest.

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    • asru bajpe, bajpe

      Tue, Feb 03 2009

      hindu yuva sena demands an end to pub culture right

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    • Hariprasad, mangalore

      Tue, Feb 03 2009

      i would like to ask these insects what is indian culture?

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    • thinker, bangalore

      Tue, Feb 03 2009

      its great Mr Harish you are really a proud Hindu i appreciate your guts and confidence hope our all respected Hindu brothers will come forward and thrash these goondas on road .Lets get some GANGAJAL

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    • Sherman , Mangalore

      Tue, Feb 03 2009

      start wearing dhotis and lungis and get rid of those western T-shirts and jeans before you condemn pub culture. All this crap about pub culture is just a misguided and wasted youth acting on behalf of a bunch of retarded political junkies!

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      Tue, Feb 03 2009


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    • Ronald, Udupi

      Tue, Feb 03 2009

      Louis C, Mangalore / UAE. Your comments are fantastic. Mindless Sens and Muthaliks should read it without fail. I pity, they are uneducated, they will not understand this kind of good thinking and logic. After protest, many will be heading for a bar.

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    • George Cruz, Mangalore/USA

      Tue, Feb 03 2009

      India is mosaic of various relegions/cultures for thousands of years. There are good things and not so good things in every culture. We should accept good things from western culture, e.g., technology, language, hardwork, etc. At the same time we should reject the not so good things from the west, e.g., pub culture, smoking, etc. The younger generation should make a clear distinction between the two and should be responsible and productive citizens of India.

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    • Narayana, Mangaluru

      Tue, Feb 03 2009

      Pub culture is not only the foreign culture, wearing pant and shirt, auto mobile, TV, radio, Internet, computer, telephone, radio, nuclear technology, electricity, printing press, gun, satellite, air craft industry. So if you want to Change the culture change it completely. If you don't want to change the culture completely to the Indian culture mind your own business. Before getting down to the road against foreign culture wear proper Indian dress (dhothi). Wearing pant and shirt is foreign culture. wearing foreign dress and protesting against foreign culture is funny

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    • Rolphy Almeida, Udupi/Bangalore

      Tue, Feb 03 2009

      I will not be surprised if someday this illiterate bunch takes over and rule us with their ancient ideology. It is understandable that the victims (women beaten in the pub) would not come forward to lodge a complaint. The only way is some one from Mangalore can file PIL against their activities.

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    • Narayana, Mangalore

      Tue, Feb 03 2009

      Where are the international channel national channels like NDTV? Are they blind to report these news items in their programmes.? We remember Gandhiji only on two dates, viz.02nd oct and 30th Jan.!! Wish all the noble thoughts preach by our leaders practice daily at least in their personal lives India will be a better place to live in

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    • nitin, Pangla/b'lore

      Wed, Feb 04 2009

      I HYS activists so concerned abt Indian culture, why they wearing Pant and shirt instead of khadi or kurtha? all things are looking like bogus . I think they don't hv any better job to do!

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    • Pais, Mangalore

      Wed, Feb 04 2009

      What a waste of time by a bunch of Jokers..

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    • MAHENDRA SHETTY, manglore,mumbai dubai

      Tue, Feb 03 2009

      These people have no work,making these type of nonsenses.Karnataka govt ban this type of groups.If you want to do good work please take the example of Veerendra heggade what he did in BELTANGADY N DARMASTALA.JAI HIND.

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    • Najam Batrekere, Bajpe

      Tue, Feb 03 2009

      Intentions seem good but approach is disgusting. Have to accept the truth / reality even if its from is Senea, Dal BJP or Satan !! Accept the reality. Women is future of mankind, in the name of freedom do not exploit women ! Anybody listening. ?

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    • ramesh shetty, doha/Mangalore

      Tue, Feb 03 2009

      It is time peace loving people come in great numbers to the streets and stop this Sena before it is too late. Someone should take the lead and a lot will follow.

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      Tue, Feb 03 2009


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    • Roby, Mangalore

      Tue, Feb 03 2009

      If we completely stop alcohol drinking culture, then these sorts of protests will not occur again. The intention of protest is either to have a sip of alcohol before or after the protest.

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    • Melwyn- Vogga, Mangalore

      Tue, Feb 03 2009

      According to sena .. Women cannot go to pubs Men can drink and fall on roads .. Men can dink and women can dance for the alcholic tunes of Men . Mr .Manohar Kamath got it right .. sena please follow what Mr. Kamath commented here

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    • Sunita, Bombay/Dubai

      Tue, Feb 03 2009

      Its basically 'Idle mind is the devil's workshop'. These kind of people (be it of any religion, Sena/Taliban or Terrorist)do not have a conscience so they think they can do or say whatever they want. (With the backing of some vested politicians) We got Independence through Mahatma Gandhiji by non-violence. How much of that true Indian culture do you show in your actions. You talk about end to western dress code and end to pub culture (good). But are these people who do not drink and beat their women folk

      Are these people who do not attack women (molest/rape) who are fully clothed (wicked mentality)...??? How much do they help the poor or for a good cause (and if anyone does they called it forceful conversion). What are they doing (not using force). How come only Ramayan and Mahabarat is being telecast on TV, why not the Bible or Quran (They say news channels are anti-Hindu, why cant they say the reverse...b'cos the news channel potray the facts)

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    • Alwin, B.C. Road

      Tue, Feb 03 2009

      It is just show of strength by so called sena to benefit their own agenda. I don't feel the people who are gathered there are aware of what is pub? or what is western culture?. Of Course one can understand if Sena talk about "GADANG BANDH" or "THOTTE BANDH". I am sure SENA won't do that because if that is the case then these people would not have come to this protest.

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    • pradeep, mangalore

      Tue, Feb 03 2009

      Can anyone define what do you mean by pub culture?? Ok, lets make a list and destroy whole of non indian culture:

      1. Stope wearing western outfits like pants and t-shirts: lets follow dhoti, saree and other regional outfits. 2. Stop watching hollywood movies. Ban all channels showing western culture. 3. Stop playing cricket (as this is a British players game). Stop sending Sania and Bhupathi to tennis who made India proud. Let us start playing kabbadi, indian wrestling, Kho Kho, marble games, carrom. 4. Stop eating pizzas and KFC's 5. Stop bars, discotheques and smoking ciggaretes and start toddy bars, smoking beedies (this is Indian culture) 6. Destroy all religious worship places showing nude diaties (I beleive these have come from western culture and encrytpted by Indians) 7. Stop using Internet as we dont have control on stopping western websites pop up on screen when we click. 8. Stop using english language in schools and colleges. let us have arts, commerce and science taught in local language including numerals. 9. and many more.... 10. To end, let us start beating and robbing others (I beleive these have come from Senas - protector of Indian culture) Hey, Afghanistan is in making !!

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    • Ronald, India

      Tue, Feb 03 2009

      If we are talking about anything like culture with regard to the ancestors of the entire population which was inside the geographical limits of India in the historical past, say 1000 years ago, what was it ? What does recorded HISTORY tell us ? If a seemingly endless avalanche of invaders, among whom the two major ones that finally encouraged Babar to have a go at India, are Ghori Mohammad and Ghazni Mohammad. Around that time, DISCORD, DISUNITY and endlessly reverberating FEUDS dominated our region.

      That was our culture if at all. We like to bicker among ourselves, so others can come and loot and pillage and finally overpower and rule us, and then, divide us some more ! true is the saying: “Vinaasasha Kaalakke Vipareetha Budhdhi”. [NOTE: Ghazni Mohd. sampled the treasures of the Somnaath Temple in Gujarat, liked the taste of the booty went back and returned,.. looted,.. went back ….this he did some 17 times, because he could only loot so much each time !!! Need I say more ? ] . Earlier it was the Greeks in the time of Alexander (Al-Sikander), and later, it was others: Turks, Afghans, Huns, Moghuls, Dutch, Portuguese, French, English who tried to attack or come to India to take spoil, to conquer and rule, or to further divide and rule a complex mixture of people -the so-called Indians ? Only strong kings like some of the Mauryas, and the Moghuls, and colonialists mainly British held most or the whole mixed populace together as a Nation.

      Except under strong Monarchic or Colonialist rule (or Dictator ?) we don’t behave as a unit always feuding and divided, inviting foreign invaders or internal Hara-Keri. That is Indian Culture folks !!

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    • Walter Saldanha, Mangalore, India

      Tue, Feb 03 2009

      Manohar kamath< udupi is right. Our food and dress too are our part of our culture. In India there are so many cultures, which one will we follow now? If we follow the culture of one place then others will not accept it. Our movements will be restricted. There will be a civil war due to cultures. Regionalism will be the bone of contention. I know one greatest culture of India that is tolerance. India is unique because of this. North, South, East or West India was known for this till the selfish people for power destroyed this culture. Sandeep is right. Satyamev Jayate.

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    • Louis c., Mangalore/U.A.E.

      Tue, Feb 03 2009

      The parents or brothers and sisters of most of these protesters are in western countries and these people live with their income directly or indirectly. They(those who are outside India) speak western language to live and feed these people. Our govt. did not provide proper employment to them. So they went out of India in search of ROTI, KAPDA AUR MAKAN. Whatever excess they save is coming to India (foreign exchange) Our law books are in western language. Education in English. How many people from this group can read the bus no. if written in Kannada ? Advanced medical equipments are coming from western countries with western people to operate and teach our staff. Would you like to put restrictions to these people life style? Or you do not want western machinery to come to your town ? You want western tourists in your city to generate income. You want his money not the tourist. You want to repalce AK-47 with bow and arrow. I also do not like a poor person or middle income class person visit a pub and loose everything in the name of prestige issue. meantime I do not want to loose a rich person from Mangalore to stay in some other city where he gets his life style without restrictions. So many multinational co.s are planning to open their branchs in Mangalore. It means development, employment. Why you people axe your own legs. Control is better than vanish. Can our youths go to some other city to see fashion show and spend their money in that city ? Or you put restrictions on youths not to go to that city ? "Kill the snake without damaging the stick" Learn how to control. Do not destroy.

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    • sanjay, mangalore

      Tue, Feb 03 2009

      why the people doesnt know anything, why people are behind religion,why this hindu sena is required, what is the use of police force..i hate manglorean people

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    • Srinivas, Mangalore

      Tue, Feb 03 2009

      lot of people are mentioning about Harish mangalore's comments .. but i cannot find it here .. Dear Daiji editor, please repost the same if you have d it.. we need not fear anyone .. freedom of speech !!

      [Dear Srinivas, please click 'NEXT COMMENTS' option below and find remaining comments]

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    • Arjun, Mangalore

      Tue, Feb 03 2009

      Well done Hindu Yuva Sena....Now i have proud to say that I AM HINDU...Well done and Great Job by Hindu Yuva Sena...Keep it Up ...Jai Sri Ram.

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    • Faustine Lobo, Mangalore

      Tue, Feb 03 2009

      Where is the world heading to? They don't want the pubs, then why do they want to have bars and liquor shops?!!!!!!!!! Why don't they campaign for stopping the habit of drinking of alcohol at all!!! How many of them do not drink, in the first place?!!!! How many of these so called protectors of the Culture of the country follow it to its letter? Are they not using this pretext for their convenience?! The misguided youth, all of them were wearing pants and shirts instead of Indian traditional dresses on that day when they attacked the girls. They are ashamed of wearing the panche or dhotra and jubba!!!!!!!!!!! To whom are they teaching what they are not practicing?!!!

      The leader in his speech says that women are supposed to be bringing up children remaining at home. In which age is he living?!!! Does he know that the husband also has equal responsibility to look after the children??? Then why doesn't he propagate the principle of men remaining at home?! I only appeal to these boys to open their eyes and see that the world is beautiful and developing today because of the major contribution of women to the society. Let us start respecting the women for their contribution to the society which is higher and greater than what men do. Let us be gender sensitive and allow every individual person to live happily. For heaven's sake, 'Live and let live'.

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    • Ronald, Udupi

      Tue, Feb 03 2009

      Shocked see the protesters and their agenda. Everyone knows that pub attackers are social misfits. How can they go so low on politics and to lure vote bank? Also protest against all Manglorians going abroad for jobs. They are mixing with foreign culture. Why are they protesting Times Now? For showing Goonda Culture to the world? This outfit is not for any good of the ciuntry!

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    • Omprakash , Mangalore, India

      Tue, Feb 03 2009

      Why Hindu Yuva sene is against young Hindu girls? All the while suppressing Hindu women, and making them to look after children, cooking and being a housewife as she is married to the four walls of a house? Woman is a machine without feelings, emotions, always has to deliver goods for the welfare of men. No freedom for women because they are females, they cannot be equal to men because they are females. Is this what you want to say? When the women of other religion can be in this modern age as per the need of the time, why not our Hindu women? Are we again going back to 'Sati' 'Purdah' 'Child marriage' and 'female infanticide'? Of course that too was our part of culture once. I donot think that media had the time to know the religion or the political affiliation of the women beaten up, molested at the pub. Still we do not know whether these Victims belong to BJP or Congress? When you lament that these news channels belong to Congress, Do you mean to say that other News Channels are for BJP? News Channels are not biased and do not belong to any party.

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    • Shareef Moideen, Mangalore/ Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

      Tue, Feb 03 2009

      I have strong feeling that Mangalore is ruled by Talibans, wearing minis or pub culture is individual choice. Let me ask these demonstrators how many of them fantasize Mallika Sherwat or other sultriest actresses in Indian cinema.

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    • RD prabhu, mangalore

      Tue, Feb 03 2009

      Just look at the people protesting for this movement. None of them appear to have seen the stairs of any school or office. All unemployed and jobless people just doing justice to time wasting tactics dancing to the tunes of corrupt political parties elected by Mangaloreans. This is once again the outcome of educated people like us not voting or being away from Mangalore calling ourself proud mangaloreans helpless in protecting unhurting and defenceless women.

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    • Prem, Mangalore

      Tue, Feb 03 2009

      Its looks like these guys wants to end pub culture and wants to open GADANG all over mangalore

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    • Sandeep, Mangalore/ Chennai

      Tue, Feb 03 2009

      Dear readers, The photos and videos are very shocking. I am really hurt and distrubed to see my city 'Mangalore' being hurt and injured time and again with all the wrong reasons. The most shocking and the sad part of this incident is that the one's who are protesting (as seen in the pictures) seem to have misunderstood or have no idea about indian culture.

      They seem to have understood it in interms of its external appearance and have forgotten the main aspect that the indian culture is a 'culture of peace and tolerance'. The so called protector of indian culture and hertiage should not forget that indian culture is a culture of peace. Moreover the irony is that they themselves are seen wearing western outfits (dress) and are protesting against western culture and tradtion. Can they be considered as genuine and true? Mangalore has been a peaceful city for years and readers have an important role to ponder over and rethink over such incidents Are we really protecting out culture and heritage or by such incidents are we trying to distroy, shatter and break our culture that is rooted in Peace and love.

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    • manohar kamath, udupi

      Tue, Feb 03 2009

      Definitely we need to end the pub culture - not just for women but also for men.

      2. Pant and shirt is not Indian culture ours is either "Kashti" or "naked". Let the useless sena begin wearing that.

      3. Attacking others, weak, unarmed, and women is also not our culture. Goonda culture is not ours. Ours is Himalaya culture - runing away from towns, villages to places of loneliness. Let these jobless senas learn & practice it.

      4. Big companies & call centres is not our culture. "Gudi Kaigarike" is ours. So is "Bhavati Bhiksham Dehi" is our culture. Let the sena begin it. (Not working - they are already practicing it).

      5. Insulting gods (whether others' or their own by abusing their names for terrorist activities) is not our culture. Let the illiterate senas learn this & practice.

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    • Dusty R., India

      Tue, Feb 03 2009

      Why make such a big issue out of nothing. If the state Govt does not want the Pubs, in Mangalore, they can instruct the concerned authorities, to stop issuing licences to the Pubs.

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    • Parvathi, mangalore/Bahrain

      Tue, Feb 03 2009

      Pub is not Indian Culture! Drinking is not Indian Culture! Dancing is not Indian Culture! Women should not go to Pub even for the sake of spending a couple of hours to relax with friends. She should sit at home and bring up her children in Indian Culture. At home she will sit in front of the TV with her children, watch INDIAN CULTURE serials - where PARVATHI, TULSI potraying their Hindu Culture - getting married 3 to 4 times, adultery, etc.. Shame on you Hypocrites first try to eradicate this evil of Serials and Bollywood movies which do not contain any moral. I know of many youth stay out of their homes in the evenings just to avoid watching these serials which are thoroughly enjoyed by most of the parents.

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    • Hasan, Mangalore

      Tue, Feb 03 2009

      CYRIL MASCARENHAS, you're right....

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    • Joseph F. Gonsalves , Bannur Puttur/Mangalore

      Tue, Feb 03 2009

      These are all misguided and brainwashed youth. Violence will end only if a person introspects himself and stays in a righteous track.  Believe me , if a female teenager entices with exposures surely these misguided people will utilize such opportunity.

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      Tue, Feb 03 2009

      If yuva sena demands an end to pub culture,why we indians are wearing pant and shirts? Stop this and start wearing lungi/mundu and kurtha.

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      Tue, Feb 03 2009




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    • Ashraf Kuwait, Kuwait

      Tue, Feb 03 2009

      Hello Hindu Yuva Sena & groups, I completely agree with your demands on banning Pub Culture >But i disagree on the hate culture you have adopted. You are not law makers or executive authority or advisory board .  I have seen in many cases you people are expecting publicity rather than real clean results. . Do you respect Indian Constitution and democracy in India? . Do you respect other religions and the people belonging  to lower caste & Tribe?  Is there any single example where your group have fought for communal harmony in our society? . Have you ever thought of  the parents and family members of your Jobless youths / members of your group? . Threatening, assaulting, killing, abusing, molesting, breaking the law, looting  belongings, misusing the government or administrative machinery are common  in recent days. Do you  believe in any human values?  Don't you feel ashamed on physical attacks on women in the PUB and honoring the culprits after getting bail . We all are here for short time  and we need to be a great asset and  helpfulsociety, family, religion and ultimately we must be the honest& patriotic citizens of India. I pray for you all.

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    • Desmond Pais, Goa-Dubai

      Mon, Feb 02 2009

      What authority has this Hindu Yuva Sena got to demand a ban on Pub Culture? 95% of their members are patrons of bars, wine shops and illicit liquor taverns. So let them first ban Bar Culture, Wine shop Culture and Tavern culture and save their women folk from terror and torture.

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    • Alexander P Menezes, Karkala/Dubai

      Tue, Feb 03 2009

      Looks like a lot of SENA's are going to be born in the near future to get simple publicity and show leadership so that they can get some political mileage. The main reason for these Sena's to emerge like mushrooms in the society is that the treatment that is vetted to the arrested leaders and our corrupt system that lets them go scot-free. I was watching the pictures of Ramasene leader Mr. Mutalik, how he is being escorted by Police, how our media persons surround him and give him ample priority among a common citizen, where as he should have been condemned publicly and shown doors instead. My only question to the Group members shown in the pictures that, Does any of its members enjoy having a privilege of a Girl Friend, and has never drank a glass of beer nor enjoyed a music or enjoy attending a party. What culture are you talking about…Have you not enjoyed a sight of modernly dressed woman on the street.

      Don't you go, watch and enjoy the movies which have got enough of these scenes with women being raped/and exploited. Please be honest and answer, then go and tell the whole world what Hindu Culture is. There is nothing that you can be proud of in the Hindu culture that you are boasting about. First respect the women in the society, at your home and learn to obey the rules that were made for the public. You don't have a right to beat up a fellow human being in the democratic society. Ask Mr. Yediyurappa to stop issuing licenses to these pubs/Bars in Karnataka state, close down all the Arrack shops and see how your Hindu culture will prevail in the society.

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    • Ashok, Kuwait

      Mon, Feb 02 2009

      I have been watching NDTV & Times Now for a long time and they provide fair and balanced news coverage. If some people find it offensive, they must be thinking and/or doing wrong.

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    • Jessrichi, Mangalore

      Mon, Feb 02 2009

      Well said Mr. Harish, If all Hindus had to think like you world would have been a better place to live. Now, fine we don’t want Pub-culture, then ban the liquor in the state, can our CM do that? In Independent India, everyone has the right to live, as he/she wants without harming anyone, so far it was pub-culture, now one fanatic fellow talks about Valentines Day, then another one will get up and say not to have holiday for Christmas and New Year, what is this? Why people are so selfish? You Hindu Sene, Ram Sene or whichever Sene you are just read your Geeta Saar, see how beautifully explained, if you can read and understand then try to live like that. No need to fight, no need to ban if you all can do something good then do it, if not STOP doing bad in the society/community. God created only Man & Woman, religion is man made so just believe in that God and live and let live.

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    • Rehman, japan, manglore

      Mon, Feb 02 2009

      Thanks for the daiji coverage of this news. Well done Hindu sena, please protest theaters, cyber, valentine day and girls wearing western mini dresses. But don’t beat poor and innocent people.

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    • Robert Vas, Mangalore

      Mon, Feb 02 2009

      Nowadays all these "Sene" organisations are coming up like mashrooms. What is their motto? Is it to spoil the spirit of 'INDIAN' using hindutva as their trump card. If your organisations are for the social cause, pls don't bring religion in between. There are many many other issues for which you can raise your voices eg. corruption in the politics. If you fight against this disease certainly our country will develop and God will bless you.

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    • edwin, Bangalore

      Mon, Feb 02 2009

      None of these so called protectors of India Culture, seen in the above pictures are wearing Indian treditional Dress. If they do not want to copy british they must wear khadi panche, wooden sandles and may be bear chest.! why are they wearing jeans / t-shirts, shirts & trousers, shoes. Let them also not use English letters and numbers in their protest posters..! These are nothing but a bunch of job less bafoons..!

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    • Rajesh, Udupi

      Mon, Feb 02 2009 was the only media which projected true and firsthand information on local issues. Times now had just recently got involved in issues of local and humanitarian concerns where larger political interests have made lives of common man difficult. Kannada Dailies will only play the politics of power and will only be interested in making money and not true journalism.... Times Now and Daijiworld will prevail...

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      Mon, Feb 02 2009

      I So agree with you Sharon...Y do ppl think that women should be the only caretaker of the house.And plz if women take out lil time n try having a gud time does not mean she is not of a good culture.If you dont like the culture of pubs...avoid your family members to not force others.

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    • Dinesh, Mangalore/Ajman

      Mon, Feb 02 2009

      Pubs, Toddy Shops, Govt. Liquor shops and wine shops must be closed. drunk people must be caught and punished. If you want to kill a snake, kill it properly. Don't leave it wounded.

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      Mon, Feb 02 2009

      In the snaps above i can see some protestors OF HINDU YUVA SENA wearing pants&t-shirts,is that a indian culture? Is riding bike a indian culture?Is smoking a indian culutre? Is Destroying public property a Indian culture? How many guys among these protestors have not flirted a girl?? Is that a indian culture? "What is the use of speaking about culture when yourselves only have no culture"..

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    • Asha Cedric Quadros, Doha, State Of Qatar

      Mon, Feb 02 2009

      Why are these people so concerned ,saying if the women go to pubs, their family will suffer, this is the womens look out, not Ram sena. You never know these people who are protesting will find their own children in the pubs at some point of time.

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    • Paramananda, mangalore

      Mon, Feb 02 2009

      Committing goondagiri is not against culture! but showing it on TV is! what a crooked mind. Did you notice.. there are only 8 women! they too look forcibly kept there!

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    • Flavia, Manglore/Abu Dhabi

      Mon, Feb 02 2009

      Nagesh None of us are against Hinduism....for your information all the girls who were beaten up were donot involve Religion here and create further problems....

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    • Anand Adiga, Mangalore/Bangalore

      Mon, Feb 02 2009

      Then we also do not want BPO culture, Software culture and other outsourcing jobs and money from Western countries. This way we will put an end to Pub culture. I am keen to know which bars these protesters went after their protests got over.

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    • William Mascarenhas, Moodbidri / Dubai

      Mon, Feb 02 2009

      Thanks to Daijiworld for the nice coverage. I will agree with the comments of Harish(Mangalore)& Sharon ( Dubai).Very well mentioned the points. Specially i liked the comments of Mr. Harish.

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    • Gopal P.K., Mangalore/Sharjah

      Mon, Feb 02 2009

      well done Harish, Mangalore.

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    • Clifford, Mangalore

      Mon, Feb 02 2009

      Peaceful protest is good idea. But it should be in front of the Cheif Minister or Home Secretary office without disturbing public on the street who are facing real difficulties to earn their daily bread. Our own people started taliban laws in India and soon we will another Zimbabe (Africa). Thank you daijiworld for the coverage.

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    • Jess, Kuwait

      Mon, Feb 02 2009

      Very well said Mr. Harish, If all Hindus had to think like you world would have been a better place to live. Now, fine we don’t want Pub-culture, then ban the liquor in the state, can our CM do that? The hooligans are left out on bail, and on TV they even said they will do it again, what does that mean? If they can take law in hand why others have to listen to their conditions? In Independent India, everyone has the right to live, as he/she wants without harming anyone, so far it was pub-culture, now one fanatic fellow talks about Valentines Day, then another one will get up and say not to have holiday for Christmas and New Year, what is this? Why people are so selfish? You Hindu Sene, Ram Sene or whichever Sene you are just read your Geeta Saar, see how beautifully explained, if you can read and understand then try to live like that. No need to fight, no need to ban if you all can do something good then do it, if not STOP doing bad in the society/community. God created only Man & Woman, religion is man made so just believe in that God and live and let live. Jai Hind!

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      Mon, Feb 02 2009

      Good demand.....ask your own state govt to implement it all over state.

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    • JPS, M'lore/dxb

      Mon, Feb 02 2009

      Violence is not the way to uphold hindu culture, SURA PANA was exists since good olden vedic days, Banning it will amounts to contradict the Hindu Culture of olden days, Hence the best way to solve the issue is bye renaming it as SURA PANA GUDI instead of PUB SHOP. Well understood??

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    • Santhosh, Udupi

      Mon, Feb 02 2009

      Times Now and NDTV Anti Hindu Chanels

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    • Shachi Yashwant , Mangalore

      Mon, Feb 02 2009

      Its true every citizen has right to protect their culture.. And i totaly agree with Mr.Harish's comment.Why dont you guys protest, inspite of we common man paying up tax for every silly thing our country is not clean and kept tidy. Why don't you guys spend your energy on such issues. Every indivial has the right to do or follow as they wish if its within the limit of law. Banning of pub culture is mot the solution to this problem... think civilized people.Hinduism doesn't mean creating violence in the name of religion.

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    • Malcolm Pereira, Gujarat

      Mon, Feb 02 2009

      Past records this country have that women in villages fought war against liquor shops and won. See the present sitauation here the men fighting to stop girls drinking in pubs. WE Indians need to follow the western culture like punctuality , hardwork,descipline and clean and green places. Electronic media like times now and NDTV failed to focuss the real issue here in this case . First the pubowners took the law into their hands by not taking valid permission to run the pub and kept the place for illegal activity . Govt police means to enforce the law of the land .They have 7 lacs villages with 12400 police stations in this country . Let us act as moral police to find out who is taking the law into their hands first and fight with them on social grounds so that no SUCH TYPE SENE will be act in future

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    • Vidya, Dubai

      Mon, Feb 02 2009

      Hindu Sena, Bajaranga Dal, Rama Sena ..etc etc all these senas fighting only for Hindus. Why there isnt a single group fighting for development of India. These groups say that British had come and gone and again there is Pub culture will bring western culture in India. But these groups are following British Rule "Divide and Rule". There are trying to divide the nation in the name of religion and rule the country. Indians pleaese be aware of these groups.

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    • Thabitha, Dubai

      Mon, Feb 02 2009

      I will ask is their any rule that women must take care of the family and man can do what he wants. What is this? is women have no right live what she wish. Where this culture will come who made is it Rama or Ravan ? This Hindu yuvan sena think that they own India. Their is so many problem in india please slow those problem not like these it will not help any one

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    • Edward Carlo, Dubai

      Mon, Feb 02 2009

      Ah .... Look at these people .. most of them are wearing Jeans and Shirts and Trousers ... where is this attire borrowed from ? is it Indian .? Certeinly NOT !!

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    • wilfred, mangalore

      Mon, Feb 02 2009

      Nagesh Nayak Bangalore please read comments from Harish Mangalore and give your opinion !!!

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    • Clement, Mangalore/Sharjah

      Mon, Feb 02 2009

      I am afraid if politics is mixed with religion. Why these people are against media, who are really doing a fantastic job. I beg the Government of Karnataka to allot jobs to the unemployed. It seems all those who are involved in such kind of activities are unemployed and they bend their tails whatever other say and have no reasonable power in themselves. I really appreciate the efforts taken by media specially Times Now for having continues followed up the incident.

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    • rahul , mangalore

      Tue, Feb 03 2009

      Why pub culture? What about wine shops & restaurants? Dont these people get drunk & spend their evenings in these same places.Our country has adopted so many forms of western culture like clothes, language, science & technology etc. think of it & we adopted every bit of it. If these sena people want a change in the society, it is their duty to set an example by first indianising themselves to every bit. Practise before you preach dear  sena people.

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    • Kiran, Mangalore

      Mon, Feb 02 2009

      These are trying to do something good for our Next generation. But why are these people only behind banning the Pub's. why don't they ask for ban of alcohol. I personally think that these people are more addicted to alcohol than anyone else. If they are not addicted then let they protest to ban alcohol even i will leave all my work behind and join for a GOOD cause.

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    • Sheby - Dubai, Mangalore

      Mon, Feb 02 2009

      You are absolutely correct Mr. Harish. Why these people are protesting against News channel? They are doing their duty. These all protesters are political drama acters & they have no works to do.

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    • sharon, dubai

      Mon, Feb 02 2009

      what is hindu cultur, by closing the pub the hindu culture will be saved protected,simply making the issue i think this protester donot have any work to do, if they realy want to save hindu culture ask them to pressurise govt to stop issueing the licence to pub,bar ,wines so that no one get drinks and they can save hindu culture too, why only women should not drink and go to pubs why she is the only to take care of there children you people go and hit the men also who go to pub bars why this, is hindu culture donot spoil when men go to pub and bars by him the children will not go in the same way family will not spoil

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    • Lal Mathew, Mangalore/Dubai

      Mon, Feb 02 2009

      Well done Harish,these guys are just pawns moved by someone else

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    • khaleel, Mangalore / Dubai

      Mon, Feb 02 2009

      what all things are they going to protest?, girls going to college, girls wearing western dresses, etc...

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    • Don, udupi

      Mon, Feb 02 2009

      These people are protesting against pub culture or against Times now News channel? thanks for Times now for broadcasting the news very elaborately.

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    • Krishna, mangalore

      Mon, Feb 02 2009

      Thanks for the daiji coverage of this news

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    • nagesh nayak, bangalore

      Mon, Feb 02 2009


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    • yogeesh kumar, Padubidri/Dubai

      Mon, Feb 02 2009

      Nice coverage thanks to daiji

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    • Musthak Ahmed, Bangalore

      Mon, Feb 02 2009

      Good, Keep it up sena, i support you people. Its true we have to stop pub in India, as it is foreign culture.

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    • Vincy , Mangalore, Canada

      Mon, Feb 02 2009

      Surprising to note two things : 1). Unfortunately, I don't find any female (young ladies) who protest this move. I could see seven elderly women. 2). Can you guess education level of this group ? Can you count how many of them seen pre-unversities or colleges ? Beggars are not choosers. These young boys could be dangerous to the society to the extent - on their faces one could read they look like Al Quaida group or Talibans or even Hamas group. What police is doing now. Why don’t they arrest them ? Even some of them could be frequent visitors to bars. I would appreciate same if these same people also close the liquor stores , bars etc.

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    • Harish, Mangalore

      Tue, Feb 03 2009

      Is beating up women Indian culture? Please dont use the name of religion like 'rama sene' and 'hindu sene'. All of us know that you are politically motivated. How many of you have not watched an 'adult' movie in a theatre? How many of you haven't enjoyed it? Is that Indian culture?

      Hypocrites!! How many of you haven't cheated,urinated on walls,spat and smoked at public places? is that Indian culture. Call yourself 'India sene' or 'bharath sene'. Before that get some sense and manners for yourselves. I dont pay tax to see you damage public property every time you have a silly problem with someones dress. Don't spoil the name of MY religion by using violence. Thats not Hindu culture, neither Indian.

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    • ranjith, mangalore

      Mon, Feb 02 2009

      Dear Hanumanth Kamath , soldiers required at the border to fight pakistan.. are you ready to go or recruit.. alcohol as a whole should be banned in india.. the excise department will go bonkers if such rules prevail. lets get practical..

      Akshatha.. yes we all fought the british and chased them away ..but how can we trust you on such a job as a leader as you are in an organization which has killed the father of the nation - mahatma gandhiji who was assasinated by natharam ghodse who is from RSS

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    • Felix F., India/ME

      Mon, Feb 02 2009

      Though in my opinion, the Hindu Yuva Sena, does not represent, the views of the Majority of the Moderate and secular Indian Hindus, It would be good and benificial if, any of the recognised Hindu national organisations, takes a stand on this issue. In order to put an end to this issue peacefully for the time being, If the Hindu organisations, are also of the opinion that pubs in Mangalore should go,they should go, If no comments, then these senas should be put out of action once and for all.

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    • Anup Bhat, Kalyanpur, Mangalore

      Mon, Feb 02 2009

      Dear Readers, Iam surprised reading this news and the pictures. The title conveys and the manifestation conveys the message of preserving the culture. But the photograps in the rally shows all in western T-Shirst, Pants and Jeans perhaps also wearing western style of undergarments. The question arises to me that that if they arrive in this outward pattern of dress what cultural heritage are they asking in this dress. Today in the world of globlaizzation and modern sciences of health and science the world has become one. It does not mean we leave our ortodox tradition but not carried away with fundamentalism of mob mentality. India should dedicate in the field of technology which our great rishis and munis have contribuited in the olden ages. We have great religous sacred books likes vedas, upanishads, mantras, bhagwadgita and puranas with lots of contribution of sages. The invention of science and technology, medicine, astrology, matecmatics, laws of Manu etc have been rendered our country famous till today but what is the new generation contribution. Perhaps we have to still look forward to the develpment of the allround economic development and leave this outdated mentality. If wearing pants, smoking and drinking in public and creating this scandalous public notion will not make a country prosperous. Its our traditions and culture which speaks of our great contribution of blood of Bhagat Singh, Netaji and others to freedom with responsibilty. We need prospertiy of our life, home and society which inturn will make our country prosper.

      Not wearing this white kahdi and saffron tilak, destroying public property and sheddind blood will bring change and prosperity. Its unity and looking into our fundamental duties our constition and our religious traditions will bring prosperity. its absurd to me to find this kind of mentality in Mangalore hurting women n creating strike for pub mentality. If so then stop wearing all foriegn style of dress, using vehicles,moving in foriegn land for lucrative jobs and payements and using multinationazionalised forigen products. "Swaraj" is not meant for "swaraj" but for common good of the person and nation. let us learn to live in liberty of thougt, life and culture which our culute, traditions and concience. Jai Bharath mahan, Jai hind!

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