Dharamsala, Feb 24 (IANS): Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur said here on Sunday 842,600 farmers in the state with less than two hectares of land would be provided Rs 6,000 annually under the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojna (PM-KISAN).
Speaking at a function to launch the scheme, he said first instalment of Rs 2,000 would be deposited soon in the 141,677 farmers' accounts. The others would receive the amount after getting registered under the scheme.
Thakur said the state government was promoting natural farming and has made a budgetary provision of Rs 25 crore. It would ensure handsome income to farmers and also provide healthy food to the people.
The PM-KISAN is a revolutionary scheme to double the farm income, said Shanta Kumar, an MP.
Praising Prime Minister Narendra Modi, he said no one in the past 70 years had taken such a visionary step. He also thanked the Chief Minister for choosing the Kangra district for the launch of the scheme.
Food and Civil Supplies Minister Kishan Kapoor said the state would provide 50 per cent subsidy for barbed wire fencing to protect crops from wild animals.