Mangalore: Dist Administration to Restrict Muthalik's Entry into Dakshina Kannada?

Mangalore: Dist Administration to Restrict Muthalik's Entry into Dakshina Kannada?

Daijiworld Media Network - Mangalore (TU/CN) 

Mangalore, Feb 23: Following the pub attack in the city last month, the district administration is said to have been pondering over banning Sri Rama Sene president Pramod Muthalik from entering into Dakshina Kannada.

There is also wide speculation that at least 12 Sri Rama Sene activists will be expelled from the district.

Reacting to this, deputy commissioner (DC) Ponnuraj said that the assistant commissioner had issued show-cause notices to this effect to the prime accused in the pub attack case. 

The district administration has also decided to restrict the entry of Sri Rama Sena president Pramod Muthalik into the district. It is expected that DC Ponnuraj will issue an order within the next couple of days.  

All the 12 accused in the pub attack case have brought a stay order in court against the bond which was given to them for virtuous conduct under the criminal procedure code section 111. Ponnuraj said that the Mangalore Tahasildar would take action to vacate the stay order. He also added that the first priority would be given to protection of peace and order.

Daijiworld Follow-up:

  • Attack on Pub - Watch Video Click Here
  • Arrest of Prasad Attavar - Watch Video
  • Watch NDTV News Clip - Click Here

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    • Julian D'Souza, Mangalore

      Wed, Feb 25 2009

      Stopping someone from entering a place just because you imagine he is going to create trouble is undemocratic. If you are serious then prosecute him. Why resort to this drama of preventing him from coming to a place. In any case, which clause in the constitution gives the DC the unilateral right to prevent someone from coming to a place ? This is an undemocratic act by the government. I am still curious as to why the administration does not prosecute the criminals who have resorted to violence in the recent months in Mangalore ?

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    • Nihal, Mangalore

      Wed, Feb 25 2009

      Well said Nisha.. He must have been stealing garments to cover the body of his family..

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    • Nihal, Mangalore

      Wed, Feb 25 2009

      Can we stop giving communal comments and instead help Muthalik by giving him a good mental treatment. No matter where he is thrown out, he will have the same frame of mind. Hence i request all you guys to support for a good cause by treating a metally retarded man in a mental asylum.

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    • ajith, mangalore

      Wed, Feb 25 2009

      dear sir very well and proud decission taken by a reputed officer hats off to u know ,now after many years since mr barath lal meena we will know a person for his brave acts hope that it is not a political decission to marginalise mr muthalik

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      Wed, Feb 25 2009

      Hi all, I am a doctor from Delhi. I just want to infom u all about this man the Ram Sena state convener Prasad Attavar. When I was doing my MBBS in Mangalore KMC, our hostel (ladies) was at Attavar in Mangalore from where this ram sena state convener Prasad Attavar hails. This pervert Prasad Attavar was to come to our hostel windows and steal our garments which were in the rope for drying.

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    • Ms. J. Fernandes, Mangalore

      Wed, Feb 25 2009

      Dear Mr. M.F.Hussain and Mr. Praveen Shetty, thankyou for your responsible comments. Dear readers of Daijuworld please refrain from making irresponsible comments. A tiny spark can cause a raging fire and our irresponsible comments can start a war! Our fight is not against religions. Our fight should be against dirty-minded, selfish and self-centered politicians who will use anything or anybody for votes. Different religious groups have lived peacefully not only in Mangalore but in India so lets stand united against politicians who are insulting our intelligence. The British used the 'divide and rule' policy and our politicians are using religious sentiments to cause havoc. Please dear people dont fall for their dirty tricks.

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    • Godwin, Mangalore

      Wed, Feb 25 2009

      Respected Commissioner Mr Ponnuraj, very courageous and wise deciision. Hats off to you sir. Mr Maheshwara Rao wouldnt have taken this step as he was a dancing doll.

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    • M.Bhat, Mumbai

      Wed, Feb 25 2009

      Rajendra, Mangalore I donot believe in violence, hatred, religious intolerance, bigotry and vandalism as you believe in. We are all part of this great City Mangalore & Udupi. It hurts when ppl like you resort to violence at slightest instigation and bring disrupte to our south kanara. By questioning me which civilised tribe i belong to - who have justified my views expressed earlier that you belong to one of the two uncivilised groups.

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    • Praveen Shetty , Mangalore

      Tue, Feb 24 2009

      Dear Mr. Nagesh Nayak, Please don't not divide us by our relgion, When India won the recent 20/20 Cricket Match with Sri Lanka, We might have jumped from our seat.... But it was the Muslim Brother's who gave us the Victory.... In 1983 when India won the world cup it was christian (Roger Binny) who took the highest wickets,

      Forget the past talk of the recent Oscar The pride was once again given to India by Two Muslim Brothers.... My friend Nagesh United we stand strong... No Muslim Country nor a Christian country will dare to look at us.... We are Indian's and will die a true Indian.....Salute the true Indian in you, and please teach the same to younger generation instead of the hatredness you write.... Jai Hind...Jai Karanatka

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    • Kundelal Magnaram, Gujrath/Dubai

      Tue, Feb 24 2009

      The sole credit of recent turmoil in mangalore goes to The Ravana ( Muthalik). I don't know why the mangalorean accepted an idiot from outside their state as ther leader. Why they could not find a local leader for rama sene. If rama were alive now, He would have staged an open war at these goondas for tranishing his revered name in the name of preserving the culture. This Ravana ( Muthalik) is best suited for villain role in Hindi Movie by his appearance. Plese dear Rama sene follower choose some handsome glamourous leader for your association than this illiterate idiot.

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    • Henry Castelino, shankarapura-kuwait

      Tue, Feb 24 2009

      Mr ponnuraj congrats you proved that you are a true leader of Dakshina Kannnada. Let peace prevails among all our communities. Don't let pollution spread Dakshina Kannada and spoil Mangalore image any further.

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    • Saleem , Baikampady

      Tue, Feb 24 2009

      Good decission Mr ponnuraj.I really appreciate for the same.  Our continous support will always be there to u.

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    • Francis, Moodabidri/Sharjah

      Tue, Feb 24 2009

      Better tie a TAIL to all sene people and send to Jungle for vanavaas

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    • Joseph F. Gonsalves , Bannur Puttur/Mangalore

      Tue, Feb 24 2009

      Dear Nagesh Nayak Bangalore, do not speak of conversions since the creation of humans on this planet earth conversions were and are going on. Hindus have done conversions, Christians have done conversions, Muslims have done conversions, Buddhists have done conversions and history is evident to that effect now which conversions are you talking about???

      Preach and Profess is prescribed in the constitution and to accept another faith is a constitutional right if not, preach and profess is not necessary at all. Speaking about anti constitution is anti nationalism. Secondly, are Christians involved in terrorism? Self explanatory. Thirdly, from where you have added culture to this pub?

      Pub is only a pub where people pass some time. If illegal activities are taking place in the pub police are well aware of what and what is going on in Mangalore. Catch the police not the men and women who are passing the time in the pub. Finally, Mangaloreans have witnessed what is rampant by attacking the church and the Christian communities and recent terrorism by the associates of bjp. Fourthly,

      I quote “PLEASE DO THAT FOR THE SAKE OF PEACEFUL & PROSPEROUS DK.” Uuquote. To sustain peace in Mangalore it is your duty as well as my duty. Christians are well aware of loyalty and maintaining peace in the nation. Do not direct others to maintain peace but first practice yourself.

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    • M.F. Hussain, Mangalore, Dubai

      Tue, Feb 24 2009

      I fully endorse Mr M. Bhats views. Perhaps the potential damages these irresponsible comments can cause are far exceeding that caused by those Goons. These comments would fuel up the communal cauldon that Mangalore has already become.

      Its understandable that we have frustrations, however, it is not fair to blame communities and convert ourselves into ever growing brigade of fascists. My appeal to fellow responsible Mangaloreans would be to act with restraint, measure your response to ensure that we build relations and restict damage with our constructive action.

      Let's all believe and remember one thing. In the end all these negative elements will be defeated and defeated forever. This has been proclaimed by every noble religion.

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    • Sheikh, Mangalore

      Tue, Feb 24 2009

      Hi,Mangalore. This kind of news i m hearing from past my college days. but no one can sortt it out this kind of BS,even in this crisis this kind of people want to fight wow! do some kind movie man do something good for our country.  We guys here say My India is Heaven but when people read this kind of news we get claps! Still u guys wanna fight each other? Just think we are educated people!  All The Best. But if it is not solved by goverment just leave that place man.

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    • nagesh nayak, bangalore

      Tue, Feb 24 2009


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    • Jude, Mangalore Dubai

      Tue, Feb 24 2009

      Mr. M. Bhat as far as i can understand your message you say that the so called learned people are manifesting their anger against the majority community. You are totally wrong here. There is no anger whatsoever against the majority community, but against individuals who are creating a rift between communities and this Mutalik is a prime example.People like him have no religion nor culture. They do not belong to any community and are a burden on humanity, and should be ket away, just as how rabid dogs are.

      Secondly Mr Nagesh Nayak is again harping on New life and conversion. I am not a fan of New Life and i look upon them as fundamentalist christians or the extreme right wing christians. Their view on christianity is destorted. But again they have again and again asked for proof to be provided on the so called forcible conversions. The state has no proof, the investigative agencies do not have proof, people from BD and Ram sena who keep on harping this issue have no proof. Repeating the word conversion again and again does not change lies into truth. Please Mr Nagesh Nayak if you have any proof provide it to Mr. Ponnuraj and i am with you when it comes to taking action and throwing these people out from our communtiy, just like how we would like this Mutalik be kept away from us.

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    • JOY, Al Khobar

      Tue, Feb 24 2009

      It should be a message to the moral police and the senas / dals/ sanghas that, not to create nuisence in india and maintain peace all around

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    • M.Bhat, Mumbai

      Tue, Feb 24 2009

      Nagesh, Mangalore You need to get your eyes tested soon before commenting about others here. You have not got my message properly. No where i have praised Mutalik. If you donot understand simple english i cannot help you. thanks.

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    • Joseph.a. D souza, Mangalor/kavoor

      Tue, Feb 24 2009

      Good news for us  Mr. Ponnuraj can you ask Muthalics place of birth because he is not mangalorean nor karnataka.  I am sure some politics brought from other states.thanks.

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    • nagesh nayak, bangalore

      Tue, Feb 24 2009

      Hi readers,if Mr.Punnuraj acts samething on NEW LIFE members for conversion activities , comments were in different tone.

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    • Kevin Mascarenhas, Mangalore/UAE

      Tue, Feb 24 2009

      Its a good sign that the district administration is now gearing up to take the right action. Its not religion or caste here. Pure peace and security for all. I still some particular community people trying to give a twist. Its time to realise that you are still narrow minded and biased guys.

      Best is to chill work hard and take care of your families and ,let others do the same. Here no majority or minority comes to play. Do not forget you did not choose your religion but it choose you. Hope Mangaloreans made a name a better way. Make a movie guys that will win some award for you and money too.

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    • Nagesh, Mangalore

      Tue, Feb 24 2009

      Mr. Bhat if you like Muthalik take him and keep him in your house. You are talking so great about this Terrorist who has created fear in the mind of people since a month. Who is Muthalik to decide who should go with whom and who shoould go to Pub ? Muthalik is the PM or CM? People like you should be sent to Afganistan or you should go and settle down there. Shame on you fools and Goodas.

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    • Lloyd Dsouza, Dubai

      Mon, Feb 23 2009

      No use of ban just put them all inside bars or hang these all rama sena monkeys, then only we can control our mangalore from becoming taliban.

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    • vincy, shamboor/Bangkok

      Tue, Feb 24 2009

      All political drama is on now. BJP is not happy by Muthalik is getting so famous in such a short period.

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    • c.ferrer, mangalore

      Tue, Feb 24 2009

      It is within the powers of the authorities to do so but why so much of publicity before the actual action. So many trouble makers in the past in this country were treated in this fashion and they learnt their lesson as the media put a silent blanket on all news of such persons.

      Mumbai has done this with a lot of the goondas and hooligans why not DK or even Karnataka. Get cracking mr politician and do not think all te time of votes- doing good is 100 times better than getting cursed in private

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    • rajendra, mangalore

      Tue, Feb 24 2009

      Hi M. Bhat, You say,"Both attackers belong to same uncivilised tribe". Now you are the third attacker, attacking "Both attackers". Tell me, which civilized tribe you belong to..?

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    • Pramila shetty, Bangalore

      Tue, Feb 24 2009

      Instead of restricting entry to D.k."shoot at sight should have been ordered". I advice revise the order .thanks to daijiworld for creating platform in order to share the views of the reader.

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    • M.Bhat, Mumbai

      Mon, Feb 23 2009

      I am not a follower of Mutalik and do not believe in his policies. but i can see lots of hatred messages being posted in Daji world. This hatred is due to frustration taking deep roots in the minds and hearts of the people on trivial issues in Mangalore.

      One group manifested their ire by vandalising the churches, others so called learned people here manifesting it by verbal attacks on Majority community. Both attackers belong to same uncivilised tribe.

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    • sunil, dubai

      Mon, Feb 23 2009

      Dear All, this muthalik want to bring TALIBAN style in INDIA. Pakistan is best country for him where he will find his TALIBAN brothers  I doubt his nationality.

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    • Pradeep, mudarangadi

      Mon, Feb 23 2009

      Send him to Western Ghats to lead actual Rama Sena (Monkey Sena). He will be good leader for them.

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    • Rajesh Shetty, udupi

      Mon, Feb 23 2009

      100% correct Mr. Praveen, good idea to Mutalik.

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      Mon, Feb 23 2009


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    • Hassan, magalore/ dubai

      Mon, Feb 23 2009

      Hey guys do you think this is an good decision ?? according to me banning these kind of groups could have been a good act by the new DC.

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    • rizwanzamman, addoor saudiarabia

      Mon, Feb 23 2009

      good decesion by ponuraj.... but he shd not enter in karnataka again ..

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      Mon, Feb 23 2009

      This is totally drama.Only on the point of coming election, yadiyurappa has instructed concerned DC to issue such that every people in south kanara will be attracted BJP in coming election. Every people has got their drama in the state. This is the big request to people of Mangalore that dont elect the BJP candidate in coming election they will destroy our Mangalore district entierly.So we will wait and see when this order is being activated. If such drama is not entertained shrirama sena will appear attract in south kanara and destroy their BJP Vote in coming election. Hence yadiyurappa understood this and acting like this.

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    • Prasad, Mangalore

      Mon, Feb 23 2009

      Mr. Raghuveer you are right that India is an Independent country. can you convey this message to Mr. Muthalik, so that he won't depend on old pink chaddies in the future.

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    • Vishwas, Mangalore

      Mon, Feb 23 2009

      Good step...Mr.Ponnuraj...throw him from Mangalore...send him to Taliban, let him fight against Terror not aginst Mangaloreans.....

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    • Shridhar, Bangalore

      Mon, Feb 23 2009

      I support Raguveer, Mangalore. DC cant put Ban to Muthalik to enter to Mangalore. It's Independent Country. Sri Rama Sene will help the society in future, especially Hindus.

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    • sakeer Dammam, DAMMAM

      Mon, Feb 23 2009

      The idle place for the such kind of people is Thihar Jail only.

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    • L Fernandes, Mangalore

      Mon, Feb 23 2009

      Not only the Muthaliks, but also Togadias i.e to put them behind bars for years. Then oly the name of Mangalore will be back without any fear!!

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    • Saleem Kabaka, Dubai

      Mon, Feb 23 2009

      Mr.Raghuveer are you OK? because your comments now the days not suitable for daiji type secular media.

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    • Eric Coelho, Mangalore

      Mon, Feb 23 2009

      It is too early to comment as the news is speculative. I am sure the Govt might interfere and allow the Fanatic to enter D.K. The Show cause notice is only a Eye Wash and Mark my Words "All these Fanatics will be allowed to enter D.K. and vomit Venom into the young minds".

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    • shabeer, mangalore

      Mon, Feb 23 2009

      Mr. Raghuveer, if mutalik ban pub in independent coutry why cant DC ban mutalik to enter mangalore.

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    • alibayar, managalore/UAE

      Mon, Feb 23 2009

      Now he can start pink cheddi business in his home town

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    • Shamita Shetty, Oman/M.lore, Mangalore

      Mon, Feb 23 2009

      Banning these is not a solution.....Right decision is Send back to the Jail at least 2-3years....!

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    • Khursheed, Abu Dhabi

      Mon, Feb 23 2009

      Order not issued yet but doesn't make any difference because Mutalik is not a regular visitor to Dakshina Kannada (Udupi and M'lore both). Let us see how the order comes "restriction on entry" or "ban on entry".

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    • prakash, mlore

      Mon, Feb 23 2009

      That is what i call an IAS officer, Good job Mr.Ponnuraj. Hope you will succeed in bring Mlore its peace back.No wonder by now you must have received n number of phone calls!!!

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    • Abubaker , Pallipadi

      Mon, Feb 23 2009

      Good decession from D.C. Ponnuraj. Mangalore will be back peacefully his ban.

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    • Amit, Dubai/Mangalore

      Mon, Feb 23 2009

      At last Dist Administration has come up with some stops to this Sene's well done!!!! and please try to implement what you people have decided….

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    • Ronald, Udupi

      Mon, Feb 23 2009

      Good action by DC. Do not let the thugs to spoil Mangalore any further. I'm sure, people are with you. Be tough with politicians too.

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    • Ramya , Car street Mangalore

      Mon, Feb 23 2009

      Dear DC sir Mr. Punnuraj, is there any possibility to handover Mr.Muthalik to our( Collage girls )hand for few hours in Mangalore, we wanna make a procession with Muthalik in Mangalore City with Garland of Pink Chaddi's sitting on top of the Old Donkey

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    • Rashmi Karkala, Abu Dhabi

      Mon, Feb 23 2009

      You are right Mr.Jagannath...he is a paper tiger...

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    • Ramya , Car street Mangalore

      Mon, Feb 23 2009

      Haz to kick out from the state or country, there should not give a chance to re bourn any Muthalik or his followers, Yesss... for him & his followers the best place is Bellary Jail at least for 2 years, well done Mr. Punnuraj

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    • Mubeen Sharief, Kundapur/ Sharjah

      Mon, Feb 23 2009

      A latest political drama by ruling govt.

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    • Valerian Pereira, Shirthady

      Mon, Feb 23 2009

      It's just an attempt to apply balm on the wounds! It is nothing but a conspired scheme influenced by the Safron Team to placate the irated Mangalorean Community as the General Elections are around the corner.

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    • george borromeo, angelore, mangalore

      Mon, Feb 23 2009

      Shabaas D.C. Mr. Ponnuraj.Your contemplating the idea of Banning Muthalik's entry in to our district, and initiating action against Rama Sene members who thrashed the teenage girls at Mangalore Pub in full view of TV camera,is a wellcome step.Now I am seeing the difference between old and new D.C. Keep up the Good Work.

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    • jagannath Rai,Puttur, Dubai

      Mon, Feb 23 2009

      Good dicition...Muthalik is a paper tiger..some medias giving him more publicty...for him a best place guantmano jail.

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    • Raghuveer,Mlore, Kuwait

      Mon, Feb 23 2009

      Mr.DC....India is indipendent cant ban Mutalik to enter Mangalore..

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    • Rakesh, mangalore / Dubai

      Mon, Feb 23 2009

      If he banned from entering in to Dakshina Kannada do you think the problem will solve?? never, so many Muthaliks are in the State, It is better to neglect them by not giving importance to these type of issues.

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    • Yashwanth, Bajpe, Mangalore

      Mon, Feb 23 2009

      Mr.Anil Bangera Mangalore, what kind of ideology you are talking about with this miscreants ????? they and their followers has to be behind the bars only, that is the right place for them, also well said Mr. Suraj Dubai.. have to thrown them out of the country

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    • Manohar Dsouza, Mangalore/Bahrain

      Mon, Feb 23 2009

      Good moves in the right direction – but I very much doubt that any of these will be actually enforced. Anyway let’s wait and see whether our government and administration has the appetite to deal with such anti social elements appropriately.

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    • John Martin, Mangalore/Dubai

      Mon, Feb 23 2009

      What is the point in banning his entry to DK ? The authority did not succeed in putting him behind the bars???

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    • Anil Bangera, Mangalore

      Mon, Feb 23 2009

      Very bad decision - banning these people is not a solution.. these ppl also have their own ideology - something good or bad.. there are so many ppl roaming around so freely with so many criminal cases..

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    • Yashwanth, Bajpe, Mangalore

      Mon, Feb 23 2009

      good decision of banning Muthalik entering into dakshina kannada, also Muthalik and his followers has to be send back to the Bellary Jail at least for 6 month, they must have to know the teats of "Ragi Mudde" ...

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    • Althaf, kaup/Bahrain

      Mon, Feb 23 2009

      Good and highly Appreciable idea.If we restrict Pink Chaddi Winner Mutalik for entering into Dakshina Kannada, we can bulid good name to Dakshina Kannada and maintain peace amoung the community... It should be done as early as possible.. Thank you once again.

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    • Amit, Gangulli

      Mon, Feb 23 2009

      Not enough put ban all this moral police gangs like SRS.BD etc baning him not soloution.

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    • Suraj, Dubai

      Mon, Feb 23 2009

      he should be trown from not only Dakshina Kannada from India as well,he is not only spoiling the name of Mangalore but india aswell

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    • Joseph F. Gonsalves , Bannur Puttur/Mangalore

      Mon, Feb 23 2009

      So far the district administration had soft corners to the associates of bjp that is the reason they go rampant in Mangalore. Restricting entry in to the district will be a gravest error. He and his henchmen must be arrested under ATI and keep them in ordinary jail and should not provide access to visitors including news papers and use of telephones without which they will never budge to cheap tactics of the administration.

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    • Charles D'Mello, Pangala

      Mon, Feb 23 2009

      Prevention is better than cure. This kind of actions are required to prevent this Muthalik cancer from Mangalore !!! Dear mr. Ponnuraj, go ahead and do it ASAP. God Bless You.

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    • Ashu, India

      Mon, Feb 23 2009

      Good work, Its is very important step taken by the District Administration, plese make our city clean avoiding the entering of this kind of Big Cockroach"

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    • Sheela Rai, Kasaragod

      Mon, Feb 23 2009

      Good decision of banning Muthalik entering into DK. Government should send global pink chaddi winner to Guntanamo.

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    • Jude, Mangalore Dubai

      Mon, Feb 23 2009

      This is a correct decision. Just keep him and his kind away from our peaceful district. Please also throw out his rabid followers. Let them continue with their nonsense elsewhere not in our Mangalore.

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    • aman, saudi

      Mon, Feb 23 2009

      this step will be really helpful to recieve peace in mangalore

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    • Harold Albuquerque, Bondel / Kuwait

      Mon, Feb 23 2009

      Appreciable decision Ram sene president & its activists are well deserved for this ban.

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    • thomasaquin, mangalore/qatar

      Mon, Feb 23 2009

      Thanks to people like these, Mangalore which was most respected in the past, has now got a bad name. Time for the leaders of the district to take some measures and guide our youth.

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