Chennai, March 22 (IANS): Tamil Nadu Chief Minister K.Palaniswami on Friday said it is the habit of the DMK party to prevent government benefits from reaching the poor.
Campaigning in Dharmapuri, Palaniswami said the government had announced a cash assistance of Rs 2,000 for those below the poverty line but the DMK had stopped the scheme by complaining to the Election Commission.
Palaniswami said once the elections are over, the poor will be paid Rs 2,000 as announced.
He said about 40 lakh farmers will be benefited by the Central government's scheme offering Rs 6,000 per year to farmers in three equal instalments.
Palaniswami sought votes for the PMK Lok Sabha candidate in Dharmapuri, Anbumani Ramadoss, and for two AIADMK candidates Govindasamy and Sampathkumar contesting in the Assembly by-elections from Pappireddypatti and Harur, respectively.