New Delhi, Mar 24(IT): Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Subramanian Swamy on Sunday said that he has not added prefix "Chowkidar" to his name on Twitter because he is a Brahmin. Subramanian Swamy made the comment while giving an interview to a Tamil channel.
He said that he did not change his name to Chowkidar Subramanian Swamy on Twitter because he is a Brahmin and hence, cannot be a Chowkidar. The video clip is now going viral on social media.
"I cannot become a Chowkidar because I am Brahmin. Brahmins can't be chowkidars. It's a fact. I will give orders that the Chowkidars have to execute. That's what everyone expects from the appointed Chowkidars. So, I cannot be one," Subramanian Swamy said.
The Bharatiya Janata Party MP's shocker has come days after Prime Minister Narendra Modi added "Chowkidar" to his Twitter handle name in an attempt to step up the "Main Bhi Chowkidar" campaign.
A day before adding Chowkidar prefix to his name, PM Modi had tweeted that everyone who was "fighting corruption, dirt, social evils" was a Chowkidar. " Your Chowkidar is standing firm & serving the nation. But, I am not alone. Everyone who is fighting corruption, dirt, social evils is a Chowkidar. Everyone working hard for the progress of India is a Chowkidar. Today, every Indian is saying-#MainBhiChowkidar," he said.
Following suit, BJP president Amit Shah, Home Minister Rajnath Singh, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley, and other party leaders also added Chowkidar to their names. The campaign is also a counter to Congress party's "Chowkidar Chor Hai" jibe.