Cardinal Calls BJP ‘Lesser Evil’ than Marxists, Sparks off Church Debate

Cardinal Calls BJP ‘lesser evil’ than Marxists, sparks off Church Debate

The Indian Express

MUMBAI, THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, Mar 23: A move by the Bombay Catholic Sabha (BCS) to castigate the president of the Catholic Bishops Conference of India (CBCI) for apparently praising the virtues of the BJP over those of the Communists, has sparked a vigorous debate over the intellectual flexibility allowed by the Church and the attempts to politicise academic remarks.

Earlier this week, Cardinal Varkey Vithayathil, the Kerala-based 82-year-old head of the CBCI, was reported as saying that the BJP is a “lesser evil” compared to the Marxists. The cardinal, while speaking after the release of his biography Straight From the Heart in Kochi, was asked which of the two he considered a greater threat.

His reply: “The greater threat will certainly be the Marxist one, because it is much better to live under those who believe in a God of love and mercy than to live under those who don’t believe in God and will do anything to bring about social justice, social equality and destroy all differences of class and caste.”

For those who have known the outspoken, liberal, progressive priest, this was just another scholarly observation. For them, Vithayathil could never hold a brief for any party, let alone the BJP, as he has consistently opposed the Church meddling in politics and even taken on the Vatican for trying to impose its decisions on bishops.

But that did not stop the BCS from slamming the cardinal and asking the CBCI to draw a line. “While BCS neither holds a brief for the BJP nor for the Marxists, but to compare them and what they stand for is odious to say the least,” said BCS President Dolphy D’Souza. “Religion is a personal matter and religion should not be mixed with politics. People are being polarised because of such mixing.”

“We are also shocked that one of the leaders of the Church has chosen to speak in this fashion at the run up to the elections...the Church all along has maintained that we need to vote on secular lines and this statement is misleading,” he added.

Christian religious and community leaders expressed surprise over the BCS stance and said Vithayathil’s comments seem to have been misunderstood, with some accusing D’Souza of jumping the gun. “He may have made the statement out of frustration with Left parties in Kerala as they have been targeting Christian institutions and also making changes in school texts which are trying to promote atheism,” said Dr Abraham Mathai of the All-India Christian Council. “These acts have been opposed by churches in Kerala. The statement in that sense is limited to Kerala and is being blown out of proportion.”


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  • Bernard, Bangalore/Dubai

    Tue, Mar 24 2009

    There is nothing called religion, this is man made for their selfish motives. Truly speaking those who do follow and practice the teachings and ways of Jesus Christ are following evil ways, it does't matter whether lesser evil or greater evil. Now it's high time churches who truly follow and practice Christ's teachings should rise up and influence the nation and the Government.

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    Tue, Mar 24 2009

    Dear prakash please do not try to break communities. I think you are still not mature.  We in Mangalore mix with all communities .Remember every community has got good bad and ugly guys. So dont blame one community

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  • Rajesh_kumar, Udupi

    Tue, Mar 24 2009

    True indeed as it is said "IN ROME BE LIKE ROMANS"... The question or the answer is not who is evil ? But how do the political-fundamental-non progressive, left and right wing brigades act when in power and when they are a majority.

    It is understandable that in Kerala Communists have been ruling the day and in Karnataka the rightwing fundamentals... so let us take the comment in context and not make much of who is a greater evil. Sure enough it would be a tragedy if India as a whole in the centre is ruled by the right wing Fundamental Hindu outfits. Let us all progressive generation keep the evil away and go forward middle ground...

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  • Alex d'Mello, Mumbai

    Tue, Mar 24 2009

    When the question of caste , race, comes into picture we are worst than BJP. We still think that we are Bamuns, Charodi etc. I fully agree with D.Albert, SJ. thank you

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  • Rajendra, Udupi

    Tue, Mar 24 2009

    I Welcome Respected(Vandaneeya) Cardinal statement. Christian communities Love & serve India. Most of the Hospitals, Schools, Orphanage and Oldage Homes built by christians.

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  • D. Albert, S.J., Beed, Maharashtra

    Tue, Mar 24 2009

    I am not at all surprised by the Cardinal's remarks that the BJP is a lesser evil compared to the communists. Whatever may be the compulsions under which the Cardinal made the statement, it is nevertheless my considered view that Christians, including priests and Bishops, from Brahmanical background who are very conscious of their ancestry and purity of blood, have certain sympathy towards the BJP and the Sangh Parivar. Such Christians are more at home with the BJP than with the communists.

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  • Anil Fernandes, Madanthyar/Bangalore

    Tue, Mar 24 2009

    Friends, Please do not be upset and misunderstand the Cardinal's statement. Cardinal has very clearly said BJP is lesser Evil compare to Marxists, but he never said that BJP is Christian friendly or it is a party who can safeguard the Christian Community. Please do not twist the statement of Cardinal and make a issue. In a democratic country anybody can comment on the party's politics as they have the right to the Leaders of the Country through voting right.

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  • Remy Almeida, Brahmavar/New York

    Tue, Mar 24 2009

    Religion and politics should not be mixed together. If Cardinal wishes to get into politics, He should come out of his religious post and as a layman he can speak anything. He is taking advantage of his people and speaks/using photo opportunity in the press.It is really unfortunate.

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  • Richard, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Mon, Mar 23 2009

    Mr.Abhishek, I respect your opinion. But, why have you conveniently skipped the name of Bajrang Dal, they are also not part of Sangh parivar?. If people of TN, Goa, and Kerala can live without any communal disturbances, what is stopping the DK people? All the so called issues mentioned as the root causes for disturbances are not there?. Even in Karnataka ,the Bangaloreans have got much better secular outlook than us . I feel ,“Big” brother should be always considerate towards his “Younger” one then the things will be alright.

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  • Manohar Dsouza, Mangalore/Bahrain

    Mon, Mar 23 2009

    The Cardinal has stated facts which relate to Kerala and there is no reason why anyone should be getting upset about this. The persons who are against the Cardinals comments should be more concerned about some religious leaders in DK who have forgotten their true religious responsibilities and are shamelessly involved in political activities.

    Unfortunately, currently most of the political parties in India are evil and corrupt the voter’s only choice is to choose the lesser evil.

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Mon, Mar 23 2009

    Sheetal, What if they want to be called 'Dalit Christians' in order to avail reservations given by the Government to raise their economical status ? Is anybody sustaining any loss if they do so ? They are not prohibited from entering places of worship or got killed attempting to enter or made to bathe in something you would not to obtain purity ?

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  • Dobin Fernandes, Kemmann, Udupi

    Mon, Mar 23 2009

    BJP does not follow true hinduism, its core values are built upon V.D. Savarkar ideologies of "HINDUTVA" which Savarkar has clearly defined in his book as follows ""Hindutva is different from Hinduism." Hinduism is a way of life but not Hidutva. Indian culture is a composite of most cultures in the world, and in this diversity lies its greatest strength. There is no doubt that Indian culture is predominantly Hindu in nature. However it is the misconception that Hinduism and Hindutva are one and the same that misguides some Hindus to support Hindutva-based organizations involved in systematically persecuting minorities in India. I think the Cardinal is under the impression that Hinduism is same as Hindutva?

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  • Sheetal, M'lore

    Mon, Mar 23 2009

    Ms Lydia Lobo...I suggest you get your facts right. If you say people convert to Christianity because they are 'lower' caste or Dalits and get equal rights as Christians, then pls tell me why are they still known as 'Dalit Christians' Also why are they seeking reservations meant for Dalits, besides the reservations meant for Christians? Pls verify your facts before making comments in a public forum. Also pls don't blame others and state that they make ur life 'miserable'.

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  • abhishek, mulky

    Mon, Mar 23 2009

    Hi walter..i appreciate your comments.I wish all people of christian community would have this broad vision & support the nationalistic movement.Rather its disappointing to see them abusing BJP,by falling prey to the petty politics played .Sangh parivar is a national movement aimed at making Bharat prosperous & all communities have equal responsibility in this.SRS is not a part of sangh & Mutalik is is acting independently.Unless all minorities understand this & support the nation building there would be further marginalisation & mistrust.So the solution is..oppose jehad,conversion & join sangh parivar.There will be peace forever which would fuel Indias growth.

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  • Suraj, Mangalore

    Mon, Mar 23 2009

    Dear Readers, Don't waste your time commenting on this article. He has replied to a precise question asked by the media. He has freedom of opinion and freedom of speach. No one can question that. According to him both are evils BJP is 60% and Marxists 80%. Even if says BJP is the best party, still you cannot question him. This is his personal opinion.

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  • Prakash, Mangalore

    Mon, Mar 23 2009

    Lydia, just go through and I hope you will change your mind from what you are talking about.

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  • jossy tauro, mangalore/abudhabi

    Mon, Mar 23 2009

    The Cradinal should not give such a speech. He must unite people not divide again with his words. God told us to love each other, respect  each other and  keep peace..

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  • M.Bhat, Mumbai

    Mon, Mar 23 2009

    Everyone has right to express his views but Why some people stoop to the lowest level in condemning others opinion when it does not concurr with their own opinion?. Is this not hypocracy?. Moreover Cardinal is a learned and knowledgable man .

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  • Walter D'Mello, Mangalore

    Mon, Mar 23 2009

    Those who call BJP a evil, for sure they are the evils of this country itself. Even though i dont praise  BJP, it's a nice party which has least corruption, they have strict leadership qualities also they are national lovers, which cannot be expected from Congress or any other psuedosecular parties. Hope BJP comes to power this time, where india needs it's full service this time due to the irrepairable damage done by so called UPA excluding PM.

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  • Padmanabha Shenoy, Udupi / Saudi Arabia

    Mon, Mar 23 2009

    As per my opinion religion should be kept aside from the politics. Bishops or Priests should not get involved.

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  • Bulsam, Mangalore

    Mon, Mar 23 2009

    Church, mosque or temple leaders should not mix politics in their speeches.

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Mon, Mar 23 2009

    Prakash, Mangalore/Dubai You have indeed very precious opinion about your Christian friends. At the same time, were you from Dalit/SC background and your higher castes oppressed you on various grounds, would you have not attracted towards a religion whose members are so acceptable to you ? Do you know Dr. Ambedkar along with his thousands of followers migrated to Buddhism ? Now, you will say Buddhism is similar to Hinduism but you will never try to heal the wounds of those oppressed ? I do not encourage conversion nor I agree on asking someone to convert in return for some services I may have offered. At the same time, I would not turn down who wishes to change his religion (to any other religion) because it is his constitutional right. Therefore, first repair the cracks in your religion that makes your own members migrate to other religions than blaming those who are doing unselfish community service.

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  • Asif, Udupi,Dubai

    Mon, Mar 23 2009

    Mr.Prakash, Could you kindly clarify what do you mean the case is different between the Hindus Vs Muslims.I cannot figure out what you want to say it would be highly appreciated if you would elaborate and also mention that how the people of all faith and nationality`s leave safely in the UAE (Muslim country) as the people in India think otherwise.

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  • Browny - Kuwait, Kuwait

    Mon, Mar 23 2009

    Praising or downdraging any parties is not a good sign for Christians in India. We Christians must realise that whatever is the Government in India we must cope up with that. No political party in India is trust worthy, all parties are same. The comments from the honorable Cardinal are dangerous for the future of Christians in India.

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  • Charles D'Mello, Pangala

    Mon, Mar 23 2009

    It is better for these religious leaders to practice what they have to practice what they are supposed to. It is none of their business to get into dirty politics. We have enough people to stir up communal hatred !!! It is better for this Cardinal to mind his business !!!

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  • Rajesh, Mangalore

    Mon, Mar 23 2009

    After the news on damaging of church property(banana plants),this is the second shock to christian readers!

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  • prakash, mangalore/dubai

    Mon, Mar 23 2009



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  • Richard, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Mon, Mar 23 2009

    Why such a hue and cry about the Cardinal’s remarks. BJP can’t do any mischief in Kerala as their presence is hardly anything. His remarks are confined only to Kerala , in that sense may be he is right.

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  • Ajay D'Souza, USA/Mangalore

    Mon, Mar 23 2009

    Lesser evil does not mean no evil. So why this hue and cry. The Cardinal is right in what he says. Both Communists and the Fascist BJP seek to undermine human freedom for differing purposes, so they are both evil. Anyone who subjugates human freedom is indeed evil. His statements should be seen in the larger light of the approach Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger ( Now Pope Benedict) and Pope John Paul took towards communists in South America.

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  • Joseph F. Gonsalves , Bannur Puttur/Mangalore

    Mon, Mar 23 2009

    Mr. Jerome Mangalore, Cardinal said bjp is lesser evil than Marxist. Do you mean what is this? Both are evil. One is lesser evil and the other is bigger evil. So we do not need any evil. Throw all the evil follow only the good. The present India which we are seeing is the FOURTH LARGEST ECONOOMY IN THE WORLD IS THE DELIGENT, PRUDENT AND CONSTANTLY PLANNED DEVELOPMENTAL WORKS OF CONGRESS IN 50 YEARS OF RULE. THEREFORE, VOTE FOR CONGRESS. CONGRESS IS THE ONLY PATRIOTIC AND NATIONALISTIC PARTY IN INDIA.

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  • roland,

    Mon, Mar 23 2009

    Is the cardinal going to fight elections, by making such comments.

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Mon, Mar 23 2009

    Franklin must understand that as BJP has made Christians' life miserable in Karnataka, CPI has made so in Kerala. Had the Cardinal been in Karnataka, his views would have been directed towards BJP.

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  • ashu, Mangalore

    Mon, Mar 23 2009

    The Cardinal's comments are unfortunate.  

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  • Harish , Mangalore

    Mon, Mar 23 2009

    Dear Readers, You always give comments only when there is problem regarding Pub attacks or anything which has been told by Hindu outfits but for this not a single comment has come till now otherwise there will be flowing out unnecessary comments. please comment on this..

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  • Franklin, paladka

    Mon, Mar 23 2009

    I am shocked at such statements. I cannot believe a cardinal is making such statements. we know how the HATE CRIME against christians spread without any truth behind it. Those who respect and love humanity and each others religion they KNOW IT. what other Bishops of India feel about these comments?. surely CBCI should take this matter seriously. I am confused by the recent statements and comments of the cardinal. ARE YOU?

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  • Jerome, Mangalore

    Mon, Mar 23 2009

    Slowly everyone will understand who is better.When you are in Rome be a Roman and when you are in India be an Indian by following Indian culture!

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