Bangalore: Congress List of Lok Sabha Candidates Remains Elusive

Daijiworld Media Network - Bangalore (SP)

Bangalore, Mar 25: It was widely expected that the already delayed Congress list of Lok Sabha candidates from the state would be released late night on Tuesday March 24. Even though the Central Election Committee of the Congress met to approve the list of candidates from the state, it is learnt, the party decided to defer release of the list, because of apprehension of a possible revolt in the party.

The central committee met on Tuesday night under the presidentship of Central Election Committee president Sonia Gandhi, Scrutiny Committee president A K Antony and KPCC president R V Deshpande. However, the much-awaited release of the list of candidates did not happen.

The delay has given rise to a sense of resentment among the tickets aspirants and also those who were sure to be named in the list. A minimum of 12 names from the state were expected to be cleared on Tuesday.

In the meanwhile, Mumbai police officer Daya Nayak has emerged as the front-runner for getting the Congress ticket from Udupi Lok Sabha constituency. It is learnt, Jayprakash Hegde, who was hoping to get the nod, retracted his move after the party reportedly told him that he would have to foot the election expenditure on his own.


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  • Venance A. J. Crasta, Udyavar / Bangalore

    Wed, Mar 25 2009

    I think, Congress will announce its candidates names after the completion of the election.

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