Chennai, Apr 24 (IANS): The Tamil Nadu police on Tuesday told the Madras High Court that mobile messaging player WhatsApp had declined to share details of the videos circulated in the Pollachi sexual abuse-cum-blackmail case.
The Tamil Nadu police had last month written to companies owing social media platforms like Facebook, WhatsApp asking for log details of the suspects in the case.
The government counsel told the court that non-cooperation by social media companies was making it difficult for the law enforcement agencies to crack cyber crimes.
Hearing a public interest ligitation (PIL), the court asked whether the Centre should ban social media companies if they did not cooperate with the law enforcement agencies.
The government counsel told the court that many social media companies were yet to appoint a grievance officers in India as per the provisions of the Information Technology (Intermediaries guidelines) Rules.
The court then ordered notices to companies owing social media platforms and adjourned the case for Thursday.