Shimla, May 1 (IANS): Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur on Wednesday said corruption was at its peak during the Congress regimes and due to this most of its leaders were on bail.
He was addressing an election meeting at Kharsi in Naina Devi Assembly constituency in Bilaspur district.
The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader said that Congress leaders misused their power and worked for furthering their own interests by ignoring the welfare of the common man.
"Now at the time of the elections they are talking about development and making tall claims to befool the voters. In a state of desperation, Congress President Rahul Gandhi is resorting to indecent statements against the Prime Minister for which he had to apologise to the Supreme Court," he said.
Thakur said the Congress should be given a befitting reply in the Lok Sabha elections.
"The country needs a strong leadership which can be given by the BJP as Prime Minister Narendra Modi has successfully taken the nation ahead on the path of development and prosperity," he added.