Hubli: Congress has No guts to Oppose Ram Mandir - Vishweshateertha Swamiji

Hubli: Congress has No guts to Oppose Ram Mandir - Vishweshateertha Swamiji

Daijiworld Media Network - Hubli (SP)

Hubli, Apr 21: "Any party including the BJP will require an absolute majority in Lok Sabha to be able to build Ram Mandir in Ayodhya. The temple can be built once the parliament passes a legislation to that affect," explained Pejawar Mutt head Sri Vishweshateertha Swamiji.

Speaking to reporters on his visit to the city for inaugurating the new block constructed in Vivekananda Hospital here on Monday April 20, the Swamiji said that the BJP faces some stumbling blocks from its alliance partners in the coalition scenario. At the same time, it has not shelved the project. Construction of Ram Mandir is included in its manifesto, he pointed out.

"A political party willing to build the temple will not find it hard to pass the legislation if it has a majority. Even the Congress party does not have the guts to oppose the temple construction," he felt. At the same time, the Swamiji said the people are now awaiting the court verdict on this issue.

He felt, there is nothing wrong if spiritual heads of various Mutts give suggestions to party leaders on candidature issue. "We have to protect the interests of the majority without meting out injustice to the minority. Every one should be treated equally," he stressed.

"Irrespective of party affiliations, we are opposed to the culture of using violent language. We want candidates to treat each others with respect. S M Krishna, who apologized to Sadanand Gowda after passing a personal comment against him, has become a model for others to emulate," he explained.


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  • clifford Fernandes, uk

    Fri, May 01 2009

     If Sri Krishna and Sri Rama were alive now they would disown him. See what he did to Puthige Sri. He is just wicked

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  • Ramakant, Kuwait

    Sun, Apr 26 2009

    I am proud that I am an Indian, proud about our constitution that has given us freedom of expression. Irrespective of the religion or social cadre, all of us are entitled to publicly express our honest viewpoint (whether political or otherwise) peacefully – so long as it is free from hatred or malice to instigate others. Shame on you Mohan Poojary. Come on. Are Swamijis not part of our society? Don’t they have social obligations? Should they be confined to temples or, say, Himalayas?? Would you have made a similar comment against a free expression by mullaji or Fatherji or politicianji?

    William, Sharjah, Agree that we all can (and should) practice the religion that we like. But then… why are you hitting below the belt? What is wrong if anyone (including a Swamiji) publicized his political leanings? Did he harm anyone by doing so? If you are construing this as a campaign by a Swamiji for a particular political party… what if so sir?

    Is it wrong for a religious leader to do so? Jemiyar, what do you mean by one not permitted to express regarding the matters at supreme court? What a crap?? Did you mean that such a prohibition is applicable to a layman (or a swamiji for that matter) only?? Why are you so silent when a wily politician blatantly misinterprets the events (including those pending in supreme court) for his own benefit? Why are you so partial in expressing your views?

    Shame on those who cannot come out of their shell and shame on those who misuse the freedom of expression! M/s. Krishna, Kumar, Janet dsouza & Sushil, kudos to you for your free expression. It does not matter to me whatever religion that you may belong to. But you have exercised your freedom of speech in the right way - by thinking & expressing yourselves beyond religion, without hurting any. Hope we will be able to join together and look for better India, in spite of those who put us to shame by their words & deeds.

    I am curious to know who all are going comment about my expression as above in this column. Especially, those who comment after noticing my name as below & guessing my so called religion !!

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  • Krishna M K, India

    Fri, Apr 24 2009

    Many comments are posted on mixing up religion with politics. Let us not forget that Ram Mandir is a religious issue which is politicized. Building of Somanatheshwar temple by the secular goverment during early independent days is precedent to Ram Mandir which was accomplished without much political noise. Mixing of religion with politics is happening and happened throughout the world. 1. Prophet Mohammed was both religious and political head if my understanding is correct. His children''s are rulers of Khalifats and as well as religious heads. 2. I think Vatican is administered by Pope the religious head. 3. The King of England is head of protestant religion there. 4. Many more churches are there in Europe headed by local kings. In India also Swamy Vidyaranya was the spirit behind Vijayanagar Kingdom. Many Sikh Gurus fought for safegaurding their religious rights. So, Swamiji taking interest in politics is acceptable to me. In fact Swamijis are always welcome to guide political leaders in right path in all other issues also. People who prefer bread over temple should oppose construction of any new religious structure and focus only on roti, kapda, makan.

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  • kumar, mangalore/mumbai

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    Mr Mohan, every citizen has right to make his own comment & to vote. Please refer to newspapers during last elections, where you can find few of swamijis voting. If one has right to vote, can''t he comment ?

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  • MOHAN POOJARY, Kankanady,Mangalore

    Thu, Apr 23 2009


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  • kumar, mangalore/mumbai

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    Pejavar shri is right in his word. Had Congress had the guts to solve the problem, BJP would never would have sprung up. Begining with just 2 MPs, now it is one of prime National parties, with many states being ruled by it. Today most of parties fear with BJP, owing to its strength. Pejavar shri has spoken truth, but many are not able to digest his words owing to their own preoccupation in thoughts.

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  • William, Sharjah, Udupi

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    Why any one should oppose the construction of mandir, masjid, church or temple. Every Indian citizen should have the right to practice their faith. Why swamiji giving statements on behalf of BJP. Let the religion be out of politics. After temple what for BJP end of the world?. We need development, progress, justice to all, no hatred.

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  • Jemiyar, kuwat

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    I think swamiji has totally forgotten that the case of bulding ramamandir in the prohibitted place is still in supreme court awaiting the judgement .People of india doesn''t have the time to go behind these issues when our country''s development is reduced due to globasl crisis.But the swamiji is having the full time in entertaining the bjp and bajaarangadal in this issue, that also during the election time and even in the inaugration of a hospital.

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  • janet dsouza, mangalore/UAE

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    I don''t see anything wrong in what Swamiji said. He has just expressed his opinion. By doing so, he has not entered any politics. At the same time, he is also free to give any guidance to his people whether they are ordinary people or political leaders. I wish, our democracy was like that of Switzerland where the ordinary people with 50000 signatures can force a change in legislation. Secondly, what is wrong if Hindus are demanding the construction of Ram Mandir in Ayodhya? If it is proved true that Lord Rama was indeed born there and there existed a temple before and it was brought down by Babar and a mosque was built in that place, I don''t see any reason why people shouldn''t demand to reverse the order and build a temple there! Thirdly, all our problems started because Congress tried to appease one particular minority group from the beginning i.e., the time of independence and it continues to do the same. According to me we shouldn''t have different rules,laws, schools and codes of conduct based on any religion. Religion should be a private matter. There should be uniform rules for all irrespective of religion. Religious studies should not be mixed with main stream educational institutions. . India is a secular country and will remain so, whether one likes it or not.

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  • Sushil, Dubai

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    He is right in saying congress has no guts . We have to respect people who preach peace ,harmony and tolerence .

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  • madav nayak, udupi

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    Swamiji,  you must  teach your  followers to be better humans than to be entising to create trouble within our own countrymen in the name of religion

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  • rajesh shetty, Mangalore

    Wed, Apr 22 2009

    We don''t need anymore temple or Masjid, we already got the enough. We wants the peace & Development in India.

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  • sudha, kaup,uae

    Wed, Apr 22 2009

    Dear yashwanth you have given right answer thank you

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  • rama, mangalure

    Wed, Apr 22 2009

    Paramananda Swamiji, Gokarna - You are right in all aspects. Religious leaders should show the correct way to the public by guiding them but Vishweshateertha Swamiji is talking for his personal gains and he wants to create communal riots / disputes.

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  • Hassan, Udupi/Dubai

    Wed, Apr 22 2009

    There is saying that "you can cheat some people for some time, you cannot cheat all the people all the time". Let''s see how long swamigi & his party able cheat people with this issue.

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  • Paramananda Swamiji, Gokarna

    Wed, Apr 22 2009

    It''s surprising to see an old swamiji jumping to the politics in his older days rather than confining to religious preaching and worship. It seems the statements are borrowed from political parties who trying to bank maximum communal votes under his blessing.

    I am totally against of religious heads joining to the politics. If such swamiji''s are began to run after politician for some personal gain, the real respect towards real swamiji''s like us will vanish.. Sarwam Mangalani Bhavanthu....

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  • Francis, Moodabidri/Dubai

    Wed, Apr 22 2009

    BJP can raise this issue for more 100 years because i dont think they may get majority till then.

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  • khaled , riyadh, ksa

    Wed, Apr 22 2009

    Mr.Stevan, you are absolutely correct he is not a swamiji, he is a political agent of BJP and Bajarang dal

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  • khaled , riyadh, ksa

    Wed, Apr 22 2009

    Mr.Stevan, you are absolutely correct he is not a swamiji, he is a political agent of BJP and Bajarang dal

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  • Clement, Banglore/Qatar

    Wed, Apr 22 2009


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  • Mohammed, Mangalore

    Wed, Apr 22 2009

    Very Smart move from Swamiji. In parliament you need Absolute Majority i.e. Two Third Majority to pass a legislation. Two Third means More than 63% share of votes. Where as BJP enjoys at its best up 20 t0 35 % only. Swamy and Sang Pariwar knows very well that its Absolutly no way BJP could reach that mark (65%).

    So as long as they dont get absolute majority they can raise this issue in each and every election. Very Smart move again to provoke the Congress party as usual they do with Minority Community He wants Congress to say something about the Mandir, Like Han Yaa Na (Yes or No) so it will be easy to mobilize the Majoritis Vote. Mark my Word, God Willing BJP will never build Ram Mandir in Ayodhya, never impose complete ban on Converssion or not eradicate Terorism because these are core issue to BJP to garner more Votes. Once these things gets over then they have to pack their bag and move on. Shame on Them for their Dirty Politics. I request with all Indians to Vote for right candidate who represenst for all.

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  • steevan, Mangalore

    Wed, Apr 22 2009

    I have doubt, he is Swamiji or a Politician ??

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  • Pradeep, Mangalore

    Wed, Apr 22 2009

    Dear Shekhar Alva, The Muslim Imams or the Christian Priests never said that you should vote for Congress or BJP. They are concerned about their community which every religion has the right to protect. They are out of Politics. What Swamiji has said is that only BJP can build Temple which implies that he wants others to support BJP. Being a head of the Mutt and particularly during these hasty environment in and around Mangalore / Karnataka, he should not have commented like this favouring a particular party. This shows how cruel his mind is. All religious heads should comment on the society as a whole and stay away from the politics.

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  • H M Pernal, Mangalore

    Wed, Apr 22 2009

    Dear Swamiji . . . Where is your pattada shishye Uma Bharati ? What are her future plans ?

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  • Rony Fernandes, udupi/dubai

    Wed, Apr 22 2009

    Ronald Udupi must be a frustrated congress man or may be worse then a chela, because only a frustrated person get irritated to know the facts, if a truth is said that person need not be in a party, whoever you are we are in Udupi before you and know the facts of both Oscar and Margaret Alva and what they have done other than their families, it was a national news for her son seat, few persons praising in karwar doesn''t make a person hero, if you dont know the facts its better to keep quite

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  • Daimi, UAE/ Mangalore

    Wed, Apr 22 2009

    Dear suresh, Don''t conclude that he is a swamiji for BJP. I am not BJP but still he is swamiji to me. If he is not for you say that. Whether he is swamiji for nation or not will be decided by the indiveduals not by you.

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  • lorsu, MANGALORE

    Wed, Apr 22 2009

    Dear Swamiji, build a small hospital in the disputed land for the benefit of patients irrespective of caste or creed. Keep a room for prayer. The patients/visitors will pray to their gods. If I close my eyes and pray, I will see my God. Why not earn some Punya atleast now?

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  • JOSEPH [kuwait, PADUKONE

    Wed, Apr 22 2009

    Swami also in political issues now. swamiji please stop jumping in political. enough there are so many leaders to put fire. You just do your job keep in touch with GOD. and pray to GOD to give good heart and mind for  our politicians to lead INDIA.

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  • zak, mangalore

    Wed, Apr 22 2009

    Swamiji GOD lives in our heart not in mandir, Masjid or church... I believe you are a peace maker not breaker

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  • Shanawaz, Dubai/Kaup

    Wed, Apr 22 2009

    First of all you guys look at your self why unnecessary you guys create problem your self muslims want peace but hindu wants to fight swamiji listen you are to old just pray for god to get peace in heaven for you not to create problems let india be peace............

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  • Charles D''Mello, Pangala

    Wed, Apr 22 2009

    Dr. Madhyastha, yes you are right every person has right to speak about anything he wishes. But these religious leaders also can speak such things in private and not to the media.In media it is better for them to speak only religion and not politics which is corrupt, particularly in India.!!

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  • rama, mangalure

    Wed, Apr 22 2009

    Is there any need to give a speech on election at the time of inaugurating the new block constructed in Vivekananda Hospital? Swamiji''s are not good for mutts anymore they should go for the election compain. Shame on this kind of swamiji''s.

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  • anu, Karsakod

    Wed, Apr 22 2009

    Now a days every religious Godmen for them it is became a fashion to give a speech wherever they go only on Politics with mixing the holy temple. Indeed Lakshi Toiba and Bin Laden''s group they are very happy to listen such agenda to make more problems to India very soon.

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  • shekar alva, mangalore/ qatar

    Wed, Apr 22 2009

    People commenting here, please research the facts. Ayodhya is janmabhoomi of Lord Rama. It is historic fact that Babur razed the temple here and built mosque, like thousands of other temples across India. When imam Bhukari praises Pakistan or says Sharia law in India is must or when Preists/ Fathers talk about their own community it is secular. When swamiji talks about temple or Hindu community it is communal. Why not see all religious leaders under same eyes?

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  • Dr.Madhyastha. H, Hungarkatte/Japan

    Wed, Apr 22 2009

    I think there is no wrong mention from Swamiji`s view on Ram Mandir. Whats wrong in it.After all he is Indian, As Indian he expressed his personal view.It is not correct to conect this as political statement.

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  • SAHANA N H, perne/ bantwal

    Wed, Apr 22 2009

    He is the only person who spreading communal clash in whole karnataka.govt will take action with this swami. Swaaaameee could u plz stop ur worst politics and work for public.

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  • Yashwanth, Bajpe, Mumbai

    Wed, Apr 22 2009

    Dear Swami, it''s really shame to you involved between the worst poli-trics, think about there are thousand of homeless poor people in our religion in india even in karnataka, at least try to grant them a small hut,

    We have plenty of temples in India where there are no people going and not even Poojaries to light the temples, Dear swami, do some good work in your old age which people really required, don''t show your poli-tricks and fun with public, Nowaday''s people are not foos..

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    Tue, Apr 21 2009

    If congress was not there BJP would have finished India with communal war and hatred.Thanks to congress for controlling them.

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  • Siva, USA

    Tue, Apr 21 2009

    Lydia, Good Question: Why is everybody concentrating on just one Mandir and precisely at that place? Answer is simple. Majority of the Hindus (and I am sure some minorities too ) believe that Ram was born at Ayodhya. It is much like how most people in the world (not just Chrstians) believe Jesus was born in Bethlehem. Babar Nama, written by Babar, the foreign invader of India proudly show he (through his generals) destroyed the temple. After destroying the temple he built the Masjid. Those who question what is the proof that Ram Mandir stood that, learn it from horses mouth and Read Babar Nama. So the majority of the Hindus are feeling that they have been unduly harassed and psych voilated. Just imagine how much Christians of Dakshina Kannada have been hurt when stones were thrown at the Churches. So how should Hindus feel the birth place of Ram (For us it is analogous to Bethlehem) is destroyed and a temple was built? Just because that happened a few centuries back do you think Hindus will not have any feelings? Ask such a question to jews who have claimed Israel which went out of their hand many more centuries back. They will give you apt reply.

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  • Siddharth, Bangalore

    Wed, Apr 22 2009

    Swamiji is right. If BJP gets absolute majority then only it can go ahead and build the Ram temple in Ayodhya.

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  • rudy, bantwal

    Wed, Apr 22 2009

    MANDIR CHAHIYE BAN JAYEGA LEKIN JALDI LASHKARE TOIBA TOD BE DEGA talk about how to stop terrorism in india swamiji!!! you are the waste for this country

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  • Ronald, Udupi

    Wed, Apr 22 2009

    Roni, Udupi, Dubai- For me you look like a chela of BJP ! Do not call a person failure just because he/she lost election! Yesterday a non Congressman from Karwar told me that Margaret Alwa is a wonderful person and an intelligent lawyer! Do not get carried away by saffron wave! How many elections VS Archy lost? He is a failure anyway! For you he is hero!

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  • Ronald, Udupi

    Wed, Apr 22 2009

    Pramod USA, people who are supposed to be for change of governance are taking religion as cover! They do not believe in themselves!! Thereby they lost all!!

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  • vika dubai, udupi

    Wed, Apr 22 2009

    Amith mangalore, really youu want rama mandir.........wait for another 500 years.but its imposible forever...........

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  • Pramod, USA

    Wed, Apr 22 2009

    We have some shameless people who still talk about basic amenities like Roti,Kapda, Makan. Come on folks..if the successive govts from last 60 years could deliver these basic amenities then why blame swamiji..Lets ponder and think whether our country needs to change its mode of governance?

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  • Clement, Bantwal / Doha-Qatar

    Wed, Apr 22 2009

    Ayyo Swamiji nimage yakappa rajakiya beku? Nimage udupiyalli dodda Mandira untalappa..neevu nimma pooje maduva kelasa alliye madi punya kattikolli.... Congress sarakarakke enu madabeko adanne maduttare..nemma advise avarige bekagilla ok..

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  • Adarsh, Mangalore. K.S.A.

    Wed, Apr 22 2009

    Swamijee if you are knowing what you said then why went all the way to Babri Masjid demolition day? If you have the same guts go and build mandir now.

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  • suresh, abu dhabi

    Wed, Apr 22 2009

    He is swamiji for only BJP people, he is not for nation, thanks daiji for coverage.

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  • Godwin, Mangalore/ Kuwait

    Wed, Apr 22 2009

    Come on swami mandir is your bread and butter, you care a two hoots for the poor, you have the government to give you protection.

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  • rony, udup/dubai

    Wed, Apr 22 2009

    Mr. Harold, Congress was in power, when the Mosque was demolished, they just kept a blind eye, so that they can make an election issue for the rest of their life, Congress is playing dirty game, and is usually run by the loosers, take Margret Alva, Veerapa Moily, Oscar Fernandes, all are loosers and all are in the core comiitees in Delhi, to decide and people like SM.Krishna have been sidlelined, same way congress is playing the minoirtiy card, but is not doing anything for minorities, and again coming to this Swamiji, he is must more secular then the congress, he will never harm minority, when is said all should be equal, he meant every word that he has said.

    We have seen this great man from childhood, so pleasing congress is not worth, if they had done enough progress in the State, today they would have been still ruling the State, they are idealess party today, and get confused in giving tickets, they with their, useless think tank group, is for sure going to ruin the party and then the blame will come of the Ghandhi family, or the Prime Minister, but as Laloo said, its the Chaleas and the Chamchas who are playing dirty games

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  • Khursheed, Abu Dhabi

    Wed, Apr 22 2009

    Congress has no guts to oppose Ram Mandir but BJP has no guts to build Ram Mandir.

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  • Ajith, Mangalore

    Tue, Apr 21 2009

    OK forget development, roti Kapda and makan,who wants it Lets all build Rama Mandir and sleep there and die.Who cares about the nation.

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  • rocky, Mangalore

    Tue, Apr 21 2009

    Mr. Harold D''cunha, These swamiji''s have no problem for Roti, Kapda & Makan. That''s why they don''t think about this. They just need Mandir!!!

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    Tue, Apr 21 2009

    Even Swamiji also playing a political game to endangering some minority communities sentiments.

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  • shaeen Khan, Manglore/Dubai

    Tue, Apr 21 2009

    Is it Mandir or Masjid,it is verry shame to BJP using Swamiji with worst statement,they trying Hindu Vote Bank but BJP never do this,Becz majority of Hindu realized BJP agenda in mandir.. Just foolish.,

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  • sudhir shetty, Mangalore

    Tue, Apr 21 2009

    Mandir or no mandir its not right for swamiji to get into politics and support one party.

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  • Lavina S. Pinto, Mangalore / Dubai

    Tue, Apr 21 2009

    Dear Swamiji, Kindly raise the issue for getting basic necesseties for poor people who are strugling to get a meal instead of raising temple issue. No educated people want temple/masjid/church issue during this current situation, what they need is peaceful atmosphere for this short span of life.

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  • Harold D''cunha, Mangalore, India

    Tue, Apr 21 2009

    Surprised to note that Swamiji is talking ill about Congress party regarding Ram Mandir. Do agree with Swamiji that Congress has no guts to oppose Ram Mandir but also they donot have guts to demolish mosque. It is BJP which has guts to demolish mandir and mosque. In Gujarath it was Mr. Modi Govt demolished more than 80 mandirs in the name of development and nobody said anything except Congress party which opposed this act. In Ayodya it was again BJP Sangh Parivar demolished mosque.

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  • Gopala, UK

    Tue, Apr 21 2009

    When the religious leaders join and preach politics then the status of the country is as good as Pak & Afghanistan. Now people of India less religious so these leaders have to find their living by preaching politics……..Mahhhhhhhhhbharat

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  • Rolphy Almeida, Udupi/Bangalore

    Tue, Apr 21 2009

    Nobody opposes Ram Mandir, why congress should oppose it, what Swamiji wants to prove. What provocative attitude is this? We all want Mandir, Masjid, Gurudwara and church out of politics and remain as place of peace, meditation and prayer. The real question is how people remember this only at the time of election. Do they hibernate otherwise?

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  • Monu, Bombay/Kundapur

    Tue, Apr 21 2009

    it is joking Rajakiya...

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  • Wasim, Kaup

    Tue, Apr 21 2009

    Yes!!!soft Hindutva by Congress,Swamji is correct do you find any statement by congress party that Masjid should be re built in the same place?

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  • devdas dolphy serrao, bangalore

    Tue, Apr 21 2009

    when the United States was in the midst of a great depression and there was misery and want everywhere, president Franklin D. Roosevelt coined a phrase that has rung through time. He said, " The only thing we have to fear is fear itself" But fear haunts everyone: fear for one''s job, fear for the welfare of one''s followers, fear of sickness - and fear of fear. The fear of the Swamiji about Government favouring the minorities unrealistic. the only thing we have to fear is fear itsef.

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  • John Pinto, chickmagalur/ Qatar

    Tue, Apr 21 2009

    The best way to settle this problem is to built both Mosque and a Temple side by side and show our unity in disparity .

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    Wed, Apr 22 2009


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    Tue, Apr 21 2009

    You are right Swamiji, Congress has No guts to Oppose Ram Mandir. In the year 1989 congress party gave permission for laying the Foundation Stone to build the Ram Mandir. In the year 1992 congress party allowed the Kar sewaks to demolish the Babri Masjid. The fact is BJP party openly saying that it will build the Ram Mandir, but Congress party doing "Chupke Chupke"!!!.

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  • jemmi kwt, mangalore

    Tue, Apr 21 2009

    Swami..tamge yattakke rajakiya?

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  • Harold D''cunha, Mangalore, India

    Tue, Apr 21 2009

    When I was a student my Kannada teacher told us that every Indian is an incarnation of Lord Ram. What Indian requires is the basic amenities Roti,Kapda, Makan( food, cloth, shelter). When this is full then other issues arises. Pray that all issues will be settled amicably without hurting the sentiments of anybody and all Indians live in harmony.

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  • Amith , Manglore/Banglore

    Tue, Apr 21 2009

    We want rama mandir

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Tue, Apr 21 2009

    Why is everybody concentrating on just one Mandir and precisely at that place ? Will there be one peacemaker who will say we have brought down the masjid - let us stop at that - No Masjid nor Mandir ? Why not make a musium or a playground for children ? In Gujarat Modi razed down several mandirs for developing infrastrcture - nobody said one word about it. Because of Ayodhya temple, India lost several lives. Will there be an end ? Would you all want to be called Hindu, Muslim & Christian ? Never an Indian ? Everybody call for revenge - including Swamijis ?

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