New Delhi, Jun 14 (IANS): Learn how to 'pivot' forward in an age of disruption by coming out of your comfort zone; then, switch back to an era that harkens to the Emergency; and finally, relive an arduous 14,000 km journey through Central Asia, China and Tibet tracing an ancient trade route.
The IANS Bookshelf has plenty of variety to offer this weekend. Happy reading!
1. Book: Pivot to the future; Authors: Omar Abbosh, Paul Nunes, Larry Downes; Publisher: Nicholas Brealey Publishing/Hatchette; Price: Rs 599; Pages: 281
In an increasingly disruptive world, pivoting to the future - a strategy for perpetual innovation across the old, now and new elements of any business - is what's required but this can only happen if leaders are prepared to leave the safe harbor of today. But this takes courage.
"Courage to accept that today's core offerings may be coming to the end of their life.
"Courage to engage with new technologies that aren't quite ready to problem-free adoption.
"Courage to embrace some of the best innovations in business tools and management approaches that come out of Silicon Valley and other global technology hubs.
"Courage to scale new offerings when market conditions align," the authors explain.
Do you have it in you? Read the book for the answers.
2. Book: Once upon a Curfew; Author Srishti Chaudhary; Publisher: Penguin Random House; Price: Rs 299; Pages: 305
Choices...choices...choices. In 1974, Indu inherits an apartment from her grandmother and wants to convert it into a library for women. It'll keep her suitably occupied till she marries her fiance, studying management in London.
Indu then meets Rana, a young lawyer with sparkling wit and a heart of gold. He helps her set up the library...and they discover a mutual fondness for Rajesh Khanna.
The Emergency is then declared and Rana is in trouble for his association with individuals inimical to the state; simultaneously, Rajat decides it's time to bring Indu to London.
Indu must now decide not only with whom, but what kind of life she wishes to lead.
3. Book: Beyond the Himalayas - Journeying Through The Silk Route; Text: Goutam Ghosh and Michael Haggiag, Photographs: Goutam Ghosh; Publisher: Niyogi Books; Price: Rs 1,250; Pages: 175
"There's no place more enchanting than this. The collective move of memories alone entices scholars and artistic pretenders from the world over. Civilisations have emerged from these varied terrains stepped in the lore of love and wars. A land known as much for many fabled journeys as it is for its ancient and modern travellers. You could say it is the orignal melting pot. It is the Silk Road. And like all roads, it has a beginning and an end. Or does it," Oxford don Kunal Basu writes in the foreword.
Ghosh, an award-winning filmmaker had captured the ardurous 14,000 km journey through Central Asia, China and Tibet, organised in 1994 by veteran Everester Major H.P.S. Ahluwalia, in a five-part series titled: "Beyond the Himalayas". And, in keeping with innovations in publishing, this Film Book is a pictorial chronicle of Ghosh's incredible experience on the Silk Route.
Much of the text is the narration of the orignal soundtrack of the series which has been adapted for the benefit of book readers. It surely makes for a visual treat.