Bata India asks Employees to End Strike

Kolkata, July 9 (IANS): A day after threatening to suspend operations at its strike-hit Batanagar unit in West Bengal, Bata India Thursday held talks with union leaders and asked them to exhort the striking contract labourers to end the four-day-old agitation.

"The management has told us today (Thursday) that they are willing to listen to the demand of the contract workers, but they have to first withdraw their strike," Bata Mazdoor Union president Subir Chakraborty said.   

A company notice Wednesday said the management might declare suspension of work in Batanagar at any time if the strike was not withdrawn.    

Around 200 striking contract labourers are staging a sit-in in front of the company gate from Monday, demanding a wage hike.   

Chakraborty said the contract workers were also preventing permanent workers from entering the factory.  

"There is a fear in the mind of the permanent workers that the factory may shut operations because of the attitude of the contract staff which we don't support," he said.   

The Bata Mazdoor Union is affiliated to the All India Trade Union Congress (AITUC).   


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  • Jawar D''Souza, M''lore/Doha

    Sun, Jul 12 2009

    Strike during this recession thousand''s of people are losing job''s day by day and these lazy fellows are on strike. Arrest them and put them behind bar''s if they dont want to work.Only who want to work can stay.

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