'Hillary Clinton Very Satisfied with India Trip'

Washington, July 24 (IANS): With Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's trip to India having broadened the frame of US-India relations, Washington says it now looks forward to deepening cooperation in areas they have agreed to work together.

"I think Secretary Clinton reflected in a number of occasions that we were very satisfied with the trip to India and the launching of a strategic dialogue and an expansion of the range of issues that we will address in future meetings," State Department spokesman Philip J. Crowley told reporters Thursday.

"Now that you've broadened the frame and significantly increased the number of issues that the two countries will address together, now comes the hard work of preparing for these meetings and deepening the cooperation and seeing what progress can be made in all of the working groups that she outlined with her Indian counterpart."

Asked if the Indian External Affairs Minister S.M. Krishna was coming to the US, Crowley said: "Obviously, the strategic dialogue will be carried on primarily at the ministerial level, but as was noted the other day during the trip, the prime minister (Manmohan Singh) will be coming for a state visit" in November.

In reply to another question, he said US special envoy for Afghanistan and Pakistan, Richard Holbrooke is not going to stop in India after his current visit to the two countries as previously announced. "There was a mismatch in terms of scheduling. So he will do that on a future trip to the region."


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