Mangalore: Konkan Kogul Kindles Nostalgic Moments

Mangalore: Konkan Kogul Kindles Nostalgic Moments

by Florine Roche
Pics by Dayananda Kukkaje
Daijiworld Media Network - Mangalore

Mangalore, Aug 3: It was the fourth Wilfy Rebimbus Golden Sentimental Nite but the one that was filled with more sentiments and nostalgias than any of the Wilfy Nites conducted so far.  It was moment of wistfulness for Konkani aficionados who had gathered in large numbers once again to be a part of the “Wilfy Rebimbus Golden Sentimental Nite” held in T M A Pai Auditorium and savor the golden moments of history making. For Konkan Kogul Wilfy Rebimbus, his wife Konkan Maina Meena Rebimbus and for the members of United Youngsters it was moment of history repeating itself with renewed vigor and vengeance of having withstood all the vagaries of life and coming out with flying colours having left a legacy in Konkani for generations to come. It was no mean achievement for the members of United Youngsters to stay together and work untiringly for 50 long years and in the process enrich Konkani language, literature and music.

For the great artiste Wilfy Rebimbus the stage provided the right forum as he was choked with sentiments and emotions looking at the sea of crowd that had assembled in full capacity to be a part of this concert.  Before regaling the audience with his songs Wilfy took the mike to express his gratitude to the people who made the grand show of sentimental Nite a grand reality.  As he spoke he was almost close to tears for the love and affection he received from Konkani lovers. “Just ten months back I thought I will not be able to sing when doctors told me about my ill health. It was then I prayed to god requesting him to take my life but if you keep me alive you have to allow me to sing.  He listened to my prayers and after the successful operation here I am in front of you”, said an emotionally charged Wilfy to the thunderous applause of the assembled Konkani premis. 


With his wife standing beside him Wilfy thanked all those who stood behind him in thick of times, the hospital authorities, the doctors, family members, friends, well-wishers and all those who were responsible for his speedy recovery.  Expressing his gratitude to his fans that have made him what he is today he said “it was your inspiration and good words that helped me to work for the last 50 years and I am grateful to you for your continuous patronage and support”. 

For the eagerly awaiting crowd which had gathered in large numbers to fill the 2000 capacity hall Wilfy and his family comprising wife Meena, Veena and Arthur and their two kids and Vishwas and Charleen sang the first song of the nite “Sangeet Kutamb he Amchen”, which was apt on the occasion and the crowd expressed their appreciation and happiness with a generous applause.  

It was a sentimental nite to the core as 10 of the total 17 songs that were sang were songs on requests from the fans that had sent their requests to the organizers in advance. Wilfy’s wife Meena, children Veena and Vishwas along with singers Rony D Cunha, Ivan Sequeira, Rathan Castelino, Prem Kumar, Claude, Munita Veigas, Charleen, Stany D Souza and Prashanth Raj sang the songs written and composed by Wilfy to take people back to those nostalgic moments of yesteryears.  Though there were requests from people the organizers had selected a combination of songs that appealed to everyone and a good mixture of love, sentiments, tribute to motherhood, motherland, romance and comedy.  

Veena Pais sang the song penned by Wilfy in praise of Mangalore “Pranam tuka Kartha sobhith muja shera, ulo thuka Martha muja mogacha mangalura”, which was written on the city of Mangalore.  Meena on the other hand chose to sing “Muja kalzachi ha leak udi apaytha tuje namv”, paying glowing tributes to the one thing dearer to us all - ‘mother’.  Songs played on popular requests included “Zeena”, “Lakhanth Eklen”, a must in most Konkani marriages or roce functions ‘illo illo illo di maka to thuzo mog dora’,  “Naman thuka Avaipana” “Jacintha”, “Philomena” and the famous filmy song “Mog tuzo kithlo Ashelo”.  The final bonanza came in the form of a medley sung by Wilfy, Meena, Ivan, Rathan, Munita, Vishwas, Charleen, Rony, Veena, Arthur, Prem and Claude. Some of the songs were accompanied by dances thus adding colour, glamour and visual effect to the songs. 

The monotony in between the songs was broken by the comedy shows of Dolla, Kulla with Me-Mo-Re trio sending the assembled crowd to a riot of laughter and fans never realized they spent 3 hours inside the hall just listening to music.  9 musicians provided musical accompaniment to the singers. 

The actual programme of music began at 6.30 after an hour of stage programme but the fans never complained.  Bishop of Mangalore Rt Rev Aloysius Paul D Souza who was the chief guest honoured Wilfy and his Meena with the shawl and memento.  Speaking on the occasion the Bishop said Wilfy’s songs have a distinct touch and a rare style.  He is an institution in itself, an ocean of music and a flowing river. He has brought respect and honour to Konkani language and to Konkani people”. 

The guests of honour on stage included Felix Lobo, Leo Rodrigues, Lawrence Pinto, James Mendonca, Stany Fernandes, Ronald F D Souza and Walter Nandalike. Even Sponsor and NRI businessman Ronald Colaco presented Wilfy with a Memento.  In his congratulatory speech Ronald Colaco said “Wilfy’s life has been like an open book.  Development of language depends on the developments made in the fields of music, language and literature.  Wilfy has been responsible for laying a strong foundation for the growth of the language in his own way”.

The occasion also marked the symbolic launch of Wilfy Rebimbus' 40 music albums in a single pouch. Member of the honorary committee and NRI businessman Leo Rodrigues released Wilfy Rebimbus' 40 music albums in a single pouch. Editor-in-Chief of Walter Nandalike proposed a vote of thanks. 




The tickets of the Golden Sentimental Nite were sold out a week in advance and were even available in black at an exorbitant cost.  People had thronged to the TMA Pai hall from different parishes, taluks and districts, from Bangalore, Mysore, Goa and some had even arrived from the gulf specifically to be a part of the Sentimental Nite. There was a deluge of people at the auditorium who unfortunately had to return due to non availability of tickets.  Despite the disappointment for Konkani lovers this is a welcome development from the point of view of Konkani language and culture.  

The evening was spent hilariously amid sentimental and nostalgic moments and a definite paisa vasool in all respects.  Only those who missed the tickets would rue having missed a golden opportunity.

The entire four and half hour stage as well as musical event, was compered by Leslie Rego in his dynamic and unique style. Rego also had coordinated the event.


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  • clifford leo d,souza, mangalore

    Tue, Aug 11 2009

    Congratulations “Konkan Kogul" Wilfy Rebimbus for his heard work in his life, may god bless him

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  • judith, mumbai

    Sat, Aug 08 2009

    Pls. hold such a programme in Mumbai also We want to hear Mr. Wilfy and his band "live"

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  • wilfred.maxim.d''souza, kulshekar/saudi-arabia

    Wed, Aug 05 2009

    congratulations,dear wilfy,meena,veena,vishwas,and united youngsters alongwith all the hands who supported in organising this is really a great event in the history of konkans mangalore and may the almighty god bless you all and specially my dear wilfy may the good god give you strength and good health and may all your dreams come true. all the best to you all.

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  • Clifford Vaz, Mira Road / Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 05 2009

    Long live Mr Wilfy Rebimbus and Mrs Meena Rebimbus. Cause there wont be any one else like them. Congratulations to the United Youngsters..

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  • walter monteiro, belman/abudhabi

    Tue, Aug 04 2009


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  • geoffrey, hathill

    Tue, Aug 04 2009

    There''s no dearth of singers/musicians in konkani, but when it comes to lyrics, Wilfy''s second to none.

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  • Fr.Andrew Leo, Mangalore

    Tue, Aug 04 2009

    Gongratulations to Konkan Kogul Mr. Wilfy Remembus, Meena bai Wiswas Sherly Veena Arther Arvin And Anna and all the singers Artists M.C Mr. Lesley Rego and The United Yungsters who organised the This Sentimental Nite. I enjoyed the show. It is really beautiful and wonderful.Long live our Mogal Wilfyab . May many more nights of this sort come out in the future. God bless our wilfyab and his family. Fr. Andrew. leo

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  • nelson , valencia/kuwait

    Tue, Aug 04 2009

    Congratulations on this great event. Please can anyone let me know how you get a DVD of this show in Kuwait.

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  • Andrina Pais, Bajpe,Mangalore

    Tue, Aug 04 2009

    All these years the wilfy nights have won a billion hearts of Mangaloren konkani families.But this particular night was really very emotional to all of us.I wish a speedy recovery to Knightingale and may god shower all his blessings on wilfy and his family.

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  • Royson brian, sullia/mangalore

    Tue, Aug 04 2009

    Hello uncle I am somuch thankfull to you it was very nice I am happy that all my songs were sung and i was happy to vishu mama was with aunty wife looking very pretty with hokalbai and it was fantastic to see the hall was fully packed. and uncle we want say hip hip huray-all the best and good luck always

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  • Avitha Ferros, Jeppu,

    Mon, Aug 03 2009

    Really enjoyed the show. Thanks to United Youngsters. Mr. Leslie Rego - it was well organised. Congragulations to Mr. Wilfy for the Sucessful Show. Wish you Very Best & Long Live Rebimbus Family.

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  • Melwin Nancy D souza & fly, Manglore/ Milagres

    Mon, Aug 03 2009

    Congratulations to Konkan kogul Wilfyab and all Organising committee. and thank you very much our DAIJIWORLD.

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  • H M Pernal, Mangalore

    Mon, Aug 03 2009

    I witnessed one strange thing in yesterday’s historic event. When Wilfy Sir entered the stage the entire 2000 plus audience gave him standing ovation. I have seen in National level Hindi Programmes MC’s ask for standing ovation for living legends like Dileep Kumar. But here it was so spontaneous. This is the clear testimony how much respect Wilfy Sir Commands in Konkani. He is humble . . . So he is great! Well done, United Youngsters. Hats Off.

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    Mon, Aug 03 2009

    Congratulations "Sangeet Kutmak" on your successful & beautiful sentimental nite. May god bless & give you good health dear ''Konkan Kogul''.

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  • Eulalia Dsouza, Bijai / Mangalore

    Mon, Aug 03 2009

    Many Congratulations Mr. Wilfy, Remimbus family n the entire team...!! It was a wonderful night and we enjoyed every bit of it y/day. Wilfy aab, "I WISH YOU A LIFE FILLED WITH GOOD HEALTH, A CONTENT LIFE, SHOWERS OF BLESSINGS FROM ABOVE ON YOU, MAY YOU ENJOY GOD''s PRESENCE WITHIN YOU NOW N ALWAYS, SO THAT HE IS YOUR GUIDE N GAURDIAN " You are too precious to be mentioned. Hats off to you Walty n daiji team, for a wonderful coverage as usual. But these photos look out of the world, with a huge coverage... Keep it up, let daiji world reach greater heights.. cheers..!!

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  • Frederick Pinto, Shirva

    Mon, Aug 03 2009

    "Congratulations...." It was a great wonderful Sentimental nite at Mangalorian history. Thanks for the Daijiworld media for beautiful photos. I wish Wilfy & all United Youngsters team on your great success.

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  • Maizie, Mangalore / Marnamikatta

    Mon, Aug 03 2009

    Dear Lucy keep it up with your good voice this is Maizie from Mangalore now in Dubai my last  vacation i couldnt meet you, God Bless u lucy... nice to see u in group photo

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    Mon, Aug 03 2009

    Thanks indeed for the beautiful album. Wilfy and his whole team, congratulations on your great success of sentimental nite. keep up the great singing. God bless you wherever you are.

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  • Ronald Mathias, Mangalore / Bahrain

    Mon, Aug 03 2009

    Congradulations Konkan Kogul Sri. Wilfy Rebimbus, Konkan Maina Smt. Meena Rebimbus & Family and entire music team. My special Congradulations to my close friends Mr. Claud D''Souza, Mr. Joswin Pinto, Mr. Christopher Mascarenhas, Mr. Dolla Nandigudda and very special Mr. Leslie Rego a GREAT Compere, Wish you all a very BRIGHT future in your talent. (Ronald Mathias President 1991-92 CAL - Catholic Action League St. Sebastian''s Church, Bendur Mangalore)

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  • Jaison, Reema & Reanne Lasrado, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Mon, Aug 03 2009

    Dear Uncle Wilfy/Aunty Meena, Veena/Arthur & fly, Vishwas/Charleen- Hearty Congratulations on a Spectacular Show! As a complete family each of you have contributed towards promoting Konkani through music and meaningful songs.

    The beautiful photos and the excellent write-up has really enabled us to picturize the ambiance of the Sentimental Nite! With gratitude to the Almighty for granting Uncle Wilfy good health to stand before an excellent audience, we once again congratulate you all for the success of a memorable and entertaining event. We look forward to many more events to come-GOD BLESS!

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  • Godwim Mendonca, Mangalore/dubai

    Mon, Aug 03 2009

    The king of konkani music hatsoff. long live mr wilfy n family.

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    Mon, Aug 03 2009

    Congrats to the legends. I like all the songs of wilfy''s albums

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  • Fr.Vincent D''Souza, Alangar-Moodbidri

    Mon, Aug 03 2009

    Congratulations to United Youngsters team on your great success.I wish my dear friend Wilfy good health and may the good Lord bless him to sing in many more nites. Congratulations to Meena and all the singers, muscians, dancing group and comedy groups. Long live Konkan Kogul,Long live United youngsters Thanks to Daijiworld for the beautiful albums.

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    Mon, Aug 03 2009


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  • Praveen Pinto, puttur Libya

    Mon, Aug 03 2009

    Dear Wilfy and family....congratulations on your great suceess.......!!Thanks to the daijiworld for the beautiful albums....!!

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  • Antony Crasta, Mangalore/Sydney-Australia

    Mon, Aug 03 2009

    Hearty congratulations Wilfy and Meena on your outstanding achievements and at this great occasion of felicitations and celebrations! Good to see such a huge gathering of your admirers and followers, and thanks to Daijiworld for the beautiful photographs and coverage.

    The albums also gave me an opportunity to see in the audience my close relative Rev.Fr. William and also a close friend Rev. Fr. Victor D`Mello, though I must say sadly I missed the great occasion. Congratulations also to Mr.Leslie Rego and the Organising Committee on their endeavour to make the Nite such a wonderful event and success.

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  • sylvia, mangalore

    Mon, Aug 03 2009

    Dear United Youngsters team congratulations on your great success. and there is no other stars to compare Wilfybaab in Konkani Kutam.hatsof to you all. keep it up. & all the best.

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  • Jason Dsouza, Kaikamba

    Mon, Aug 03 2009

    It was a wondefull ocassion to be part of this sentimenal nite. Am really proud I have taken part to witness the legend "Wilfy"..It was great entertainment and am sure all the konkani lovers who were not there for this programme have missed the golden event. All the songs were nicely sung but I expected "Mog thujo Kitlo Ashelo" and "Philomena" to be sung by Konkan Kogul. This was a bit of dissapointment for me.Otherwise...Hats off to United Youngsters, Mangalore and all pillars behind this memorable event..

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  • Vijay, Bangalore

    Mon, Aug 03 2009

    Wow...seems like a superb event. All the best to Wilfy''s family.

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  • vinod wilfred tauro, MADANTHYAR/DUBAI

    Mon, Aug 03 2009

    Congratulations to Wilfybab and family and United Youngsters, still young...and it is good and complete coverage...Eventhough we missed this opportunity to see this Sentimental Nite. Thanks Daijiworld.

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  • Alwyn, canada

    Mon, Aug 03 2009

    Well done. Please keep up our youth focused on our mother tongue and songs.

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    Sun, Aug 02 2009

    Dear United Youngsters, Mr Leslie Rego & organising committee, I really enjoyed the ''Konkan Kogul'' Wilfy Rebimbus Sentimental nite. It was well organised, disciplined and really filled me with sentiments specially when Konkan Kogul expressed his feelings. I wish him good health and may the good Lord bless him with "VOICE" to sing in many more nights. Congratulations to all the singers, muscians, dancing group and comedy groups. Long live Konkan Kogul, Long live konkani literature. Thanks to Daijiworld for the beautiful albums.

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  • Austin Prabhu, Nanthur/Chicago

    Mon, Aug 03 2009

    Great report of Wilfy''s Sentimental Nite. After going through all the albums, I myself felt like I was there in person! Good photo album to be cherished. Wish Wifly many many more years of good health not only to cherish his memories, also to bring more songs to World Konkani Community. Jai Ho Wilfy Rebimbus, Jai Ho!!

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  • Max & Jessie Rasquinha, Mangalore/Houston, Tx

    Mon, Aug 03 2009

    Dear Shriman Walter Nandalike and the Daiji Qutam, thank you so very much for such professional, spontaneous and timely coverage on so many events that take place in our home town, located so far away, yet you make it so close to our minds and our hearts. Wilfy and Meena were known to us with their talented life of music much before they were married, and they have continued their dedication ever since for fifty glorious years. They have made us feel so proud in our group advancement of culture and have made us feel so rich in the fulfillment of our musical tastes. Wilfy, Meena and the family as well as all members of United Youngsters have brought in us an unique identity of our Konkany roots by fulfilling our desire and make us realize the value of Konkany heritage. They all ahve given us a sense of belonging on the face of the changing global environment. Our community values, our cultural values and most importantly our secular values are symbolized and vitalized by Wilfy and his family and heir talented virtues, and they have brought increased love for our family, our neighbourhood and our beloved home town. Thank you one and all for a job well done. Keep up the good work and God bless.

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