Mangalorean Captain Glen Aroza Languishing in Taiwan

Mangalorean Ship Captain Languishing in Taiwan
Daijiworld Media Network - Mangalore (SP)

Mangalore, Aug 4: Preetha Aroza, wife of Glen Patrick Aroza from Bendore in the city, has been going through endless agony, as her husband Glen, who works as the captain of a ship, has been held up in Taiwan in the guise of investigation, since the last four months.

Glen was the ex-Master of the VLCC, M.T.Tosa owned by NYK Ship Management Private Limited, Japan. He has been working on foreign going  ships since the last 19 years and is in contract with the said company for the second term.

Reportedly, the ship captained by Glen was moving towards Singapore from South Korea on April 17, when it was involved in an alleged contact with a Taiwanese fishing trawler in the International waters off Taiwan in the wee hours. The incident happened during the duty time of the second officer, Mohd. Rezaul Karim (Bangladeshi) and AB Eduardo Mallorca (Filipino) who did their best to avoid contact with fishing trawler.  Captain Aroza had left his procedural Night Orders on the navigation bridge clearly stating that when in doubt, in any situation, to call the master. The second officer did not call master as he NO reason to do so. At the time of this alleged incident, the master was resting.

This alleged incident was brought to the notice of Captain Aroza after nearly ten hours  when the Taiwan Coast Guards intercepted and threatened to divert the ship to the nearest port of Hualien as the alleged incident had 2 of the 13 crew members of the fishing trawler missing.

The Taiwan officials alleged that the boat capsized because the Tosa collided with it, which is untrue and the SVDR (Simplified Voyage Data Recorder) of the ship has revealed ‘no contact’ and so also the hull inspection of the ship and trawler revealed no damage or contact of any sort had taken place. Even after several inspections, the authorities there could not get any proof of the boat having been involved a collision with the ship in question. While the ship was allowed to sail on May 1, Capt. Glen, the 2 Officer and the AB have been detained in Taiwan, Preetha says.

All the three have been detained in Taiwan port for almost four months now and they have been questioned now and then. The first court hearing has been scheduled for August 20 and it is uncertain as to how long the procedure will drag on, a worried Preetha exclaims.


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  • Sandeep Shetty, Mangalore/Mumbai

    Mon, Aug 24 2009

    I know Glen from my childhood he was in the same school where I studied and was my elder brothers classmate.He was studious,intelligent student and I am sure some thing has gone wrong.We all pray with god for his return home

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  • Vanessa Mascarenhas, Dubai

    Mon, Aug 24 2009

    My Dear Preetha, I just found out about this and i cannot imagine what you must be going through. Please Please know that you and the children are in my prayers. Glen will be safe... do keep your trust in the Lord at all times. Please know if there is anything we can do to help.

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  • Christopher Nathaniel, Mangalore / Muscat

    Sat, Aug 22 2009

    Dear Preetha, "Nothing to worry" easy to say when not wearing the shoe. But we serve a Mighty God whose ways are beyond our comprehension. He says Deuteronomy 31:6 Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them for the LORD your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you. (NKJV) Joshua 1:3-9 I promise you what I promised Moses: ‘Wherever you set foot, you will be on land I have given you ... No one will be able to stand against you as long as you live. For I will be with you as I was with Moses. I will not fail you or abandon you. Dear Preetha, I pray that God will give you hope and strength to go through these painful moments in your life. God is always there. But he does things "in his time". You will be the happiest soon. God bless you.

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    Fri, Aug 14 2009

    Dear Preetha, Uncle, Aunty, Joslyn & Rollen, Don''t lose hope, Almighty God has carved Glen on the palm of his hand and as all of you are going through this difficult time, God will keep him safe and see you through all of this. May you all have the joy of seeing Glen soon. God Bless Glen and those dear to him.

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  • Zahir Manipady, Mangalore

    Thu, Aug 13 2009

    Glen Aroza, you w''ll be remembered in our dua, Insha-Allah you w''ll join the family as early as possible.

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  • Tahazeeb, USA

    Thu, Aug 13 2009

    May God Bless preetha n her Family, may god please bring her husband safe ely home very soon , felt sad to read this article God Bless us All.

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  • william, udupi/KUWAIT

    Thu, Aug 13 2009

    I never expected a Country like Taiwan which I believed stood up to Big Brother China is a Notorious small Brother going by the false allegations put by them - Where is the Human rights activist group Headed by the worlds police head USA - Lets use their theme IN GOD WE TRUST. to Glens family all we can say we are with you in our prayers for good reason to prevail.

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  • Uttam Zeena Menezes, Bendur/Sharjah

    Thu, Aug 13 2009

    Dear Preetha, Have faith in god. Pray, pray and pray. Glen will be back very soon. All the formalities will be done faster. Glen we are praying for you and you will definitely be released soon. All the best buddy

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  • Neetha pais, Kulshekar

    Wed, Aug 12 2009

    Hi, Preetha it is realy sad to know about the incident and keep trust in God and we pray that he gives you the inner and outer strenght to overcome this crisis.

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  • M.Dsouza, Mngalore

    Wed, Aug 12 2009

    Indeed very sad news , We pray to God for very speedy release of Capt . Glenn Going through the comments posted for this news , Many people have given their views and thoughts how family can contact the Authorities. There are more than one person who gave the address of the offices to contact . There is a problem here is Capt.Glenn''s wife have to Manage 3 minor children ..

    She need to take care of thier schooling and all other things .. any one there among daiji readers who know shipping industry well ... who have little influence to contact the Authorities please help this ,family .. ...this is the humble request on behalf of the family of Capt. Glenn''s, Family

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  • Joe, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 12 2009

    It is very sad to hear what happenned to Capt.Glen-captain of a merchant ship for being a responsible person/owner''s rep onboard - detained by Taiwanese Authorities for no fault of his. Hope the respective Mercantile Dept Personnel take corrective measures. Also the Merchant Unions viz: MUI (Officers Union)-Email (PIC: Mr.S.S.Khan-Gen Secretatry- or NUSI (Crew Unions)- PIC:Mr.Abdulgani Y.Serang- Gen Secretary) will be able to help in this matter. I wish the speedy settlement. Trust in Jesus.

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  • Prakash Harischandra, Mangalore/Galveston

    Wed, Aug 12 2009

    I have known Captain Glenn Aroz awhn I was a child since he was my brothers classmate , Its sad that I came to know about him in such a state, I am sure, if enough pressure is not mounted the time lag will be long. Sure a Campaign is most necesitated. Its precious time of the family that is lost. This surely shows the Lacunae in the indian system for sea farers teh GOI provides. The Govt loves the dollars we get but not when we are in trouble.

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  • Santosh Menezes, Mangalore/Dubai

    Wed, Aug 12 2009

    Hi Preetha, What has happened is really unfortunate. Be assured of our prayers for Glen for an early release and take care of urself and kids.

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  • Cedric Vaz, Goa / Mumbai

    Tue, Aug 11 2009

    Sorry to hear what happenned to Capt.Glen which is the worst nightmare for any captain of a merchant ship. Please get in touch with the following authorities :- 1) Ministry of Shipping and Surface Transport, New Delhi. 2) Director General of Shipping (DGS), Ballard Estate, Mumbai. 3) Mercantile Marine Dept.(MMD),Mumbai. 4) Maritime Union of India (MUI), Ballard Estate, Mumbai. 5) National Union of Seafarers of India (NUSI), Ballard Estate, Mumbai. 6) Company of Master Mariners Association, Nariman Point, Mumbai. 7) Bhartiya Navik Sena Union, Mumbai. 8) Foreign Owners Seafarers Maritime Agency (FOSMA), Mumbai. 9) Maritime Association Of Ship Owners and Agents (MASSA), Mumbai. 10) International Transport Federation (ITF), London. 11) Stella Maris and Flying Angels seamen welfare organizations, Mumbai. Also Mumbai Port chaplain. 12) Consulates of Panama and Taiwan. 13) Mr.Tony Fenandez (a Marine Lawyer) who is based in Mumbai. 14) Capt. Aga (Marine Consultant) at Ericson Richards Agency, Ballard Estate, Mumbai. Finally, do not despair or lose hope and try to get maximum media attention through national and local newspapers, television, etc., internet, Christian organisations and signature campaigns.

    Also give all details to the popular shipping magazines like - Sailor Today, Shipping Today, MAREX, Shipping News, Sea and Job, Fairplay, etc.

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  • Queeni, Bejai

    Tue, Aug 11 2009

    Our prayers with you dear Preetha. Very sad to hear about Glens arrest. I pray that he may be freed soon and join you and his family. I extend my support to you on Singature Campaign. Psalm 91 God assures that he will protect us from all dangers. Glen if you are reading this message, please recite "God Our Protector" with all your trust in God.

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  • Atrayee Banerjee, Kolkata, India

    Tue, Aug 11 2009

    Hello Preetha! Its really sad to know about this incidence. All my wishes and prayers are with you and your family. Am sure Glen will be released soon. Be confident and keep your trust on God and you will surely come out victorius. Take care and we are always with you. God Bless the little ones and our heartfelt support for you and Glen.

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  • lancy M Fernandes, Jeppu/Pune

    Tue, Aug 11 2009

    Take heart. keep trying to contact people in authority. We all are with u. He will cum back as early as possible if u dont panic. Keep praying . God be with u in this time of pain.

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  • Anita Lobo, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Tue, Aug 11 2009

    Hey Preetha, Really sad to hear all this. I just hope Glen comes back soon. I am keeping all of you in my prayers. Take care.

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  • jane sequeira, Bendore,Mangalore.

    Tue, Aug 11 2009

    Dear Preetha, Sorry to hear the news.Have courage.God is with you.I assure you of my prayers.Take care of the little ones and ur dear self.

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  • Karishma / Kim, Mangalore/Cairo/Dubai

    Mon, Aug 10 2009

    Preetha, Please let us know where we can sign the signature campaign. Do let us know if there is anything else that we can do to help. Having family who are also sailors, we know and accept the risks of the profession, but this is absolutely terrible. I can''t imagine what you must be going through. You are all in our prayers and we would like to help with something more concrete. Please let us know what we can do to help.

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  • Ivan and Rashmi Rodrigues, London/England

    Mon, Aug 10 2009

    Hey Preetha, we are in Bangalore on holidays and heard the news. Our prayers and thoughts are with you, Glen and the children. Please convey our sincere best wishes to him.

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  • abubakar uk, ubar/abudhabi

    Sun, Aug 09 2009

    really unfortunate & sad to know this news. as some commenters said,ofcourse indian Govt''should interfere and get this young mangalorean released  soon. We wish our best level n hope he will be return back soon..God is great.

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    Sat, Aug 08 2009

    Prayers are fine from all but most importantly action is the need of the hour. Where are these leaders at the time of distress? Have they come up to assist this family? Politicians please take note of this. I hope the leaders of Mangalore can definitely help GLEN if they have the will. Can we expect some productive effort immediately? MP Nalin Kumar/ Oscar Fernandes/ Veerappa Moily/ Margaret Alva / Other NGO''s do you hear us? Hope you will get into action immediately before time runs out

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  • V.Sindhoor.Rai, Mangalore/Dubai

    Sat, Aug 08 2009

    This is definitely a very sad news,we were classmates right from childhood.Dear Preetha, I will be the most happiest person if I can do something from my side,since I work for "Emirates Airlines",I am in touch with the emirates station in Taiwan, as Rajesh castellino rightly said,though we were rivals during elections,we used to be friends once the school election was over,but definitely without any doubt,he was a very nice Gentlemen.Indian Government has to intervene in such situations and is our foreign ministry taking any action.

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  • shanthi, kuwait

    Sun, Aug 09 2009

    Our prayers are with you.. Pray to Infant Jesues

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  • joe Gonsalves, Mangalore - U.S.A

    Sun, Aug 09 2009

    I have been reading about the unfortunate episode of the ship''s captain going through this ordeal. Accidents do take place and in a foreign country to be detained for over four months is a trying experience both for Glen and his family and more particularly his wife.

    It is now time that The Government of India takes up this matter seriously and ensure that Glen is released. Joe Gonsalves

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  • Ronald Ivan D''souza, Palimar /Bahrain

    Sun, Aug 09 2009

    Dear Preetha sorry to hear this news. trust in God. Our Prayers with u. Glen will come back soon. take care yourself and kids. God bless u

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  • Donaven & Shalini Dsouza, Mangalore/Dubai

    Sat, Aug 08 2009

    Dear Preetha, We hope and pray that Glen will be back home soon. Take care.

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  • babita, mangalore

    Sat, Aug 08 2009

    dear preetha...our prayers r with in the lord..

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  • Ronald Ivan D''souza, Palimar /Bahrain

    Sat, Aug 08 2009

    Dear Preetha Sorry to hear this news.Trust in God. our Prayers with u .Glen will come back soon. take care of  yourself and kids. God bless

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  • Nirmala Goveas ( Nee Dsilva) , Bendur / Muscat

    Sat, Aug 08 2009

    Dear Preetha, Glen is a very nice person whom we know from our childhood days. He was an active Choir member, great singer with bundle of talents...yet was a kind, down to earth natured person. I am sure God will always have a right judgement and support towards Glen. Dont loose hope, trust in the Almighty always in strong,beyond question faith......and you will witness a miracle soon of having Glen back home. We are with you, Glen and with Uncle,Aunty in the time of sorrow. Be assured of our prayers always!

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  • godfrey dsouza, bejai

    Sat, Aug 08 2009

    dear preetha,we are understanding your agony.having much hope in jesus christ, surely you will recive a miracle in this sorrow to say "dear lord your are worthy of praise".

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  • shash, dubai

    Sat, Aug 08 2009

    Now the north korean ship also detained off in andaman, it will definately help to release of glen.

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  • denis khan, Mumbai

    Sat, Aug 08 2009

    Our Hon. Ministers and officials should emulate Bill Clinton. He entered the lion’s den when he visited hostile North Korea and secured the release of two hostages. They should also pressurize the shipping co. to accept responsibility and indemnify the crew. We pray for the safe and expeditious release of the crew.

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  • Satish Lobo, Mangalore / Kuwait

    Fri, Aug 07 2009

    Dear Preetha, we can understand the agony that you might be going through at this hour of crisis. we pray that everything gets fine and glen is released fast. Kindly let me know if we can do anything from here in Kuwait. My e mail ID is our support and prayers are with uncle, aunty, you and the little ones. God Bless ! Satish & Jyoti

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  • shanti, mangalore

    Fri, Aug 07 2009

    Dear Preetha , have courage. Trust in God.We all praying for you n your family. Glen will come back soon. Take care of you n your litl angels.

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  • Deep Aranha, Mangalore / Dubai

    Fri, Aug 07 2009

    Dear Preetha, with regards to your signature campaign and further to Errol''s message , I could assist with my contacts here in Dubai & Abu Dhabi. My email id is With all good wishes and prayers - Deep

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  • Vivek, Neelavar

    Thu, Aug 06 2009

    May God be with you !!!!!!!!!!

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  • Clifford Roche, Canada

    Thu, Aug 06 2009

    Do not get worried. He will be set free & the ship will sail. The owner of the ship should contact Taiwanese Govt. Ex.Marine Engr

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  • Prema Monteiro (Nee Dsouza), Kulshekar / Qatar

    Thu, Aug 06 2009

    Dear Preetha, Since the time I have read about Glen I have been praying that he be back with you all in god and our prayers. Take care, Regards - Prema

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  • caroline, kuwait/ Mangalore

    Thu, Aug 06 2009

    I am just wondering if Mrs Aroza has got in touch Merchant navy association which is in mangalore, headed by some veteran sailors Like Capt Menezes, Capt Pais, Capt Rao and many more,,,, i think it''s time for them step up for the fellow community members,, and not just inviting Association members for some mundane meetings and fellowship.

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    Thu, Aug 06 2009


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  • Asif, Mangalore

    Thu, Aug 06 2009

    If he is innocent then he will get relesed soon. because in Taiwan Law & Order is not like India.they have very good system.

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  • Percy, Bendore

    Thu, Aug 06 2009

    Dear Preetha, My prayers are always with you and your family. Keep faith in god and have courage. I know Glen from my CAL days, and will keep praying for his early unite with you and children.

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  • jipi varghese, moodbidri

    Thu, Aug 06 2009

    Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.

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  • jipi varghese, moodbidri

    Thu, Aug 06 2009

    dear preetha madam, our prayers are always with you and family.God is great.Glen sir will come back soon. Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. jipi & jobby

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  • Vincy, shamboor/Bangkok

    Thu, Aug 06 2009

    The Legal system in Taiwan is better than China and I can say it is better than India.Indian police often arrest crew of foreign vessels .We are aware of the quality of the police custody and jails in India but the Taiwanese are good people compared to other china territories.

    The present Indian Ambassador to Taiwan was earlier posted in Bangkok as the chief of the mission is a nice person ( he is south Indian). The procedures are long as it is also matter of violating sea territory. The word contact with fishing trawler means,the vessel has crossed the permitted water route limits. I suggest the family members to contact the vessel owners to persue the matter by traveling to taiwan.

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  • Chrisyl D''silva(Sequiera), Mangalore/Auckland,N.Z

    Thu, Aug 06 2009

    Dear Glen,we are with you and your family ,Our good Lord will hear our prayers and all will be o.k .You have grown up with our brother Errol and we know you well.God grant your family peace . Love and Prayers Chrisyl

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  • Rajesh Castelino, Mangalore/Ethiopia

    Thu, Aug 06 2009

    Dear Preetha The news is really shocking.  Have courage and all will go well. Even though you dont know me,I know Glen very well.we were rivals in the school/college elections but close friends once the elections were over. Am sure God is with Glen and he will be back soon with you. Take care of your self, kids, uncle and aunty. We all are with you.

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  • Errol Sequeira, Mangalore/Bendore/Doha

    Thu, Aug 06 2009

    Dear Preetha, Please keep me posted on the signature campaign, I can assist for Doha, Qatar by forwarding the contents to one and all over here. my email Take care of yourself and your lil angels.

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  • Sharan/Cyrus, Mangalore/Dallas

    Thu, Aug 06 2009

    Preetha, We are really saddened to hear this news. Glen will be home safely. We will keep you in our prayers.

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  • Eulalia Dsouza, Bijai / Mangalore

    Thu, Aug 06 2009

    My Dear Preetha, I have been watching this trauma of yours, closely, ever since I heard the news. I am sure, Glen will be back soon with you, kids n his parents, whom I know very well. God will NOT let us down when He knows we are right n we have been upright in what we do. I can imagine what you go through by the day n by the night, every moment of your life.

    Preetha, please take courage and be strong, God will work out a miracle for a providence to take place. I am sure things will work out positively. You take care n look after your kids n yourself too. We are with you always..!! Love from Eldon, Donnet & Eula ( Lia Travels & Tours, Bejai )

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  • kim rodrigues martin, mangalore

    Thu, Aug 06 2009

    Hoping for early return.This is shocking and unfair. prayers for the family.

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  • Preetha, Bendore/Mangalore

    Thu, Aug 06 2009

    Dear Relatives, Friends and all well-wishers, It has been so heartening to see that at this trying time we have so many of you offering your support. Glen has also been viewing your messages and has thanked you all profusely. I wish to start a signature campaign and would like you all to participate in large numbers for the same. On behalf of Glen and our families, I wish to thank each one of you and yours and hope for your continued help and support to see Glen back with us soon. Regards, Preetha

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  • Manoj & Saritha Pinto, Kadri/New Jersey

    Thu, Aug 06 2009

    Dear Preetha, Very sorry to hear this news. Glen is a very good person and we are praying that he will be back with you and all his family very soon. Take care of yourself and the kids.

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  • Vimala Monteiro, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 05 2009

    Dear Preetha,We the entire Merchant Navy Freternity and the Community of Mangalore are praying for Glen''s release.May God give you and your family the strength to go through this turbulent phase.

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  • Juliet and Joyston d''mello, mangalore,bombay

    Wed, Aug 05 2009

    I know glen and glens family since childhood and he his a nice guy,I know he is innocent.I am sure god will surely bring him back safely to india as soon as possible.

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  • Louis Fernandes, Belthangady / Al Jubail, Saudi Arabia

    Wed, Aug 05 2009

    What rubbish is this?. Judging from the story, the seafarers of the MV. Tosa are innocent but yet they are being punished which is against international maritime law. A simple undertaking letter from ship’s P&I club through its Taiwani correspondents is enough to release the ship and her crew. A ship can leave from the spot after initial joint inspection by local authorities and ship’s P&I club. Somebody is trying to make money out of this incident.

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    Wed, Aug 05 2009


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  • Arathi pai, mangalore/Mumbai

    Wed, Aug 05 2009

    I am sure God will help Glen come out of this crisis.that too very soon.

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  • Jessica, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 05 2009

    Very sad news, but for our Lord Jesus nothing is impossible, 7th Aug. is a 1st fri. of the month, and during the Holy hour when we pray to our Lord HE will surely answer our Prayers, so dear Preetha, like a sister i assure you of our prayers, and your husband will be released and will return home soon, just trust in the Lord Almighty. We are with you in Prayers. God bless you and your family.

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    Wed, Aug 05 2009

    sad to know this.. all we can do is pray for his family. our indian govt does nothing and even this time they will do nothing.. shame on ur govt

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  • J.H., Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 05 2009

    Very sad news, but for our Lord Jesus nothing is impossible, 7th Aug. is a 1st fri. of the month, and during the Holy hour when we pray to our Lord HE will surely answer our Prayers, so dear Preetha, like a sister i assure you of our prayers, and your husband will be released and will return home soon, just trust in the Lord Almighty. We are with you in Prayers. God bless you and your family.

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  • Uday D''souza, Kadri-Mangalore/London

    Wed, Aug 05 2009

    I know Glen from childhood as he was with us in Alter boys at Bendur parish and used to play together. I''m sure you will come of this crisis soon . Our prayers are with you & your family

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  • J.H., Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 05 2009

    Very sad news, but for our Lord Jesus nothing is impossible, 7th Aug. is a 1st fri. of the month, and during the Holy hour when we pray to our Lord HE will surely answer our Prayers, so dear Preetha, like a sister i assure you of our prayers, and your husband will be released and will return home soon, just trust in the Lord Almighty. We are with you in Prayers. God bless you and your family.

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  • Cleta D''souza, bendore/kuwait

    Wed, Aug 05 2009

    Dear Preetha, take courage beleive in the almighty that he is with you and with Glen when all doors are closed he will open an door which wil be a safe passage we will keep both of u in our prayers.GOD bless the little ones too.

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  • Cleta D''souza, bendore/kuwait

    Wed, Aug 05 2009

    Dear Preetha, take courage beleive in the almighty that he is with you and with Glen when all doors are closed he will open an door which wil be a safe passage we will keep both of u in our prayers.GOD bless the little ones too.

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  • Karen Gome (nee D''Souza), Abhu Dhabi / Bangalore

    Wed, Aug 05 2009

    Dear Preetha, very shocked to hear this. My prayers are with you and am sure Glenn will be released soon. Take care.

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  • Jaison Lasrado, Mangalore - Kuwait

    Wed, Aug 05 2009

    Its very sad to see Glen being detained without proper investigation and deprived consular suport. This news was flashed by Times now first and Mr. S. M . Krishna also spoke on the chanel that he will look into the matter as he was not aware of the same. I feel this time we all have to make a signature campaign to the foreign ministry and to secure his early release. Preeta and kids our prayers and best wishes are with you.

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  • Diana Fernandes, Thottam/Canada

    Wed, Aug 05 2009

    Dear Preetha,Uncle,Aunty, & Fly. We are shocked to hear about brother Glen. Our special prayers for his safe and early release. May the Almighty God give you strength and courage in this testing time. Love to you and the little ones, Diana nee Aroza & Fly.

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  • Darryl Albuquerque, Mangalore / Hyderabad

    Wed, Aug 05 2009

    Sometimes we gloss over things when they happen to ''others'', but when reality hits home with relations and friends, then we wonder what to do. I''m feeling utterly rudderless in Hyderabad not knowing what I can do to help Glen or his family back in Mangalore!

    Glen and I grew up together and we were classmates from 2nd standard to 2nd PUC. It has come as a shock to hear this. I can only hope that the Government of India and other organizations can see merit in this case and act to secure his release.

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  • raj, mangalore

    Wed, Aug 05 2009

    Shame that our national media & govt is not giving importantce to this matter..they gave very much importance to terror suspect mohd haneef and his what hapened..Why our pm is not loosing sleep ? shame on our govt ..

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  • Errol A. Pereira, Katapadi-Udupi / KSA

    Wed, Aug 05 2009

    Very sad news..There''s nothing impossible for our Merciful Lord...Have Faith n keep praying....He shall be back soon...

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  • vraj, udupi/Abudhabi

    Wed, Aug 05 2009

    Indian Government should interfere in this matter quickly and should see that release of the captain very soon.

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  • Girish Kamath, Mangalore / Dubai

    Wed, Aug 05 2009

    Many people are saying they will help - hope it is not media stunt. We have international level dispute here and so I am wondering

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  • Antony Crasta, Mangalore/Sydney-Australia

    Wed, Aug 05 2009

    It`s very sad, and at the time shocking to see that Capt. Patrick Aroza and his fellow Officers have to endure this illegal detention and the consequent pain and anxiety for so long. What`s the Japanese Employer doing to secure their release - why so much delay in processing this case? As rightly said by M/s. Edward, Manohar Veigas and Prakash, the Government of India should take responsibility to look after the welfare of its Citizen, as is being done by the others like USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Israel etc. and it`s high time to get Mr.S.M. Krishna, the Foreign Minister and also the Indian High Commissioner in Taiwan directly involved and secure release of the detained crew.

    The Governments of Bangladesh and Phillippines should also equally contribute in this regard.

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  • Lawrence D''Mello, Karkala/Sydney

    Wed, Aug 05 2009

    If North Korea can release those 2 American''s, why cant the Indian Govt interceede and release our sailors !! Would a british or a Dutch master be held for more than 2 days ?

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  • Austin Prabhu, Nanthur/Chicago

    Wed, Aug 05 2009

    Very saddened to learn Glen''s situation. Our sincere prayers to God Almighty to bring him back to his loved ones safely. It was a long time since I saw him as our neighbor from Nanthur, Kala Sampath Lane. Dear Glen''s parents, wife, kids and loved ones, please keep your hopes alive.

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  • nelson, karkala/dubai

    Wed, Aug 05 2009

    sorry to hear but sure you''ll be back....we''ll pray for you brother..

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  • Clarence, Kudla

    Wed, Aug 05 2009

    Whats all this ''God help him'' comments. They do no good. This is a clear case for our Foriegn ministry to intervene. Why did we interfere when Indian students were attacked in Australia. Why did we interfere when Dr. Haneef was detained in Australia. And why is our govt, even more so our national media just indifferent to this case.

    Political parties wont care for us. We are not a vote bank now. Social work, hospitals, schools all these are not helping us. People will know their worth only in their absence.

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  • Loy Dsouza, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 05 2009

    Dearest Preeta, Uncle & aunty, These are trying times for all of you. Do not be discouraged. we are all with you in mind and prayers. Be confident of Glen''s safe return. Its really sad though that our Indian government is not taking this up at high priority. I am looking forward to seeing my best man back in Mangalore soon.We are with you....... Loy & Divya

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    Tue, Aug 04 2009

    Very sad news.GOD save him. Dear Glen come back soon.

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  • Alwyn Noronha, Bajpe

    Tue, Aug 04 2009

    Dear Preetha, My prayers are always with you and your family. Keep faith in god and have courage. I know Glen from my singing days, and will keep praying for his early unite with you and children. Alwyn Noronha, Bajpe.

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  • Fr William Menezes, PRO,Bishop''s House,Mangalore

    Tue, Aug 04 2009

    Dear Preeta, Will you send me the details regarding Glen''s case.We will try from our side to get the release of Glen,Whom I know well as I was the asst P.P. at Bendore.My Mobile no 9448792735. Don,t lose hope rather trust in God and He will certainly help. Fr William Menezes

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  • Olivia Dsouza, Puttur/Toronto

    Tue, Aug 04 2009

    Our prayers to God for Glen''s safe return.

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  • Daniel Dsouza, Arabitota,Mangalore.

    Tue, Aug 04 2009

    Dear Preetha, This in an very anxious moments of your life,we would pray to god that your husband will reunite your Family.We hope that your husband should reach home very safely.

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  • Michael Andrade, Mangalore/Banglaore

    Tue, Aug 04 2009

    Dear Preetha and family members, Wishing and praying for Glen to be reunited with you all

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  • Rajesh Sequeira, kulshekar

    Tue, Aug 04 2009

    Preeta it is really shocking to know about glen could you please send me whole details to I will try my best in whatever means I could be a help.

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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Tue, Aug 04 2009

    SM Krishna, a kannadiga is our foreign minister. He should take this on personal and official level. We all pray for the safe return of Mr Glen and reunification of this family. Prayers can do wonders and miracle. Dear Sister, have faith in Lord who is cherisher and protector. Soon there shall be glad tide of your hubby''s return.

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  • Jaya Shetty, Karkala/Dubai

    Tue, Aug 04 2009

    God is great.Glen will come back soon.

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  • Prakash D''Souza, Mangalore/Deralakatte

    Tue, Aug 04 2009

    It''s sad to hear the news. We all pray for his quick release. Prakash D''souza MAndovi Motors, Mangalore

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  • Corrine Rasquinha, Bendore, Mangalore

    Tue, Aug 04 2009

    Dear Preeta, Remember singing for your nuptials. Take courage. We assure you of our prayers.

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  • Nellyson, Karkala\Riyadh

    Tue, Aug 04 2009

    Hello Preeta, we can understand your anxiousness and frustration. This is the way our External ministry works. Just sleeping and waking up after a Big noise or a bang. Try to reach out some Good NGO''s in mangalore who will take this case up to the Top Government officials. We pray for Glen.. for a speedy release.

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  • Sohan Albuquerque, Mangalore

    Tue, Aug 04 2009

    Dearest Preetha, Joslyn & Raulen & all the family members. Really shocked about the whole episode.Glen was a very good and close family friend of us, also being a classmate throughout of my eldest brother Darryl Albuquerque. Just praying for the safe release of dear Glen and be back home with all of you soon. Do have faith in the Lord. The actual truth will prevail and God can work wonders.

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  • Shetty, Mangalore

    Tue, Aug 04 2009

    Dear Sister, do not worry. Things will be all right very soon. Have courage. God is there.

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  • Dayanand Bangera, Katapady / Abu Dhabi

    Tue, Aug 04 2009

    Hope / Pray for early return. I feel Japan shipping company should have taken corrective and speedy action through Japanese embassy in Taiwan.

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  • Prakash, Mlore

    Tue, Aug 04 2009

    This is so bad, Why cant our Indian high commission in Taiwan intervene.Taiwan is having good ties with India, and India is superpower when it comes to these countries.Why cant our deplomats give importance for each person?so sad to know this is on from 4 months.If it would have been UK,US for that Matter Isreal by now things would ve been different. they are so swift in saving thier country men..Hope every thing will be alright with Capt.Aroza.Its so sad Japs are not doing any thing usually they are helpfull people...

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  • Manohar Veigas, UDUPI

    Tue, Aug 04 2009

    Social Organisations and the local politicians/Government representatives should immediately represent the case of Captain Glen Aroza to the External Ministry seeking immediate intervention for illegal detention by the Taiwan Authorities since 4 months. May God bestow faith & courage to the Captain and his family who are facing this ordeal. Hope to see Captain Glen reunited with his family very soon.

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  • Joseph Coelho, Bendore (now Nagaland)

    Tue, Aug 04 2009

    I have known Glen from our school days (he was junior by 3 years) - altar boys, scouting, etc. Always helpful, courteous, kind. I hope the issue is solved at the earliest. Be assured of my prayers.

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  • Deep Aranha, Mangalore / Dubai

    Tue, Aug 04 2009

    Dear Pretha, Uncle, Aunty and the Aroza family,... I was shocked to hear of this news as Glen is a good friend and classmate through School & College at St.Aloysius. I really wish and pray that God gives Glen and all of you the strength to pull through this tough time and that this ordeal would end soon with Good news - With all good wishes and prayers- Deep

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  • Capt Melcy Lobo, China,Mangalore

    Tue, Aug 04 2009

    Dear Preetha, Have faith in almighty god and with strong organizations of mangalore (MNOA/Company of Master Mariners,etc) ,they will surely fight for Capt Glens earliest release and hope this criminilization of seafarers by Korea,Taiwan ends soon as all the marine organizations world wide have strongly been protesting for the rights of seafarers

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  • Errol Sequeira, Mangalore/Bendore/Doha

    Tue, Aug 04 2009

    Dearest Aunty Leena, Uncle Joseph, Pretha, Joslyn & Rollyn. This news is shocking, Glenn will be back with all of you soon, we will pray for him and for you all to have faith and the strenght to hold on, the truth will prevail and god can work wonders.

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  • callen dsouza, Bendur, Mangalore

    Tue, Aug 04 2009

    all our prayers are there and i am sure that our good lord will help him to come out of this crisis.

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    Tue, Aug 04 2009

    very sad indeed...let God reveal the truth soon.

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  • Doreen Patrao nee monteiro, urwa/bejai

    Tue, Aug 04 2009

    Dearest Pretha ,aunty leena uncle joseph joslyn rollyn ....we are praying for glen''s safe trip back home. Glen has always been there for all his friends during our good and bad times. I am sure God will help glen to come out of this crisis. Glen we are with you... love Doreen n glen

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  • Jayaprakash Rao, Dubai/ Mangalore

    Tue, Aug 04 2009

    Glen you were always the best in everything. Sincere & a dynamic classmate with excellent personality. You will be out of this as we pray for you & your family

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  • Edward, Mangalore/Dubai

    Tue, Aug 04 2009

    It''s the question of an Indian National detained. The Govt. and the marine authorities have to look into this. The guy is doing an honest job, trying to earn a living and this issue is unfair. As it is Sailors are taking a big risk with their life travelling on high seas.

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  • Vijay, Bangalore

    Tue, Aug 04 2009

    Dear Mrs.Preetha, we will pray for your husbands quick release. Dont worry.

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  • Lancy Saldanha, Bendur/ Bangalore /Singapore

    Tue, Aug 04 2009

    I do know Glen in person since childhood. Its sad to hear the news. Hope he comes back home safe and without much hassles.

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