Mumbai, Nov 15 (IANS): The benchmark Sensex opened over 100 points higher at 40,408.20 from its Thursday's close of 40,286.48. Strong buying was seen in PSU Bank. The Nifty PSU Bank index jumped over 4 per cent while auto and financial service stocks also gained.
At 10.07 a.m., the Sensex was up 194.09 points at 40,480.57 while the Nifty was up by 52 points at 11,924.10.
Bharti Airtel recovered sharply after opening in the red. It's scrips jumped over 5 per cent despite the company posting massive Q2 losses. Vodafone Idea hit lower circuit after it reported Rs 50,922 crore loss for the September quarter from Rs 4,874 crore in the year earlier.
Vodafone Idea Ltd and Bharti Airtel Ltd had posted record losses in the September quarter, owing to the unfavourable Supreme Court verdict.