UAE: 'Sangon Mugdana' Regales Abu Dhabi Audience

“Sangon Mugdana” Regales Abu Dhabi Audience
Report and Pictures by Oswald M. D’Souza
Daijiworld Media Network – Abu Dhabi

Abu Dhabi – Oct. 2 :
The spectacular play “Sangon Mugdhana” captivated the hearts of Konkani Theatre lovers in Abu Dhabi on Friday 02 October 2009 at India Social Centre with its brilliant presentation.

The  play written by Pradeep Barboza – a young play wright  with amazing  talents was a runaway success .

Udenthichim Neketram, an association of thirteen parishes of Moodbidri Varado, presented this superb hilarious Konkani play for first time in Abu Dhabi – Capital of United Arab Emirates in the presence of packed audience.  It was a ideal setting and ambience at the ISCC for this innovative piece of theatrical presentation.

The cast included well known stage artistes  both young and experienced veterans show cased their flair on stage with their  acting.

Background music was provided by talented musician Cyril Baptist.  Title Song Lyrics were written by well-known Writer Avith Barboza,  and music was composed by Joel Pereira, and was sung by well-known singer Prakash D’Souza from Mangalore.

Dance sequences of this drama were choreographed by Arun Lobo ( Feet Beat dance group Dubai)

Also an ideal stage set up with the classic neighborhood was an excellent addition to the great play which was wonderfully depicted .

The play focused on community issues and had a blend of comedy and tragedy with mixed emotions in its plot.  The direction and the flow of sequences and well co-ordinated synchronization was outstanding.

This play  proved itself that Konkani theatre is alive and kicking and UAE is set to become a cradle of rich Konkani language, if  youngsters like Pradeep are properly nurtured and supported.  This writer will go a long way in revolutionizing Konkani stage with his superb talent and set to become a trend setter.

One can recall Pradeep Barboza ‘s earlier hilarious comedies like  ‘Mithabailacho San Mingel Vado’, ‘Hastay Kithya Pishya’, ‘Sagllem Divchem tanne’, in Dubai as well as in India have  been subject to  rousing criitcal acclaim.

One can never stop praising this  piece of theatrical extravaganza, and it’s never ending tales and will not “Sangon Mugdhochenam” time and again.

This is the second Konkani play presented in Abu Dhabi back to back within the past one week, which is rare and was a treat to watch for Abu Dhabi’s  Konkani speaking community.

Earlier the play was inaugurated by B. R. Shetty – Managing Director and CEO of NMC Group and Fr. Antony Lopez of St. Joseph’s Cathedral – Abu Dhabi in the presence of other community leaders like Sudhir Shetty – Hon. President of ISCC, Leo Rodrigues – President of KCO, Sarvotham Shetty – President of Abu Dhabi Karnataka Sangha, and others.  A candle was lit by  Dr. B. R Shetty along with 13 small children lighting the candle with stars attached,  representing the 13 parishes of “Udenthichim Nektram”

The days programme commenced with rendition of popular songs by members of “Pearls of Mangalore” followed by a Dance by small children .

The sponsors, actors and Play wright were also honoured for their support on this occasion. 

It was a welcome change  - a time to laugh it out to be away from hassles of routine stress of life.  Well done Pradeep and Udenthichim Neketram for your tremendous effort to present this beautiful master piece against all odds in Abu Dhabi.


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  • Vincent Pereira, President, Ferarites, UAE, Dubai, Ferar/Dubai

    Mon, Oct 05 2009

    Congratulations to Pradeep and his whole team. It is for the second time I am watching this drama, all the way from Dubai. My wife Rosetta enjoyed the most. No vulgarity. A well scripted, directed and acted drama. Sangon Mugdana team deserves felicitation from Konkani community.

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  • Cheryl, udupi/abudhabi

    Mon, Oct 05 2009

    It was an entertaining drama. Keep it up and all the best for future

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  • Herlad Lewis, Mangalore, Dubai

    Mon, Oct 05 2009

    Come on guys, grow up now! Don't try to unnecessary critisize the drama and the organizers. Sometimes we cannot get 100% in everything. There is bound to be some technical hitches in any cultural programs. But people try to accomodate them. Even if everything works well in the beginning, sometime suddenly the sound may not support properly and this has happened in so many of the programs we have attended.

    So this is nothing new and all have experienced these problems. Pradeep, there are some people who have given negative comments about your acting and your drama and you should just ignore them. Don't be discouraged. You keep writing more and more dramas and continue to entertain the konkani community. Our prayers and blessings are always with you.

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  • John F, Paladka / Abu Dhabi

    Sun, Oct 04 2009

    Guys, Pls. Stop commenting bad, first of all someone came ahead to provide you some entertainment in your mother tongue where you can hear mostly Malyalam. You guys just came watched the drama and went home, Did you ever tried to know the pain behind this show?? the practice, place, time? As you know in this country no one has enough time to contribute to these kind of events, even though they have sacrificed a lot to give the community such a kind of show.

    People even make mistakes when they make movies, after all this was a live show I agree there were some audio problems, for this you can not blame to the director or actors and you cant say the show was flop. People make mistakes and then they learn because we are not superhumans. Mr. Barbosa, we need one more show in Abu Dhabi, but please take care of some important stuff like SOUND SYTEM, MICROPHONES(use condenser mics), BACKGROUND MUSIC, AND SPECIALLY LIGHTING. All the best and Abu Dhabi audience are with you to support.

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  • charlikombalke,pernal, pernal

    Mon, Oct 05 2009


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  • Sunil D'Souza, Mangalore/Qatar

    Sun, Oct 04 2009

    Congratulations to Mr. Barboza and his entire team for the success of 'Sangon Mugdana'. It is not possible to please all, like and dislike is always there. Go ahead wish you all the best.

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  • DJ DON, Abu Dhabi-Chickmaglore

    Sun, Oct 04 2009

    Dear all UN team , Wow created history, Drama was Pure no double meaning Jokes so with young kids parents can enjoy complete drama . Say thanks to all comments people are giving support, it shows many people needs your shows more & more. Totally it was complete pack of entertainment. Only the sound system at the entrance side was not up to the mark it is not your fault & also I know the acoustic effect was not helping to the sound. Some technical points may not understand by many people nothing to worry always mistakes can correct. Mr. Pradeep , you are fantastic actor don’t worry that many comments says your acting copy of Mr. kappi kad, Hope you take it as Positive way. I strongly say you have in born talent, so you can act like Mr. Kapi kad. We need more Konkani Drama from you, our all support & prayers are with you. KEEP WRITING & ACTING, We need our Konkani to shine more. WISH YOU GOOD LUCK & GOD BLESS YOU ALL

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  • Rajesh Pinto, dubai/Mangalore

    Sun, Oct 04 2009

    Without some sort of critics, any event is incomplete. If there are no critics, there is something wrong with the drama! So be it. Lets people have their say. If we had seen this drama, no one would have had any comments. Since Daijiworld has given a flat form for everything, let that focus on these events too! Such comments can be a wakeup call for everyone. People give negative inputs because they have high expectations from the artistes and certainly from the writer, director and excellent actor himself Pradeep Barboza.

    Let’s not discount the negative feedback from the people. People came all walk of the life from different part of UAE to watch the drama with expectations and when expectations don’t meet, people tend to comment negatively. I agree that there was problem with the sound. Organizers should have taken care of it, not the artists. Indeed, it takes lot of efforts to bring such a event possible in UAE, But, without proper lightings, sounds its incomplete. So this is a good lesson for all the drama organizers in UAE since it’s a general problem.

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  • alphonse, Pangla/Abu Dhabi

    Sun, Oct 04 2009

    I completely agree with Elais/Hospet. Yes, it is very easy to comment negetIvely on drama actors and acting. But some critics are welcome. It takes great courage first of all to commence on any entertainment projects in U.A.E and once commenced, it takes every everbodys countless time, efforts, sacrifices and above all money. After going-thru all these troubles, we must appreciate the talents these troupe exhibited and entertained so much and I am 100% sure majority of the crowd enjoyed the drama, acting, etc. yes, there are some short commings and that can be over looked or can be corrected with suggestions from the community and not by outright acusing actors or organizers, etc. Pradeep and Team you have done a wonderful job and hope to see better performance in future. HATS OFF TO YOU AND THE ENTIRE CREW OF THE DRAMA. GOOD LUCK FOR FUTURE PRESENTATIONS.

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  • Vincent, Taccode/Germany

    Sun, Oct 04 2009

    I'm completely agree with Mr.Elyas comments. Hats up to all Sangon Mudana team. You've done a great job.Pradeep wish you all the best for future , give us more such master pieces. People will talk, you keep going man.

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  • Vincent Tauro, Dubai

    Sun, Oct 04 2009

    I just want to clarify everyone regarding the comments passed by Ronyam Abu Dhabi about the title song of ‘Sangon Mugdana’ held in Abu Dhabi on 2nd October. After reading the message I spoke to Pradeep and he has clarified that for the first show of his drama ‘Sangon Mugdana’ which was held in Dubai on the annual function of Udentichen Nekeetran’ (UN) on 23rd Janiuary 09, the music indeed was composed by Mr. Clifford D'Souza. The 2nd drama in Dubai was organized by SMKC and since there was reference to (UN) in the lyrics and also there were few actors from other Parishes they had to change the title song completely.

    The music for the title song for the 2nd and 3rd show was composed by Mr. Joel Pereira and was sung by well known singer Mr. Prakash D'Souza, recorded by Mr. Ashith Pinto at Sandesh Studio in front of Fr. Valerian Mendonca, Director of Sandesh. Pradeep is very much thankful to Mr. Clifford for composing the music for the first show of his drama Sangon Mugdana in Dubai. Ronyam, please check with your brother about what Pradeep has to say about this. If anyone else has further doubts or clarification please contact Pradeep directly.

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  • Prem, Abu Dhabi

    Sun, Oct 04 2009

    Udentichim Neketr is shining all over U.A.E. Thanks to giving an opportunity to watch drama in Abu Dhabi at reasonable price. Host Drama every year in Abu Dhabi

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    Sun, Oct 04 2009


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  • Della Rego, Mangalore, Doha, Qatar

    Sun, Oct 04 2009

    Congratulations to Pradeep Barboza and for all the artists of Sangon Mugdhana drama. It is very easy to pass a negative comment and do not worry about the negative comments posted below, instead take it in a positive manner and give more and more stage plays all the time. Wish you all the very best.

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  • Elias D' Souza, Hospet / India/ Sharjah

    Sun, Oct 04 2009

    Dear freinds it is very easy to comment on every programe, but what pain they take to practise is unbeliveable, I request the people whenever you comment on this issues please think, whether you are able to do this think if not don't comment, here nobody is free and everybody is employed persons and we get only 2 days weekly off , still we try do some entatainment for our freinds, I personnaly knew each and every member of Sagon Mugdana Team, they sacrifice their sweet family time in UAE and practice drama for our entatainment

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  • Rakesh shetty, Kaikamba

    Sun, Oct 04 2009

    Being a native tulu speaker i could enjoy the drama bcouse of the picturistion and the body language. you shold be supporting Pradeep and his entire team.

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  • Babitha, Dubai

    Sun, Oct 04 2009

    Pradeep and team has been given a nice , eyecatching drama. Some people are jealous of Pradeep`s popularity at this small age. If he is doing some thing like Kapikad , then we must feel happy. Because we must feel that our Konkans also got one Kapikad , as a whole I am proud of him and his team mates. Mosor karnakat , support kara borya kamak. good luck

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  • Richard, Paladka, Abu Dhabi, Paladka, Abu Dhabi

    Sun, Oct 04 2009

    Pradeep, no doubt you are really a gifted writer and actor. Excellent and clean comedy. You entertained one and all. I have seen different views from attendees in this page. Take positive and negative comments in the same spirit and work hard. Do not be complacent with the positive remarks, but take negative remarks to improve in the next episode. Always look for the reactions from the audience. After all it is for the public & their opinion is more important & show your skill to blend the situation to their taste. I had seen your first drama 'Bundle Bhaskare' in our parish few years back and now ‘Sangon Mugdana’. You are improving. You are young at age & miles & miles are ahead of you. Best of luck and God bless.

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  • jerald dsouza, udupi

    Sun, Oct 04 2009

    I llike peters spirit, but you are supporting to whom we are correcting. See I am i also a fan of pradeep,   I like his acting style. if you are thinking that in doing devads kapikads style, pradeep becomes great actor? then its your wrong thinking. and dont suggest mine and ms.TELMAS name to pradeep, if you can just try to clarify RONYAM"S M.LORE/ADH.COMMENTS. IS IT TRUE?? GOOD LUCK, JERRY

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  • Premila, Udupi/Abu Dhabi

    Sun, Oct 04 2009

    Shanthi, please do not attack the people who have written their opinion. May be you know Pradeep personally, so you liked the drama. Each one has different views, the way you are commenting is as if you are forcing people to accept it as if it was a very good drama. To tell you the truth I was seated at the balcony and could not hear any thing and acting even was poor so after one hour I walked out. Please learn to accept others comments, next time they may perform better.

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  • Donald Pinto, Chickmaglure/Abu-Dhabi

    Sun, Oct 04 2009

    Congratulations, it was fantastic keep it up Guys, Any negative feedback takes it as sportive & do better every day is learning day. nothing to worry if you ask Mr. Amithab , still he needs to learn , No one perfect in this world only try to be more perfect so that you can reach new heights , Personally I enjoyed your Drama .Wish you Good luck,

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  • peter, Moodbidri / Dubai

    Sat, Oct 03 2009

    Iam totaly disagree with Telma & Jerry's coment. Mr. Jerry you cant say that he is copying Devdas Kapikad style. Everybody cant make Devdas style infact u can not do Pradeep style. All actors are superb. I will respect them they performed superbly in presence of big crowd. I cant find any disapointment in this drama. whoever called me only one word they says "SUPERB DRAMA". It is not easy to write a drama. The writer only knows how diffcult. To watch & comment it is easy no training & talent required. Pradeep my suggestion u give chance Telma & jerry in next drama lets see how they perform. Thanks to Udentichim Neketram

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  • V.M. Pinto, Dubai

    Sun, Oct 04 2009

    I accept too many while I came long way from Dubai to watch the play. It’s totally un matured play. *Play starts too late *unrelated character added *until 80% of Drama there is no plot or a theme* direction is very poor, same old style with new look* no powerful dialouges. Over all it’s not up to the mark watch as second time. I have some suggestion. Because of new talent we have to support the play & writer. It must be watched and reviewed by knowledgeable writer’s or actor’s from Konkani.

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  • jerald dsouza, udupi

    Sat, Oct 03 2009

    i think shanti d mello is big actress, cause she knows very well about the direction, basil,{deepak] he was a very god actor from his native, and he not need any directions ok, and about pradeep, i like his acting but not his style. always he is trying to devdas kapikads style. why?? if he can write a drama then why he cant show his own style of act?? iam also his fan, how sunil pinto doing his own, i think he is better than all? good attempt but not up to the mark, jerry.

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  • Rakesh Monteiro, Dubai

    Sat, Oct 03 2009

    The entire drama was excellent. Superb acting by all the actors and actresses. Some people have commented that on Basil's acting was good, but there were others like Santosh and Clevin who were also excellent in their actin. In fact all the actors and actresses have given full justice to their respective roles. The credit goes to the entire 'Sangon Mugdana team'.

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  • Shanti D'Mello, Abu Dhabi

    Sat, Oct 03 2009

    I totally disagree with Thelma (Abu Dhabi)'s comments. It looks like she hasnt' seen the drama properly and without knowing anything about acting you just cant comment anything like this. Everyone knows that this drama is written and directed by Pradeep and he is an excellent actor himself. How can a ordinary person comment on his capability? Just dont try to spoil somebody's name. If you liked Basil's acting, who would have given him the direction for this role? It is indeep Pradeep and not anyone else. So dont try to critize anyone unnecessarily.

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  • ronyam, mlore/abudhabi

    Sat, Oct 03 2009

    great show really enjoyed good coverage but as per u r report the music of the title song was not composed by MR JOEL PEREIRA but composed my brother MR CLIFFORD D SOUZA BENDUR anybody can contact me i have the track of the title song here with me

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  • raviraj, dubai

    Sat, Oct 03 2009

    Amazing team work and superb drama from pradeep and team. Hats off to all young talents. Keep up the good work. Konkani the great language is getting more and more popular by these types of great  artists.

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  • Donna, Mangalore/Abu Dhabi

    Sat, Oct 03 2009

    Outstanding! Keep up the good-work. Worth watching... Well organised.  Without too much of publicity, created HISTORY

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  • Arun, Dubai

    Sat, Oct 03 2009

    Hats off to Pradeep and group for wonderful event . The whole drama was so well organised. And it was really amazing work from MCVA in UAE for encouraging konkan community and konkani language.

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  • Rony , Bantwal/ Dubai

    Sat, Oct 03 2009

    Excellent drama from Pradeep and co. Thanks to all organisers for arranging such a beautiful presentation. Really mind blowing drama and everyone was laughing and praising the drama artists . Thanks to those who are serving for encouraging konkani language. Lamb jiyon Konkan Amchi Mai Bhas .

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  • Michael Lobo, Dubai, Niddodi

    Sat, Oct 03 2009

    We are very greatful to Udentichi necketram for giving us wonderful evening. Drama was really great with exceptional acting and humourous scenes.

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  • Norbert Dsouza, Kinnigoli

    Sat, Oct 03 2009

    Simply superb drama. What a wonderful dialogue delivery and direction was simply outstanding. Pradeep Barboza, keep writing the drama's. Excellent work.

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  • Ronald Crasta, Kinnigoly - Dubai

    Sat, Oct 03 2009

    My comments will be incomplete without congratulating entire team of 'Sangon Mugdana'. When we have so many different groups of Konkani speaking people in UAE, a third successful run of this drama, is an index of the honesty and like minded humbleness of the group/team behind it. I cherished the hilarious moments as well as the story line. This young talent will go a long way and expect to do better, Congrats again...

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  • Ashwin, Abudhabi, Bajpe

    Sat, Oct 03 2009

    Tremendous drama with exceptional humour. People were enjoying the hilareous moments. Keep the good work

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  • Lancy Lobo , KSA, Moodbidri

    Sat, Oct 03 2009

    Keep it up Udentichi Neketram Team. It is very refreshing to see pictures of the programme. Thanks Daijiworld for the finest coverage.

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  • Thelma, AbuDhabi

    Sat, Oct 03 2009

    Very big disappointment and waste of time. Except for Basil's act, it was a very poor presentation. I think the director himself needs to take some lessons in acting, let alone direction.

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  • Naveen Rupesh Lobo, Surathkal

    Sat, Oct 03 2009

    We with the family enjoyed the evening. Kudo to the whole UN team for a wonderful event.

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  • Roshan Dcosta, Kundapur

    Sat, Oct 03 2009

    I can just say the whole event was well organized. Top VIP'S of Auh were present with lots of other community people. The drama was excellent. We want to thank the orgainzers for a wonderful evening.

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  • Rajesh Dsouza, Belman

    Sat, Oct 03 2009

    One of the finest show in Abudhabi.Amazing drama with unlimited humour. Whole konkani community enjoyed this programme. Welldone Udenthichi Necketra for staging this show.

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  • Peter , Barkur

    Sat, Oct 03 2009

    All the actors tried their best to entertain the audience. But the sound system was very poor quality. It was really disappointing that even after mentioning to the organisers , they could not do anything on sound system. One point of time it was like only public sitting front side was laughing and the people sitting behind were asking each other " kitem sanglem?"

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  • Nisha-Maxim Pereira , Angelore / Dubai

    Sat, Oct 03 2009

    Congratulations. Nice to see you on the stage Paul. Well done, keep it up.

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  • Gerry, Abu Dhabi

    Sat, Oct 03 2009

    The drama is a big disppointment. The eminent people who recommeded to watch the drama should have helped the writer to correct the drama so that it is presentable to the public.

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  • Jinku, Mangalore

    Sat, Oct 03 2009

    Hey paul good job dude keep it up... solid singing da....

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  • Clement Cardoza, Kelmbet, Dubai

    Sat, Oct 03 2009

    Though I had seen it once in Dubai, I wanted to see it again, but missed it. It was such a Wonderful drama. Congrats and all best wishes to Pradeep Barboza & Co. and 'Udenthichim Neketram" for all their efforts in organising such beautiful events. "Jai Ho KONKNI BHAS"

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  • Kavitha Dsouza, Malpe

    Sat, Oct 03 2009

    Outstanding. I have not seen any konkani drama like this ever before. My full family enjoyed this drama. It was too good.well done.

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  • Vivian Pinto, Bijai Kapikad/Dubai

    Sat, Oct 03 2009

    Nice pictures Ozi keep up the good work

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  • Avina, Mangalore

    Sat, Oct 03 2009

    Really had a good time... Excellent siging by Paul Pereira.. Good drama.... Great job guys

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  • Cynthia D'Cunha, Neerude- Abu Dhabi

    Sat, Oct 03 2009

    In one Word, wonderfully presented drama. Congratulations to all the Artists. Each artist was fentastic on thier own role. thank You Cynthia D'Cunha Neerude-Abu Dhabi

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  • John Fernandes, Paladka/Abu dhabi

    Sat, Oct 03 2009

    Thanks and Congrats to Mr. Barboza and 'Sangon Mugdana' team for the superb show Also I would like to thank 'Pearls of Mangalore' team for their lovely numbers like'Tujya Dolyant' sung by Paul Lobo and 'maria' by Rony. Awaiting for more shows from both the teams

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  • clifford, urwa

    Fri, Oct 02 2009

    very good drama. had a good time laughing my stress out. thanks moodbidri varado. hope u do visit abu dhabi time and again.......may b showcase ur old plays as well!! good luck and god bless pradeep and whole team.

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  • Rahul , Abu Dhabi

    Fri, Oct 02 2009

    What a drama yaar. First time i have seen this king of drama in Konkani same like Devdas Kapikad style. Thanks to Udentichim Neketram to organising this drama in Abu Dhabi. My request to MVCA please organise drama every year in Abu Dhabi. Hats-off to all actors & MVCA. All the actors performed very well & rocked in Abu Dhabi. Pure natural comedy. Any family can watch this drama. Do more shows. Support young writer & actors.

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