Christian Federation's Mangalore Team Provides Succour to Flood-affected People

Christian Federation's Mangalore Team Provides Succour to Flood-affected People

Media Release

Mangalore, Oct 14: Under the leadership of the International Federation Karnataka Christian Associations (IFKCA), the team from the city  visited  the flood-affected areas of Raichur district in the talukas of Manvi and Sindhanur on October Monday October 12, to support the efforts of Fr Eric and Fr Maxim Jesuits and their team in Manvi. They have been working since the last seven years, in about 65 villages through their trust, ‘Centre for Non-Formal and Continuing Education’. They have several self –help groups (SHG) functioning under their guidance, spread over these villages. Through the SHGs of women, they have been able to spread literacy through kindergartens, adult education, training programmes for the women, medical services, youth  groups and village hostels.
The most significant part of their mission has been a well established school for educating the Dalits and the marginalized children of various remote villages. This is a CBSE school for the Dalits, a rare privilege for these illiterate people,  and a great challenge to educate the children from the cow-grazing background.

Some of the students and the visiting team members were surprised at the confidence with which the children spoke with them. They did not display any inhibitions in expressing themselves in English.  The team found them happy and contented.  The team was given to understand that these children were from the villages that have been badly affected by the floods.  These children are supposed to go home during the holidays, but are not in a position to do so because of the  miserable state  to which their villages have been reduced to, because of the floods. They have lost their homes and all that their families owned and their people are forced to live by the the road sides, said Denis D'Silva.

The team learnt that  floods came most unexpectedly  and almost inundated the entire area overnight, and forced the  people to rush out of their small huts with whatever they could lay their hands on, as they knew they cound never recover what they lost in the floods. The force of the gushing flood water was terrifying and the intensity of floods was the greatest in the last 50 years. The team reached Pannur and looked at the trail of destruction and the piteous state of the villages, the sight of which brought a feeling of shock and sadness among the team members. They saw dilapidated houses, and  several houses that had vanished because they had been washed away by the ravaging floods. The level of water  had risen above the main door of  the  church  and the  compound walls were destroyed by the force of the current.
The team also visited the neighbouring village  of Hulugunchi, which provided a shocking sight.  All the houses in the village had crashed to the  ground.  The villagers had no clothes to change to for five days, no soap, no comb, no books, and no privacy. All these people were living  on the road side  with hardly anything to cover themselves from the sun and the rain.  The team saw women and children in pain and agony with a minimum of clothing  and having fully surrendered themselves  to the  helpless situation. Dead, decomposed carcasses of the cattle strewn around the villages left a sickening stench in the air. People have been suffering from diseases caused by the consumption of contaminated water. The people were eagerly waiting for the arrival of relief materials, by way of food and potable water. Acute hunger and thirst had made the wait look eternal for every villager.

The team, feeling very sorry for their plight, met the people  with lot of sympathy and a humanitarian touch. The villagers seemed to understand  the purpose of the team’s visit and  shared their pain and sufferings with the team.  What surprised the team members was  the sight of  three distinct  groups of people physically separated from each other, even in this moment of  disaster!

Venkatarao Nadagouda, Sindhanur  MLA shared the experiences of the poor people and their future, with Denis D’silva, convener of IFKCA . Denis came up with the suggestion for a stretch of land on which about 300 houses could be built for the homeless people. The MLA promised to make suitable arrangements and provide facilities for this endeavour, at the earliest. In addition to the MLA, former MP of Sindhanur and the Swamiji from Swami Vivekananda Ashram Gadag, vice-president of the zilla panchayat and the assistant commissioner also accompanied the team. The MLA profusely appreciated the team’s efforts  towards alleviating  the sufferings of these people.
Along with the Fr Eric, the team travelled by a tractor to Chinthmandoddi village, where  the team members saw that this village with 150 families had been ravaged and over 300 heads of cattle had been swept away in the flood. The people here too, slept by the roadside.

At the fag end of the first day of the visit, the team went to Devipura in the evening,  where they found Bethany Sisters, who had already  camped in the village and were seen administering  medicines  to the sick  members of the place. 
With the help of different organizations and the support of several  individuals from the city, the team sponsored two truck-loads of rice, vessels, medicines, cosmetics, blankets, mats and clothes.

The team consisted of 17 members, Denis D’silva, Joseph M Lobo, Alwyn, Stanly, Linto Francis, Nelson Raj, Vinod, Arun Ajekar, Prashanth, Darshan, Sunil, Tejpaul, Inasappa, Juliana Alphonsa, Sr Anseline, Sr Prema and Sr Juliana from the Bethany Congregation. 
The team also thanked Ronald Colaco, president of IFKCA, who had sponsored all the transportation, travelling and food expenses. The team will continue to work at this and the nearby areas for the next few days to support the people, especially for rebuilding their houses and providing shelter to those who have lost them.  


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  • Simon Tellis, Bangalore

    Fri, Oct 16 2009

    Wonderful mangalore team. we are proud of you youngsters and Bethany Sisters. bethany sisters are always working for the poor people.You have given lot of service to our society.Congratulations sr jyothi BS and all Bethany Sisters.

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  • Tharanath, Harihar

    Fri, Oct 16 2009

    I have visited this flood effected places. working here is very difficult. no good water, no electricity,no food,no roads. only in the tractors you can travel in this roads.You have taken a good step my dear brother and sisters.your contribution, ur help reached to the people. you dont worry about the negative comments continue your good work....god will bless you.

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  • Cyril, Mysore

    Fri, Oct 16 2009

    We want this kind of organizations,Hats off Federation of karnatka Christian association.You have done great and wonderful job If every organisation or comunity active such a social work it will be great helpful to the poor have shown your solidariy being with them..... keep it up

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  • Saritha Dhanraj, chennai

    Fri, Oct 16 2009

    Mr Ronald Colaco ur organization is doing lot of good activities. you have donated 10 lacks for the flood relief you are suporting this youngsters to serve this people.God Bless you.

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  • Sharmila, Udupi

    Fri, Oct 16 2009

    Great work from IFKCA.... All the best.I am observing your activities through daiji you are doing a very good job.

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  • sunita, mumbai

    Thu, Oct 15 2009

    Guru, everybody is doing their part swami, priest, youth and common people from all communities to help the needy in times of trouble and you are trying to break their unity you politicians and chamchas do not do any work only brag brag and brag and spoil the peace of the world. what you did with all the money collect give account

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  • Molly,Gretta, Cheriyole, Kankanady

    Thu, Oct 15 2009

    Dear Fr.Eric, Congratulations for your hard work and being with those poor people and uplifting them. We there to support you and help you. may God bless you with good health.

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  • Suresh.P, Mangalore

    Thu, Oct 15 2009

    I know people who went to help personally. I don't think they have converted to religion but converted to human dignity. Hats off to those missionaries. let us convert our hearts and not be slave to our religion

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  • The Guru, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 14 2009

    Good work.. Hindu people of north Karnataka beware of conversion, people will show money and food and convert you in the name of relief measures.. STICK TO YOUR RELIGION

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  • Anil Fernandes, Madanthyar/Bangalore

    Thu, Oct 15 2009

    Dear Friends, Congratulation for your fantastic work. Here in this team I know 3 people personally they are Mr. Sunil Gonsalves, Mr. Vinod and Mr. Tejpal. These my friends are really very much helpful to others and even to the society also. Even any needy person approaches them, they will reach them as soon as possible. Hats off to the team and Team Leader Mr. Denis D'silva. Thank you very much Fr. Eric And Fr. Maxim for your intiative.

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  • Dhiraj Sequeira, Kelarai

    Thu, Oct 15 2009

    Great work guys aand hats up. I was not able to stay back with you but I am sure you have done a good job and hope to see you again in Pannur with the people and helping our dear people.

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  • Stan, Qatar

    Wed, Oct 14 2009

    Nice to hear from Gladson how much u loved that place.Talking about charity I think there are 2 types of charity. One is unknown to anybody that is between you and ur God and of course third person. Other type is making known to other people. I think it is not bad also because ur showing or rather provoking others also to do the same.

    May be other people also influenced by your good deeds. And also I don't think that these people are doing this job because of publicity. They are trying to show how the present situation is going on around us. Pls don't get upset as now a days everything gets published in media good and bad. Hope u don't mind my comment.

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  • Rajesh, Sankolige

    Wed, Oct 14 2009

    Denever Dsilava & Alwyn, Hindus does not require any lesson from Christian assosiations because Already many Hindu organisations are serving on the ground for flood affected people. This they are doing now, they had done this before whenever nation needed them. For your kind information Hindus does not like publicity. It is not in our relegion culture.

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  • cyril mathias, udupi

    Wed, Oct 14 2009

    "Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers, that you do unt me",said the Lord.It is heartening to see our christian brethren doing a great job.You are our true leaders.

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  • Abdul Khadar, Mulky

    Wed, Oct 14 2009

    Great work by IFKCA. God Bless u All.

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  • Gracy Pinto, Bangalore

    Wed, Oct 14 2009

    What a wonderful gesture!!! True Christian spirit. Well done Christian Federation's M'lore team. May God bless all of you abundantly. St.John's Medical College team is also one of the very early ones to reach the flood affected areas. This is what we learn as Christians to reach out to the less fortunate ones in times of need.

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  • juliana, udupi

    Wed, Oct 14 2009

    People are suffering in flood effected areas without proper guidance, food, shelter and clothing. In times of distress people are not able to apply their thoughts. It is good to learn that a few good shepherds have reached the spot to find some solace to these people at unrest. It is not impossible to help them in this fast moving world.

    Only thing required is proper way may be through government by way of the army service, NGO's and such like people should make up their mind to bring them back to normalcy. Such calamities can happen anytime. Disaster management is the prime factor. It is not money that matters always. Few words to boost the morale also help save many people in need.

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  • Gladson, Brahmavar

    Wed, Oct 14 2009

    Nice to see some people from Mangalore have reached parts of Sindhanur and Manvi taluks of Raichur districts. These two taluks are very dear to me, for I began my social bonding here way back in 2001 and where I lived and worked for the next 12 months under the aegis of Vimukti run by Capuchins.

    Those memories of bicycling for kilometres together on roads which had hardly been tarred, sharing food and roof with the villagers are still quite vivid. We were perhaps the first bunch of youth to have started free tuition classes for about 250 students from class 1 to college in the evenings in Potnal

    Celebrating Ganesh Chaturthi with the locals by the streets of Manvi was first experience not only for us but even to the locals. These months spent here put a firm foundation to my life and I am still not able to digest the fact that hundreds of families with whom still share a close bond have been devastated by killer floods recently.

    I would have loved very much to be back here now to be with these people of mine at the this time. But not possible. However great work by IFKCA. But it would have been still nice if you guys had not taken time to click photos and then send it media. Whatever you have lent in right hand, not be known your left hand. These works are not meant for publicity and then then add to your CV perhaps.

    These times are not meant for increasing ones popularity at the cost of someone's misery. Do good but not for news and publicity. All the best for you all.

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  • javid, Mangalore/Muscat

    Wed, Oct 14 2009

    Gr8 Work, hope people of mangalore understand this is what called Mangalorian. not GoondaGardi

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  • Roshan Shetty, Udipi/Bangalore

    Wed, Oct 14 2009

    Great job guys....god bless u all...

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  • denver dsilva, mangalore

    Wed, Oct 14 2009

    Realy good work by our christian association. god will realy bless them for thier generous support and hardwork. Now I want to ask where are these banjarang dal or shivsena are they hidden. It is clear that they come only when any politician hire them to disrupt the city .  In this flood there were many people different religion but these saviour never treated as hindu or muslim but just as Indian .please learn some good lesson from our christian assosiations.

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  • shenoy, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 14 2009

    Alwyn, Don't get in to it again and again.. People wouldn't appreciate that.. For you kind infomation Lots of Hindu Math's have donated significantly. RSS has sent his workwers and relief materials in large quantity. Lots of Hindu organization involved in relief operation. I am sure even BD involved in this. Note all section of society irrespective of religion involved in this and we indians can do it and it has been proved in past as well. May be people sitting in Panama have difficulty in understanding this.

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  • alwyn , manama

    Wed, Oct 14 2009

    Great job guys. May god bless you and give you strength to help the needy. "By the way where are all the bajrangies gone".

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  • Subhas, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 14 2009

    Very good work from Managlore Christian Association. God really will bless you people.

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  • Donald, Bantwal/Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 14 2009

    Great job by Denis Arun and team

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  • Cliferd, Valencia, Mangalore, Dubai

    Wed, Oct 14 2009

    Dear Denis, when you are a President of ICYM, we thought a rising star raised, you are a good Leader. Keep up the Good Work, God Bless You. Loving Cliferd, Sunitha & Children Dubai, Mangalore

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  • Anand Pereira SJ, Mangalore, Omaha, USA

    Wed, Oct 14 2009

    Dear Frs. Maxim and Eric, It's so wonderful that you are there for the people at this hour of need. In the midst of their suffering you are able to give them hope and joy. That's an awsome contribution! It's much more than money can buy. Thanks for all you do. We are proud of you. May God bless your efforts.

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