'Pilgrimage is a journey into oneself '- Sri Ravishankar Tells Priests

'Pilgrimage is a journey into oneself '- Sri Ravishankar Tells Priests

 by Adolf Washington
VELANKANNI, Tamil Nadu, Feb 12: “It’s a joy to talk to the lovers of God,” said Sri Sri Ravishankar, founder of the Art of Living organisation, at the Indian Priests Congress held at Velankanni, one of world’s most popular Christian pilgrim centres, February 9.
Ravishankar who received a State VIP escort to the Shrine was Addressing over 900 priests from across India.  He said: “It is time to look deep within and connect the mind with the inner self and rekindle the faith. Mind is vascilliting between the past and the future we got to bring it to the present.” To a question from the audience as to what was Sri Ravishankar’s concept of a pilgrimage, he said “To me, pilgrimage is an inward journey.  It is a journey into oneself.  It is a search for a communiion between God and oneself”

Ravishankar told the priests: “We are made up of the substance called love. We are God’s image, God is love, but then why hatred, jealousy among people? How to handle them is a huge challenge. Spiritual wisdom helps to overcome them. Breathing exercises helps to remove all negative emotions.”
There are so many things common between Hindus and Christians like the rosary, the prayer bell, which is unique to Christianity and not inherited from Judaism.
Answering queries posed by priests such as why Christians are attacked by the Hindu groups, Ravishankar said, “It is because some Pentecostal people indulge in asking people to throw Hindu pictures out from their homes, which causes misunderstanding. People also don’t know the difference between sects. People need education to broaden their vision.”
Responding to Journalist Anto Akara’s question “Why have you so far not openly condemned hindu fundamentalist groups that indulge in attacks on the Church”, Ravishankar said “I have openly denounced any form of violence from any quarter.  Your Churches were attacked, temples to were attacked.  I have denounced any kind of religious violence”.  To another question from the audience “Why have you not spoken openly against the caste system?”, the Guruji replied “I have certainly denounced any kind of injustice or discrimination.  I have said many times and in many places that we are all children of one God.  We are all in Him and He is in all” 

“I dont discard religion.Religions are essential because they gives us the connectivity to God. Religion is an external aspect, whereas spirituality is interiorisation,” he concluded.
Cardinal Claudio Cardinal Hummes, Prefect, Congregation for Clergy, Vatican, Archbishops,and Bishops were among those present for the talk.


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  • Narendra Mittal, Bangalore

    Sun, Feb 21 2010

    When you dial your own phone it is always engaged. That's the situation. Nobody has the time to contact himself. AoL breathing exercises and all the knowledge points have helped me tremendously in overcoming anxiety and connecting to inner self. I feel so peaceful inwardly with all the chaos happening outwardly.

    I have felt god within myself. He feels like Krishna, Christ and Allah. I find living with inner self far more easier and comfortable. This keeps a big smile on my face all the time and I feel it soothes many a paining souls. I now understand how much others can love you without any barriers. The mind stands in between the outward and inward worlds. Connecting and living in the present keeps me going. Hail myself and all my brother and sisters! Lets live life king size!

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  • Dr. Cajetan Coelho, Goa, India

    Fri, Feb 19 2010

    "Ora et Labora" is the war cry among the leprosy combatants and their allies at Anandwan in Maharashtra. For the incredibly gifted citizens of Anandwan, Somnath, Hemelkasa and Ashokwan "Work is Worship" and "Work is Prayer". With their work they continue to cheerfully serve the inmates and visitors without distinction and discrimination. Pilgrims from far and wide keep visiting and learning methods and techniques of prayer, harmony, fellow feeling, equality and justice from the supremely blessed human beings living in Anandwan and in its other far flung Prakalps.

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  • Aaron, Buntwal

    Tue, Feb 16 2010

    End of the Day we will all die one day! For me religion is Helping Orphans and Poor’s, Sharing with the needy. God is Love. If you can pray to God to do evil to others and only good to yourself and to your community, and your God answers yours prayers and does evil to others that God is evil. True God rains on Good as well as on Evil. God never pays evil to evil. AOL will not save the Earth. Neither AOL will remain forever. Everything will come to an end. Things will be revealed in its own time. But if AOL inspires you to do Good and Love others, that’s great.
    Now if we talking about being infants, humble, love and forgiveness, I would say none wants to do evil. Say for example if we become like infants will the world love us. No. Look around. Evil does not spare anyone. When I want to do good, evil is right there with me. For in my inner being I delight in God's ways but I see another way at work in the members of my body, waging war against the ways of my mind and making me a prisoner of the ways of sin at work within my members. What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death?
    So I am sure we need more than AOL!

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  • Gaurav, Bangalore

    Mon, Feb 15 2010

    Any press report attracts =ve and -ve comments, but crux of this report is, if we hold on to our small mind, we are at loss, no one else. The good people in this world, and the saints and prophets are anyways doing their work unmindful of the small-minded small-talkers. If you have an open mind for knowledge and for good of this planet, you will: First, calm your mind through the beautiful exercises taught at AOL (millions of people including me, are overfilled with love, happiness n practical techniques gained from the workshops) Second, educate the fanatics who know only to quote the religious books, and to condemn another religion. Third, stop forcible religious conversions Fourth, do some good for the society with a broad mindset towards all human beings and all flora and fauna. End of Day, if we dont have a planet to live in, all our religious fanfare wont save us.

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  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur/ Mangalore

    Sun, Feb 14 2010

    Dear Mr. D.M.D' Souza, Bantwal Why you have evaded/excluded the names of Mr. Shetty Mangalore, Mr. Kareem Mangalore and Mr. Sandeep, Mangalore, Chennai? Are they right in your point of view? Kindly explain please.

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  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur/ Mangalore

    Sun, Feb 14 2010

    Dear Mr. D.M.D' Souza, Bantwal Why you have evaded/excluded the names of Mr. Shetty Mangalore, Mr. Kareem Mangalore and Mr. Sandeep, Mangalore, Chennai? Are they right in your point of view? Kindly explain please.

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  • D.M.D' Souza, Bantwal

    Sat, Feb 13 2010

    IreneMcneilly/Valerian Dalmeida-In this world when every religious people think by reading their respective holy scriptures, that theirs is the only true religion of God, all the conflicts erupt. Just come out of narrow-minded religious begotry & see the world in the eyes of an infant- u will realise the true religion of God is Innocense,Humanity, Love & Forgiveness-which only is the future for Humanity to survive with Love-Peace & Happiness in this world. I hope God will give all its creation including human beings a better understanding of each other.

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  • Vicky Chopra, Udipi/New Delhi

    Sat, Feb 13 2010

    why people are giving so much importance to religion...it's afterall man-made...if god created earth/water/fire/wind/trees/animals why not given a single holy book to mankind to follow?..is it due to lack of publishing house abode?...why we are giving and wasting our precious time towards these swamijis/priests/muthawas?..is there they are having any god's gift..people are now-a-days nothing but incline more towards religion than doing anything good for the society.. atleast save our earth.. for our next generation...if earth is spoiled..where is the question of any religion????? hell and heaven itself in this earth.. not anywhere..utilise ur time in something useful things...meaningless commenting doing by manypeoples..no end results..

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  • Valerian Dalmaida, Mangalore/Abu Dhabi

    Sat, Feb 13 2010

    Dear Sandeep, Mangalore/Chennai, Before saying anything read the Catechism of the Catholic Church. A true follower of Jesus Christ and a Catholic faithful never hates any other person because he/she belongs to some other Religion.The point is not that. The point is, when a priest who knows who is Jesus Christ and allows such things to happen,it pains me. What is inter religious diologue? To accept all Gods as same? Then please read Mark 11:25

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  • Valerian Dalmaida, Mangalore/Abu Dhabi

    Sat, Feb 13 2010

    Dear Irene, In addition to what you said, I would like to quote John 1:10-12,"He was in the world, and through him the world was made, the very world that did not know him. He came to his own, yet his own people did not receive himbut all who have received him, he empowers to become children of God, for they believe in his name." My question to the priests and Bishops, before listening to this man who is openly making a mockery of Sacrament of confession in their presence, did they ask him whether he believes in his (Jesus)name? If yes,then teach him the Catechism of Catholic Church and baptise him in the Name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teach him to observe all that JESUS has commanded you priests and Bishops (Mathew 28:19-20). Why fear? He said, " I am with you always, even to the end of this world". Thank you Jesus, for converting Saul to St.Paul and through him spreading the good news of salvation through the Sacraments of Holy Catholic Church. Give wisdom and knowledge to your priests in this year of priests to spread the Gospel without fear to thewhole world including Mr. Ravishankar. Dear Priests, my humble request to you, do not scandalise the Catholic Church by all this. Instead, listen to Catholic lay preachers, annointed by the Spirit of Triune God and help them through the Catholic Church to preach the Good News. In this year of priests, this will be the perfect gift to the Catholic faithful.

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  • sandeep, mangalore/chennai

    Fri, Feb 12 2010

    I am glad to read this report, because it hard to find present day media reporting on such positive aspects of inter-religious interaction. There is nothing wrong in such inter-religious interactions, in fact people should be guided by their religious leaders to get more invovled in such programs. Such programs helps us to know each other and know the commonness that we share than the differences. There is need to create awareness among the masses in order to do away the negative perception that people carry regarding the people of living faiths. It is painful to read one of the comment that totally has misquoted and misinterpreted some of the biblical passages because of his/her lack of openness towards the people of living faiths. One of important thing that we forget in this materialistic world is that we are made in image of God and God is love. Thus all humans have a responsibility to love one another and not to hate. There is need to create and practise a culture of peace as against the culture of violence and hatred.

    For which Media reporting has an important role as media creates opinion. I will look forward for more of such reporting from daijiworld which i believe in some way or the other will influence the minds the readers and create a postive attitude in the present context of violence and hatred.

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  • Irene McNEILLY, Canada

    Fri, Feb 12 2010

    Perplexed, I guess, would be the best choice of words to describe my feeling upon reading Daijiworld's Fri. Feb. 12 2010 page on Ravishankar instructing the Catholic clergy gathered at Velankanni, Tamil Nadu. The O.T. prophet Malachi 2:7 stated: "For the lips of a priest should keep knowledge and people should seek the law from his mouth for he is the messenger of the Lord of hosts." Is it possible that our priests, bishops and Vatican Cardinal Hummes present at that Hindu's talk, have forgotten who they are before God, and what their role is for us the People of God? Our clergy's behavior reminds me of Jeremiah's words in chapter 2:13: "For My people have committed two evils: they have forsaken Me the fountain of living waters, and hewn themselves cisternsbroken cisterns that can hold no water." Whatever happened to the Great Commission of Matthew 28:18-20 where the Cath. Ch. was to go out and make disciples of all nations? Ravishankar says:" Religions are essential because they give us connectivity to God." But he is not specific as to which god? If he means the One true God, Jesus, then he must be baptized and forsake his errors. In the comments section following the article on Ravishankar, one writer urges Ravishankar's breathing exercises, for the releif of stress. Whatever happened to the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the remision of sin? That surely heals any stress, no? Luke 18:8 "But when the Son of Man returns will He find faith"...?

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  • David Rodrigues, Kayyar/Bangalore

    Fri, Feb 12 2010

    Dear Amar, Perfect reply to Shetty's comments.Religion is everyones personal choice .FORCED CONVERSOION IS BANNED & NEEDS TO CONDEMENDED BY ALL.

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    Fri, Feb 12 2010

    Hello Shetty, conversion is an individual's right not a privilege for which people need permission from you. You have a right to convert to any religion and practice it. Don't you? If you have a right to practice your religion and propagate the same, how can any person in his sound mind can speak against an individual's right to believe and practice a religion of his or her choice? You need to categorically state whether there is such a fundamental right as choice of belief? If you say, "there should not be forced conversions" there will be millions who will agree with you.

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    Fri, Feb 12 2010

    I can see we are heading to a great indian revolution. REVOLUTION to achieve real freedom in its true sense .Our priests,clergys,religious leaders,spritual leaders like sri ravi shankerji ,bhrahma kumaris ,swami ramdevji,many christian and muslim priests are comming together to educate us in a logically,true knowledge of humanity , unity bringing us all together .once people get united for a positive mottos,ambition .this united strength can be used against wrong people in politics to wipe out coruptions,crime against women/children. I have full faith in the religious leaders leading us .than the politician,actors,criketers,celebraties who are only after money,name and fame. Even after 63 years on freedom the govt,could not solved the problem of ROTI.because it does not want to, show roti to people and get votes ,kapada makan,security,health,education ,jobs.for all the people will be a dream for ever.

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  • Prasad, Mangalore

    Fri, Feb 12 2010

    I most heartily recommend Sri Sri Ravishankar's breathing exercises and stress relieving programs to VHP, RSS, Bajrang Dal, and Ram Sene activists. No stress = No violence = Peaceful World.

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  • Bulsam, Mangalore

    Fri, Feb 12 2010

    ‘There is no smoke without fire’ is the definite of truth. It is said that the Sun, the Moon and the Truth cannot be hidden. There is unrest in the world due to unjust to a section of society in their region. Sri Ravishankar did not condemn the destruction of Babri Masjid & unconstitutional high handedness of Sangh Parivar, Shiv Sena and others. He who propagates well of all mankind and the environments around them is the real holy man.

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  • Dev, Mangalore

    Fri, Feb 12 2010

    Mr Shetty how many were converted in your area,please give valid statistics, not lies told 100 times will become truth. Don't throw mud in the hope of atleast some getting stuck on white cloth of poor christinas who are punished by the modern goons in the name of conversion. We are wiser man, u & your organisations cannot fool us.

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  • kareem, mangalore

    Fri, Feb 12 2010

    when there was no conversoin there was no violence..so simple..

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  • Shetty, Mangalore

    Fri, Feb 12 2010

    Good reply by Sri Sri...no conversion= no voilence..no jehad= peacefull world.

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