Muscat : Colorful Events Mark Oman Billawas' First Anniversary

Muscat : Colorful Events Mark Oman Billawas' First Anniversary

Media Release

Muscat, Apr 19: Oman Billawas true to their spirit of “Serving Community beyond borders celebrated their first anniversary on 16th April, 2010.  This certainly will go through as one of the most memorable events and a stepping stone towards the community of Billawas of Oman.

Members who have been looking forward for this grand day, made it to the venue with their family and friends with lots of excitement and happiness, the keen eagerness to meet others could be felt; there was sense of togetherness, as they were meeting the near and dear ones, across all over Oman, more than 700 members came together under one roof.

Being the first anniversary the Oman Billawas wanted communicate strong message of oneness, togetherness and share happiness not only with its community members, but also to go beyond and share the same with other community members irrespective of religion or caste.

Ramee Dream resort Seeb Grand Hall was the venue chosen, considering the grand scale the program was being organized, the stage set was awesome with the backdrops, lighting, and other minute details were put in, the credit goes to Shri Ashok Suvarna who got his team professionals from NPA Events.

The entrance of venue and the main hall was given grand traditional look with Banana tree, leaves, mango leaves, tender coconuts and so many different flowers. It was set to have a grand welcome, the credit for the same goes to Shri Prasad Amin & Shri. Vittal poojari and their respective team.

A beautiful alter was also especially made for Brahma Shri Narayna Guru, a large portrait was specially bought in for this event, thanks to Rajneesh and Kavitha Sanil, the grand decoration of the alter was specially done by Viswanath and  Madhu Suvarna.

Shri.Umesh Bantwal along with his dedicated team were ready to receive the new members, update details of existing members and above all to facilitate members about various information’s. They were also served with Hot Tea & coffee along with great breakfast.

The program was inaugurated by LIGHTING THE LAMP - P. B. Alke, S.K. Poojary, Ashok Suvarna & Fly , Arun Sanil & Fly , Umesh Bantwal & Fly , Dr.Anchan C.K.& Fly , Narayan Poojari & Fly and Ramesh Poojary & fly.

The program started by Shreya Bangera performing welcome dance “Avi Pallavi” a Oddisi dance balle. This was followed by welcome speech by Shri. P B Alke, he put forward various initiative being taken by the founding members and the developments of the same accordingly, he was thankful to all the members who have given such immense support, however he said there is a long way we all need to travel and it is only possible if we continue to pursue our vision of togetherness by hand holding each other and sharing happiness amongst others.

He then welcomed Sudhir Kumar from Sohar to speak few words, who in his words expressed the richness of Billawa community and the strong pillars which the community has been able come forward as one of the leading community in such a short span.

To mark the occasion, a website was launched, by Shri P B Alke, he requested Dr. Anchan C.K. the brain behind this noble thought to come forward and say few words, Dr. Anchan C.K. stated that the website will be a common platform for OMAN BILLAWAS to share their views with members locally as well with other members out of Oman, it is significant as it will have the regular updates & happenings. He took this opportunity to thank Mr. H D Suvarna and Mr. Madhu Suvarna who have been part of this project, he also thanked all the well wishers who came forward generously.

A traditional dance , Nammuru which bought old memories back was perfomed by children and ladies from Sohar, The group comprised of Saritha Sudhirkumar, Shifal Sushir Kumar, Ranjani Narayan, Roshna Narayan, Rachna Naayan, Deepika Krishna Prasad, Prakyat Krishna Prasad, Shilpa Rejendra, Vijaya Vittal, Shalini Jagdish and Varsha Jagdish

To encourage and to motivate children recognition awards from various fields were considered, A special team was formed under the leadership of Arun Sanil along with Suhan, Anand Sanil, Suchetana Anchan and Vaishili Suvarna.  The following children were awarded for their excellence towards Non Scholatic Achievement: Sanjana Bangara, Aradhana Bangara, Shreya Bangera,  Rakshit Poojary, Akilesh Poojary, Gayatri Salian, Nihal Kumar and Anirudh Sanil.

Sports prizes were also given to achievers who won during the sports meet day, P.B.Alke, Shri Ashok Suvarna, S.K. Poojary, Arun Sanil, Umesh Bantwal, Jayant Salian, Narayan Poojary, Prasad Amin, Anand Sanil, Gangadhar Poojary, Dr.Shodhan Kumar, Ramesh Poojary, Dr. Praveen Kumar and Dr. Anchan C.K. handed over the medals and cups to the winners of the various sports events.

The entire co-ordination of prize distribution was handled personally by Ashok Suvarna along with Gangadhar. The co-ordination and calling upon the nominations was handled beautifully by Vaishali Suvarna and shri.Harish Sanil.

The next programme was one of the star lighting performance, were different dances from various part of INDIA was performed by more than  60 artists, as it was named appropriately as Glimpses of INDIA, children from the age of 4 till  elders around 50+  all got together to represent various states and inherent culture each state has bought in, particularly about Tulu Nadu, as it conveyed the message and tatvas preached by Brahmashri Narayana Guru.

Shri Ramakrishna enacted the role of Brahmashri Narayana Guru, the concluding part  of Glimpses of India held every ones breath still, VANDHE MAATHARAM was at its best by flags being swayed, candles being lighted and every one standing to mark their salutation to their motherland.

The concept and the direction of Glimpses of India was conceived by Smt.NeelKamal C Anchan, she was well assisted by Prema Bantwal ,Reema Sanil and Mahesh Salian , all the numbers were Chreographed by Ramsdas a professional of astute in Oman.  Both Smt. NeelKamal C Anchan and Shri. Ramdas were awarded mementos for putting up such a class event with such magnitude and above all such beautiful message of oneness. The following are the participants who put in their best efforts :

Aradhana Dancers: Mihika Anchan, Rashmi Gangadhar, Aradhana Bangara, Kritika Poojary, Spoorthy Uppoor,Prachi , Mithali Sudhir, Gouri Poojary, Payal Poojary and Dikshita.

Rajasthani Dancers ; Kala Sanil, Prafulla Poojary, Gayatri Salian, Thilothama Gangadhar, Preethi Uday and Anita Uppoor.

Punjabi Bangda Dancers: Prakash Bollur,Niranjan ,Vishbhav Poojary, Samarth Suhan, Sharan Umesh, Karthik Kunder,Shreyas, Rakshith Gangadhar and Kiran Anchan.

Mahrashtra...Jai Ambe Dancers : Sonal Dinesh poojary, Sukhada Mohite,Bindu Mohite , Veena Santosh, Sonia Santosh,Payal Poojary, Sanjana Bangara & Dikshita.

Dandia Raas Dancers :Gayatri Salian,Kala Sanil, Sapna Poojary, Anita Uppoor,Prafulla Poojary, Poojary, Aditya Uday, Vinesh,Prasad, Vithal Poojary, Sukumar Anchan

KannadaDancers: Prema Umesh,Reema Sanil,Surekha Kunder,Amita Sridhar,Shridhar,Anirudh Sanil,Mahesh J,and Ritesh Poojary

It was time to take break for Lunch, wide spread of stupendous menu was arranged, children and elders enjoyed the feast, they were all excited and were looking forward to the beginning of next event, and to their surprise the moment was kept high by 20 children coming over to do the fashion walk.

They were just marvellous, they kept the audience enthralled by their mischievousness coupled with great style. “woh,  ooh, they were cheered to the last walk, where Suvi Bangara walked in, it is she has put in this fabulous walk along with Vaishali Suvarna, Smt.Manuja Suhan Shri Suha.

Smt.Suvi Bangara was awarded with memento for brining in the best style coupled with grace out of every child. The children who graced the occasion are : Sanjana Bangara, Payal Poojary ,Siddarth , Prachi Sandeep, Krithika Poojary, Gauri Poojary,Mithali Sudhir,Spoorthy Uppoor,Sukhada Mohite, Mihika Anchan,Samarth Suvarna,Aradhna Bangara, Shashwath, Rakshit Poojary, Kiran Anchan, Anirudh Sanil, Raunak, Adit Uday, Sonia Suvarna & Deekshita Poojary

Level of anxiety was getting higher and higher suddenly, people were anxiously waiting now for PHILI ESHA,  a folk tiger dance, more than 9 members dressed in diusguise as Phili [tiger] made their grand entry from the rear side, a special conveyor was made ready only for this event, the troupe of philis flocked the entire hall and to give it  a special effect , Goddess Durga was also depicted, who took the center stage and the philis philis jumped, performed various athletic moves in and around. Every one was spell bound with such a marvelous performance.

The conceptualization of such brilliant sequence and direction was done by  Gangadhar and the enact of Goddess Durga was done by Preeti Uday. The members who enacted as Pili are Roshan,Vithal Poojary, Karthik Kunder,Kaushik, Shridhar, Ritesh,Vishbhav, Sharan Umesh, Sukumar Anchan, Mahesh Jeppu and Mahesh Salian. Preethi Uday enacted as Devi impeccably.

People also got lucky as There was a lucky draw for the members. The lucky coupons for the prizes were drawn by Ramesh Poojary, Jaya Shettigar and Shri Ramesh Pujari.

It was time for Tea Break and getting ready for the grand event, Koti Chennaya’ yakshagana, keeping in mind the to bring in unity and to share happiness members of other Tulu speaking were also welcomed to this program, Lot of members who are enthusiastic about the Yakshagana made it along with their family, it was indeed a great gesture of togherness.

On behalf of the Founding Members of “Oman Billawas”  Ashok Suvarna welcomed the gathering, later to which  Arun Kumar Sanil spoke about the essence of Yakshagana in Tulu.

Dr. Anchan C.K. on behalf of the Founding Committee members thanked everyone for the marvelous support which they have received from each and every one. He also thanked Shri. Umesh Jeppu and Smt. Suchetana Anchan the Masters of ceremony for their brilliant work.

The program concluded by presenting mementos to all the Yakshagana  artists who have specially been flown for this programme.

It was indeed a memorable day for each and every Billawa from Oman and around the Globe, kudo’s to Shri Pithamber Alke as president and the guiding force and his founding members S.K. Poojary, Ashok Suvarna, Arun Sanil, Umesh Bantwal and Dr. Anchan C.K. who relentlessly have taken up Oman Billawas to the newer heights.


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  • sandeep kotian, mulky/mascat

    Fri, Jul 01 2011

    i want to join with you boss.i am be cool all the time

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  • sujithraj, mangalore

    Thu, Apr 29 2010

    OM Sri Narayana Guru Congratulations to "Oman Billawas" on completion of one year and has Mohan Attavar, President, Billawas Dubai & NE said help the members of our community who need ur help in mangalore.Well done and keep going my dear brothers Oman Billawas well done.

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  • Gangadhar S.Poojary, Nungoor-Buntwal

    Sat, Apr 24 2010

    Congratulations to "Oman Billawas" on completion of one year and for the grand celebrations with Grand Success.Event was fabulous and all the efforts and hardwork done by our "BILLAWA members.Special thanks to Mrs.Neil Akka for the wonderful co-ordination and dedicated hard work. Keep it up!!!!!

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  • Gangadhar S. Poojary, Nungoor-Buntwal

    Sat, Apr 24 2010

    Congratulations to "Oman Billawas" on completion of One year with Grand success & for a GREAT SHOW!!!!!!! Thanks to Mrs.Neil AKKA and all the members for the fabulous efforts and hardwork. Keep up the good work.

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    Thu, Apr 22 2010

    Thanks for the Best wishes.Here in Muscat I have variety of roles for the last 8 years ever since , i have moved from Saudi. I too miss Dammam and friends like Karkera,Bababanna and you all. Through MASA you are also having lot of programs.We are happy for that.Jai Hind, Jai Karnataka,Jai Gurudev. Thanks Lord for engaging us in these nice activities. May the teaching of Sree Narayan Guru reach world over.

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  • Jagdish P Thakur, Udipi/Mumbai/Toronto, Canada

    Wed, Apr 21 2010

    Great Work, Alke Uncle, Keep it up & wish to see many more celebrations of 'Oman Billawas' in the years to come thru the eyes of Daijiworld.

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  • Sadashiv,Chetana,Prateek&Prishita Poojary, Nitte/Dammam.K.S.A

    Tue, Apr 20 2010

    Congratulations to Oman Billawas for your success.May you flourish in your further activities.Ramakrishna(Co-bra/Jiju) you have done a great role by acting Narayan Guru Swami.Our prayers are with you.We miss you in Saudi.

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  • Michael Gregory Tauro , Moodbidri kadala kera

    Tue, Apr 20 2010

    Billawa Sangadakuleg Yenna Namaskara, pili vesha yakshaganada photo thood masth kushi aand,yenk uoorda nenapand,prathi varsha Billawas Anniversary aavonduppad pandedh nikuleg wish malpuna Michael G Tauro moodbidri kadalakere(Afghanistan)

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  • Prakash Sanil, Udupi / Saudi Arabia

    Tue, Apr 20 2010

    Congratulations on completion of one year and Grand Celebration... keep Billawas united, well done... wish you all the best for the years to follow..

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  • Madhu Suvarna, Muscat

    Mon, Apr 19 2010

    Congrats Oman Billawas !!!
    It was a indeed a memorable day thanks to the untiring efforts of the Founding members and all the volunteers and participants. It was nice to see such co-operation and co-ordinated effort amongst all the responsible teams. Oman Billawas keep up the good work and we hope to see more of such events.

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  • Rohan Qatar ,

    Mon, Apr 19 2010

    It was really great to see our Kudla's PILI DANCE in the Middle east.
    Congradulations and keep it up...

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  • RONY MENDONCA, Moodbidri/dubai

    Mon, Apr 19 2010

    Congragulations to Billawas assosition of Oman you have rocked the audience of OMAN .Very nice pictures i like tiger dance . nice to se Gangadhar Poojary after a long time keep it up .

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  • Hitin Poojary, Mumbai/ Muscat, Oman

    Mon, Apr 19 2010

    Congratulations for all the Billawas for the celebration of 1st Anniversary of our Oman Billawa.
    Event was fabulous and all the efforts and hardwork done by our members is worth by the completion of this successful event. Hope next year may more n more ppl will joint this event for making this event more sucessful. God Bless too all the Billawas.

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    Mon, Apr 19 2010

    We have tried to inculcate Patriotism in our kids which is vital in the current circumstances. We wanted to depict the rich cultural heritage of India.We have done that in a glorious way. Love for ones Guru, motherland, and most importantly the God which is diminishing in the modern world due to western influence. I think we were successful in reviving this love.In that light, the preaching of Sri Narayana Guru is not only relevant to one community but to the whole world. The day we follow his One Caste, One Religion, One god concept this world will be better place to live. I am blessed to play as Sri Narayana Guru

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  • Praveen Kumar Attavar, Billawas Dubai Mangalore

    Mon, Apr 19 2010

    Congratulations Oman Billawas. Wonderfull program Keep it up.Wish you all the best

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  • Shodhan Prasad, Attavar/Dubai

    Mon, Apr 19 2010

    Hearty congratulations to Oman Billawas on completion of one year and for the grand celebrations. Keep the Billawa Unity spirit high up in the air and keep up the good work. I would like to congratulate the founding team and my dear old friends Pitamber Alke, Arun Sanil, Dr. Anchan, Umesh, Ashok Suvarna and S.K. Poojary for organising such a grand event. I am sure under the able leadership of Alke, Oman Billawas will be able to help less fortunate members of our community back home. Let the one "Oman Billawas" go a long way in keeping Billawas united in Oman. Let Gurus blessings be on every Billawa community.

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  • Mahesh Salian, Oman

    Mon, Apr 19 2010

    Well done Oman Billawas great show let us all be proud that we are a part of Oman billawas "Jai billawas"

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  • praveen, mulki/balehithlu/dubai

    Mon, Apr 19 2010

    congrats""OMAN BILLAWAS" nice pics.!

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    Mon, Apr 19 2010

    Congratulations to Oman Billawas for completion 1 year of success & for GRAND celebrations & once again thanks for daji for covering the event.

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  • Sanjana, Muscat

    Mon, Apr 19 2010

    Dear Dr.Anchan “You are truly inspirational.’ Listening to you is just Great, I am an ardent reader of your articles, and in fact I had the honor to listen to your lecture when you visited my college. I envy you a lot. Congratulations to you and Mr. P.B.Alke, Mr.Ashok, Mr.Umesh, Mr.Arun, & Mr. Poojary on our First Anniversary Celebrations. GOOD LUCK>>>

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  • Umesh Pujary, OMAN - SOHAR

    Mon, Apr 19 2010

    Great show.....enjoyed thoroughly, has certainly raised the bar for BILLAWAS OMAN, thanks for the wonderful entertainment & thanks for daji for covering the event.

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  • Rahul, Mumbai - Dubai

    Mon, Apr 19 2010

    Photos show that it was a wonderful program by Billawas OMAN. Good show guys keep up the good work. GOD BLESS YOU ALL

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  • Mohan Attavar, President, Billawas Dubai & NE

    Mon, Apr 19 2010

    Congratulations to Oman Billawas on completion of one year and for the grand celebrations. I would like to congratulate the founding team and my dear friends Mr. Pitamber Alke, Mr. Arun Sanil, Dr. Anchan, Mr. Umesh, Mr. Ashok Suvarna and Mr. S.K. Poojary for organising such a grand event. I am sure under the able leadership of Mr. Alke, Oman Billawas will be able to help less fortunate members of our community back home. Your pledge to have one and only one "Oman Billawas" will go a long way in keeping Billawas united.

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  • Suresh Amin , Mumbai / Sharjah

    Mon, Apr 19 2010

    "Congratulations" Oman Billawas. Well done and keep going. This is what you call a sucessful Event. Thanks Daji for the excellent 10 / 10 coverage it is as good as being there. Mr. Alke your dedication and hard work is evident and the team work superb, wish you all the sucess for the years to follow.

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