BJP MP Blames Yedyurappa for Rise in Corruption, Ignoring Dalits

BJP MP Blames Yedyurappa for Rise in Corruption, Ignoring Dalits

Bangalore, June 22 (IANS): A Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP, Ramesh Jigajinagi, Tuesday alleged that Dalits were being neglected and corruption was on the rise under the party's first Chief Minister in Karnataka B.S. Yeddyurappa. 

Jigajinagi's attack on Yeddyurappa comes three days ahead of a 'Sadhana Samavesha' (convention on achievements) here to celebrate the party's two years in office.
A fourth-term member of the Lok Sabha, Jigajinagi said Dalits hadn't got proper representation in the Yeddyurappa ministry.

"Nor are the views of Dalit members of the party given weightage in Yeddyurappa's administration," he told reporters in his home district Bijapur, about 530 km from here.
Jigajinagi represents Bijapur, a constituency reserved for Scheduled Castes, in the Lok Sabha.

He charged that Yeddyurappa had no control over the administration. "Corruption has reached intolerable proportions under Yeddyurappa's chief ministership," he asserted.
Jigajinagi said he was yet to receive an invitation for the June 25 'Sadhana Samavesha' in Bangalore. "This is one more instance of neglect of Dalits in the party," he said.
The 'Sadhana Samavesha' has come under attack from the opposition Congress party.
State Congress president R.V. Deshpande told reporters in Bangalore Tuesday that "the ruling party is wasting tax payers' money" by holding the convention.

"This government has been a failure on all fronts. Let the chief minister invite leaders of the Congress party in the assembly and the legislative council to the meet. They will highlight the government's failures," he said.


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  • Nazeer, Mangalore/ Riyadh

    Wed, Jun 23 2010

    This is clearly dirty politics. I wonder why religions are pulled into this dirt? Mr. Jigajnagi might didn't get what he was promised while joining the BJP. Now after two years he woke up and thinking about dalits. If his dues are paid he will change his statements. Just wait and watch.
    Offcourse corruption is there every where. But Mr. Jigajinagi is not honest in his act. If he is really having guts let him resign his position and party. Let him support Justice Santhosh Hegde.
    Then we will call him a real hero.

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  • KPN, Mangalore

    Wed, Jun 23 2010

    Nagesh and the Guru “Gurukulu Mamaskara !!!” It is understood that you are a Hindu, a protectors of “Indian Culture” and don’t like Congress Party, Christians, Muslims, foreign countries and even your own people who work in a foreign land for their lively hood. This is noted and clearly understood.

    Can you please explain why have you differentiated your fellow brothers and sisters as dalits? Why are they equally facilitated or respected ?

    Give a clear answer if possible dont once again start to blame congress, Vatican …. etc. your usual crap …

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  • V. Thomas, Bahrain

    Wed, Jun 23 2010

    Any comments from Gurrru & Nagu ? May be they will accuse Mrs. Sonia madam for this issue as well. They know only to say 'pseudo' & 'Jai hoooooo'.

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  • anamika, Mangalore

    Wed, Jun 23 2010

    Yei Nagesh Mama.. kya ye admi namak haraam hei kyaa?? BJP ka khana khaake BJP ko peeche se martha hei!! Ye kya ho raha hei.. Please Comment the great FAN of BJP...

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  • Shivaprasad Shettigar, Karkala

    Wed, Jun 23 2010

    I appreciate the comment of Jeevan, Kundapur/UAE. Unlike others who keep wasting time on childish comments, Jeevan has expressed real & timely view, which is the need of the day.

    All youths think on this, irrespective of Caste/Creed/community. Till the time we kick out this corruption and worst politics, India will not survive for a long.

    Jai Hind.....

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  • Rolphy Almeida, Udupi/Bangalore

    Wed, Jun 23 2010

    A bit of friendly advice, to all those corrupt politicians, of our state/country.
    With money you can buy a house,
    But not home.
    With money you can buy a clock,
    But not time.
    With money you can buy a bed,
    But not sleep.
    With money you can buy a book,
    But not knowledge.
    With money you can see a doctor,
    But not good health.
    With money you can buy blood,
    But not life.
    With money you can buy sex,
    But not love.
    With money you can buy power and position,
    But not respect.

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  • Nazeer , Mangalore/ Riyadh

    Wed, Jun 23 2010

    Mr. Jeevan, Kundapur- UAE, Very well said. I agree with you. China is already competing with America, Europe and and Japan as they are developing their economic status.
    Finland is voted as zero curruption country and Switzerland comes second. We should learn from them, how did they achieve it.
    Proper education is the only tool to get rid of all the evil from the society.

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  • R Mallar, Kasaragod/ Dubai

    Wed, Jun 23 2010

    Hey, Wasn't this person joined BJP as part of operation Kamala? So he did not get the cut that was promised and he is in a moral high ground!

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  • Saleem, Moodbidri

    Wed, Jun 23 2010

    Mr.Ramesh Jigajinagi just now you wake up ? They are doing " hagalu darode " in Karanataka.

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  • Reji, Naravi/Dubai

    Wed, Jun 23 2010

    Where is Mr.Nagesh nayak Bangalore, Prashanth, mangalore/Bhrn.The Guru. Let these people comment on this statement????Now no one will talk about BJP Govt.Achievement..They sucessfully complted two years with good development in internal-Terrorism.If anybody saying to BJP Ki Jai,That means Corruption Ki Jai... & They are Blind and Immorals.....

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  • S.moorthy, Mangalore/ Dubai

    Wed, Jun 23 2010

    All parties having this corruption. We should appriciate that this party has the freedom of expression till bottom level. Any other parties other than BJP & Communist dont have the freedom of expression to their partymen. Other than these two parties, all the other partymen always say JAI to whatever one person in the top takes the decision. Which is harm to the democracy.

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  • Robin, Kundapura

    Wed, Jun 23 2010

    Hi Jigajinagi.... Sonia Madam want to see you at Janpath.... Meet her immediately.... Thank you...

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  • nagesh nayak, bangalore

    Wed, Jun 23 2010





    JAI HO.

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    Tue, Jun 22 2010

    Oh!!! Very nice blames by Mr. Ramesh Jigajinagi towards Mr. Yedyurappa. Mr.nagesh nayak, bangalore, the publics need your comment for this issue with immediate effect.

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  • Kateel Ramesh Prabhu, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Tue, Jun 22 2010

    Wonderful! Ramesh Jigahinagi,MP and a veteran deserves complements for daring to tell the real fact in his party's rule in the state.Politicians speak lot of things in day to day business but seldom speak on the subject the veteran MP touched.The accusation may not be well digesting by the rulers but the fact remaines to be addressed in its right perspective by leaders of political parties which is eating vitals in the soceity at large.

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  • Raj, Mangalore

    Tue, Jun 22 2010

    I am amazed by the following statement of Bulsam 'In reality not only the politicians, even the majority community in the minority dominant areas don’t bother to give them a fillip by voting the minority community leaders instead pull the rug from beneath their feet'. Bulsam I don't know how credible this statement is, but one thing you need to keep in mind is this a democratic country and everyone is free to decide whom he or she should vote. No special treatment for any body based on religion.

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  • Jeevan, Kundapur, UAE

    Tue, Jun 22 2010

    Funny!!! Was this news? Not to most I am sure. Come on guys, it is Government Officials, and corruption is the unmentioned yet top priority job in their agenda. Politics the name says it all. Irrespective of which country you are in corruption is got to be there. Unfortunately in India it is not a hidden agenda anymore. Every Ruling party is involved in corruption and openly display it as well which is a shame. After decades of corruption they still roam around in the open, as there is nothing to fear. We dream of our country to be a developed nation by 2020, with the extent of corruption we are into that will never happen. No doubt most Indian’s and specially the youngsters move out of their motherland away from their families and their roots and have flourished. With the Bribery and every other mess we are into, not many can survive in India. Wait till our neighbours (China) speak better English, all the US companies would move out of India and we will be back to square one. We better know and responsibly elect able politians irrespective of their caste/creed/language/etc. Unless we are unbiased in our opinon, we will be exploited at the beginning by the British and now by these politians. Jai Hind.

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  • Rahul, mlore

    Tue, Jun 22 2010

    Where is NN(the BJP spokesman) in daijiworld forum..?he has surely got to say something on this...

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  • S Prakasha, Permude

    Tue, Jun 22 2010

    Why honey is ing form A Bharatiya Janata Party MP for Dalits?!
    ज़रूर दाल मैं कुछ काला है !

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  • Bulsam, Mangalore

    Tue, Jun 22 2010

    For Dalits and minorities any national party is not a right party because they show only lip sympathy for their vote bank. They hardly bring any upliftment to their economical condition. So they should unite and form a new party and get their MLAs & MPs elected from minority pockets in every state. In reality not only the politicians, even the majority community in the minority dominant areas don’t both to give them a fillip by voting the minority community leaders instead pull the rug from beneath their feet. The minority leaders should work very hard to educate their youths both boys & girls who are the foundation for their social upliftment.

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