Never said Karnataka will follow Gujarat model: Yeddyurappa

Never said Karnataka will follow Gujarat model: Yeddyurappa

Bangalore, Jun 23 (PTI):  Karnataka Chief Minister B S Yeddyurappa on Wednesday said that he had never spoken the state is following the Gujarat model of governance.

''I only said I will turn Karnataka into a model state in the next three years'', he said

Yeddyurappa, who has often targeted the Centre for allegedly not aiding the state during floods and power crisis, said Centre has extended cooperation to the BJP-ruled state.

"Things are improving now. In some areas the Centre has extended cooperation to the state", he said as his government completed two years in office today.

67-year-old Yeddyurappa rejected the charge that minorities were living in fear under the BJP rule and shot back saying, "You show me one such instance. They are all very happy".

The Chief Minister ridiculed opposition Congress and JDS for attacking his government's performance, saying they should compare works done during his tenure with that in the last 10 years before drawing any conclusion.

He said people have approved of his government's performance by ensuring BJP wins in all elections held in the last two years.

"What more proof does one require to assess the achievements of any government?", the BJP leader from the dominant Lingayat community asked, hitting at the opposition parties for questioning his party's performance.

"I hold 100 per cent command over governance. My ministerial colleagues and officials have been extending great degree of cooperation, because of which the government has been able to implement several development programmes", he said.

Yeddyurappa survived a major threat to his leadership last September following dissident activity spearheaded by three Bellary ministers unhappy over his style of functioning- Tourism Minister G Janardhana Reddy, his brother and Revenue Minister G Karunakara Reddy and their confidant Health Minister B Sreeramulu, which the BJP High Command doused.

The BJP under Yeddyurappa won the by-elections to Assembly seats that became vacant after the saffron party lured MLAs from opposition parties under "operation lotus".It gained control over Bruhut Bangalore Mahanagara Palike for the first time and won 18 of the 28 Lok Sabha seats.

Yeddyurappa rubbished statements by his predecessor and JDS leader H D Kumaraswamy that the BJP government was "inexperienced", saying he performed well as a deputy Chief Minister and finance minister in JDS-BJP coalition for 20 months. "I have been Chief Minister for more than two years. People have seen my work. Let them judge who performed well".

"JDS leaders are desperate after being thrown out of power by the people. People have lost faith in JDS and its leaders and some are worried about their future", he said.

Yeddyurappa admitted that certain events concerning some of his ministerial colleagues like H Halappa, facing rape charges, and Social Welfare Minister Sudhakar, under CBI scanner for alleged cheating of a bank, had embarrassed his government.

"Yes, we felt embarrassed. Such things should not have happened", he said, adding that people should still wait to know if these allegations were true.

Halappa, who was forced to resign after charges of raping his friend's wife, is in judicial custody while Sudhakar is facing trial on the charge of cheating a bank of Rs six crore by obtaining home loans under fictitious names.

On implementation of rural development programmes, he claimed Karnataka was in the top position among all states.

He also referred to the recent Global Investors Meet, which attracted investment to the tune of Rs 4.32 lakh crore, saying it was a major achievement and "the first of its kind in the annals of the state's history."

Yeddyurappa said water sharing disputes on Krishna and Cauvery were still pending in courts and tribunals, affecting progress on irrigation projects, but the state had still achieved a lot in the sector.

He noted that in 2009-10 Karnataka created an additional irrigation potential of 70,585 acres by completing 14 irrigation schemes which had not been implemented for the last several years.
About 37 lakh hectares out of 106 lakh hectares suitable for cultivation was now under irrigation.
"This year we plan big projects in the irrigation sector as we have allocated Rs 4,256 crore for the purpose", he said.

He also said there was tardy progress in construction of houses in flood-ravaged districts.
"I admit there was delay. We could not keep our promise of constructing houses before the onset of monsoon this year. But we will complete the work and hand over 63,000 houses. Those affected by tsunami waited for more than five years to be rehabilitated", he said, referring to "Aasare", the programme under which these houses are being built.

Asked about allegations against his government that it resorted to favouritism while granting relief in flood affected areas and that relief funds were not properly utilised, he suggested that there be a debate in the coming legislature session. "I am ready to give all data on the issue," he said.
He said the government was also in favour of lifting traffic ban between Bandipur and Kerala (owing to the number of animals being killed by vehicles), but said the issue was before the courts. "Let us await the judicial verdict", he said. 


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  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur/Mangalore

    Fri, Jun 25 2010

    Dear Mr. Nagesh nayak, you are accusing Anderson as devil and demon that means Mr. Yeddyurappa is devil's and demons leader Lucifer is it not? He couldn't keep his own house in order. He can keep Karnataka in disorder. Why do you rock as per the whims and fancies of the fundamental communal organizations? Mr, Nagesh Nayak math- kar-naatak.

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  • Naina, Mangalore/USA

    Thu, Jun 24 2010

    Good One Mr. Isamil Penije, it so true. I hope Mr. Yeddy will read these true incidents.

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  • Shiv, Karkala

    Thu, Jun 24 2010

    I too agree with Sudhir, Kundapur.

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  • Peter D'Souza, Niddodi/Mumbai

    Thu, Jun 24 2010

    Mr. Nagesh Nayak, you are a pro-BJP supporter. Whatever BJP government does is right and honourable. But there is a saying, when you point a finger to others rest four fingers always point towards self. But when you blame Congress and Sonia Gandhi, will you please clarify the statement of Mr. Jaswant Singh, who returned to BJP and was the person who accompanied 3 terrorists to Kandahar.
    Singh reconstructed the events that led to India swapping three Pakistani terrorists. IC-814 was hijacked on its way from Kathmandu to Delhi. At that time, Advani was India's Home Minister and Singh was the External Affairs Minister. Advani had always maintained that he was not aware that Singh had been authorized to fly to Kandahar to release the terrorists. Challenging that view, Singh said "How can they (terrorists) be released from prison without the Home Minister consenting and signing pieces of paper".
    Is this deshaprema or deshadroha?

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  • Madava, Mangalore

    Thu, Jun 24 2010

    Nagesh behave yourself. Come out from your communal world. Dont bring Vatican in between. Dont try to compare river with the ocean. You have to accept the truth. Developments are there in under BJP Govt. But its done by congress Govt. and finishing stage is come under BJP Govt. Its not done by BJP Govt. Take care.

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  • Vishal, Mangalore/Bombay

    Thu, Jun 24 2010

    These politicians change their statements as and when they want as per their convenience.Now the time has come for these type of politicians to learn a lesson and be accountable for their deeds,talks and acts.Enough they fooled people in the name of religion,language,area,etc.

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  • VNayak, Mangalore/Germany

    Thu, Jun 24 2010

    Karnataka has the worst of both worlds. Modi's world and Yeddi's world of communalism and hatred. At least,Gujarat is now the most advanced state in agricultural production in addition being great in the industry. This good side of the Gujarat Model is not followed by our Yeddi since takes courage and brains to implement it.

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  • Santhosh Bhandary, surathkal/Dubai

    Thu, Jun 24 2010

    Yeddy wanted to follow in the footsteps of Modi and rule Karnataka in Gujrat model but he can never succeed as Karnataka people are much smarter than Gujaratis.

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  • Lavin Noronha, Paladka/Bahrain

    Thu, Jun 24 2010

    Mr. NAGESH spokes person of BJP, Mr. Yeddi can take Karnataka either to the top spot of being the worst corruption rampant state in Karnataka that’s for sure or may be he will over take Mr. Modi is NO 1 Position in creating communal disharmony in the state. If you and your non psudos are so anguished with the madamji then why your non-psudo party didn’t come to power. You don’t try to fool people by spewing venom here, people are smart (they are tired of the promise of Ayodhya temple) for the last 15 yrs, and the collection for the same may be in the swiss bank account of advani or RSS. Last 65 years Congress and JD looted Karnataka and now your turn my friend, loot as much as you can. Good luck...

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  • sameer shaikh, karwar

    Thu, Jun 24 2010

    Can Yedi answer how at Karwar & Belekeri ports the seized cargo (iron ore of 5 lakh tons) by forest dept missing & your port minister is taking the same casually.

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  • Kateel Ramesh Prabhu, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Thu, Jun 24 2010

    Why then a coaching session was outsourced for the benifit of newly elected MLAs of ruling party two years back where main faculty was Modi.Who drafted the syllabus for the training cource?If Gujarat model is followed then there will not be rampant corruption at high places,no power cuts,farmers will be happy and prosperous etc., etc.,

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  • nagesh nayak, bangalore

    Thu, Jun 24 2010

    hi, Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur,puttur/Mangalore, YOU PSUEDOS ARE DANCING AS PER VATICAN'S ORDER .



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  • Sudhir, Kundapur/USA

    Wed, Jun 23 2010

    If Yeddyurappa is reading this comment section, then I have a piece of advice for him. (which I have arrived at after watching this comment section for quite some time)

    Never expect the minorities to vote for you. No matter what you do, they will just blame. If you attract investment then they will blame you for taking land away from farmers, set up power plant they will blame you for pollution, any random goon does anything in Karnataka they will blame you for law and order.

    So it is better you look after your vote bank well.

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  • Valson Mendonsa, Mangalore/USA

    Wed, Jun 23 2010

    No doubt , the so called YEDA-APPA’S some of the remarkable achievements from two years which made history not only MODEL of Karnataka or India but all over the world’s headlines:
    1.Attack on place of worship where only PRAYER takes place
    2.Divided rule on their own citizens based on religion which normally not happening anywhere in the world
    3.Lack of power supply where the people suffer with basic necessities of their life.
    4.Lack of traffic control , traffic rules and increasing number of accidents to send their own citizens on one way tickets with no enquiry
    5.Day light criminal activities which motivated for selfish gain to fill votes bank
    6.Attack on press media centers and media persons only because they speak real truth news which cannot be digested
    7.Grabbing land by force with no mercy for developmental projects from poor farmers who only know GOD and HARD WORK
    8.Withdrawing the criminal cases against communal groups to save chairs not for public interest.
    9.Creating dirty politics in the school environment for school
    10.CRYING and BEGGING for power of CHAIR on open media news which never happened in past anytime in Karnataka’s history
    11.Passing the Cow protection Bill ignoring KARNATAKA CITIZEN SAFETY and PROTECTION BILL
    12.Zero level health Care system
    13.Appreciated!!High improved system and frequent visits to place of worship by ruling ministers to GAIN votes not for people’s PAIN.

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  • azzi, Dubai,

    Wed, Jun 23 2010

    Thanks to CM. Finally you found that no more to follow Gujarat governancy because you felt that the Government in Gujarat not doing well

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  • suman, mangalore

    Wed, Jun 23 2010

    save ur cheddy as long as ypu can, Mutalik got Pink cheddies
    maybe you will get red cheddies until you have vs achaYA AS UR HOME MINISTER

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  • Arun Noronha, Pangla/Kuwait

    Wed, Jun 23 2010

    Minority communities in Karnataka don't feel safe anymore. Have you forgotten church attacks and various other attacks under your leadership???

    You have to do a lot to restore confidence in minority population in Karnataka. In my opinion we need an unbiased home minister and upright civil servants. We want a secular Karnataka and not another Gujarat.

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  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur,puttur/Mangalore

    Wed, Jun 23 2010

    I heard Mr. Yeddyurappa saying in the media that he wanted Karnataka to be a model of Gujarat/administration. Now he is lying. What a murder accused chief minister can say. Only 5.5 is the assessed growth rate of Karnataka during the year 2009-2010. Is this a development or a development shining campaign of Mr. Yeddyurappa?

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  • mohammed, mangalore

    Wed, Jun 23 2010

    The Reply of our great CM has to be corrected as below

    67-year-old Yeddyurappa rejected the charge that minorities were living in fear under the BJP rule and shot back saying, "You show me one thats not harassed by Hindu terrorist so that I can send Ram Sene Members with police protection to harass the minorities"

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    Wed, Jun 23 2010

    Mr Yeddy you need one instance of minorities living in fear under BJP rule.Here they are....(1)attacking churchs so many times.Communal clashes in Mysore Mangalore and Bangalore....... (3)RS's moral policing especially in Mangalore against muslims.Withdrwaing criminal cases aginst Sanghparivar affiliated outfits....Enough or need more????????

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