Kundapur: Koragas in Karkada Wait in Darkness for Light

Kundapur: Koragas in Karkada Wait in Darkness for Light
Daijiworld Media Network—Kundapur (RD/CN)

Kundapura, Aug 2: A tribal colony located on the national highway at Karkada, near here, which comes under the purview of Saligrama town panchayat, is devoid of most essential amenities.  Ten Koraga families live on a 3.5 acre plot and their living conditions, especially during the monsoon, are inhumane. 
Although lush greenery welcomes the visitor in Koraga colony, their pathetic life in the 21st century is beyond imagination.  The situation of Gowri, who was elected as member of Saligrama gram panchayat, is in no way different. 

The apathy of local governance and district administration has contributed to the Koraga colony remaining backward in every respect.  The tribals are also ignorant of government facilities that act as an impediment to their development.  Despite a few of the tribals here working as civic workers in the locality; their economic conditions have not noticeably improved.
The tribal leader urges the people’s representatives and the state administration to help them get the most basic amenities to their colony.
These are some instances of the living conditions:

• The tribals have no permanent dwellings
• No drinking water facility
• No drainage system owing to which water gets accumulated within the colony
• The electricity meter has been installed to the palm leaf sheets that double as walls, in the absence of walls, while wooden beams support the thatch-roof
• Sari covered four corners in every household serves as toilets
The existing deplorable conditions can be improved with:
A big open well can be dug to supply drinking water for the families.  It would improve their economic situation, since the water can irrigate commercial crops in the colony.

The saplings can be provided to these tribal families by forestry, agriculture and plantation department, which would change the landscape of the colony in Karkada.

Building a boundary wall for the colony can stop encroachment by wealthy landlords.  It would secure tribal properties.

Proper drainage if put in place can curb contagious diseases from insects breeding in the stagnant water in the colony.

More than 15 tribal women are unemployed; if they are accommodated in training camps on employment, they would be absorbed in gainful jobs, which would economically empower them.


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  • K.G.SHENOY, Mangalore/Dubai

    Thu, Aug 05 2010

    I have been reading the comments that appeared in Daijiworld. I could see and feel lack of adequate good feelings and respect for others in our society through these comments. Most of the people write with established ideas which is clear symptom of ignorance about true nature of the issues.We have to look at things objectively, issue basis and not to generalise.The cream and crumps are there in every cake.Hope we all could think positively,creatively in an appropriate manner and dirction.

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  • Joe Gonsalves, Maravanthe/Mumbai/Dubai

    Wed, Aug 04 2010

    This is disheartening to read about Korga Communities depriving of thier
    daily essential needs. Are they not created by same God like you & me?. I remember my early childhood days, hw they were treated by all people those days. Cant we provide the same stature as me you enjoy and encourage them and help them in all aspects of life as you & me enjoy?

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  • Tom Cat, Mangalore/ Saudi Arabia

    Wed, Aug 04 2010

    Where is the udupi swami who loves limelight to take care of old cows as he is guilty robbing the milk, he is only thinks of Aryan Superior-ism after all these korgas are Dravidian, now the Bajrang dal will cry conversion as they do not want these people to be uplifted rather remain in fringes of the society. Shame on you all bjp/bagrangdhal.

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  • Shashi Shetty, Udupi

    Wed, Aug 04 2010

    well as Melwin took this issue away from the actual issue of SC/ST living conditions. well, i don't have to prove if I am BJP or Congress as it is my constituional right. but as a Indian i can tell you given a chance NDA headed by BJP has ruled much better in center than any of the other political party as far as I know from my birth in 1970 (there is black mole in NDA rule which is under investigation and guilty must be punished as per law of land). NDA had come with a clear plan and they have given infrastructure , they have built our foreign reserves, they have prompted growth of telecom industry and today every lame man has a mobile is after 1999 and not before. let see if Melvin has guts to counter this.
    well about Tribal's article - this is much better life - 10family has 3.5acres and they have work and build aminities. why should govt give tax payers money. There are people in every class living in worse condition than this incl. SC/ST. have you thought about a house for street urchins who live and sleep on foot path. have you thought about a condition of old sick people who fill their stomach near the garbage.. they have no strenght to work. as far a the man whom I see in the pic.. looks much stronger to work (i cn see his hand has skills to do lot of crafts). if we as a country need to grow - every able man have to work and earn his/hers living.. we don have to syphatise on lazy gooks. Today in India there is opputunity for everyone.. you need to work thats all.

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  • Kateel Ramesh Prabhu, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Wed, Aug 04 2010

    Rightly said.This is not a religious or political issue but social one.Unfortunately most people try to exploit the issue politically and religiously.Their sympathy showing is like crocodile tears.It is forgotten or they do not see the like situation in other religions too.Earlier Daiji has published similer photos of other regions too but no body commented for their conversion.Being tolerant is not a sign of weakness.Unfortunately Spilling venom has become a passion nowdays unmindful of its repercussion on the readers/public.Still they continue preaching.Any work done with intent of selfish do not bear fruit.

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  • AK, Udupi/Dubai

    Tue, Aug 03 2010

    Dear friends this is not a relegious issue don't fight for relegion don't be so narrow minded. Discuss about the issue don't spoil young generation using relegion. We need a civilized society.

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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Tue, Aug 03 2010

    Dear Mr Prashan/mangalore,

    Here everyone is speaking about the economic aspect. I am speaking about the social aspect. For you people Koraga is a koraga and untouchable. Even if he is millionaire or industrialist, he is not allowed to enter temple, not allowed to walk infornt of upper caste people wearing a foot wear, not allowed to share the same podium. I have seen these Koraga people working in the hospitals, govt offices with good look and wearing decent dress like you and me, still their freedom and respect is confined to 9 to 5 in the office and when they come out no one is ready to befriend with them and they are looked down as low caste. Unless and until their social status doesnt change, they cant come int to main stream. We need a powerful social movement. This movement cant be initiated by ruling govt. It needs to be initiated, supported and sustained by powerful religious heads who have mass appeal, who has great influence in the political system and who can dicate to the state machinery. But most unfortunate fact is that these seers dont want to do that as they insist on caste system and in order to supress and exploit these commmunities in their service and to maintain their supremacy, they dont want to bring about changes into the social setup. We need revolution. You change their social status automatically their economic status shall cahnge. Would a poorest of poor brahmin ready to dine with rich and industrialist koraga person???????????

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  • Clara Lewis, Kemmannu/Dubai

    Tue, Aug 03 2010

    I agree with Mr.Prashan, Managlore, its true they get land and other facilities from the government, but these people are isolated from society, uneducated and ignorant about the faciliteis government provide them. The main problem is our society is not willing to accept them as they are, their children are not accepted in schools, in case they try to come to school, they are discrimiated by teachers, children and society members, they are not allowed to enter in the temples. These people live in the woods far away from rest of the society and collect honey and sell for their living.

    In olden days they used to collect left over food from every house whenever wedding and parties take place. Until and unless these people are not educated they don't know about the facilities Government provide them and how to make use of them, some educated people or NGO's must guide them to use the facilites they get, also each one in the society must accept them as they are. Otherwise they will remain the same, may be very few accept them to do the farm work, we should blame ourselves and our society too.

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  • ASHOK, Udupi/Dubai

    Mon, Aug 02 2010

    samsuddin, hyderabad Hats off to you. Very few muslims comments like you. Shanawaz you always giving lecture on Hindu Upper & Lower cast. Please read samsuddin's comments.

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  • Kateel Ramesh Prabhu, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Mon, Aug 02 2010

    Very good comment and facts beautifully placed.Many commentators here are habituals and blaming the government and every thing doing nothing.I would like to add one more thing that money is not only the cause for these type situation.One should work hard and not to allow him/herself subject to exploitation.There are tailor made government programmmes meant for SC/STs since from long and bank loans too for the upliftment.Unless one has commitment to come up and stop pouring their daily earnings to liquor shop nothing will improve for centuries.Blame game does not help to improve the situation in anyway.

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  • vinod, kuwait

    Mon, Aug 02 2010

    Where is BD,RSS, VHP. Are they sleeping ? or making plans to attack some religious places or pubs. If a christian or muslim goes to help, then these people will wake up from sleep and start religious war. AtleAst our respected swamiji's should pressurize govt for upliftment of these people hindu backward people.

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  • Felix F., India/Ksa

    Mon, Aug 02 2010

    Jossey Saldanha, Kemmannu

    Are you serious about your comments.???
    India the super power, which is free of corruption
    Equality of status and opportunity and to promote among them all
    No discrimination against any citizen on grounds of religion, race, caste or sex,

    You can find this in India, in places like the cemetry. Where all are equal, no corruption, and every good thing you have said.

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  • Satish Amin, Kallianpur, Udupi

    Mon, Aug 02 2010

    I have seen many cathilic and muslim family leving in Njear wihtout electricity, it doesn't mean there is no electricity service but they can not afford for the electricity charges... who is helping them... just commenting no use ...

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  • Jossey Saldanha, Kemmannu

    Mon, Aug 02 2010

    Thank you Daijee,
    Lets work together to make India the super power, which is free of corruption
    Equality of status and opportunity and to promote among them all
    No discrimination against any citizen on grounds of religion, race, caste or sex.
    Mera Bharat Mahan !!!

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  • Kateel Ramesh Prabhu, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Mon, Aug 02 2010

    Thank you for your enligtening the readers on such important social issues.

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  • prashan, mlore

    Mon, Aug 02 2010

    In mangalore there are thousands families live in similar or worst condition .Some ppl work hard to prosper and improve there lifestyle and some will not.We cant blame entierly on Govt or upper cast for that.What is stopping them from improving there lifestyle?
    daily wages in mlore is around 150 to 200,Kids education is 100% free,there are enough jobs if they are willing to do the hard work.Hospital facility is free. if person work hard he can easily earn 3000 to 4000rs per month which is good enough for anybody to prosper.and I am sure most of these ppl earn this amount but spend in alchohol shops.Why everytime upper cast gets the blame? because they are hard working pepole who has dreams to prosper? If you ask majority of rich upper cast pepole you will understand how they worked hard to earn there daily bread during there young age. Not everyone is born rich,its hard work which makes the pepole rich.
    Im not saying there is no issues ,but they are not the issue for these pepole to get better life style.

    @mr.Shanawaz tell me why there is poor muslims? and is all the rich muslims are born rich? or u never seen any well educated, well earning lower cast ppl?

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  • Man KSA, Kannor

    Mon, Aug 02 2010

    Dear Ismail Perinje..

    Absolutely correct reply. But, your reply is incomplete. It would be the better if you answered about women enter to Masjid.

    Dear, S(h)amsuddin, Kishore, .. Please just watch the Masjid Ibrahim Saeed located in Nellikai road in Mangalore. They will come to know women can enter to masjid or not.

    Also, Shiit (Shiya) sectors can Perform Namaz in sunni masjid. (Look at Makka & madina masjid)

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  • Ronnie, Kiinnigoli/Canada

    Mon, Aug 02 2010

    Thank you Daiji for bringing out the truth. First we need to admit the existence of such a fact. As long as blame game continues we will cease to think the solutions for eradication of such a condition.Let's retrospect how united we are as Indians.

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  • S Shetty, Udupi

    Mon, Aug 02 2010

    Mr. Melwin, Vogga, Doha
    The whole nation know who looted India and who kept money in Swiss Bank. And i am surprised how you know that i am from BJP? In India many other poltical party also existing. OH i forget that people like you are having corrupt mind that evry hindu belongs to BJP or evry anti congress men are from BJP.

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  • Raghu Shetty, mangalore

    Mon, Aug 02 2010

    This has nothing to do with upper caste and lower cast. I do agree with Shetty that congress rule who has touted about upliftment of SC/ST in every agent seems to be just political. The rich or upper caste are always rich and don't care for these people. SC/ST is pitted against the middle class who are the ones who uphold all the cultural values in a bid to shake up their confidence. Land to the tiller act, it was the landlord, the successful middle class who were beaten down. Do you think the koraga will stand a chance if they ever try to be successful.

    I am not suggesting that BJP or any other political party is better. It is just that the Indian psyche is to suppress the other.

    This is not unique to Hindu. We have it in Islam and Christianity as well. The clergy also has a certain amount of politics to climb up their hierarchy. They same with Hindu priests. It should be us the people of India who have to take it as a personal failure and not blame it on politics. Collectively we can make a difference and bring all politics to it's knees. Until then we have religion, caste system to blame. This is the typical "missed bus sir" excuse for getting in late for class.

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  • aboobaker uppala, uppala/Holy Makkah

    Mon, Aug 02 2010


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  • Melwin, Vogga/Doha

    Mon, Aug 02 2010

    @ S Shetty, Udupi
    After 50 years of ruling one chance Congress given to your BJP, what they did in 5 years could u explain me ?In 60 years like u ppl looted our country n state, don't blame any organization or party. If your perfect think everything is perfect.

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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Mon, Aug 02 2010


    Shia muslims are not untouchables and they differ in their beleif with their sunni counterparts. There are marriages between shias and sunnis. In muslim society there is no upper caste or lower caste muslims but for the self labelled status by people like you. In Islam all are equal with God except for piety. The holy Quran in which both Sunnis and shia beleive says, Oh mankind We created you from male and female and devided you in tribes so that you reconginse each other, Verily with your Lord are close those who are most pious and God fearing. Without the true knowledge of your religion you are just commenting which is very very unfortunate. I pray Allah to give us wisdom and guide us to the path of truth.

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  • Felix F.,, India/Ksa

    Mon, Aug 02 2010

    Seeing the photographs and their needs mentioned in the above report, I think their position is much better than many of the Indians who are working in the gulf states. Many of whom, commit suicide unable to bear the working conditions and meet the responsibilities back home.

    There are also many people in India living inside large pipes, some dont even have roof over their heads, leave alone good looking huts seen in the picture.

    Shortage of drinking water, poor drainage facilities, lack of electricity is there even in towns and cities. At least they are safe from being victims of pot hole deaths.

    The physic of the man ed, looks good and also his facial expressions do not seem to be of a person desperate for help. Even the dog seems to have a good time.
    Besides they seem to be the masters of the land, which is a thing of envy by itself

    Considering the communalistic feelings of some of the groups in the state, it is better for the religious organisations to close the eyes and turn the back and walk away, to prevent the churches being stoned, and leave it to the state or state sponsored social service organisations to take care of them.
    In my opinion their situation is much better than the farmer Acharya, who has to drag a plough in muddy waters to make a living.

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    Mon, Aug 02 2010

    Mr Iqbal.S.Kaup,Exactly correct.It is not only in Karkada.And also no surprises if any body go deep in to villages one could find more like these scenes.

    Shamushuddin Hyderabad,FYI there is no upper or lower caste in muslims concerned.Shia is a sect derived from muslim society having their own maszid and practices.There is no question of Sunny sect is illtreating them.I wonder why you brought this sub unnecessarily in this paricular KORAGAS COMMUNITY ISSUE.Any way I have full doubt about your identity.

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  • Reyan, Kuwait

    Mon, Aug 02 2010

    If any Christian NGO start good working towards upliftment of these people, then the society is name them as this is done for CONVERSION. Orissa is the living example for that. Then why all these concern?

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  • iqbal, badiyar

    Mon, Aug 02 2010

    dnt coment on other relegius leaders unnecesserily..  first find out what our rich mullas and khazis are doing ?  hope you know how sunni rich muslims are treating poor lower cast shiya muslims in mangalroe and other parts of india..  in some places shiya muslims are barred from entering rich sunni controlled masjids and institutins..do you ahve any word on that ?

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  • samsuddin, hyderabad

    Mon, Aug 02 2010

    before comenitng on other releiugn ..please tell me what upper cast khazi or mullas are doing good for lower cast shiya muslims ?
    y 100s of shiya muslim masjids and childrens wer killed in varius parts of pakistan and afgann by upper cast sunni muslims ?
    y no equal right to shiay muslims in masjids and institutians controlled by rich sunni peoples ?
    y woman wer barred from entering rich masjids ?
    just bcos we are difer in our beleifs..
    first dictate your self and then point fingers at others.

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    Mon, Aug 02 2010

    If you visit villages more truth will come to light. Publish more these real life problems. Let our society/n.g.o.'s/politicians/system awaken.

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  • ravi, mangalroe

    Mon, Aug 02 2010

    for last 60 years congress govt is using this poor hindu people for vote ..but all benefits goes to particular minirty releiugn who are involved in anti national activites..

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  • shyam, mangalore

    Mon, Aug 02 2010

    wer wer you hiding wen no. of shiaya masjids wer bombed by sunni muslim in vaiorus parts of world ?
    y woman are not acceptable in masjids ?

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  • Kishore, Udupi/Dubai

    Mon, Aug 02 2010

    Upper cast & lower cast are there in Islam also. Congress rulled India for 60 years only becuase of SC , ST , Poor & uneducated people. Are they crazy to uplift these people.

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  • John Pinto, Chickmagalur/ Doha

    Mon, Aug 02 2010

    India is a booming Economy in the eyes of the world. Is this economy shared towards the poor peoples welfare ?. Our nations leaders keep their eyes blind ,towards these needy people , They need your help up .

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    Mon, Aug 02 2010


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  • Peter Pereira, Pune

    Mon, Aug 02 2010

    Thanks 'Daiji' for bringing plight of these poor souls to light. There are many many similar cases of neglected people in villages of Karnataka.
    Upper caste Hindus would not help these people. Non-Hindus can not give them any help because it will be labelled as attempt of coversion. Ultimately, who is the loser and sufferer ?

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  • Koni Prakash Naik, Kundapur - Oman

    Mon, Aug 02 2010

    It is really disturbing to see the pathetic conditions of these tribal people. Even in 21st century also these people are being treated as untouchables. Even animals are being treated better than the Koragas.

    Gowri must be representing the Koraga community in Saligram Panchayat. Then Panchayat should take up their cases with the government. I am sure, there are a lot of govt. schemes for the welfare of SCs, STs, and other backward classes. Since nobody is there to plead for them, the benefits of these schemes are being taken by undeserving people in the name of backward classes.

    I request some of the local NGOs to please take up their cases with the local authorities and state government so as to provide them with the basic amenities. We can't expect Mahatma Gandhi to come back. Someone from Saligrama should become Mahatma for the Koragas.

    Daijiworld, once again job well done, and hope your efforts will go noticed and someone will take up their cases.

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  • A.S.Mathew, U.S.A.

    Mon, Aug 02 2010

    This is the opposite side of
    economic prosperity of India.
    These people are marginalized
    group of the society, and until
    the NGOs with human compassion can
    reach these people, they will be
    far pushed out of the society.

    Daijiworld is doing great service
    to this helpless people by
    exposing their plight of life.
    Something good will happen to them
    someday due to the exposure.

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  • Vera Alvares, Mumbai

    Mon, Aug 02 2010

    Thanks Daiji, for this humanitarian work of placing before the societyt the plight of these Dalits,the evils of the caste system that treats some humans worse than animals. Those boasting of protecting the 'maryada' of Hindu culture should first protect the lives of the people such as these....It may not bring them fame and glory and of course, media glare, but they'll gain Moksha for sure....
    And the Karnataka government that has alotted crores of rupees for the upkeep of repair of temples can surely spare some pennies for these human temples of God, living in misery and dying in despair?

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  • S Shetty, Udupi

    Mon, Aug 02 2010

    This is a small example of 60 year governance of Congress. In the name of SC and ST they have to gain power but still nothing done for their uplift. There are many families are in this situation in all over India in every caste, in all religion.

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  • Harry, COORG/ B'Lore/ Abu Dhabi.

    Mon, Aug 02 2010


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  • T S Thomas, Colombo

    Mon, Aug 02 2010

    Millions of Rupees, Dollars and Euros have been brought in by several developmental agencies, including the Christian institutions for the welfare of Koragas in South Kanara since several decades. But their conditions remain not much different, houses still the same, education no-where...Why to blame the Government? Blame NGOs. Blame strategies used by them? Blame the Koragas themselves? or liquor shops? Dont know. there are many social work colleges in Mangalore. Why dont you make a study and bring out the truth and 'light'.

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  • Lathta S, Mangalore

    Mon, Aug 02 2010

    Hats-up to daijiworld. Every day daijiworld is reaching towards new height through its dynamic journalism. Every media must reachout poor and needy. I have great love for Koraga community. I hope I can reach out and meet this community in Kundapur. Thank you

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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Mon, Aug 02 2010

    Now where is that famous swamiji who is uplifting and integrating tribals and untouchables to the main stream. Must be a joke....

    I am asking all those who advocate and support untouchability Why these people dont have a right for dignified living like you and me????? What is their sin for which they are labelled as low caste and untouchables??? What action can uplift them and how they can enter into touchables and upper caste levels???

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  • Neil, Mangalore

    Mon, Aug 02 2010

    The best way out is to convert them and then provide them with help. I will be surprised if they accept any such help as they would love to be son and daughter of the nature/jungle and thats what they most satisfied with. providing them with basic needs would be a great help.some one to come forward before some one else create a mess in the society.Daiji is reaching everywhere thats really a good work.

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  • aboobaker uppala, uppala/Holy Makkah

    Mon, Aug 02 2010


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