Dhaka, Aug 10 (IANS): Huawei, the leading global provider of information and communications technology (ICT) infrastructure, has contributed digital equipment and other devices necessary to develop a smart classroom for children in Bangladesh.
The items were handed over to Ahmed Imtiaz Jami, the founder and president of Obhizatrik Foundation, a local organization working towards overcoming socio-economic challenges, at a ceremony held on Monday in Dhaka, said a Huawei statement.

Bangladeshi Deputy Minister of Education Mohibul Hasan Chowdhury was present virtually at the event as the chief guest with Zhang Zhengjun, chief executive officer of Huawei Technologies (Bangladesh) Ltd., and officials of Huawei and Obhizatrik Foundation in attendance, the Xinhua news agency reported.
Speaking at the event, Mohibul Hasan Chowdhury said, "I'm glad to see a global ICT company like Huawei reaching out to help. I would like to thank Huawei that you are doing your solid effort to develop ICT in Bangladesh and actively engaged in corporate social responsibility."