Diocesan Role After Church Attacks: IFKCA Chairman Ronald Colaco Clarifies

Diocesan Role After Church Attacks: IFKCA Chairman Ronald Colaco Clarifies

Media Release

Mangalore, Sep 22: With regard to the role of Mangalore Diocese after the church attacks of September 14, 2008, NRI businessman and chairman of International Federation of Karnataka Christians Association (IFKCA) Ronald Colaco says that blaming the priests of Mangalore diocese was uncalled and unwarranted for and has been done without trying to know the actual facts.

In a written communication to daijiworld.com in response to the special report on the 2nd year of church attacks, Colaco says that the diocese was greatly concerned by the attack on the churches and was and is still actively involved in providing help and legal assistance to the unfortunate brave people who are facing trials. “The diocese has made sincere efforts to collect financial help from the public through various churches and has created a fund to pay Rs 200/- per person whenever they attended the court trials following their release and also to meet the expenses of the advocates attending Justice Somashekar Commission of Enquiry”, he asserted.

He further stated that though he was in Europe during the unpleasant incident he could provide timely financial help through Austin Peres of the State Bank of Mysore on the next day, that is, September 15, 2008 to meet the various expenses involved in releasing those who were put in Mangalore and Madikeri jails and in preventing the police from taking the youngsters to Bellary jail by using his clout and contacts.

“I used my contacts with top police officials including my cousin F T R Colaco, former director general of police, by placing before him them facts of provocation from the fundamentalist forces that led to the natural outbursts from our community people”, he stated.

He also lauded the efforts of advocates M P Noronha, Mariamma Thomas, Elizabeth and Ivan D Souza and other prominent community leaders like Louis Pinto, Roy Castelino, Stany Alvares and Dennis D Silva and many others who have provided timely succour and their leadership and hardwork which has gone a long way in releasing the youngsters from jail within two days.

Ronald Colaco also pointed out that it was the Belehonnur unit of IFKCA which had filed a criminal complaint against Mahendra Kumar, chief of Bajrang Dal in Karnataka when the authorities failed to take action against him. “During the Annual Day programme of IFKCA held in Bangalore attended by the chief minister, home minister, Bangalore Archbishop and other eminent personalities and a large number of Catholics, I used the opportunity to expose the wrong doings of Bajrang Dal activists following which both the CM and home minister publicly committed to withdraw the cases against our people soon after the expiry of the Somshekar Commission of Enquiry”.

He, however, stated that this response/clarification was not aimed at self-praising but to make it known to all those concerned including the well-wishers and those who have criticized our Mangalore Diocese and the priests that a large number of people including those whose names are not mentioned have extended their sincere support, co-operation, financial assistance to ensure that our struggle to get justice reaches its logical end. 

He states: “Let us not forget that whatever name or fame we as Christians enjoy is due to the selfless service and sacrifices rendered by our missionaries, priests and nuns in the field of education, healthcare, social service etc. They are the true face of our Christian faith”. He called upon the people not to bring the missionaries into any public controversy and to uphold our dignity in this multi-cultured society.

He added that he had to issue this clarification following the criticism of our diocese and priests. He said that IFKCA has been formed to protect our religious and spiritual leaders, places of worship, institutions and also to get adequate representation for our community in politics, state administration and judiciary. IFKCA is trying its best to get due privileges and benefits to our community and he called upon all to strengthen the hands of IFKCA and asked people to desist from interfering in church and diocesan administration.


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  • arun.olivera, MANGALORE DUBAI

    Sun, Oct 03 2010

    i was impress u r article iam trying to build our christan comunity we all come together help our people in indain christain was well educated and understaning. so many time attack with us then also we not did anything we know that what was right we beleive our god Mr Colaco i aws with and our people always support u for u r good work we need like person i n our christain community god bless u

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  • ELIAS, mumbai

    Tue, Sep 28 2010

    Good article by Ronald colaco.90% of the catholic community educated in christian schools. I myself educated upto 7th std in catholic school that is the only school was there. Otherwise i would have been remained uneducated. Even my hindu frieds studied there and today they are MLAS. SPORTMAN,BANK MANAGERS.hOW ANYBODY GOT THIS OPPORTUNITY. IT IS BECAUSE OF THE CHURCH.PERSONS WHO BLAME THE CHURCH. THEIR SIBLINGS I FEEL NOT JOINED THE CLERGY.FROM MY NATIVE PLACE ALMOST EVERYBODY`S SIBLIIS PRIEST ON NUN. wHY THEY HAVE TO GO TO REMOTE PLACES SERVE YHE POOR. THEY ALSO STAY BACK AND GET MARRIED INCREASE THE CATHOLIC POPULATION.

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  • Janette D'souza, Mangalore/Abu Dhabi

    Mon, Sep 27 2010

    Very well said Doc! But who will tie the bell to the cat?

    Another thing! I am sure, you meant, Mrs. Kiran Bedi and not Mrs.Kabir Bedi? Am I right?

    May the bold and beautiful people of my country get the wisdom to implement your suggestion. This is my prayer.

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  • Judith L, Mumbai

    Mon, Sep 27 2010

    Very wise thoughts Dr. Sequeira. Needs to be implemented. One more eligible person is IPS Kiran Bedi. All of them should represent the Lok Sabha then there will be considerable changes.

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  • Dr. Arun Sequeira, AbuDhabi

    Sun, Sep 26 2010

    Every violence in our country has a political backing.The need of the hour is, Not the christians coming into politics but A NATIONAL PARTY WHICH IS REPRESENTED BY THE PEOPLE WHO UPHOLD THE HUMAN VALUES. My suggestion is, Christian leaders like Mr.Ranald Colaso should play leading role in building up such a Political party which should not be influenced by religion alone.Particularly in India christian number is negligible BUT OUR CHRISTIAN VALUES ARE NOT.

    It should be a party contested by the bold & beautiful people like(eg)Mr.Julius Rebeiro, Mr. Khairnar,Mr. TN.Sheshan,Mrs Kabir Bhedi,Mr.Colaso etc. They should be handpicked by the would be new party for contesting in the election.This party should contest at least 50 seats in the next LokSabha election all over India to begin with, will require a strong publicity through the media,advocacy by christian groups etc.And this party will rule with THE COMMON SENSE, guarantee the human rights,will assure housing and decent pay,health and social security to all and a good family planning system.

    We Dont have to be the richest nation, but we need to build the richest foundation of human values.Otherwise we will be building the magnificient towers,beautiful dwellings,business empires,roads,airports,will host CWG etc but will pay nothing to our labourers(our true Neighbour) who will live in huts,will die from malaria,dengue & TB, their kids on roads. Our rich people will send their children abroad and Migrate.can me make a change?

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  • Harry Castelino, Udupi

    Sun, Sep 26 2010

    Thx Mr Ronald Colaco for ur support,The Bible says John1433 These things i have spoken to you,that in Me you may have peace.In the world you will have tribulation,But be of good cheer,I have overcome the world.So we have to forgive our brothers and sisters and pray for the people who has oppressed us.God says battle is mine, so we have to pray when ever there is tribulation and take no voilence in hand.Thats where we overcome the world.

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  • cyril matias, udupi

    Sat, Sep 25 2010

    Mr.Colaco is a rare leader.His concerns for the community are praise worthy.As a reponsible christian leader he has rendered yeomen service to the community when some of our priests are busy with sermons and sunday collections.

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  • Louis D'Souza, Udupi/Kuwait

    Sat, Sep 25 2010

    God bless Mr.Ronald Colaco & IFKCA. Good work. We are all with you.

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  • Langoolacharya, Belman/USA

    Thu, Sep 23 2010

    Ligoury Dsouza, Belman/Mumbai,

    Did you write to your classmate Henry coutinha?

    Ligggu, I am also your glassmate(Remember Henry's hotel!!!???)....

    Any way back to basics,,,

    Firstly I agree with you bassically most politicians are not communal left to themself, however they pretend communal if it brings votes to them....thats what is happening in Karnataka now....

    They came to your house, because you are in banks management, so you could be help them and their supporters by bank loans etc...

    Regardsing Ronald Colaco, I dont know him personally, however what I read and heard he seems like a very nice guy, wish he or people like him are in our political leadership than present setup, who are there to cut ribbon with their wives, and speak konkani is stage only,,,nowhere else...

    Get in touch buddy am175h@att.com



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  • Kuldeep Kamath, India

    Thu, Sep 23 2010

    Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, and small minds discuss people. The Christens in India need to discuss political leadership in the community to protect their sheep. You all are good and peace loving, doing 18 percent of the work in education, health and social work but that need not protect you in today’s time. Learn to remove thorne by thorne, continue doing well but side by side cultivate a political party. May be all the laity can think about it and make Mr. Colaco their first christian political leader all India level.

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    Thu, Sep 23 2010

    Dear Ronald Colaco,
    God bless you for your great conern towards Christian community. You are doing a good job. May many more leaders emerge from our community by seeing your good work. God bless you, your family and your business so that you will be able continue the good work.

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  • ancil bennies, mangalore/bahrain

    Thu, Sep 23 2010

    Dear Readers,
    This article seems to be very good and people like ronald colaco without considering the caste,creed etc help lot of people. As per i know he has helped in building so many churches, temples and mosques. Iam proud of you sir.
    Its one year of rememberance where our christians brothers were punished for un acceptable cause. The secret will be known to everyone whoever watches the below video.
    Please have a look on this link. you will know the truth...


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  • Fredrick Correa, Nairobi, Kenya

    Thu, Sep 23 2010

    The comments of Ligoury D'Souza,Belman/Mumbai and that of Victor, Mangalore are commendable. Yes, we are different from others. We have no place for violence in our religion. We can still conquer the opposition side without violence. I was particularly touched by Victor's comments, when he said, ours is a religion built on the blood of martyrs and the prayers of the saints. Our leader is not only a triumphant leader but also a crucified leader. How true!

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  • Rev. Dr. Archie Gonsalves, OCD, Bangalore

    Thu, Sep 23 2010

    Dear Mr. Ronald Colaco,
    Hats off to you! Through this article, by clarifying your stand with regard to the criticism levelled against the Church and the Clergy, you have done a great service to our community! Thank you Very much!

    As Provincial of the Carmelites and president of KRCR, I am well aware of the hard efforts of the Bishops of Karnataka and the Clergy in the release of those arrested after the attack. As Religious leaders, we have our limitations in directly involving in politics. That does not mean we could not have done more!

    But our Christian community needs more and more leaders like you to stand for the Church and protect the innocent,in this case the couargeous Catholics who defeneded our faith.

    I am glad, dear Mr. Colaco that you are doing your best in grooming more and more Christians in politics and thereby empowering them to fight for our rights. We as Church leaders certainly draw inspiration from your good work. God Bless you!

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  • Henry Coutinho, Belman/Kuwait

    Thu, Sep 23 2010

    Very well explained the reality Mr. Colaco. I salute you sir for your leadership and wish you all the best.Christians in politics must be encouraged.God bless u.

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  • Clara Lewis, Kemmannu/Dubai

    Thu, Sep 23 2010

    Quick action leads to violence, In the past whenever any attacks on churches, Priests, nuns and christian community, our priests use to call upon all the parisioners to participate in the silent, peaceful processions, guided by christian organizations.

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  • Henry Coutinho, Belman/Kuwait

    Thu, Sep 23 2010

    Weldone Ligory. keep it up. God bless us.
    Please send me ur e-mail address.
    My e-mail, henry_coutinho@hotmail.com

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  • Bejmi, Kuwait / Shirva

    Thu, Sep 23 2010

    I think time has come now to have/groom some of our own dynamic, honest catholic leaders like Mr. Colaco to voice/lead the community at “political” level, which is in our own interest. It’s not that we did not have catholic leaders in the past (Oscar, George etc..) but they were truly busy in securing their future, their political career and themselves. I’m not saying they haven’t done anything during the crisis but at least there was no tangible or visible evidence that one could see or support their efforts. I find Mr. Colaco a good leader, let us unite and support him.

    To create a fund to meet the legal expenses of youngsters who were charged during the crisis, is an excellent idea and I believe, this fund should be strengthened further so that our groomed leaders can go ahead in full strength to protect the community whenever there is a need. I’m confident that our catholic community in Gulf, USA, Canada etc.. would come forward to support this. This fund should be transparent and appropriately managed.

    By nature, we are soft and peace loving people and in addition to this, we don’t have any strong “leadership” who could fight at political level and these three factors can be exploited by any minor anti social element to gain political mileage or publicity, anytime any place. No one is there to stop them! What we experienced two years before, is neither first time nor it can be treated last incident. We need to learn from the past and have appropriate mechanism in place to effectively handle such situations in the future.

    It is indeed time now to take at least the first step! Mr. Colaco, all the very best to you.

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  • Vally Vagga, Mysore City

    Thu, Sep 23 2010

    ಮಾನೆಸ್ತ್ ರೊನಾಲ್ಡ್ ಕುಲಾಸೊ
    ಅಪುಟ್ ಸೆವಾಮನೋಭಾವಾಚೊ
    ನಿಸ್ವಾರ್ಥ್ ಫುಡಾರಿ ಜಾವ್ನಾಸಾ!
    ತಾಚೆಂ ಬಾಳ್ IFKCA ಘಟ್-ಮೂಟ್ ಜಾವ್ನ್ ವಾಡೊನ್ ಆಸಾ ಮ್ಹಳ್ಳೊ ವಿಶಯ್ ವರ್ತ್ಯಾ ಸಂತೊಸಾಚೊ ಆನಿ ಅಭಿಮಾನಾಚೊ ಜಾವ್ನಾಸಾ.
    ತಾಕಾ ಮ್ಹಜೆ ಹಾರ್ದಿಕ್ ಅಭಿನಂದನ್!
    ಮೈಸೂರ್ ಶಹರಾಂತ್ IFKCA ಚೆಂ ದಫ್ತರ್ ನಾ.
    ವೆಗಿಂಚ್ ಪ್ರಾರಂಭ್ ಕರಿಜಾಯ್ ಮ್ಹಣ್ ವಿನಂತಿ!

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  • Kiran Vaz, Mangalore

    Thu, Sep 23 2010

    Mr Colaco  you say ' using clout and contacts ' Nothing more is required , using the same clout and contacts see to it that the cases against christians are withdrawn. Others use their clout and contacts and get the cases against their boys withdrawn and we only support @ Rs.200 /- per hearing ? Very unfair !

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  • Jossy Sequeira, MANGALORE/DUBAI

    Thu, Sep 23 2010

    Yes, you are right Mr.Colaco. There are drawbacks in every human beings. when we go to church or any were at social gatherings, we must take back to our home,what ever good in there and if something which we do not like then leave it back. But we should not criticise. Today we have very few Gentlemen like you in our christian Community of Mangalore, who come forward and protect our reputation and uphold our past tredition & Charitable history. I selute you Mr. Colaco and pray to Al mighty to grant us more more leaders like you. Please continue your good work. May God bles you. Let us also live in harmony with ohter community as well.

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  • David Rodrigues, Kayyar/Bangalore

    Wed, Sep 22 2010

    We really need such GREAT LEADERS.

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  • Rajesh Sequeira, Cordel, Dubai

    Wed, Sep 22 2010

    You are a treasure to the Mangalorean community and good to have a sincere leader like you. God Bless you with good health and happiness

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  • Henry G Martis, Pangla/Muscat

    Wed, Sep 22 2010

    We christian community stop criticising the clergy.First of all let we all unite and protect our community and clergys.Please also note all clergys have some limitation.We all must support and stand behind IFKCA...and with Mr. Ronald Colaco. Dear Ronald you are doing very good job.Keep it up,we all are with you.

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  • George A. Borromeo, Pumpwell, Angelore, Mangalore

    Wed, Sep 22 2010

    Dear Sir, I immensely thank you for your effort for clearing the air between Laity and the Priestly.
    Church belongs to both, hence instead of finding fault with each other let us be united and continue our mission that Lord God gave us.Love thy God and Love thy neibhor.God Bless us.
    Thanks alot Sir Ronald Colaco for the clarification.

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  • Austin Prabhu, Nantur/Chicago

    Wed, Sep 22 2010

    Dear Ronald Colaco, I salute your leadership! Keep up the good work may God bless you always.

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  • Cyril D'Cunha, UAE

    Wed, Sep 22 2010

    Timely expressed concern by Mr.Colaso is highly appreciated. Those who had venom against church able to digest now, come forward and strenghten the hands of IFKCA.

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  • Alwyn , canada

    Wed, Sep 22 2010

    Great job and good to know Ronald Colaco is doing a wonderful job for our peace loving borthers & sisters in Christ. Let's work together as a team to reach our goal and stop critizing our priest & nuns who dedicated their precious life to Jesus christ. Time to do our best whatever ways to contribute time, money so that we will have a great team followers of Jesus. God bless.

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  • Michael, Mangaore/Muscat

    Wed, Sep 22 2010

    We Mangalorean christians are very good in criticising the clergy. This is a peculiar characteristic of all of us. We need to learn a lot from other communities. The end result of our unjustified criticism is that no one will fight for any cause even in case of desperate need. Congratulations my fellow Mangalorean Christians!!

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  • Peter & Ann Mendonca, Karkala/Muscat/USA

    Wed, Sep 22 2010

    Dear Ronald,
    We really appreciate your hard and sincre efforts to forge a strong team of united Christeans to face the present and future threats to our community in line with the teachings of Christ.
    May the Lord bless you and lead you to success as Chairman of IFKCA in building bridges between the Govt, Administration and People. Best regards.

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  • John Vas, Kulshekar/Dubai

    Wed, Sep 22 2010

    Well done Mr. Colaco. It is always better to clear the doubts of people when there is difference of opinions regarding any subject specially religious clergy involved. Keep up the good work.

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  • Ligoury Dsouza, Belman/Mumbai

    Wed, Sep 22 2010

    It is futile and will not serve any purpose in blaiming anybody including Govt. Govt can not provide every individual police security. When I was in Shimoga Mr. K.S Eshwarappa has visited my house and dined with me. I never found any thing that is communal in his thinking. He is a nice person.I had personal rapport with Yediyurappa when I was working at Shimoga. If they were communal, churches in Shimoga would have been attacked. My friendship with them was last ten years back. After my transfer from Shimoga, I lost touch with them. The legal proccess initiated by the Govt is constitutional which will bring out the truth. The brutal Tippu Sultan had distroyed many of our churches and made the Canara catholics his slaves. Do not forget that. The action of our youth turning to voilence was unwarranted.The main problem with us is immidate reaction.There are many methods of facing and curtailing voilence. Voilent reaction leads to bloodshed. Fight voilence with peacefull methods. Tippu Sultan tried to distroy the canara catholics. Has he succeeded?.The Bajrandal has united us.I was in Mangalore when Milagress church was attecked. I passed the message to my friend in Shimoga to contact Eshwarappa and C.M to curtail the voilence. They are politicians and they have thier own compulsions. Let us stop blaiming others and get united. If tippu sultan, who had might, could not distroy us, do you think any body can. I am appolitical in my views.But I have friends .Let us give up voilence.

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  • Victor , Mangalore

    Wed, Sep 22 2010

    Just like the christian communities are "soft targets" for attacks by the religious extremists, so also are the christian clergy "soft targets" for criticism by their own disgruntled laity because they do not react but bear everything in silence. They depend on their superiors to defend them which in most cases does not happen. Even if they do there is no publicity. They are left high and dry to tend for themselves. I feel sorry for them. But ours is a religion built on the blood of the martyrs and prayers of saints. Our leader is not only a triumphant leader but also is a crucified leader. Those are the facts and we have to accept them.

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  • edward dsouza, kota/kundapur/auh

    Wed, Sep 22 2010


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  • vincent, dubai

    Wed, Sep 22 2010

    Mr. Colaco, May Almighty God bless you & your efforts to protect Christianity. "HATS OFF TO YOU". LONG LIVE MR. COLACO.

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  • Max, Bendur/Mangalore

    Wed, Sep 22 2010

    Dear Mr.Ronald Colaco & IFKCA...your support and help provided during church attacks are well appreciated by all christians. If you and IFKCA had not provided support and help many of our youths would have been martyrs today. We need good hearted and influencial person like you in our society, otherwise our people will be like "sacrificial lamb". May god bless you and your family.

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  • Vincent Castelino, Pernal/I.C. Colony Mumbai

    Wed, Sep 22 2010

    Dear Ronald Colaco, your clarification is "crystal clear" for those who understand communal harmony. "Live and let others live". May the Good Lord bless you all the time for all the good work you do for the Cristian Community. Keep up your spirit.

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  • Richard Castelino, Shankerpura/Abu Dhabi

    Wed, Sep 22 2010

    The article is good. As a follower of Jesus, I can say "FORGIVE AND FORGET" We catholic are peace loving people. Pray for those who did wrong thing...Ronald keep it up and God bless you.

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