ATC’s Anniversary 65 Marked by Release of Bible & Other Books by Prelates

ATC’s Anniversary 65 Marked by Release of Bible & Other Books by Prelates

From Our Special Correspondent
Daijiworld Media Network - Bangalore

Bangalore, Sep 24: A galaxy of prelates of the Catholic Church in India, comprising two cardinals and 20 Archbishops besides a large number of religious priests and sisters and eminent dignitaries, witnessed the 65th anniversary of Bangalore-based publishing house, Asian Trading Corporation (ATC), when the Revised Standard Version (RSV) of the Bible in India and Pope Benedict XVI’s book, `The Spirit of the Liturgy’ were released.

The glittering function held at St John’s Medical College auditorium on Thursday September 24 also marked the inauguration of ATCs third branch at St Antony’s Friary here. Significantly, the revised edition of the book, ''Shining Faith in Kandhamal,” dealing with the trials and tribulations of Christians in Orissa by Anto Akkara was also released during the function.

Among the dignitaries who participated in the function were Cardinal Oswald Gracias (Archbishop of Mumbai and president of the Catholic Bishop’s Conference of India - CBCI), Cardinal Telesphore Toppo (Archbishop of Ranchi, Jharkhand), Dr Bernard Moras, (Archbishop of Bangalore), Dr George Punnakottil (Bishop of Kothamangalam and vice-president, CBCI), Dr Albert D’Souza (Archbishop of Agra and secretary general, CBCI),  Perceival Fernandes (Auxiliary Bishop of Bombay), Dr Ignatius Pinto (Archbishop Emeritus, Bangalore), Dr Joseph Pathrapankal, CMI (president – Theological Publications in India), Gabriel Mathias, OFM (vice-provincial of the Order of Friars Minor), Dr Lawrence D’Souza (director, St John’s National Academy of Health Sciences) and Irol Pais, representing the family of founder the late Bede Pius when ATC started its activities in the then Bombay city.

Fr Joe Mannath, Salesian priest and director of Don Bosco Renewal Centre in Bangalore, in his introductory remarks put the entire function in perspective by pointing out that, ''Writing matters, whether good or bad." Church media’s presence in India was very weak in comparison with the secular media, he said, pointing out that ATC has played an important role and has published over 1000 books and made books available from abroad as well.

''As religious people, we spend so much on buildings and food. But we spend little to nourish our minds. The education system in the country does not encourage reading. May the habit of reading grow before technology takes over printing and publishing,” he said.

Stressing the importance of reading, quoting incidents in the life of Karl Marx to Groucho Max, Fr Mannath displayed a sheet of paper, a compact disc and finally, a pen drive to highlight the shape of things that may emerge in future and felt that the printed word did not face serious threats in India and Asia if lay organizations like ATC - known for courteous and friendly service - who have been playing a very responsible role in the field of church media were supported.

Archbishop of Mumbai and president of the Catholic Bishop’s Conference of India - CBCI Cardinal Oswald Gracias, in his address after the release of the RSV Bible, said, ''The Word of God (RSV Bible) speaks God’s word for us and the book 'The Spirit of Liturgy’ deepens our worship and strengthens our faith.” ATC has done a great service to the house of formation, pastors and lay Catholics by publishing the Indian version of book, 'The Spirit of Liturgy,’ he said.

''The RSV Bible is an accurate translation and there is hunger and burning desire for the word of God in the hearts of people,” he said commending ATC for obtaining world rights for publishing RSV Bible, except in the UK.

Warmly complimenting the ATC for publishing a wide variety of books over the years, he recalled his visits to ATC even as a Seminarian and said he felt sad to learn that ATC was shifting to Mumbai. ''I am happy to know that God blessed them with a more spacious place in Bangalore as its operations are an Apostolate. May ATC go from 65 to 75 and then on to a 100 years and beyond,” he said.

The Cardinal lauded the efforts and the courage of Anto Akkara in visiting the areas of Christian persecution and meeting the victims in Orissa. The book was for us a moment of sorrow and a moment of grace as it speaks of people who have fearlessly given their lives for God and inspires faith of the people, he said.

Cardinal Telespore Toppo, Archbishop of Ranchi, Jharkhand, said, ''God speaks through various events. Faced with corruption, inequities and other social evils, the world is hungry and thirsty for the word of God. One thing that will change the world is the word of God. We must read and mediate to reap, change and be blessed. ATC has been all these years a chosen instrument of doing the work of God in India and even abroad.”

Archbishop of Bangalore Dr Bernard Moras said, ''It is commendable that RSV is published after 20 years in India. The RSV is the approved Bible for our liturgy in India. ATC should be commended for they have been printing a number of books at affordable prices. The Bible is indeed a great treasure for all of us. It is the fountain and source of spiritual nourishment for man.”

He said that he was happy to learn that the book, ''Jesus of Nazareth –Vol II” written by Pope Benedict VI is to be published by ATC next lent, which would be a rare honour and described ATC as an Ambassador of Ecumenism in India. He expressed great joy that ATC has made a name not only in India but even abroad. He recollected how he was pleasantly surprised to meet Nigel Fernandes at the ATC Bookstall at the First Asian Mission Congress in Chiang Mai, Thailand, where ATC was the only publisher from Asia to be invited.

Nigel Fernandes, MD of ATC formally welcomed the dignitaries and said it was a rare honour for the organisation. He recalled the support received from various quarters of the Church over the past several decades and his happiness on the release of ATC’s own Bible which was a long cherished dream. He also expressed his gratitude to the Franciscans Friars for housing ATC in their premises at the St Anthony’s Friary Churh in Koramangala. He briefly covered ATC’s role in assisting the Church in its Mission through publishing and distribution of Bibles, spiritual reading, treatises and books and through various printed forms.

Redemptorist priest Dr Assisi Saldanha, introduced the merits of RSV Bible, first published in 1901, which is being printed and published by ATC. It is the Revised edition of The King James version first printed in 1611. In 1937, the New Testament was Revised and the entire Bible Revised in 1952. ATC has got the Rights to print the Revised Version in India and the World-wide, except UK. This Bible has not been available in an Indian edition for 20 years now. He traced the birth of the RSV translation, its richness and how it was the Bible that was closest to the original Heberew and Greek texts in meaning
The proceedings were given a prayerful start by Fr Jacob Britto, convener, Bangalore Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services.
Cardinal Gracias, who released the RSV Holy Bible, presented the first copy of the Bible to Denzil Fernandes. A copy each was also given to the Fr Jose Paul, manager of St Paul Publications, Anil Rego, Kailash Rao, ATC Auditor and Dr Thomas D’Souza, senior journalist.
Fr Savio Rodrigues, secretary, Liturgy Commission, CCBI, introduced the Book, ''The Spirit of the Liturgy,” by Pope Benedict XVI, when he was known as Cardinal Ratzinger. He said that it was a rare honour for ATC that the Holy Father himself should personally write a letter and recommend that ATC should publish His book for Asia and also his forthcomoing book, ''Jesus of Nazareth Volume II.” The first copy was presented to Fr Benny Kanjirakatt, director of Claretian Publications.

The book release ceremony was followed by the symbolic inauguration of the new ATC branch by lighting of the lamp by the two Cardinals, Bangalore Archbishop along with Fr Gabriel Mathais and Fr James Kallerken, parish priest of St Anthony’s Friary Church, where the branch is located. The keys to this branch were handed over to Ida Fernandes and blessed by Bangalore Archbishop. The branch would start functioning from the first week of October.
Brenda Fernandes, director of ATC and wife of MD Nigel Fernandes, presented a vote of thanks. The entire proceedings were impressively anchored by Martin Rebeiro.

Copies of the books and Bibles are available at all ATC outlets and other Christian bookshops including ATC Mangalore. Books can also be ordered online at Overseas buyers can log on to


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Comment on this article

  • Dr Prakash, Mangalore/Blr

    Tue, Sep 28 2010

    This was thankfully not a boring 'religious' program, with jazzy dances, etc. I liked the flow of the event. The Praise & Worship was special. The speeches were good. The Archbishop of Bangalore spoke passionately for the flock to study the Word of God, that was good. The MC Mr Rebeiro was smooth as silk. Good food in the end to top off an annointed evening..

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  • Fr.George Olivera, Mysore

    Mon, Sep 27 2010

    ATC ought to be lauded for single handedly pioneering the cause of the Catholic Print and Press apostolate in India. Otherwise it is mostly handled by Clergy and the Religious all over India. The vision of the founder Frederick M. Pais that too 65 years ago is still alive because of the efforts of the family members of Pais and Fernandes family. Praying for many more Showers of Blessings for many more years of catholic publication apostolate. Congratulations.

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  • Sanath, Sri Lanka

    Mon, Sep 27 2010

    I was very impressed with the evident presence of God at this program. The break through I believe was the Holy Spirit filled and wonderful Praise and Worship led by Colleen & Martin Rebeiro. The Emcee Martin Rebeiro managed a complicated program very deftly and carried the audience with him relating to the audience very well. The ATC team behind the scenes managed the event professionally and need a good bonus for their efforts. Congratulations to all involved. I remember the program with fond and lasting memories

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  • Felix F.,, India/Ksa

    Mon, Sep 27 2010

    I thank you for your time & patience to reply to my comments.There is no doubt in what you have said, The Bible is the best-selling book in history with approximate sales estimates ranging in the billions.

    Similarly if Playboy sells more than a history book, it does not mean Playboy is better/true than the history book.

    Your explanation of the origin of the Bible & its history,looks as expected to be complicated & confusing as to which of those books you have referred to as the real word of God, & how compitent were the translators.

    Even the mistake or wrong interpretation of a single word will totally change the meaning of history. E.g. Jesus "SON"of God as understood & accepted by christians Vs Jesus the "PROPHET" of God as understood by the rest.

    For your information I have the copy of the King James Version, brought into KSA, bravely, by some of my Catholic friends. Reading with a unbiased mind convinced me to follow the 10 commandments of Moses,specailly the 1st & the 2nd and nothing else as the true word of God

    As Mr. Mathew commented For $ 1.00, we can get a Bible printed in this press in China.
    We may see millions of those
    "made in China" Bibles in India
    soon, like the "hero pens" in the
    60s (made in China).

    Let us distribute the Bible far
    and wide, the rest will be taken
    care by the Holy Spirit.

    Once the $1 Bibles hit the market, there may be another ATC`s convention to say China Bible`s are not correct but the ATC`S are

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  • judith dcunha, kulshekar/bangalore

    Mon, Sep 27 2010

    Dear Nigel,
    Congrats on achieving the mile stone. wishing u all the best. god bless

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  • Joe Gonsalves, Mangalore - U.S.A.

    Mon, Sep 27 2010

    Dr. Christopher Pais has drawn my attention to the fact that the event was not organized by any religious body but by The Asian Trading Company. I owe an apology to Dr. ChristopherPais for an inadvertent mistake. I am indeed happy that The Asian Trading Corporation an organization owned by the laity has taken the initiative to publish the Revised Version of The Bible - so very necessary for people in general.

    Kudos to the Pais family for their initiative. While on the subject may I ask a question - Christopher!!! Are you the same eminent cardiologist who I see often in Church and particularly on a Saturday evening at Milagris Church. My thoughts and good wishes are with you and your family. You are doing a great job in The City of Mangalore by reaching out to patients from all segments. May your work be blessed.

    Joe Gonsalves

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  • Claudius Pereira, Bangalore

    Sun, Sep 26 2010

    Dear Nigel,
    Congratulations to you & TEAM ATC for the splendid success and milestones reached yesterday.
    I am so proud of you and ATC`s achievements and I believe you have arrived.

    You have the power to hold & convert this great opportunity to positive growth in business & Personality and move ATC to the next bracket in the publishing world.

    As you & your team continue the journey to Success - It`s not about what you create for yourself but instead what you leave behind! in my mind, your grit & ability to create success with unfolding patience of dialogue and continuum keeping in mind the sensitivity to people & situations, your personal tenacity has been exemplary in creating extra-ordinary success with desperate situations.

    I now see you as an Icon of confidence as you march forward to the decades ahead.

    All the very best.


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  • Jerry Moras, Canada

    Sun, Sep 26 2010

    It does not take much effort to mention there is no such thing as the written word of God. Instead of making contradictory statements on God’s will or Human Will (property will ??). Analytical and learned person will not make such general statements like God’s Will. Even can we God’s Will (you need to use your mind (use analogy).
    In fact, Bible is not a magic book came out of no where. It is written by several people, over hundreds of years. There is so called tradition and relevance made particular community of people .
    A Bible (from Greek τὰ βιβλία ta biblia "the books") is a collection of sacred scripture of Judaism and Christianity. There is no single version: both the individual books (Biblical canon) and their order vary. The Hebrew Bible contains 24 books that were rearranged into 39 by Christian denominations, while complete Christian Bibles range from the 66 books of the Protestant canon to 81 books in the Ethiopian Orthodox Bible.[1]
    The Hebrew Bible, or Tanakh, is divided into three parts: (1) the five books of the Torah ("teaching" or "law") comprise the origins of the Israelite nation, its laws and its covenant with the God of Israel (2) the Nevi'im ("prophets") containing the historic account of ancient Israel and Judah plus works of prophecy and (3) the Ketuvim ("writings"), poetic and philosophical works such as the Psalms and the Book of Job.[3]
    The Christian Bible is divided into two parts. The first is called the Old Testament, containing the 39 books of Hebrew Scripture, and the second portion is called the New Testament, containing a set of 27 books. During the three centuries following the establishment of Christianity in the 1st century, Church Fathers compiled Gospel accounts and letters of apostles into a Christian Bible which became known as the New Testament. The Old and New Testaments together are commonly referred to as "The Holy Bible".
    If counted as a single book, "The Bible" is the best-selling book in history with approximate sales estimates ranging in the billions.

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  • Bro. Elias George, Mysore/Bangalore

    Sun, Sep 26 2010

    Dear Flora,

    I was present for this beautiful function. There are two minor errors in the reporting of the article. Firstly, the comment which you have referred to, has been attributed to the Cardinal, whreas it was made by Scripture Scholar Fr. Assisi Saldanha while introducing the RSV Bible. Secondly, what Fr. Assisi Saldanha referred to, according to what I understood was, The RSV Bible is what is referred to as a formal equivalent translation. This may also be called a literal translation or a "word-for-word" translation. This means that the original Hebrew and Greek scriptures have been translated into the most literal English word or phrasing possible. This allows for a clear, transparent reading of the original text. (This translation method is as opposed to "thought for thought" translation, which emphasizes priority of the meaning over the original vocabulary. "Thought for Thought" is a popular method for English Bibles intended to be easier to understand, particularly for people for whom English is a second language. Examples include the Good News Translation). The benefit of literal or formal equivalent translation is that it renders the English version of the original words the ancient scriptures used, and so it doesn't carry the possibility of translators, consciously or not, molding their interpretations and thoughts into the translations. You do not have to worry about or change the Good News Bible that you are using. It carries an Imprimatur and is good enough

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  • Felix F., India/Ksa

    Sun, Sep 26 2010

    There is no such thing as the written word of God. If there was, it wouldnt have been printed and reprinted like newspapers and comic books and sold in the shops for a price, with the option to accept what is written or reject what is written in them.

    If there was to be the Word of God, then it wouldnt have been different for different religions.

    Therefore it is "THE WILL OF GOOD" and not THE EARTHLY WRITTEN WORD OF GOD which every human is bound to accept irrespective of the religon one belongs to.

    Every creation of God was by the will of God and not by the word of God. The same will of God is at work from the time a child is born till death and there after.

    The words of God proclaimed by humans is not binding, but the will of God, no one can change nor escape from it. The true word of God, is embedded in every humans conscience, and no one can give the excuse that they were not aware what the true Gods words were, even being not knowing to read or understand.

    Therefore it is not important under which name the ATC's Bible is advertised for its sales appeal.

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  • A.S.Mathew, U.S.A.

    Sun, Sep 26 2010

    There are over 100 translations
    of the English Bible, and some
    believers will not read any
    translation, other than the
    King James version, which is the
    oldest available version today.

    But if we give that version to
    a new reader, he or she will not
    go much farther in reading the
    old English.

    Even the Bible translations to
    other languages from the English
    language, lost certain important
    points through translaction because
    the translators like William
    Carey had to study the local
    vernacular to translate.

    The Bible, which is the living
    word of God has power in its
    verses whether we read x or y

    While attending college in India,
    I used to get used New Testaments
    in a version " Good news for
    modern man" and the language
    was simple with sketches
    of certain miracles performed by
    Jesus Christ. I got more request
    from Hindu and Muslim students to
    have copies of that New Testament,
    because the language was very
    attractive and easy to understand.

    Once the commnists in China burned
    the Bibles, but now, the "Amity
    Bible printing press" in China is the largest Bible printing company
    in the world. For $ 1.00, we can
    get a Bible printed in this press.
    We may see millions of those
    "made in China" Bibles in India
    soon, like the "hero pens" in the
    60s (made in China).

    Let us distribute the Bible far
    and wide, the rest will be taken
    care by the Holy Spirit.

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  • Flora, Mangalore Qatar

    Sun, Sep 26 2010

    Mr. Felix F. has a point, the article says ''The RSV Bible is an accurate translation and there is hunger and burning desire for the word of God in the hearts of people,” which means so far the Good News Bible was not accurate.
    Are we suppose to retain the old Bible or replace with RSV. I am a very religious person hence want to know what exactly I should be reading in order to avoid confusion. Please forgive me if I am wrong.

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  • Felix F.,, India/Ksa

    Sun, Sep 26 2010

    Majority of the Catholic`s will not want to hear what you have so perfectly mentioned, "I am sure it is not another version of The Bible but the WORD OF GOD ITSELF SIMPLIFIED." Because Jesus/Mary/Saints have become the private property of the people to use them according to their will and fancies.

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  • Dr. Christopher Pais, Mangalore

    Sun, Sep 26 2010

    Dear Mr. Gonsalves,

    This event was not hosted by the Archbishop of Bangalore, but by Nigel Fernandes of Asian Trading Corporation (ATC), Bangalore. ATC was founded by my Dad, Frederick M. Pais, in the year 1946 in Bombay. Ever since, efforts have been made to publish Christian Literature, including reprints of foreign editions, and make them available to the religious and the laity at concessional rates. The RSV Bible was earlier available in India. ATC is the first lay organisation to publish a Bible, and that too the RSV (Revised Standard Version) Bible which is followed by the Catholic Church. These books are also available in Asian Trading Corporation Mangalore (Mallikatte).

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  • Joe Gonsalves, Mangalore - U.S.A.

    Sat, Sep 25 2010

    Indeed one sees a galaxy of Cardinals, Archbishops, Bishops and priests at the release of the RSV in Bangalore. It is is good to see The Church trying to simplify the bible for better understanding. In the world that we live in it is pertinent that we try and understand our Catholic Culture well and the RSV is a step in the right direction. I am sure it is not another version of The Bible but the WORD OF GOD ITSELF SIMPLIFIED.

    Congrats to all who thought of this idea and specially to Archbishop Bernard Moras who must have hosted this event. Will there be a similar event in Mangalore and other places. Hope this idea is taken forward.

    I appeal to you Archbishop Bernard and Archbishop (Emarutus) Ignatius Pinto to prevail upon the other Dioceses to follow your concept.

    Humbly submitted by:

    Joe Gonsalves

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  • Robin Colaco, Bangalore

    Sat, Sep 25 2010

    I was overwhelmed to see so many Archbishops and Religious Priests & Sisters. The function was well organised - one of the rare occassions where u could see grandeur without glamour. The greatest contribution of ATC has been to bring Christian literature to Indians at affordable prices. ATC has also helped give an opportunity to Indians to publish their works of christiian literature. ATC deserves our encouragement and support for running a business that nourishes the Priests and Sisters with religious literature - and enables them to nourish us and our children in the Christian faith.

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  • Dr. Emmanuel George, Kottayam/Chennai

    Sat, Sep 25 2010

    I commend ATC for this beautiful programme.

    ATC has tremendously contributed to theological education in India by making available relevant literature from publishers worldwide. I have on many occasions been able to procure 'difficult to source' books through the ATC.

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  • John Ninan, Bangalore/Bangalore

    Sat, Sep 25 2010

    I am excited I was present for this great programme.

    I had not imagined i would see two cardinals, several archbishops and bishops. It was a glorious evening of praise and worship - with the lifting and holding of hands.

    The programme was conducted beautifully.

    Fr Joe Manath spoke of the need of reading and of books. Fr Jacob Britto, the charismatic catholic priest led the opening prayer beautifully. Fr. Assisi Saldanha gave a historical background of the RSV Bible. Fr. Savio received a great round of great applause when he commended ATC for having the singular honour of receiving a letter from the Holy Father recommending ATC to publish His books.

    Cardinal Ossie stole the show with his Presidential message delivered straigth from the heart.

    Asian Trading CEO Nigel Fernandes has every reason to be proud of this memorable event that was extremely well attended and appreciated by everyone present.

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  • Emmanuel Prashanth, Bangalore

    Sat, Sep 25 2010

    It is really heartening to witness such a blessed crowd of religious dignitaries assembling under one roof from all over the nation mainly for the inauguration of RSV Bible which is now reprinted after a gap of 20 years or so. This mammoth effort by Asian Trading Corporation will definitely be rewarded by God. Thousands will be benefited to read this handy Bible. May God bless them and their hard working team that involves the renowned Brilliant Printers - Bangalore.

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  • Harry Paul, Bangalore/Bangalore

    Sat, Sep 25 2010

    It was a great experience to be part of the celebration & to have a ATC New outlet in St Anthonys Frairy cause they have very good collection of books both from Indian & Foreign Publishers world Wide (One Stop Shop for all variety of christian books). Iam very impressed that they have Printed Rsv Holy Bible. God bless them for all the good works.

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  • Lisa Latha, Bangalore/Bangalore

    Sat, Sep 25 2010

    Nice write up. The event has been reported well. Have been a regular customer of ATC for the past few years. ATC has a great a collection of books. Congratulate ATC on the grand event and the printing of the Bible. God Bless ATC.

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  • J. Rani, Bangalore/Bangalore

    Sat, Sep 25 2010

    It was a great function. I was glad to be present and witness so many dignitaries of the Church at the programme.

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  • Rev Dr H M Duke, Bangalore/USA

    Sat, Sep 25 2010

    Congratulations to ATC for its great contributions to the nurture of the spritual life of the Christians through literature ministry. When I was in Bangalore I had close association with Fred Pais and ATC and always admired at their cooperation and support to spread of the Good News of our Lord. This business may not be a great profitable enterpise. But you have done a commendable job. So, today I thank God for your faithful and continued devotion and dedication as well as untiring efforts to make available God's Word and helpful guide by the publication of many many useful books. May God continue to bless your mission and ministry for His glory.
    With all best wishes and blessings

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  • Ganesh, Bangalore

    Sat, Sep 25 2010

    I had a wonderful experience to be a part of this ocassion, It was my dream come true to see such a wonderful bible, to buy at the indian price. It was my first sight to see so many christian leaders coming under one roof to release Revised Standard Version (RSV) & spreading the good news to these universe. Praise God for all the Good works he has done through Asian Trading corporation. My special wishes for all the people who has worked for the success.

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  • A. V. Rasquinha, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Sat, Sep 25 2010

    I was privileged to witness such a grand function and to see a gathering of so many religious leaders from all over India in one place.Everything was very well organised. Congratulations to ATC for reprinting and presenting the RSV Bible after a gap of 20 years. It was nice to be able to buy a copy of the RSV Bible at an Indian price after 20 years. May God Bless abundantly the wonderful work of ATC and team.

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  • Derek B., KGF/Bangalore

    Fri, Sep 24 2010

    Dear Nigel and all at ATC, Congratulations on this great day and the great celebrations. It has always been a pleasure to deal with ATC. Your courteous and efficient service, the extra mile you go in making good books available is commendable. May ATC grow from strength to strength.

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  • A. Kumar, Bangalore

    Fri, Sep 24 2010

    Dear Felix F.,

    The Bishop's Conferences of respective countries approve or a particular translation of the Bible for the Scripture readings, considering various factors, one reason being that there is uniformity in the readings for people to follow at least in that country and there is a common Lectionary that can be used. While I think the New American Bible or the NRSV is the translation that is used in the U.S., most of the other countries presently officially follow the RSV or Revised Standard Version of the Bible as it is the translation used by the Vatican for its official publications. There have been rumours for quite some time that the NRSV could become the official translation though it has not happened yet.

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  • Alwyn Lobo , Mangalore - USa

    Fri, Sep 24 2010

    Peace, wisdom,health, knowledge, happiness and prosperity will come if we understand and follow the the BIBLE. As we read and understand each word and sentence from BIBLE we can achive great joy and peace in our life. Let us take every opportunity to get one and let us help who need one.

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  • A.S.Mathew, U.S.A.

    Fri, Sep 24 2010

    Let us flood India with this version of the Bible which is easy to understand. Every person we meet in life, whether it is our neighbour, co-worker or total strangers, let them have their own Bible as our gift.
    Those seeds of the living word will not die, but the reader will be blessed greatly.

    Distribution of the Bible is one the greatest ministry of the Church.

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  • Felix F., India/Ksa

    Fri, Sep 24 2010

    Its beyond imagination the meaning of the words "The RSV is the approved Bible for our liturgy in India."
    Does it mean one Bible for India and another Bible outside India.?? What about the earlier Bibles are they false.??

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