Karnataka CM urges parents to send their children to schools

Bengaluru, Aug 22 (IANS): Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai on Saturday urged the parents to send their wards to schools which are scheduled to reopen from Monday.

"The state government has taken care to ensure the safety of the children in order to encourage them to come to schools," he stated.

Talking to reporters on Saturday, the CM said that the state government has issued directions to reopen schools, both state-run and private.

"The schools will reopen from Monday. Along with Primary and Secondary Education Minister B.C. Nagesh, I will visit the schools in Bengaluru to ensure that everything is alright," he said.

Students should start the process of learning, which was hampered all these days due to the pandemic, he said.

"Parents should get vaccinated and monitor their children once they are back from schools. We intend to bring children back to school," the CM said.

Revenue Minister R. Ashok has also appealed to the parents to send their children to schools without any hesitation.



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  • Monty Dotor, Mangalore

    Sun, Aug 22 2021

    @Dev I would agree with you on this point.Schools should not have been closed in the first place, those kids who had comorbidities could have been given special coaching. In the first wave, the "wild" virus should have been allowed to propogate naturally without lockdown, masks, social distancing etc. As it was a mild virus no damage would have been done at least in India, as we have some immunity and cross immunity unlike US or Europe, that is the reason why deaths are less in Dharavi Mumbai, than in Andheri, Juhu or Colaba.More attention should have been given to treat comorbidities, at that time.Natural immunity is better than vaccine induced immunity. In that case the second wave, caused by a stronger mutant virus, may not have occurred in the first place. Just like us humans, corona also has ancestors, no major damage was done in earlier infections, when there were no lockdown etc. Spanish flu which was caused by a different virus was more lethal, so we cannot compare it with Corona. I could learn a lot from comments made contrary to my line of thinking, I fully appreciate contrarian views, which should not be ignored.

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  • Dev, Mangalore

    Sun, Aug 22 2021

    Yeah doc the vaccine industries corrupt practices were exposed by Ty and Charlene Bollingers in their web series of 2019 titled "The Truth About Vaccines " . It was a program based on interview with scientists and doctors who were in the industry and scientists were well acclaimed in invention of new vaccines but turned whistle blowers as they found out the industries hiding their findings about the jabs causing cancers and autism caused by the aluminium, glyphosates and thimerasol injuring the brains. Ty Bollingers took the vaccine producers to court and when vaccine industry was asked to produce trials records the company failed to produce any records beyond 4 days. The court then found guilty and asked CDC to remove the sentence "vaccines doesn't cause autism and are safe" Nearly 4 Billion dollars have been paid to vaccine injured till today, but sad to say since 2010 all injured and killed by all vaccines combined has been surpassed by the present vaccines in 1 year itself which calls for immediate halt to all experimental jabs for one reason- they are far more dangerous than the infections as far as life threatening conditions they are causing. I've got the full list of all vaccines and their contents too from the past to present uploaded by doctors which weren't in public domain, I can't share them here , if one goes through them then they will never submit to any jabs. I personally know many kids injured by vaccines which caused their autism after the jabs.

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  • Monty Dotor, Mangalore

    Sun, Aug 22 2021

    @John. No definite correlation is found between autism and vaccination, but as trials are manipulated we never know the truth. It could be that autism developed more as a coincidence. Many side effects like phocomelia after taking Thalidomide were known in the next generation when children were born without limbs, though WHO had cerifited it as a safe pain killer. Many diseases including infection and even Covid , genetic protection also plays an important role, Covid affects certain blood groups more than others, similarly vaccination side effects may also be related to genes, so if in a family there is a known serious side effect one can avoid certain types of vaccines, but we cannot generalize that vaccines are bad for everybody. When we know more about genes, we might be better placed to avoid or accept vaccines, only time will tell.

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  • John, Mangalore

    Sun, Aug 22 2021

    Dotor, This how global elites try to control population or make them impotent through vaccines ? Autism, Sterilization by adding HCG harmone related gene, making them liberal by disabling VMAT2 God Gene (to promote same sex marriages?), now nano particles to generate spike proteins to corrupt human immune system to decimate ? and high tech mRNA make them controllable transhumans ? Some of these are out of scope of normal specialist medical doctors ? ....... Also in addition, INDIAN DOCTORS for TRUTH (20 nos), INDIAN BAR ASSOCIATION, mumbai, have their own research on these vaccines and are doing wonderful job educating and saving public from so called vaccinations by globalists elite. They have raised a formal complaint against WHO and others also against forced and coercive vaccinations with the President, PM and HM, also based on recent two high court decisions. Their site link is ... https://indianbarassociation.in/legal/ and their LATEST GLOBAL COVID CRIME INFORMATION at.. https://indianbarassociation.in/latest-update/

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  • Dev, Mangalore

    Sun, Aug 22 2021

    Worldwide data proves in those countries where no lockdowns and authoritarian enforcement of any mandates took place not a single kid got inflected with or passed the infections to their family and teachers. Out of 1million kids 1 comorbid kid had serious infection and needed hospitalization. Out of 3000 kids that got vaccines 1 died in trials. Now see what benefit vaccines provide? If you don't love your kids , if you want to see your kids bloom then don't expose them to experimental vaccines as God has given them excellent immune system which is like having a few sniffles and a cold which would go away within 2 days. If you still believe corporate media, greedy vaccine industry propaganda and are ready to risk your kids health and life then you can regret for life time. Choice is yours, we people are doing awakening people and media educated always think we are wrong as 100s of doctors and scientists are censored and accounts deleted for revealing the truth based on facts and science. Again and again I'm stating all the elimination of viral diseases by vaccines is a big lie created by vaccine industries. Data and graphs always shows the infections were waning when they were introduced and corrupt vaccine industries claimed that as their success. If anybody is in doubt watch Dr Hegde's videos. Around 50,000 kids get polio every year after polio drops are administered in India but they are now given a new name like Acute Non Polio Paralytic Stroke to cover up vaccine injuries. About fake story of million deaths quoted by some is a big lie which caused disappearance of heart attack, stroke, pneumonia, cancer, kidney and liver failures and age related deaths from the annual numbers, how this miracle was achieved by modern medical science without invention of miracle cures? There is the answer for all people who always come up with same lame question. Finally I request the government to to end this planndemic hoax and tyranny.

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  • Queeni Lasrado, Bejai

    Sun, Aug 22 2021

    You cannot force parents to send kids to go to school unless you arrange vaccine to all children. If they get infected God forbidden if goes critical are you paying hospital bills? First of all pls arrange for vaccine for school children. So that even if they are infected they might over come from it quickly Secondly Come to deal with hospital that government will bare cost of infected kids treatment After this you may insist arents to send kids to school.

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  • Monty Dotor, Mangalore

    Sun, Aug 22 2021

    Zydus Cadila ( Pankaj Patel)has introduced a needle free intradermal vaccine to prevent Covid in kids, government approvals should have come earlier and we need not have followed all the stages of trials , some could have easily been skipped. Now do not call it a Gujju vaccine....

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  • Dev, Mangalore

    Sun, Aug 22 2021

    Ha ha pranam doc. For this reason itself the government is waiting to open schools and use parents anxiety to mandate experimental vaccines. Despite possibility of quid pro quo the DNA based vaccine creates spike proteins just like mRNA vaccines which might be dangerous in the kids. And as per your own statements kids hypothalamus gland protects them against any respiratory infections unlike ours I personally won't lend my kid to be a human guinea pig despite their claims of administering 28,000 kids in trials. Long term study is needed as this too might cause Antibody Enhanced Defence like mRNA vaccines which is causing inflammation throughout the body causing vaccine injuries and deaths too. Better wait for longer than rushing in to surrender to unknown experimental vaccines. I request the government to to start the schools and colleges immediately as they were opened last year and beginning of this year without any vaccines and any outbreaks. If anybody wants to wait let them revert to online classes. No fake tests and mask mandates too for a seasonal cold and flu like illness dubbed as pandemic.

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  • Monty Dotor, Mangalore

    Sun, Aug 22 2021

    It is thymus (and T lymphocytes), not hypothalamus that will protect kids, they might test positive but may not develop serious illness unless they have comorbidities ( for Covid even obesity is a comorbidity) . The virus requires a host to multiply, but if the virus is killed in children, they may not transmit it to elders at home or teachers at school. I would still prefer a traditional vaccine like Covaxin for kids, rather than mRNA or DNA vaccines as the method is time tested. All side effects including potential side effects should be explained to the parents, and the ultimate choice left to them, vaccines or any medicine should be voluntary and only given after informed or implied consent.

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  • John, Mangalore

    Sun, Aug 22 2021

    Dotor, These are DNA based or will be DNA tinkering Vaccines right? Anything tinkering with human DNA risks of Autism specially in growing children? why hurry ? Need one or two years to show its bad effects? Test it for a year or two then release? Also may cause alzheimer's in older people? Usually vaccines require 3 to 4 years study right, now why ready like instant noodles? then suffer? Also following Research on aborted fetal cells (DNA fragments) used in vaccines causes autism or double, confusing personality..... Both of these, World Renowned Genetics Doctor Dr. Theresa Deishe and Vaccine researcher Pamela Acker Correlate Autism with fetal cell / DNA fragments in vaccines in following referenced articles at Ref: https://vaccineimpact.com/2017/world-renowned-genetics-doctor-sees-relationship-between-fetal-cells-used-in-vaccines-and-increasing-autism-rates/ Ref2: https://www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/a-hill-worth-dying-on-expert-explains-how-aborted-baby-cells-taint-covid-vaccines

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  • Dev, Mangalore

    Sun, Aug 22 2021

    Thank you doc for correcting me. According to data no kids got infected or passed the infections to others in Denmark and Sweden where no schools and colleges were shut. According to ICMR survey now more than 80% of the people tested had antibodies against corona virus and this means 100 crore people are protected for lifetime against mutating variants too unlike weak immunity created by jabs. With such good development we have reached herd immunity and no need to expose our kids to any jabs which contain toxic chemicals as adjuavants and additives which cause blood clots resulting in heart attacks or strokes. Kids below 30 were victims of myocarditis and pericarditis which will reduce their heart capacity and it is likely to reduce their life expectancy by 20 years as per doctors estimate if they survive the injuries, but the plan of globalists is to create vaccine passports with annual booster doses twice adding more toxins to harm already damaged vital organs. Better wait than regret later is my final request to all.

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  • John, Mangalore

    Sun, Aug 22 2021

    Following neurological issues is vaccine karma ? but looks like doctors blame them on virus? as foretold in previous divine message comment ? refer pls following news article, and divine message below https://timesofindia.com/city/bengaluru/doctors-concerned-over-rise-in-cases-of-neurological-issues-in-karnataka/amp_articleshow/85506738.cms

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  • BhakSala, Mangalore

    Sun, Aug 22 2021

    i strictly instruct honorable chief minister Bommai ji not to force parents to send children to school and this is my order . Yeh toh Dil dehalane wali baath kar de sirji app ne .Saab kuch toh theek chal rahaa hai yaar children are happy with online class, parents are happy ,no fight with husband wife who will drop the kid ,no need to make lunch and breakfast together for tiffin .Children are also happy to have fresh food no tension of forgetting tiffin box in school. No need to wake up early children can attain class without taking bath without shoes no need to wash iron uniform also there is no fear of forgetting any book phir kiu sir ji kiu ye atyachar .

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  • Agnes, Mangalore

    Sun, Aug 22 2021

    Doctor John you are against this vaccine. Now pls tell us how to avoid corona infection without vaccine. Over a million people died worldwide from Covid 19 how do you prevent this?

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  • John, Mangalore

    Sun, Aug 22 2021

    Agnes, Follow following Divine medicine.... Also These gates, fauci and communist chinese had failed during so called H1N1 2009 pandemic to push their forced evil vaccines, then some whistleblower spilled the beans. Now with control mass media, fact checkers they are carrying it. Following Divine forewarning message in 2014 on it to John Leary. Monday, August 4, 2014 ... Jesus said: “My people, I have talked about a deadly pandemic virus that would be purposely spread among the people to reduce the population. This concept of reducing the population is a plan of Satan, who hates man, and he has the one world people carrying this out because they worship Satan. This statement about reducing the population is also in the Georgia Guide stones, which is part of their ten commandments that contradict My Commandments. For those who want to learn more about AIDS and ebola as laboratory creations, there is a book called ‘Emerging viruses, AIDS and ebola’ by Dr. Leonard Horowitz. This book shows you all the background for how these viruses were made and distributed. When the swine flu became pandemic, these evil ones behind it, tried to force everyone to have a flu shot which actually impairs your immune system. This same scare with ebola, will precipitate the same mandatory flu shots that will again compromise your immune system. It is better to refuse these flu shots, and take Hawthorn, herbs, and vitamins to build up your immune system. If you see a contagious deadly virus that is transmitted in the air, then I will advise My faithful to come to My refuges, where you can look on My luminous cross in the sky or drink the healing spring water to heal any disease. This pandemic virus is one of the conditions to come to My refuges. Other signs are a world famine, a bank failure, a division in My Church, and mandatory chips in the body. You may even see people persecuted because they refused these flu shots. Have trust in My protection, as your lives will be in danger, when I will call all of My faithful to My refuges.” Ref: http://www.johnleary.com/index.php/2014/08/?cat=3&order=ASC

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  • John, Mangalore

    Sun, Aug 22 2021

    INDIAN DOCTORS for TRUTH (20 nos), INDIAN BAR ASSOCIATION, mumbai doing wonderful job educating and saving public from so called vaccinations by globalists elite. They have raised a formal complaint against WHO and others also against forced and coercive vaccinations with the President, PM and HM, also based on recent two high court decisions. Their site link is ... https://indianbarassociation.in/legal/ and their latest GLOBAL COVID CRIME information at.. https://indianbarassociation.in/latest-update/

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  • Shankar, Mangaluru

    Sun, Aug 22 2021

    John, Please stop your nonsense anti-vaccine talks. Even Pope Francis got vaccinated himself and he strongly recommended people to get vaccinated. Now, please don't say vaccine lobby has bought the Pope Francis. No one will believe...even non Christians like me.

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  • John, Mangalore

    Sun, Aug 22 2021

    Also, This had been prophecied in 2012 and ensuing Divine Anger, before this very liberal 266th Pope.... Global Vaccination: One of the most wicked forms of genocides ever witnessed since the deaths of the Jews under Hitler.... Also some serious prophecies on motives of Global vaccination in the Book of Truth which is available online also free links of it as follows, ( Book of truth mentioned in the Bible, Dan 10:21).... https://fatherofloveandmercy.wordpress.com/2012/11/10/global-vaccination-one-of-the-most-wicked-forms-of-genocides-ever-witnessed-since-the-deaths-of-the-jews-under-hitler/ ...and... https://fatherofloveandmercy.wordpress.com/2010/11/26/global-plan-to-deplete-world-population-and-overthrow-world-leaders/

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  • Shankar, Mangaluru

    Sun, Aug 22 2021

    Mandeg onchuru medicine bodu thojundu!!!1

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  • Shararth Kotian, mangalore

    Sun, Aug 22 2021

    @John, what are speaking. Stop encouraging anti vaccine campaign. If you do not want to take a vaccine, well and good ! . ...Kaha se athe e log

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  • John, Mangalore

    Sun, Aug 22 2021

    Shankar, Do we have straight forward report here as in following countries? "The UK Government’s reporting system for COVID vaccine adverse reactions from the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency released their latest report last Friday, August 13, 2021. The report covers data collected from December 9, 2020, through August 4, 2021, for the three experimental COVID “vaccines” currently in use in the U.K. from Pfizer, AstraZeneca, and Moderna. They report a total of 1,559 deaths and 1,135,579 injuries recorded following the experimental COVID injections." Reference and Details at https://healthimpactnews.com/2021/1135579-injuries-1559-dead-in-the-uk-following-covid-19-injections-according-to-uk-government/ .......... "And CDC (US) Records Show 12,791 DEAD and 682,873 Injuries Following COVID-19 Experimental Shots" Ref: https://healthimpactnews.com/2021/cdc-records-show-12791-dead-and-682873-injuries-following-covid-19-experimental-shots/

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  • Cynthia, Dk

    Sun, Aug 22 2021

    Shankaranna......Shankaranna.....what to say now ? So many people die known/unknown because of covid...and look at the comments from John....🙄🙄🙄...So many with religious background expired and john is saying divine medicine it seems.

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  • Agnes, Mangalore

    Sun, Aug 22 2021

    Experimenting on kids dear PM. Not enough if parents and teachers are vaccinated. Even kids need extra line of defence in the form of vaccine specially those who have immunity issues.

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  • John, Mangalore

    Sun, Aug 22 2021

    God is against forced and coercive vaccinations for students and employees and why? Divine Message on it to John Leary dated Wednesday, August 11, 2021 (Message mainly to american but also rest of the faithful or believers) Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a good number of people dying from the complications of receiving the Covid shots. This casket in the vision is an example of someone who died from the Covid shots, but many morticians and doctors are not publicly reporting these effects from the shots. The authorities lie about people who die, and they add these deaths to the Covid virus tally, even when they did not die from the virus. They also lie about covering up deaths from the Covid vaccines. I keep telling people not to take these poisonous shots, but now your employers and colleges are mandating the shots for employees and students, or they will lose their jobs and not be able to come to college. This is a dangerous loss of your freedoms, and a good number of vaccinated people will die with the next wild corona virus. I continue to remind My believers, who were vaccinated, that they get blessed with the Good Friday oil, or the exorcism water with the miraculous medal. I will bring My Warning before the next deadly virus comes, and people will know this healing information at My Warning. Trust in My healing power so you will not die from the evil one’s plans.”.... Jesus said: “My people, it is sad that your country is allowing corporations to demand mandatory vaccines, or you could lose your job. The same is true of colleges who are demanding Covid shots, or you cannot come to college for your degree. I am directing people to the americasfrontlinedoctors.org website where they have forms for workers or college students. You have your employer sign it that you will take the shot if they promise to pay for any medical complications from the shot. Most employers will shy away from being responsible for any health problems. This could be one way to legally hold your employer off from this unlawful mandatory Covid shot. You do not need this shot, and it is poison and it can destroy your immune system so you could die from the next corona virus. Trust in Me to protect you, but this is a dilemma for people who need a job to support their families.” Ref: http://www.johnleary.com/index.php/?cat=3&order=DESC

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  • Karkera, Mangalore

    Sun, Aug 22 2021

    So much time you wasted writing such a lengthy message which no one will bother to read!! Keep your anti vaccine policies to your self. If you don't want don't get yourself vaccinated. Polio, tetanus , hepatitis, rubella, measales , pertussis and many more diseases are not rampant now ,thanks to the vaccines. Smart people know whether to take vaccines or not.. stop spreading your ignorance and foolishness around.

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  • John, Mangalore

    Sun, Aug 22 2021

    These french are simply protesting , now sixth weekend in a row ? Refer pls following news... Ref: https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/covid-19-france-sees-anti-vaccine-demonstrations-for-sixth-weekend-2515814

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  • I wish I was There, Bahrain

    Sun, Aug 22 2021

    John Mangalore, Please write few words like One liner Jossey from Thana. Now he gone to eat Khana.

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  • Roselyn Dsouza, Oman

    Sun, Aug 22 2021

    Dear CM, Will you please make sure to vaccinate all above 12 years. Try to complete this job first then you think about schools.. You are putting the kids at risk forcing parents to send their kids to school. Last one year they have been studying thru online , got used to the online education system and are happy now. Pandemic will be there another 2 or more years.. we need to take basic precautions to avoid spread of corona..

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  • ca girishkk, m'lore/dxb

    Sun, Aug 22 2021

    where is happy man...????

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  • SM, Mangalore

    Sun, Aug 22 2021

    First send all the ministers who have not completed their schooling to attend schools. Then let them send their children and grand children. We are happy using them as test cases before sending our children. No question of sending children until they are vaccinated. Use your common sense ,if you have any, before taking decisions on behalf of others.

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  • G R PRABHUJI, Mangalore

    Sun, Aug 22 2021

    Very good decision. But my request with CM Bommai Sir ,that along with them please send those ministers and MLAs who have not at all completed 8th std or SSLC . That world have been better.

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  • Roshan, Udupi

    Sun, Aug 22 2021

    Our foolish actions will cost the life of our kids. Some parents find that their kids are a hindrance at home. They do not value their children.

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  • I wish I was There, Bahrain

    Sun, Aug 22 2021

    Honourable CM, There are office people still working from home, why are You pushing the parents to send their kids to school, why can't the kids study on line, what difference do it make.

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  • Chetan. S, Mangaluru, India

    Sun, Aug 22 2021

    The Govt of Karnataka are living in fools paradise,First vaccinate all .

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  • Roshan, Udupi

    Sun, Aug 22 2021

    Who will be responsible if our kids are infected ? Would the govt make sure that there are no power cuts in schools as it gets suffocating to breathe with the masks.

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  • Mastre, dubai

    Sun, Aug 22 2021

    Politicians will not take the blame if something serious happens to your child due to corona

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  • PINTO, Mangalore

    Sun, Aug 22 2021

    I completely agree with the CM. I will be the first one to send if they reopen tomorrow

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  • I wish I was There, Bahrain

    Sun, Aug 22 2021

    Are You sick of your kids staying at home.

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