Mangaluru: Thousands of diocesan Catholics unite in protest against Anti Conversion Bill

Pics: Spoorthi Ullal/Abhijith N Kolpe/ Stanly Bantwal

Daijiworld Media Network - Mangaluru (ANK)

Mangaluru, Mar 2: The Catholic Sabha, along with all its local branches in the district, held a candle light human chain on the roads and highways outside all the churches throughout Dakshina Kannada district on Wednesday, March 2 as a mark of peaceful protest against the Anti Conversion Bill proposed by the government of Karnataka. 

The protest began at 6 PM simultaneously in all the parishes including Rosario, Milagres, Bejai, Bendoor, Bondel and Neermarga. Thousands of Christians participated expressing concern over the country being divided on communal lines. The priests and nuns led by Bishop Peter Paul Saldanha took part in the protest in large numbers. Former MLA J R Lobo also headed a group of protestors in front of Abharan Jewellers in Bendoor. 

The parishes from across Mangalore took part in the protest. The protestors also delved on other issues like atrocities committed on Christians, destruction of 40-year-old Christian prayer hall at Kuloor here and desecration of the statue of Jesus Christ in Bengaluru.

The silent protestors urged the Government to drop the Anti Conversion Bill stating that it was in clear violation of the Constitutional Rights. The protestors also exptessed fears that the Bill could be misused and the Christian community may have to face a lot hardships as a result.  Several Catholic organisations including Cathoilc Sabha and ICYM took part in the protest. 

President of Catholic Sabha Sri Stanley Lobo and PRO of Mangalore diocese, Roy Castelino thanked all the community members for participating in the protest.





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  • Don, Mangalore

    Fri, Mar 04 2022

    For the first 350 years since the birth of Christianity, various rulers from around the world tried to suppress this movement in the most brutal ways. One of the worst was Christians were fed to hungry lions, while the ruling elite watched from the specially constructed galleries. Christianity is one sense is strange positive attack , when you leave it on its own it kind of dies down, but when you put it under pressure, Christianity spreads rapidly. Just wait for the next accurate census and see for yourselves how much tit has spread

    DisAgree [3] Agree Reply Report Abuse

  • Usha, Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    Whether this law applies to Christians only? Why Hindus, Muslims, Jains & Others not protesting against it?? Christians don't want to convert their people to other religion is this is a reason for protest??

    DisAgree [1] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • Agnes, Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    It is as alright to protest against the autocracies against Christians. But at the same time we should first protest against autocracies with our own homes, within our own community, within our religious institutions, poor tenants under our religious organisations. We should practice what we preach only then there is meaning in such protests.

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  • ravindra, shirva/sharjah

    Thu, Mar 03 2022


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  • Dev, Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    @ Cynthia, good to see you haven't lost faith in the criminal justice system still. Probably you don't know evidence can be concocted by investigating agencies working under some vested interests to harass people. What happened to Fr Stan Swamy? Why without any recorded conversions some preists in MP are in prison? Just confiscating some pamphlets available in public and some religious books are enough to arrest people. And they are verified only at the time of hearing the cases until then without bail how many innocent people can be incarcerated is only time will tell. There is existing law against forced conversions and conversions through inducements, why then these laws only in one party ruled states? Fight when they are getting introduced, once introduced it will take long legal battle to strike it down. According to the constitution every religious people have right to practice and propagate their religion and if you do then it will be branded as conversion attempt too. In MP Christmas celebrations in Catholic schools got spoiled by fringe groups by barging in and any laws are used to harass minorities despite your statements of not converting anybody. Choice is yours the intolerant environment you can't ignore for long unless one becomes the target to change their opinion you can continue to deny the ominous things most likely to happen in future.

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  • Rems, Mangaluru

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    Just standing there without saying anything ? It must have been a strange experience for the protesters.

    DisAgree [7] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Wilfred, Karnataka

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    Silent is strength not violent, result of silent is always glorious , Remember Mahthma Gnadi fought against strong Briton not with guns, stones, shouting and missiles but with silent and fasting and won the freedom.Christ accepted prosecution with silent finally outcome was Glory.

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  • Shuba, Mangaluru

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    Why do we change our constitutional rights? Is it not done for the benefits of all the citizens of this country? We need to stand out and protest against safeguarding our own rights - the present ruling parties have forgotten the freedom struggle and started their own selfish motto! May the Almighty enlighten their corrupted minds and lead them in the right direction.

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  • Rachel Menezes, Udupi

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    protesting against this bill

    DisAgree [2] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • Kiran Dsouza, Bangalore

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    Central government should bring Uniform Civil Code

    DisAgree [1] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

  • Anuj, Bengaluru

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    The Anti Conversion Bill does not mention any particular religion or community. It is common for all religions.

    DisAgree [20] Agree [28] Reply Report Abuse

  • sanjay pinto, manglaore

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    we know man....nothing is mentioned but towards whom it is intended....dont act smart..this party has divided country on the basis of religion...

    DisAgree [23] Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse

  • ravindra, shirva/sharjah

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    what intended??? its plan of protest to kill majority faith of the country and to join europe :) ...mindless thug people on chain!!

    DisAgree [5] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • H.A. Dsouza, Damoh

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    Christianity is a universal faith. To stop this faith they killed Jesus on Cross and today more than 150 countries worship him as Lord and Saviour. Teaching of Lord Jesus affected the human thinking towards our fellow members especially poor and downtrodden. People arround the world comming to Christ for peace and prosperity, which are promised by Lord to his followers. A particular faith getting popularity cannot be stopped by law and violence. JESUS Called his followers as light and salt of the earth.

    DisAgree [8] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • Valerian, Mangalore, London

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    Guys, protest and a peaceful one is good. All religion and practices should be respected.

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  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    My salutes to all Christian Brothers and Sisters for their well organized, well planned, non-violent, non-destruction, non-hatred, without obstructing traffic movement with masks, without disturbing law enforcement personnel about a PEACEFUL PROTESTS. May we all be blessed from the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in holy name of Jesus. Amen. My sincere prayers to you all. Numbers 6:24-26 - The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. Amen

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  • David Pais, Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    @ sanjay, v r speaking about all christians problems, not about a particular denomination. please limit 2 it.

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  • Alphonse Rodrigues, Udupi

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    Dear commentators, limit your comments exclusively to the topic: about destruction of christians monuments, statues, destruction of prayer hall at panjimogru, disturbing our prayers in churches all over Karnataka, destruction of kolar and Bangalore Jesus statues and monuments and conversion bill for which we have protested. Please refrain from commenting other news and views. Thank you.

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  • sanjay pinto, manglaore

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    yes you are right it is lenten period..or even otherwise being followers of Jesus Christ,..the only true God...we should not abuse others...but sometimes I get heated up by certain catholics who write against community without any bogos maka Jeju..tuji kakluth magntha..

    DisAgree [5] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • Cynthia, Dk

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    bogos maka Jeju..tuji kakluth magntha.......voi best.....ek bhati renv galn tacher dimbi galn, doni hath voir ubharn dha amche paans kan ters bhetovya... ukraine ani russia..cha loka pasun....tasenss indian govt. Cha sarv manthri pason....Gavya ami geeth bhogoss somya patka amchi bhogos. .sagle karezm...🙏🙏🙏....

    DisAgree [2] Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • N Mukkawala, Kinnigoly

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    If all religions are same why is the need to convert others ?

    DisAgree [4] Agree [33] Reply Report Abuse

  • Cynthia, Dk

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    More than Million dollar comment aa well as the ANTI INVASION....

    DisAgree [2] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • John Crasta, Mangaluru

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    Not all doctors prescribe the same medicine

    DisAgree [2] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • N Mukkawala, Kinnigoly

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    Need of the moment is ANTI INVASION law to protect the humanity .

    DisAgree [2] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • RK, mangalore

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    only Jesus is God....

    DisAgree [17] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • Agnello, Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    The bill could be used as a weapon by the politicians to target individuals and our institutions , schools, colleges , hospitals etc by investigating them for religious conversion and harassing them and making life difficult. The constitution gives us our right to practice and advertise our religion. If there is force there are other provisions in constitution which can be applied.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • Alwyn Dsouza, Canada

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    My salute to our.christians brothers and sister.for standing up.for your rights. Nobody is allowed to take away your religious freedom. God bless your courage to stand up.for those ignorant who dont understand what it means to hurting someone's religious freedom.

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  • Mangalurian, Mangaluru

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    Even though the bill may not name a particular religion (as a primary target), I strongly believe it is targeted towards Christians first and Muslims second. At the outset, the bill will look innocent and simple. What should concern the target parties is that, just like the rape and dowry accused, the accused in conversion could be put behind bars, and remain there for years as undertrials. Although I support no religion, what is bad in the justice systems of the non-Western world (like Pakistan, India etc) is that the UNDERTRIALS go through the same punishment as declared CRIMINALS. In the recent times we have heard of the rape-accused mallu man Franco. He was innocent from day one, but remain behind bars as an undertrial for years. This destroys not just the dignity of the person, nut the person themselves. Due to this, people must oppose such bills.

    DisAgree [10] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse

  • John Tauro, M'lore

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    In our country if an accused is acquitted by the court doesn't mean he is totally innocent. His position, wealth and political influence too play an important role in his acquittal.

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  • Daniel, Ujjodi/Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    Deepak, where only "western culture, Dress, food, technology etc." Now every Hindus adopted high yielding western COWS. I can challenge you if you can show me a single 'NATIVE KAT JATHIDA PETTA'. Every Hindu knew western or Christians means is the BEST OUT OF THE REST. Unfortunately they can not accept this truth as usual.

    DisAgree [10] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • Dylan, Mangalore

    Wed, Mar 02 2022

    According to the law have to inform the authorities about my conversion. Why all this will the authorities look after me after conversion. All rubbish no need of this BILL.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • Justin Lobo, Bangalore

    Wed, Mar 02 2022

    This is called a peaceful protests. No lies of speech, no shouting, no hate speeches, no abuse of another's faith, no violence, no hindrances to traffic and travellers, no property loss. Silent peaceful protests from law abiding Christians may God bless all of us, this nation and the whole world

    DisAgree [4] Agree [36] Reply Report Abuse

  • Flavian, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Wed, Mar 02 2022

    Protest only if your are guilty if no conersion is practiced why we should go against the bill ? Conersion bill may not be only against Christianity, it should apply to the rest of faiths. Forget about the historical conventions.

    DisAgree [24] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • sanjay pinto, manglaore

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    hope you are actually catholic and not someone in the garb of our community...or else you must have left the country long laws are made and are twisted as required....they will start harassing priests and nuns and christian how TADA, COFEPOSA were misused against Muslim if you do not know just shut your mouth..i bet you are not genuine catholic at all...

    DisAgree [8] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • John Tauro, M'lore

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    In the present century nobody converts anybody by force or inducement or by providing monetary or economic favours.

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  • N Dsouza, Mangalore

    Wed, Mar 02 2022

    Waste of time and effort. There will be no use of this protest. The bill will be passed no matter what.

    DisAgree [23] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Frank, BC Road

    Wed, Mar 02 2022

    Can someone enlighten me on if this anti conversion bill stops anyone from practicing their faith at their home or their place of worship?If that is not the case ,whoever opposing the bills are nothing but a troublemakers.

    DisAgree [60] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vinod Kumar, Mangalore

    Wed, Mar 02 2022

    That will follow once this bill is passed and made into law as part of CAA, NPR and NRC. Catholics are fighting for willful right to conversion as per the constitution. Law against forced conversion law is already in effect so no need for this law to cripple willful conversion without force and lure.

    DisAgree [9] Agree [47] Reply Report Abuse

  • rajesh shetty, mangalore

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    this rule only for christians not other religion

    DisAgree [4] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Cynthia, Dk

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    But why Rajesh ? In other communities conversion doesn't happen ? Why pointing 👉out at Christians only when, nothing mentioned in the bill, this is only for Christian community. ( i am not talking about the conversions took place 3/4 decades ago) present trend ...

    DisAgree [3] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Roshan Patrao, Traffic Warden, Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    Dear Mr. Frank, please go through the draft of the Bill (it is available on the Net) and enlighten yourself. But don't forget to read between the lines. Then decide if those opposing the Bill are troublemakers or are fighting for fairness in the Bill.

    DisAgree [7] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • mahabala, USA

    Wed, Mar 02 2022

    Namasthe, Just wondering does this bill applies to all the citizens/all the religions of Karnataka or just a particular religion only?

    DisAgree [2] Agree [30] Reply Report Abuse

  • Flavian, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Wed, Mar 02 2022

    Let the government bring anti conversion bill its government decision. Is that against christianity or any hindrance in practicing our faith in our religion. Such act will apply only when trying to lure other communitt people to conert to Christianity. If they are bringing any un lawful act against our follo our faith or using our Christian symbols or any outfits then we need to raise our voices. Minorities cannot do much as long as the majority government is in power.

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  • Dev, Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    If you read the draft of the bill then only you can understand how draconian this law can be. If any neighbour complains then the accused can be imprisoned without bail, knowing our legal system the accused can languish in jails without trial and verdict. Sanjeev Bhatt who exposed the conspiracy of Godhra pogrom is still in prison and higher courts aren't interested in his case which is fake abinitio. A journalist is in UP prison without bail despite not reporting any rape case he went to report. The law can be used to harass minorities with stringent clauses which considers the accused as guilty until proven innocent unlike our laws that used to consider a person as innocent until proven guilty.

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  • Cynthia, Dk

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    This anti conversion bill applies to all. Why our other communities like islam, Buddhists, parsis, sikhs, jains etc are quiet ? If all communities protest there's a real meaning. Its not mentioned in the bill that, only for "Christians".. We say boldly we dont convert. Secondly, how any can complain randomly that my neighbor has converted/friend has converted ? Complainant should give enough proof of what he complains. Because, if conversions are done, it will be recorded in our regusters. Simply, name sake no one will be getting converted, if he/she doesnt get recognise after conversion. He/she will be no where if there is no record in the register..either in his previous religion or converted religion. Thirdly, govt should know that, all the institutions, religious houses, commercial complexes, halls are built by the people belonging to that community (of course, many donors of other communities too help ) by their hard work money and not by the community leaders. They leave everything behind and join the religious life having nothing.

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  • Ben D'Souza Prabhu, Mangalore, Bombay Bandra now in Canada

    Wed, Mar 02 2022

    A Peaceful PROTEST is always liked and appreciated by every one ! My friends, you all are doing a Worthwhile Job ! GOD is on your side ! THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR HARD AS WELL AS RISKY WORK !!!

    DisAgree [7] Agree [40] Reply Report Abuse

  • Alphonse Rodrigues, Udupi

    Wed, Mar 02 2022

    We need food clothing shelter, hospitals and jobs from the government. Not conversion bill. Level it to citizens. Don't interfere in citizens personal life.

    DisAgree [16] Agree [53] Reply Report Abuse

  • Alphonse Rodrigues, Udupi

    Wed, Mar 02 2022

    Leave it to citizens (Level it to citizens)

    DisAgree [1] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • Deepak, Mangalore

    Wed, Mar 02 2022

    When we belong to one religion which come from our elders. If i want to change my religion than its my right. Religion don't feed us. Its our faith.

    DisAgree [10] Agree [57] Reply Report Abuse

  • David Pais, Mangalore

    Wed, Mar 02 2022

    conversion is a humans birth right. a human can choose any faith he wanted/likes & worship his God. conversion bill 2 stop conversions is a draconian law produced.. scrap dis anti-conversion bill.

    DisAgree [16] Agree [49] Reply Report Abuse

  • Charles D'Mello, Pangala

    Wed, Mar 02 2022

    Catholics need not protest. As Catholics are not converting anybody by giving money or gifts. If someone wants to convert it is not easy . Those who wish to convert this stupid bill can not stop them for sure.

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  • Vinod Kumar, Mangalore

    Wed, Mar 02 2022

    In this new amended bill from BJP govt the person who wants to convert has no voice and no right. The right to convert is subject to the approval by the govt and any neighbours or well wisher can object this conversion for any reason without the knowledge of that person.

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  • Cynthia, Dk

    Wed, Mar 02 2022

    Exactly..... When we know and we say that we dont convert, whats the necessity for doing all this ? If the govt wants to pass the bill, let it do so. If we simply take the steps like this, govt will be more stubborn and will be more adamant and even doubtful. If others want to get converted, its their wish. If he truly wirships a god of his/her choice, from the heart, anyone can come to know ? Why people disagreed for this comment?

    DisAgree [15] Agree [34] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vinod Kumar, Mangalore

    Wed, Mar 02 2022

    This bill could reach upto first Christians who converted to Christianity when missionaries first landed in india hence making all conversions as illegal. It’s Putin raj in india now as he claims all his neighbours are historically part of Russia.

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  • Harish, Mumbai

    Wed, Mar 02 2022

    What is wrong in that?

    DisAgree [53] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vinod Kumar, Mangalore

    Wed, Mar 02 2022

    So, now you believe as per western historians and thier discoveries. Congress fighting single handedly for independence is also a twisted story for you among so many. Changing colour like chameleon is your life.

    DisAgree [16] Agree [50] Reply Report Abuse

  • Deepak, Mangalore

    Wed, Mar 02 2022

    When we can adopt western culture, Dress, food, technology etc. Then why fighting for religious issues. If we really want to fight for our religion then we should sacrifice all adopted western culture and wear, eat what our religious culture says.

    DisAgree [7] Agree [58] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rachel Menezes, Udupi

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    I knew people in mid India converting to SC/ST to obtain government seats and quota. This bill has wide scope!! Don’t protest and get highlighted.

    DisAgree [2] Agree Reply Report Abuse

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