Somashekar Commission Report: An Effort to Please All Petitioners

Somashekar Commission Report: An Effort to Please All Petitioners

Fr. Francis Assisi D’ Almeida, Advocate/Legal advisor
and Director Legal Cell, Diocese of Mangalore

Mangalore, Jan 29:

The terms of reference for the Commission of Inquiry were:

(i)To inquire into the sequence of events and circumstances leading to attack on the places of worship and incidents thereafter which occurred during the month of September 2008 in Dakshina Kannada and other districts of Karnataka
(ii)To identify persons and organizations responsible for the above incidents;
(iii)To ascertain whether there was any negligence or lapses on the part of district administration in dealing with the situation

The Final Report of the Somshekara Commission does not do justice to the terms of reference of the Commission. When the Commission was constituted to go into a matter of public importance, the key question on the minds of the public was the answer to the questions of why the attacks happened, who was behind it as well as the question of the responsibility of the state government for the attacks.

It is deeply disappointing that a Commission after working for two years has no strong conclusions on these points. Whatever points the Report makes seem to be self contradictory and appear to be made with a view to pleasing all parties.

On the fundamental question of who was behind the attacks, the Commission finds that , 'there is no basis to the apprehension of Christian Petitioners that the politicians, BJP, mainstream Sangh Parivar and State Govt., directly or indirectly, are involved in the attacks.' However later on the Report observes, 'the plea of many Christian memorialists for taking action as per law against Mr. Mahendra Kumar, the then Convenor of Bajrangdal who publicly sought to justify the attacks on Churches is totally justified.' The Report then goes on to note that, 'the plea that the organizations like Bajrang Dal needs identification and registration for legal control deserves acceptance'

One is unable to reconcile the categorical finding of the lack of involvement of 'mainstream Sangh Parivar' in the attacks with the finding of the responsibility of both Bajrang Dal and Mahendra Kumar. One is only forced to conclude that Bajrang Dal is not ‘mainstream Sangh Parivar' contrary to the assertions of the leaders of the RSS themselves. Further it seems from the conclusions of the Commission that Mahendra Kumar was behind the attacks as a Convenor of the Bajrang Dal, but the Bajrang Dal itself is not a mainstream Sangh Parivar outfit. This wilful blindness to existing facts about the Sangh Parivar and the linkages between the Bajrang Dal, VHP and RSS so ably pointed out by the Liberhan Commission undermines the credibility of the entire report.

On the question of state responsibility once again the Report concludes that, 'the impression and allegation that the top police officers and the district administration had colluded with attackers in attacking the church or places

of worship had no merit.' The Report also in the face of all evidence before it shockingly concludes that , 'the police action against the Christian protestors in several incidents were justified except at St Sebastian Church, Permanur, unexplainably excessive and unreasonable and is in violation of the expected  norms prescribed. But the same cannot be generalised for all police actions at different locations.' However in the very next Para the Report states, 'it was imprudent, unreasonable and inexperienced act on the part of the police to enter into the premises of some churches in Dakshina Kannada without following legal requirements amounting to violation of religious interests and human rights protected under the Constitution of India.' The Report also states, 'the impression created incidentally that due to the alleged excesses of the police during the lathi charge etc in Dakhina Kannada incidents the innocent people like children, women were also victimised unjustifiably is true in a few instances noted in the report categorically.'

As such the Report has completely failed in establishing the 'truth' with respect to the church attacks and uncovering the role of the Sangh Parivar inspite of ample evidence before it. The faith reposed by the Christian community that justice would indeed be served has been belied by a mediocre report shot through with inconsistencies and contradictions.

Specifically at Dakshina Kannada:

The report accepts out rightly that there were attacks on Christian worship places and Prayer Halls especially in Dakshina Kannada but fails to pin point the particular group behind this attack. Report speaks that “the true Hindus have no role to play in any attack directly or indirectly, but the attacks are indulged in by misguided fundamentalists’ miscreants of defined or undefined groups or organizations against Christians and Christianity who have mistakenly presumed that they would be protected by the party in power with their policies at the relevant  time”. The Commission is silent about those miscreants and their identity.

The commission tries to justify the excessive use of force by the police on children and women at Kulshekhara church, vamanjoor church etc, by saying that “The police action against the Christian protestors in several incidents were justified except at St. Sebestian Church, Permannur unexplainly explainably excessive and unreasonable and is in violation of the expected norms prescribed”. At the later stage the commission itself accepts that “The impression created incidentally that due to the alleged excesses of the police during the lati

charge etc., in Dakshina Kannada incidents the innocent people like children, women were also victimised unjustifiably is true in a few instances noted in the report categorically”. It is clear from this point that the excessive force used by the police is not only at Permannur but other places also.

Though the Christian memorialists at Dakshina Kannada have placed sufficient material before the commission about the derogatory material circulated by the fundamentalists group at Dakshina Kannada against the Christians and their God before and after math of the attack, still the commission has not taken into consideration these things. But only upholds that “The allegations and impressions given to the members of the Hindu religion that Christians are indulging in mischievous activities by commercialising or inducements and by using their literature maligning the Hindu Religion, Hindu ancient systems, Hindu sacred beliefs and sentiments appears mostly probable and true at some locations” Though there is ample evidence before the commission to show the failure of the District administration and the Police department during the untoward incident, the commission failed to take note of it and to give fair justice.

Along with other reliable evidence on record and specially the then S.P of Dakshina Kannada, Mr. Satish Kumar in his cross examination clearly said that the attack was done by the ‘Bajarangdala’, the commission failed to give finding against the bajarangdal.
As a Coordinator of the advocates who appeared before the commission on behalf of the Christians of Karnataka State and also placing my arguments before the commission, I find that the report is very naive, an effort to please all the petitioners and not exactly to give the justice to those who are unjustly victimised by the law breakers.


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  • Mario Monteiro, Mangalore/Toronto.Canada

    Sat, Feb 12 2011

    If women who visit pubs and now christian places of worship are attacked, then there are fanatical political forces at work who want to suppress the secular framework of India where freedom of speech and religious freedom is guaranteed. A small point of interest to note is that church property, christian educational intituttions, etc. were constructed on land purchased legally and in strategic locations so that christian communities could live close to these institutions, in many cases this land was purchased hundreds of years ago. Does this invite jealousy among other religions? Does the Government in power and other political leaders and the judiciary want to uproot the Christian community from India? Leaders like Nehru, Mahatma Ghandhi, and other freedom fighters who made India a secular nation at independence by including the word secular in the constitution will not be happy at the present state of affairs. Hopefully the Christian community in India (Mangalore especially) will show restraint in dealing with communal forces.

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  • Arun Fernandes, Madanthyar/Bangalore

    Mon, Jan 31 2011

    Mr. Bangera,
    If possible pls browse on the net for a copy of Bangalore Mirror dated 31st Jan 2011....If u are wise enough u will know what the truth is

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  • cyril mathias, udupi

    Mon, Jan 31 2011

    The report of Justice Somashekar is a mockery of justice.We are reminded of the cat and monkey story.The interim report tried to please the victims{christians} while the final report gives a clean chit to the attackers{sangh parivaris}.The present govt has polluted not only legislature but also the judiciary.Jusice Somashekar is only a pawn in the hands of currupt ministers.The govt has withdrawn cases against the perpetraters of violence.The innocent christian youth are moving from jail to court.It is indeed very sad.I request the christian leadrs specially the clergy to come out from their sunday collection and sunday sermons and lead the flock politically also.Let all christian denominatins come together and protest this injusice.

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  • Kiran Bangera, Kaup / Sharjah

    Mon, Jan 31 2011

    Kareem Uchil, Manglore/Bahrain - U have used a very offensive language against indian judicial system. If you do not believe in the indian judiciary U are welcome to migrate to a country of your choice

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  • D. F. Lobo, Mangalore

    Sun, Jan 30 2011

    Why do you simply worry about this Commission Report? It doesnt make any difference. Justice Somashekara was asked by the State Govt to appear for an examination and write. So, he has done his job and received his remuneration. Mr Yeddy was yawning when he was receiving the same Report from Justice Somashekara. Now, we, the people, have to do the same. Thats all. Dont worry, be happy.

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  • Kareem Uchil, Manglore/Bahrain

    Sun, Jan 30 2011

    India's Judicial is like a prostitute..If u have money & power u can buy easily.....Shame,Shame,Shame

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  • Arun R, Mangalore

    Sun, Jan 30 2011

    If BJP Govt. still remains in power, the next year's Karnataka Rajyotsav award goes to Mr. Somshekar. Cogratullations.....

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  • vips, mangalore

    Sun, Jan 30 2011

    if this happens again...then all will see the real power of peace lovers...!!!

    i can say the people who did such thing are 'impotents' not ready to show their faces...he he he

    and now Somanna has proved it...!!

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  • Ashok, Dubai

    Sun, Jan 30 2011

    Dear Kamath

    what is indian politics? Is it killing innocent people? Attacking minority? Looting public properties? Corruption? Gundagiry? and what not. Do you expect Roman catholic join in such politics? No way. We are born and prepared to suffer from others.Christ had also suffered in this world, so his follower are not exempted.

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  • manav, orissa/india

    Sun, Jan 30 2011

    The judge Somoshekara is a poppet of BJP and accordingly he has acted and given the blind judgment. In this world he has acted as blind and for his eternal, he can not act his own and God will give him the punishment and that time the BJP will never come to rescue him.

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  • Valson Mendonsa, Mangalore/USA

    Sun, Jan 30 2011

    All join together and send a signed memorandum to the President/PM of India for CBI enquiry, please note that, you have full right to do that and make it end of the story of this BARBADI JANATA PARTY.(BJP)

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  • Louis D'Souza, Udupi/Kuwait

    Sun, Jan 30 2011

    Mr. Kuldeep Kamath, India, we presented the case in right manner with all evidence, (Check the midterm report) but did not put weight (Crores)on the papers. But yeddys govt twisted the report with paper weight that made the difference. Please give your advice to corrupt judge $oma $heker.

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  • alwyn, Canada

    Sun, Jan 30 2011

    Ashok, Dubai Saturday, January 29, 2011

    Christian Friends are not angry on hindus, it is some fanatic of your brother are angry on christianS.You believe in Jesus as Krishna or Hamuman or Yeddi. There is one Jesus and no repalcement of Jesus with any other gods. Believe whatever ways as long as you beleive the living god.

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  • Harold D'cunha, Mangalore, India

    Sun, Jan 30 2011

    Dear Community leaders, Mr. Kuldeep Kamath has mentioned in his comments the following with his proposals:

    " Why to character assassinate the aged good judge while you may have poorly presented the case and he had judged on the material you presented. How you have presented you case matter".

    I personally to a great extent agree to the statement of Mr. Kuldeep Kamath. We might have presented our case in a very poorly to the Commission. Our ground work with drained brain might have hampered the case against Christian community which should have read in our favor.
    During the church attack, those Christians who has hired wise lawyers, their case has been evicted and judgment has been read in their favour. So we also have to partly blame ourselves for not appointed smart lawyers.
    It is better to have one wise person rather than 100 dumb characters.

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  • TINA D'SOUZA , Kirem/Bahrain

    Sun, Jan 30 2011

    Boycott Indian Judicial system. It is corrupted and it is far from being fair. Shame on Indian judiciary at the hands of some monkeys.

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  • Melvy Pinth, Mangalore

    Sun, Jan 30 2011

    Mr. Somashekhar,
    I know my comments will not have effects on the likes of you but still I would like to ask 3 things after your report:
    1. Are you blind????
    2. Don't u think refering you as justice is a insult to justice system and Judeges?????
    3. Do you like what you see when you see the mirror?????

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  • Ravi gopal Acharya, Udipi/Dubai

    Sun, Jan 30 2011

    Ravi Mangalore
    Please note your comment here as follows,
    "not ready to accept conversion activity for increasing no. but want punishment for people who opposing it."
    But how come hindus too convert people and from where this Hare Rama and Hare Krishna white people of USA came in to existence. It is too conversion of others to hindus. Is it allowed there and not here in india? And even lots of funds are collected and sent here (particulery to ISCON temples)

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  • Kuldeep Kamath, India

    Sun, Jan 30 2011

    As claimed by this young priest in the picture that he is the coordinator and put his arguments before the judge has the very thing gone against the case for catholic community. Could this young priest be of wisdom and stature to present this complex issue before the commission? What is his experience in field of criminal law? Did the bishop appoint him. Was there an experienced lay lawyer in par with judge Somashakar who would have done a better job and much superior justice to the community? Why to character assassinate the aged good judge while you may have poorly presented the case and he had judged on the material you presented. How you have presented you case matter. Can we go little deeper in this matter for the knowledge of the public.

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  • Kuldeep Kamath, India

    Sun, Jan 30 2011

    Harold, I appreciate your honesty in acknowledging that you people suffer from the how brow mentality. That is what keeps you people from joining the main line politics. Says you saint Paul be all things to all men. Be a Roman in Rome. What about that? May be in haven you will be surprise to see Yaddhi next to you. As you know he is man of repentance and tears.

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  • Mickey Castelino, Jayashreegate / Mangalore

    Sun, Jan 30 2011

    I have got the document, the complaint given by a priest, who given call for agitation on 15 Sept  when the Sec 144 is at Mangalore - that some Christians are in background of the attack. The Somashekar Commission failed to find out th...e Christians behind this attack. The commission is not followed the Indian Law - instead it followed Cannon Law. It is not pointed out real culprits - it tried to escaped from the controversy as our Clergy doing.

    The police were made victims by Commission - and a self styled christian leader who is running behind the police for protection of his activities in the church premises, arranging games - competitions and distributing Kuswar is also told that police have to be punished - is legal as per Cannon Law I think!

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  • Harold D'cunha, Mangalore, India

    Sun, Jan 30 2011

    Dear Kuldeep Kamath, as u have mentioned "you catholic have your own agenda and not involved in main stream politics."
    This is absolutely wrong. The older generation have involved in main political party but the young generation lost trust in it as we see only corruption, cheating, lies, dishonesty which is contrary what our values we receive.
    Another point u had pointed out is "You live with suprior attitude and your clergy represent you. Let your laiety represent you". Generally as a whole the Self Esteem of Christian in the world is quite good compared to others as we believe in our Creator and if our path and end is ve and right, we will be blessed in totality. This is not superior complex but positive self esteem. In Mangalore Christian as a whole are educated and the clergy has absolutely less or no control. We are more individualistic and donot loose our identity to clergy. Hope this is clear.

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  • Mahesh kamath,

    Sun, Jan 30 2011

    We have seen what happened in Karnataka. Politicians are just dividing the people in the name of religion. they want people's vote, nothing else. In order to get it they will to any kind of act. Justice Somashekar is injustice in this case. we have seen how brutally police have acted on innocent people. There is no democdracy in karnataka. people should awake in the next election.

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  • Harold D'cunha, Mangalore, India

    Sun, Jan 30 2011

    Shekar, the attack on churches are premediated, suppressed venom against minority by the fanatic group over the years and the book which u claim to be derrogatory has been published by a bramim Hindu covert to Christianity almost 12 to 15 yrs back in AP.
    This book has nothing to do with Karnataka.
    The author of the book should have been caught instead of attacking the churches.
    If one migrate to other countries we donot bother but we will defend it as it suits us. Then individual benefit becomes more important than contributing one's education to the development of his or her motherland. But if one changes his or her religion due to suppression,oppression, inequality then it hurts because less people to control. Share your wealth & income with the less priviledged and they will not move to other religion rather others will follow yours becasue of your good example. Only WILL requires to do it.

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  • TINA D'SOUZA , Kirem/Bahrain

    Sat, Jan 29 2011

    Come on guys let us not waste our time on a stupid arguement. What better justice can you expect in our country??????. The ultimate Justice Will be given by one & only One "GOD " . No one can run away from him niether Yeddy nor Somashekara , nor the police, Bajarangis.

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  • Ashok, Dubai

    Sat, Jan 29 2011

    Christian Friends why so angry. Hindus are your brothers. Because you people are Hindu converted christains. Even we Hindus belive Lord Jessus is Lord Krishna & Infant Jesus is Bala Krishna. Origin of every thing in this world is starts from Hindu God, Hindu Culture & Hindus. You people are very lucky to born in India.

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  • Enid Albuquerque, Mangalore

    Sat, Jan 29 2011

    His job is was not please everyone, I mean Yeddy, BJP, RSS and the BD. His job was to find out and the truth. There is no doubt that the old man got an opportunity to get some big money from Yeddy for his retired life and just signed the document dictated by Yeddy and Acharya. Whether you like it or not this is the fact. The truth is bitter and no one likes it.

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  • veigas, mlore

    Sat, Jan 29 2011

    arey people till yeddurappa is on his seat we will never ever get justice ...lord save us

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  • prakash, mangalore

    Sat, Jan 29 2011

    Somashekara ,

    how much did you get from yeddi and his cheddi gang ? cash or kind probably few more acres of land!

    shame on you for playing with justice !

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  • Felix F., India/Ksa

    Sat, Jan 29 2011

    S Noronha, Mangalore

    WE meaning who.??????

    Bishop, Arch Bishop,Fr. Francis Assisi D’ Almeida, Advocate/Legal advisor, All the priests and Nuns
    or like the last time, Catholic youngsters and good samaritans, who fought selflessly and are still suffering from court cases, while the Clergy will hide behind the screen

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  • ahmebava, mangalore

    Sat, Jan 29 2011

    Somshekara Commission and ADVOCATES are trained from RSS and BAJRANGDAL so muslims and christian are helpless

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  • shivam, udupi, muscat

    Sat, Jan 29 2011

    i agree with u shekar ! well said.

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  • I.J.D'Souza, Karkala

    Sat, Jan 29 2011

    I feel terribly upset by reading the report.It looks to me that Justice Somshekar might have trapped in Yeddis operation Kamal. Yeddi did the wonder again ?
    what a shame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • rose celine BS, mangalore

    Sat, Jan 29 2011

    The Somshekar commmission has failed to produce facts and mete out justice to the victims of church attacks. It is a further oppression of the exploited and deprivation of justice. That's very painful! we must together raise our voices against it.

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    Sat, Jan 29 2011

    Yudirappa seems to have hijacked the report.Somashekar and CM are the two faces of the same coin.We cant expect factual report when the communal party in power.The absolute power curupts abolutely

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  • Vallie, Sullia

    Sat, Jan 29 2011

    Justice Somashekar report pleases the Govt. of Karnatka. When ther is no justice comissions like this a waste of time. The police action on the christian people shows partiality made by the present govt. of karnataka. The report is on expected line.

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  • Nancy, USA

    Sat, Jan 29 2011

    Dear Shekar/Udupi - How can we have control over an individual who preaches his faith to others? He may be a religious fanatic. Because of him, one cannot go out and destroy the place of worship. Logic is very simple. There are solid evidence that Church attack was pre-planned and perhaps the distribution of degrading liturature was the part of the plan to justify the cause for the attack. Church attack was the part of bigger conspiracy - only a few masterminds of this attack know. Fortunately or unfortunately, it wasn't given them the anticipated results because of the worldwide protest.

    Mangalorean Christians, though not filthy rich, are powerful and trust worthy. There are quite a few Mangaloreans settled worldwide and employed in very sensitive positions such as Swiss banks etc. because of their honesty. One day the worldwide Mangaloreans may form a network and expose the ill-gotten wealth of all the corrupt politicians. Let them think before they play with our sentiments!
    Note that Mangalorean Christians do not indulge in violence but they fight in their own way to get justice.

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  • Wilson DSouza, Paladka

    Sat, Jan 29 2011

    This is probably the best that a retired judge can do !!!

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  • thomas, mangalore

    Sat, Jan 29 2011

    RAM, Mangalore / Bahrain..
    du u have any proof agaisnt somshekar ?no.
    same way there is no proof on church attack and also on conversion activites.

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  • john, hyderabad

    Sat, Jan 29 2011

    good judgement
    and also its true that to attain comunal harmony one must stop forced conversion.

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  • ravi, mangalore

    Sat, Jan 29 2011

    trurth is always bitter in taste.
    same with daiji comentators..
    not ready to accept conversion activity for increasing no. but want punishment for people who opposing it.

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  • raj, mangalore

    Sat, Jan 29 2011

    Hamid, Mangalore..true..
    see how safe christinas n pak,afgan,bangla ?
    y hindus are not peace lovers like them ?

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  • Kuldeep Kamath, India

    Sat, Jan 29 2011

    It is common sense that every community has to involve in the political process of a nation. you catholic have your own agenda and not involved in main stream polictics. You live with suprior attitude and your clergy represent you. Let your laiety represent you. And see the change you want. Begin the political process by registering a party at national level. You will be treated justly.

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  • Ronald Madtha, Borimar/Mira Road/ Maldives

    Sat, Jan 29 2011

    My Dear Friends, Dont Blame the Political Parties or any Organisations. This work was done by our own politicians.To gain the sympathy Votes, Justice will be done at Gods Place.For Politicians there is no Cast , Creed and religion. Thier everything is VOTE.When your voting vote right candidate and not party. Whoever switched to other party for money and power show them door.

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  • botha, bangalore

    Sat, Jan 29 2011

    good judgement..and slap on converting machinery..

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  • Alwyn, Canada

    Sat, Jan 29 2011

    Be proud to be a christian and serve all the sheeps of christ regardless of whom they belongs to. All those sheeps will turn to the lord in a appropriate time becasue lord is the master of all of us. Legal system is man made and has all loop wholes to makes one happy and the other sad without providing appropriate justice. Wait for a justice from our lord Jesus Christ which will be a proper justice in a appropriate time. Donot harm anyone untill this justice previals to all. Peace be upon all sheep including involved with these attacks, legal system specillay Soma done a great job to provide justice to goondas to perform more such activities. All wil change in a matter of time. Be calm and peacefull.

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  • Clara Lewis, Kemmannu/Dubai

    Sat, Jan 29 2011

    BJP aiming for PM's seat, this is their game to secure place in central by pleasing Hindu majority in the country.

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  • john, bangalore

    Sat, Jan 29 2011

    Hamid, Mangalore..whole wold know which relegius is ruling our neighbouring country ..

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  • Thomas D'Mello, Kundapura

    Sat, Jan 29 2011

    This was expected and I AM NOT SURPRISED.

    After all the commission means, employing a retired Judge who will be given a fat salary during the time of enquiry.
    Apart from fat salary, several perks like car, accommodation,and many other allowances.

    Who does not want that job?

    One should know:
    1. First of all he is hand picked by the CM or his staff.
    2. Naturally he has been counseled and briefed prior to appointing him as to what is expected of him.
    3. He will take his own sweet time to do his enquiry at his will. Number of extensions! There is no audit about it except a powerful opposition. That also, only after submitting the report which becomes official.


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  • Cyril D'Cunha, UAE

    Sat, Jan 29 2011

    Instead of bringing the culprits to justice the judiciary is mocking constitutional freedom. I have lost hopes in the system.

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  • William Gonsalves, Madanthyar/Doha, Qatar

    Sat, Jan 29 2011

    Earlier I had a better hope from the Judicial Probe. This report by Justice Somahekar made us to feel the we are deprived of justice no matter how our lawyers agrue the case. This is the only reason both BJP & Congress set up Judicial Probe every now & then and later hijack the judgement. People lost faith on political parties & now judiciary.

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  • Hamid, Mangalore

    Sat, Jan 29 2011

    This all planned agenda of RSS & Sanga Parivar, they entreat some unemployed leader like Thogadiya, to insulting minority and also make hatred between communities . They speculating some old slogans, like conversion and Love jihad. This people still not learn from our neighboring counties what happing result of their own terrorism.

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  • Sunil D'Souza, Mangalore/Qatar

    Sat, Jan 29 2011

    What more any one can expect when Yeddi & party still ruling the state?.

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  • RAM, Mangalore / Bahrain

    Sat, Jan 29 2011

    There should a meeting of ALL INDIA Bishops, and this report of Somashekara Commission must be REJECT in one voice...!!!???

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  • Calvin, Udupi / Abu Dhabi

    Sat, Jan 29 2011

    If no one is involved then did an Alien from out space come and attack our churches Mr. Somashekar?

    Why do you lie and give RSS / Bajrang Dal a clean chit when the ex convener of Bajrang Dal took responsibilty for the attacks?

    This report is a shame and you are desperately trying to shield Sangh Parivar who were behind these attacks.

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  • Shekar, udupi/Dubai

    Sat, Jan 29 2011

    Though attacks on churches are to be condemed, let us learn to accept the report in the right sense.If the report had blamed the Hindu organizations, i guess daijiworld and my friends who made the comments would have whole heartedly accepted it right? we should try to find out what is the root cause of these problems and try to eliminate them.If certain chritian organizations are degrading other religions, i think it is better that they stop it instead of blaming others for the after effects, which would never really help solve the problem. Truth is harsh indeed!!!

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  • Terance Vas, Mangalore

    Sat, Jan 29 2011

    I do not know why Ronald Madtha does not understand if Somshekar is paid by Yeddirappa? Please try and understand where are our so called leaders? Only Bangalore Archdiocese has openly expressed the disappointment. What about Mangalore diocese? Where are they?  Please note this point Mr. Ronald Madtha. Where are our political leaders who think they should become ministers, even after people do not elect them anymore? Mr. Oscar, Ronald C, Alva etc where are they now?

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  • S Noronha, Mangalore

    Sat, Jan 29 2011

    We should have a formal and public protest and demonstration against this report.

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    Sat, Jan 29 2011

    Mahedra Kumar then convenor of Bajarang Dal jailed for 40 days in Bellary jail Why?Who was Mahendra Kumar on that time?He was the excutive official of the BD on the day of Church attack.Justice Somashekar Commission did not come in to the conculsion that who were behind such planned and organaised attacks on Churchs?Therefore the Commission's report seems to be vague and biased.

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  • Harold Dsouza, Belman, Qatar

    Sat, Jan 29 2011

    why can't you question this in court ( please do it if you can ), also there should be more people for such communal riot reports, from Hindu / Muslim / Christian. Then hopefully some fair report will come. ( this kind of practice should be implemented for all the riot cases )

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    Sat, Jan 29 2011

    Who was involved in the attack? If some of those goondas were beaten up or killed on the spot, at the very instance of attack, it would have been very clear who was involved. We would have saved thousands of pages of report, waste of time and money. This is a report dictated by the government. Justice somashekar did terrible injustice by playing in the hands of the politicians. Those goondas who brought bad name to entire Hindu community are well protected and paid by political goondas. You can't hide the truth for loo long. It will come out, just wait and see.

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  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Sat, Jan 29 2011


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  • Rakesh, Udyavar

    Sat, Jan 29 2011

    Be proud to live as a christian Dear brothers and sisters.It doesnt harm our faith towards christ, if the churches get attacked.In fact , it shows the cheap mentality of the people to do so.These people are such an idots that, They are disgracing Lord Rama by naming thier organisations behind him and involving in voilent activities.

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  • Ronald Madtha, Borimar/Mira Road/ Maldives

    Sat, Jan 29 2011

    I dont understand, whether Yediyurappa paid money to Justice Somshekar or Advocates who is representing Christians. Point to be Noted my Lord!

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Title: Somashekar Commission Report: An Effort to Please All Petitioners

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