Mangalore: Stella Maris Orphanage Issues Clarification - Allays Conversion Allegations

Mangalore: Stella Maris Orphanage Issues Clarification - Allays Conversion Allegations 

Pics: Dayanand Kukkaje
Daijiworld Media Network – Mangalore (PS/SB)

Mangalore, April 12: At a press conference attended by Lynette AC, provincial superior, Apostolic Carmel, Karnataka Province, St Ann’s Convent, Mangalore, P F Martha, headmistress, Stella Maris, Sr Agatha Mary, superior general, corporators Mariamma Thomas and Naveen D’Souza, Denis D’Silva, state convenor of IFKCA, the pain caused by the recent allegations by Bajarang Dal on Christian institutions was put forth by the management of Stella Maris orphanage before the media here on Tuesday April 12.

Occasioned by unwarranted and shocking disruption of the homeward journey of the 41 children from Stella Maris Orphanage, Kotekar to Bidar on April 8, they said that allegations on their institution are purely wrong and loss has been suffered by them. They also said that a case has been filed in both Kadri and Ullal police station.

Lynette AC, provincial superior, Apostolic Carmel, Karnataka Province said that Stella Maris Orphanage is managed by the sisters of the Apostolic Carmel Congregation and the 41 children are the inmates of Stella Maris Orphanage, Kotekar hail from Bidar district. They are also the students of Stella Maris primary school managed by the sisters.

These children were getting ready with great excitement to return to their homes for vacation. Their tickets were bought paying Rs 25, 000 and they were to leave by VRL bus for Bidar on April 8 at 2.30 pm. The warden brought them to PVS circle at 1.00 pm much ahead of time and they were looking forward to board the bus. Just then the miscreants barged in, asking some inquisitive questions with threatening words to which the children gave no answer as they were shocked beyond words. When the bus arrived, the children got into the bus, some people claiming to be Bajrang Dal members too got into the bus with cameras and more threats blocking the exit. The warden Sr Asha Prima informed her superior and in response a senior sister Sr Maria Jyothi rushed to the spot. Meanwhile the Bajrang Dal group called the police who arrived immediately. The bus with the children and all the rest on board were taken to CWC, at Bondel.

At CWC Sr Maria Jyothi informed the officials that the children were the bonafide students of the orphanage at Stella Maris, Kotekar and produced the required documents and license to substantiate her claim, which she produced within few minutes. The police surrounded the CWC as they would the criminals brought to the Remand Home. The children were not given food and were restless, and highly traumatized by this experience.

The officials of CWC checked the documents and found them in order. In the meantime the Assistant Commissioner of DK, Prabhulinga Kavalikatte arrived on the scene and asked for a proof to show that these children are bonafide students and came from Bidar to study, by submitting a certificate issued by the deputy commissioner of Bidar. Since it was not possible to produce this immediately, the sisters offered to show proofs of their origin from schools records. The bus with children was then taken back to Kotekar. When the children reached the orphanage it was 10.15 pm, all tired, shocked, hungry and disappointed.

The next day, Saturday the April 9 at 5.30 pm, the chairperson of the CWC visited the orphanage with her committee and going through the registers and other school records was satisfied. Thereafter she issued an order that the children could be sent home. The institution suffered a financial loss of Rs 25,000 and had to once again purchase tickets for the children to be taken to Bidar.

The atrocious incident took place making the children and management of the orphanage undergo trauma, tension and giving adverse publicity due to the evil designs of the Bajrang Dal members.

Mariamma Thomas said that they will demand for reimbursement of the said Rs 25,000 from the concerned. DC Subodh Yadav, AC Prabhulinga Kavalikatte and Commissioner Seemanth Kumar Singh assured us the immediate action on the same after submitting our complaints, she added.

The Apostolic Carmel

The Apostolic Carmel Congregation was started in Mangalore in 1870 with the objective of empowering women through education. At a time when there were no educational opportunities for women’s education in the west coast of India, the sisters of the Apostolic Carmel ventured into this field. Over 140 years, their educational institutions rendering education to children ranging from Primary to Post Graduate level irrespective of caste and creed, she added.

The condition of the underprivileged sections of the society in those days, urged them to cater to their needs and in response, they opened technical schools and special schools for the mentally and physically challenged children. One of the specific felt needs that was addressed by the sisters was the opening of four orphanages/residences in Kundapur, Stella Maris, Kotekar, Kemmannu and Bondel in the years 1931, 33, 38 and 39 respectively. Over the years, more than 15,000 children have benefited from their stay and study in these orphanages. All the four orphanages were recognized by the BCM (Backward community and minority) department between the years 1935 and 1948. At present, there are 275 children in these orphanages ranging from class 3 to 10. Around 200 of these receive a grant of Rs 350 per month from the department of BCM. The management subsidizes the rest of the expenses, she detailed.


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  • Louis D'Souza, Udupi/Kuwait

    Sun, Apr 17 2011

    A. S. Mathew, U.S.A. Very well said, u are absolutely right. One of my friends want to convert to Christianity, but afraid of his aged parents. He says until my dad & mom is alive I cannot, if they come to know they will die of heart attack. He comes to church every Friday sits during mass, but not taking communion prays near mother Mary's Grotto. He says whatever he asked to Jesus he got already. He says he want to marry Christian girl and during that time he will take Baptism, knows Konkani very well even few Konkani prayers Our father & Hail Mary. Nobody forced him.
    Before St. Thomas came to India all our ancestors where Hindus, they listen to St. Thomas as they where wise and accepted Christianity. When you find Core i7 Note book forget the type writer. Tippu Sultan prosecuted them, they escaped to Goa, came back with Portuguese family names but they never changed their faith. Till today there are Christians with Indian family names. When you have LED TV with 3D effect, forgets conventional TV. You can change everything other than your Father / Mother of course can’t change wife/husband. The day we Christians start taking revenge, most of the Christians will start converting to other religions, because it’s against Christian values n beliefs. Mahatma Gandhi said, I believe in Christianity but not in Christians (he was referring to British), but today if Mahatma was alive definitely he would have appreciated the work of Christians throughout India.

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  • A.S.Mathew, U.S.A.

    Sat, Apr 16 2011


    You have said it very openly,
    thank you for speaking it loud.

    How many converted people have
    caused more harm to the society
    as robbers, rapists and murderers?
    If somebody attacks the converted
    Christian people, they simply suffer
    torture and the persecutors have
    found it easy to torment them without any fear of retaliation,
    also the Karnataka government is
    giving all the help to the
    persecutors. The State of Karnataka ranks No 1 in the nation
    as the notorious state of minority
    persecution. Great accomplishment
    to write in bold letters!

    Many famous and rich people in
    India have converted to Christian
    faith like the movie actress Nagma.
    Nobody will dare to attack her.
    But if some poor people are happy
    in changing their faith, they are
    attacked without any mercy because
    they are unable to defend themselves.

    God is going to change the situation differently. Thousands
    of great non-Christians who are
    Hindus-Muslims-Buddhists, Jains-
    Sikhs-Zoroastrians and Atheists
    who had the opportunity to study in Christian
    schools and colleges are going
    to march with the persecuted
    Christians of India. Those people
    were not forced to convert while
    attending colleges or schools.

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  • Glenn, USA

    Sat, Apr 16 2011

    India is a Secular country. No outfit or individual has the right to intervene, threaten or take law in their own hands. We have a Judicial system that has been designed to handle disagreements in a society. If any outfit or individuals have any concerns they should lodged their concerns to Law Enforcement.

    You can never completely eliminate bad individuals or groups in a society but its the DUTY of the Law & Order to enforce constitutional rights and protection at all costs which unfortunately hasn't seem happen in India yet especially when the outfits or individuals are politically connected or financially powerful. I understand its a maturing democracy and unfortunately its our task to remind the Law Enforcement Authorities of their duty.

    I challenge the Indian Law Enforcement and Political system to build their standards as found in Western societies like the United States. I would also recommend some kind of exchange programs so they can get insight into Western Law enforcement techniques. All these challenges are not unique to India.

    In a global economy were India is a participant, I find it silly that India being so scientifically advanced is struggling with such a trivial issue on Law enforcement especially when it has been successful implementing complex technologies, business processes, manufacturing . We can't say we are secular and find it difficult to enforce some of the basic requirements of the constitution.

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  • nahmed, mangalore/dammam

    Sat, Apr 16 2011

    All people who are talking against Stella Maris please before writing something try to find out the fact.i also did my primary studies in Stella Maris.Being a Muslim i never felt they are trying to convert anybody they were very fare to every human beings.when i was in 7th standard i had a accident i was needed a surgery at that time we were in a very bad situation. My school and teachers came to my help and surgery was done in Father mullers hospital Kankanady at almost free of cost.till my death i cannot forget Mary teacher and Alis teacher they are like angels.

    Even after 22 years whenever they meet my relatives they ask about me.Now let me tell you one more thing i did my high school in Anandashrama high School Someshwar belongs to RSS there i had some teacher i cant never ever forget that people not because of good reason.Final thing one of the worst teacher from anandashram got punishment by god and died by getting rabbies.He was teaching us biology.He taught us what do when mad dog bites but un(fortunately)he forgot to do it and got Rabbi es

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  • Sunil , Mangalore

    Sat, Apr 16 2011

    Dear Ramesh,Udupi and All my Hindu Brothers and Sisters
    I know all of you have a soft heart behind this hatred feelings caused by some few selfish culprits for their own benefits.
    My humble request to you all. Please forget & keep aside this religion, which is purely man made. We have reached centuries ahead now. Scientifically well-versed and far more educated. Let us build our own religion now with just two things in mind, Good and the Bad. Time has come to unite us all against corruption,terrorism,anti-law activities and the selfish motivated politics.
    I think Registration department should have gathered enough information on charitable institutions and then visit them and clarify their doubt with enough proof instead of Bajranga Dal stepping in first. If Registration department was not satisfied then they could have taken the help of Police and the law. I think this is the right way of dealing. What is all your opinion?
    I know these Bajranga dal is a united group. But let them now fight together against corruption activies happening here. There are plenty of corruption and fraudulace activities going on in and around mangalore, cheating, crimes, anti-law activites. Let them fight against the political corruption. If they use their united power for this good cause, i don't think we are far from being a rich economy and well developed country.

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  • Louis D'Souza, Udupi/Kuwait

    Sat, Apr 16 2011

    Valson Mendonsa, Mangalore/USA, well said. I am agreeing totally with you. Today there are 10% Christians in India but on record only 2% balance 8% are afraid to accept it in public because of Hindu fanatics. Many Hindus liked the work Christian Institutes and accepted Christianity. In Andhra so man have converted to Christianity of their own without any force. Believe me this is not fun. This is truth, my God knows it, Praise the lord. I can give examples but I am afraid those people will be troubled by fanatics. The more bajrangis trouble us the more sympathy we will get from poor & back ward Hindus.

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  • Jossey Saldanha, Mapusa

    Sat, Apr 16 2011

    Dear Ramesh, Udipi.
    Can I ask you a few questions?
    Are we Christians into conversions?
    Has any one complained as yet of forceful conversion?
    Why are you guys harping CONVERSIONS, CONVERSIONS, CONVERSIONS like a spoilt record?
    How you would feel if you were to feed a hungry guy on the street and in return he urinates in the same plate?
    I know my questions are harsh – but this is exactly the same way how we feel.

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  • Shaun, Mangalore

    Sat, Apr 16 2011

    Dear Brothers and Sisters of all faiths and communities.
    Let us join hands and pray for the soul of Mr Nagesh Nayak. It is so full of hatred and anger. May the almighty shower him with divine blessings to overcome this. He should try yoga. Anulome Vilome in particular. It clears the mind of all negative thoughts and instills a sense of calmness.
    Compassion is the need of the hour. If you see a person in need, try and help irrespective of religion, cast, creed, gender, nationality or sexuality. I am sure many people will keep you in their prayers.

    Even Saul the Persecutor had a change of heart. Emperor Ashoka also had a change of heart. May be even Muthappa Rai has had a change of heart.
    We all should smile, take a deep breath and say that today, i am going to make some one happy. I am going to make some one smile. I am going to do atleast 1 good deed today. Just watch how the world will change.
    God Bless you all. Have a nice day.

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  • Ramesh, udupi

    Fri, Apr 15 2011

    one of the good comments by Sunil, Mangalore...sorry my friend if it hurts..
    its my reply to Jossey Saldanha, Mapusa and some others who repeatedly brings education to other issues...If u finds those others comment comfortable with the issues, i believe u also same like have descriminatory mentality people...things may be different with different people, why u all rating same to all..u also human being we also human being..end of the day as u said 'our deeds will be accountable'..needless to say even original christians will not be so agressive like u few!!.. religion we are not taking with us..but the deeds!!..accept 50 may be bad in christians as 50 may be bad in Hindus...afterall we all creation of God, who may be kept the equation dont say 'Christian is only good religion' at any point of time..u believe u worship..let others to believe their beliefs

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  • Sunil, Mangalore

    Fri, Apr 15 2011

    Dear Mr. Ramesh/Udupi

    Nice to see your comments here. I understand your aggresive feelings. You may say here, you don't require christian institutes. But I am sure your parents or the forefathers might have benefited through christian institutions. Now you may have, so called your own institutions with the motive of business in mind. For your kind information, christian institutions don't run with the motive of business, rather run with service mentality first. If the christian institutions which are running from centuries were with the motive of business and conversion, the present would have been something different by now. Who knows, who is behind this all misleadings and who is expecting to benefit?

    Christians don't worry about the loss to their institutions, because they are based on service motive and with centuries of experience. Infact institutins based on business mentality, worry about their attendance, profit and the cost.

    I am sure, yor must be a youngster now or with God's gift of good health in mind and body. You may not understand this now. Remember, your religion and your institutions alone my not solve your needs. It's the humanitarian activities that save the society and the world. There are only two religion in this world, Good people and the bad people. We are not bothered about any religion or recognize person with his religion. It's the good attitude, broad thinking and behaviour makes you a good human being.

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  • Sunil, Mangalore

    Fri, Apr 15 2011

    Dear Mr. Ramesh/Udupi

    Nice to see your comments here. I understand your aggresive feelings. You may say here, you don't require christian institutes. But I am sure your parents or the forefathers might have benefited through christian institutions. Now you may have, so called your own institutions with the motive of business in mind. For your kind information, christian institutions don't run with the motive of business, rather run with service mentality first. If the christian institutions which are running from centuries were with the motive of business and conversion, the present would have been something different by now. Who knows, who is behind this all misleadings and who is expecting to benefit?

    Christians don't worry about the loss to their institutions, because they are based on service motive and with centuries of experience. Infact institutins based on business mentality, worry about their attendance, profit and the cost.

    I am sure, yor must be a youngster now or with God's gift of good health in mind and body. You may not understand this now. Remember, your religion and your institutions alone my not solve your needs. It's the humanitarian activities that save the society and the world. There are only two religion in this world, Good people and the bad people. We are not bothered about any religion or recognize person with his religion. It's the good attitude, broad thinking and behaviour makes you a good human being.

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  • Vinod, Manipal

    Fri, Apr 15 2011

    We are with you Stella Maris Orphanage. You don't need to give explanations to anybody. You were right and would always be. God is with you. These are the testing times but I guess it is being far stretched by people and they are considering our silence to be our weakness. It will just be one day when there will be an outburst.

    I am surprised that Police came, checked all documents, etc and found everything was intact yet no arrests were made against those miscreants as to on what basis have they organised such behaviour. And who has given them the right The state govt. or the Central govt.

    It is high time that all Christians across the country unite under the Bishop, Arch Bishop and raise the matter with the PM and the President. We have had enough of this CM business. People are taking law into their own hands and nobody is doing anything about it including the govt and the police.

    I sincerely urge whoever is involved in these type of activities else we will end up in a conflict situation and please note that people have already harboured hatred due to the activities of few unemployed youth who are being used by the people in power.

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  • Jossey Saldanha, Mapusa

    Fri, Apr 15 2011

    Harold D'cunha, Mangalroe.
    Gone are the days "If some one slaps you on one cheek you offer another".
    If you want to survive in today's world be prepared to kick the person who slaps you.

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  • prakash saldanha, mangalore/dubai

    Thu, Apr 14 2011

    God sufferd lot
    now we bare these people 2 years more then there will be big change upto that period our support and help always with you

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  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Thu, Apr 14 2011

    Dear Mr. Ravi, Mangalore and
    Mr. Rupesh, Mangalore,
    Respect and adhere to the human rights and the constitution of India. If not both of you are the traitors of Bharat Desh like the bjdl, vhp, rss, abhinav bharat and other recently sprouted organizations.

    Are you not feeling guilty to tell those organizations to stop conversions in India and in the Christian ruled countries? Shame on you.

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  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Thu, Apr 14 2011

    Dear Mr. Ravi, Mangalore and Mr. Rupesh, Mangalore,
    Respect and adhere to the human rights and the constitution of India. If not both or you are the traitors like of Bharat Desh like the bjdl, vhp, rss, abhinav bharat and other recently sprouted organizations.

    Are you not feeling guilty to tell those organizations to stop conversions in the Christian ruled countries? Shame on you.

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  • austin, mangalore

    Thu, Apr 14 2011

    visit this site to get true picture of BD

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  • Adv. Harry D'souza, Mulki, Dahisar

    Thu, Apr 14 2011

    Today need of the hour is human religion. All the religious leaders are preaching hatred against other religion. Religion has become the business. The religious leaders are sitting with enormous wealth.

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  • Ossie, Kannur, Kerala

    Thu, Apr 14 2011

    Myself and my Hindu friends appreciate and support the Sisters of Stella Maris orphanage for the good work they are doing for the homeless and unwanted for the past so many years. We all can't understand why the Bajrang dal and RSS are against the good work done by the Christian nuns. We challenge Bajrang dal or RSS to start an orphanage or old age home. Hope they have the guts to accept the challenge.

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  • Harold D'cunha, Mangalroe, India

    Thu, Apr 14 2011

    Jossey Saldanha, Mapusa. All your 4 steps are not appealing and as far as my knowledge goes, never adaptable with Christian principles.
    Because of few poisonous characters does not mean we have to take a U turn. Not at all. Even if the same people who had harmed us, approach to help, we should be glad to serve & help them.
    The message of love and humanity will face hurdles but finally good deed will win over evil.

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  • charmaine, mangalore

    Thu, Apr 14 2011

    BTW what are you guys talking about christians converting others??? nobody can get converted if he / she does not want to. most of the people who have got converted, iam sure must have done so out of their free will, because of the good life,job,clothing, shelter education, medical aid etc they and their families got when they were written off as useless by their community and no help came to them when required...
    Nagesh nayak and the like minded writing baseless comments here, do good to the not so fortunate people in your community, i am sure they will never take help from other communities and will never want to convert.we always want to follow the examples of good people and not bad. i think bajrang dal,RSS etc should do this first instead of being destructive and behaving like goondas....

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  • charmaine, mangalore

    Thu, Apr 14 2011

    Dear sisters,It is very unfortunate with the recent happenings you have been challenged with. Iam sure God almighty will give you all the strength to face these challenges.
    Nagesh Nayak: I have read your comments on most of the issues or news published in Daijiworld regularly. Most of the time your comments sound foolish.And going by your comments (seems to me you are not well educated, do not have a reasoning power or are filled with hatred) When you have so much time to write nonsence, why dont you do some research and get your facts right about the life and what christians or other communities live and do and then pass your judgements and vent out your frustration and anger....

    Well y dont the Bajrang Dal, RSS etc instead of being destructive use their time, money to educate the society, open orphanges for the poor or destitue, old age homes for the old, special schools for the differently abled people...(well let them do it for their hindu community itself first).. if you guys have so much of hatred towards the christians, y do u send your children to christian schools??? put the elders in christian run old age homes?? or admit the sick in christian hospitals??? we are trying to pick up dirt from the good work people are doing.. it's high time you change your thinking, mind set, otherwise you will be left alone... if we start digging into the injustice done by your community to others, iam sure you will never comment on others again..

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  • Willie Menda, UAE

    Thu, Apr 14 2011

    Mr.Ramesh, Udupi

    Your extremism will certainly effect the 'majority' living in other countries who are a minority there.

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  • Ramesh, udupi

    Thu, Apr 14 2011

    Jossey Saldanha, Mapusa...
    Steps!..really good and appreciate all for step3 & step4..but step1 & step2 will be total failure to closed down...without majorities there will not be minimum attendence to cover maintenance cost!!...better u should know before writing .!,..even if u go with all your four steps nothing affects the majority

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  • Clara Lewis, Kemmannu/Dubai

    Thu, Apr 14 2011

    Dear All,

    10 things to learn from Japan,

    1. THE CALM

    Not a single visual of chest-beating or wild grief. Sorrow itself has been elevated.


    Disciplined queues for water and groceries. Not a rough word or a crude gesture.


    The incredible architects, for instance. Buildings swayed but didn't fall.

    4. THE GRACE

    People bought only what they needed for the present, so everybody could get something.

    5. THE ORDER

    No looting in shops. No honking and no overtaking on the roads. Just understanding.


    Fifty workers stayed back to pump sea water in the N-reactors. How will they ever be repaid?


    Restaurants cut prices. An unguarded ATM is left alone. The strong cared for the weak.


    The old and the children, everyone knew exactly what to do. And they did just that.

    9. THE MEDIA

    They showed magnificent restraint in the bulletins. No silly reporters. Only calm reportage.


    When the power went off in a store, people put things back on the shelves and left quietly!

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  • alex, bangalore

    Wed, Apr 13 2011

    It is sad to see inspite of the intolerance shown by BD ,no high ranked goverment offical /politician is speaking on this or assuring the community ,barring 1 or 2 who have benefitted from Stella Maris nobody else is talking .It is high time people show gratitude

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  • Benedict Pinto, Mangalore

    Wed, Apr 13 2011

    Ravi Mangalore,can you explain to us What is Sangh Pariwar?What is the link between  SS,VHP,Bajrang dal and so on?Dont you think VHP, Bajrang dal and other communal groups come under the umbrella of RSS(Sangh Pariwar)?If not when the attacks on churches took place,soon
    after why those RSS,VHP,Bajrang Dal leaders came together for discussion?

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  • Ravi, Mangalore

    Wed, Apr 13 2011

    Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore i am not the supporter of BD, but would definately support RSS, but here most of them are thinking that BD and RSS are one and the same. The actual thing is that BD and RSS donot have link with each other. I was going to RSS shaka during my childhood and there were also some people from catholic attending the attending the shaka and they were comfortable with RSS.

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  • Rupesh, Mangalore

    Wed, Apr 13 2011

    Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore,

    Stop all conversion activities like heleyangady issue in our country first. RSS, BD, VHP is not against cristians but here main reason is conversian like haleyangady issue.

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  • Jossey Saldanha, Mapusa

    Wed, Apr 13 2011

    After these incidents, Christians Institutions should take these steps immediately:
    Educational Institutions – Only for Christians, outside communities will pay Capitation Fees.
    Medical Institutions – Subsidized for Christians, other communities pay for our subsidy.
    Orphanages / Home for the Aged – Exclusive for Christians.
    We have learnt a bitter lesson – Henceforth “Charity begins at Home”.

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  • Malet Crasto, Trasi, Kundapur / Abu Dhabi

    Wed, Apr 13 2011

    Education is the basic need for a developing country like India and christian missionaries are serving the country by providing education since decades. I studied in a convent school and I am proud of it.... People like Mr. Nayak need to get out of their destructive mindset and do some constructive thinking.

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  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Wed, Apr 13 2011

    Sudhir Mangalore,
    Do not preach us about accepting the faith of one who likes kindly adhere to the constitution. If you do not adhere to the consitution you are a traitor. Do not tell us about Hindus I know all the Hindus are with us except the BDS, RSS, VHP's, Abhinav Bhartat who are evil possessed  spewing venom and terrorizing the citizens tell them to stop everything will be alright.

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  • Tania, Mangalore

    Wed, Apr 13 2011

    Mr Nagesh,
    Its high time you grow up.What do you mean byNobody is authorized to speak against Christians even though illegal activities are goin on? Please be informed that such acts are not done by Roman Catholics,but by the other sect of people who have left the church (New Life n so on).So PLEASE dont mix up your thoughts and give wrong allegations against Christians. Your second point of Christians want to ban RSS and such groups is very true because they have no right to mind other peoples business keeping in mind India,a democratic country. Its not only the Christians who want to ban RSS,but im sure the rest of people as well.
    Dont you know to comment other than taking side of your religion?Stop this religion business of yours.Come into the MINDSET of talking as WE,THE PEOPLE rather than, WE HINDUS.

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  • Madhav Poojari, Mangalore/ Dubai

    Wed, Apr 13 2011

    I am very sad of this news. Stella Maris, Where I have learnt reading and writing of my life's first letters, where they take so much care of poor children. This is 40 year back story. Respect and give more importance to humanity. Please dont hurt good people.

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  • maria, dubai

    Wed, Apr 13 2011

    Hello Nagesh... I think u r illiterate .just for your information there is no separate god for HINDU's God is one for all . Different ways in trusting him. religion made by human. So please come out from bloody thinking. Lets enjoy ourselves helping others in this world . good luck

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  • Ronald D, Udupi

    Wed, Apr 13 2011

    Nagesh, Understood, your morality is, we do not need law and order. Bhajrani goondas are there to look after what is right and wrong!! Why do we need police force and district adminstration. Give Haftha to Bhajrangi's and they will lead the jungle raj!!? You would love it!!

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  • Laveena Pereira, Bendur

    Wed, Apr 13 2011

    I hope and wish that the Honourable Governor of Karnataka would take some stringent action against the goondaism of VHP and Bajrangi communal gruops who shattered the peaceful living of Mangaloreans.

    VHP and Bajrangi goondas are equally responsible for the attacks against the Christian orphanages in
    Mangalore.Its a fact that the niece of former minister Nagaraja Shetty is the student of St.Agnes Special School,Bendur.Her parents should come out and speak frankly whether any conversion takes place in that school.Catholic sisters should carry on their good work without the fear of Bajrangi goondas.All minority communities support the sisters.

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  • Manvit, Kudla

    Wed, Apr 13 2011

    Thanks Daiji for publishing this & thanks to all commentators. Please make such ralllies, such press conferences every week so that people will come to know whats in your mind. Your one comment makes 10 people to support BJP, BD, RSS or VHP. Jai ho

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  • Sudhir, Mangaluru

    Wed, Apr 13 2011

    Louis, Dont teach anything to other religion, just stop conversion. If you need to help any, help dont expect anything in return like now you want them to your religion, Stop that, everything will be alright & we all hindus will be with you if anyone attacks you.

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  • lathif, mangalore/ksa

    Wed, Apr 13 2011

    Dear sisters, whatever you helping God knows,God vl help u definetely and we are all with u

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  • Valson Mendonsa, Mangalore/USA

    Wed, Apr 13 2011

    Please Read this> Truth is remains as truth forever:
    A>India has about 80% Hindus-MAJORITY
    B>India has 13% Muslims-MINORITY
    C>India has 2% Christians-MINORITY
    Read furthermore:

    1.If there is a Bandh due to communal tension, that results in Schools close down, Hospital close down where someone above to die, No Transportation, No Taxi/Car Service to go Airport,Shops close down -can't buy Milk,Dal, Veggie or Chicken, no Bank Service, No JOB and No MONEY to live. which population is suffers more IN NUMBERS? MINORITY OR MAJORITY.

    Answer: It is very simple, MAJORITY suffers more, this how it is,
    70% school kids are Hindus,
    70% Hospital patients are Hindus,
    70% customers for the shop are Hindus,
    70% Travelers in the Bus are Hindus
    70% victims going to be are Hindus if something really worst things takes place

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  • shamitha nayak, Bangalore

    Wed, Apr 13 2011

    I am being a hindu I highly appreciate what catholic instituions are providing best of education for all communities and running orphanges, including hindus. It is shame to all hindus to read Nagesh Nayak's comments.

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  • Niel, Mangalore

    Wed, Apr 13 2011

    If these BAJRANGIS had come from the backround which bidar children belong , they would'nt have done this..  But Who knowz what they would have done. They'll not hesitate to do anything..
    No Humanity, No concern towards the gud deeds....

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  • Vinod John, Mangalore

    Wed, Apr 13 2011

    Bajrang Dal donot have any other work other than creating communal disturbances. Its not late when they might claim that the tsunami in Japan is also due to conversions by christians! Its a shame. Yesterday in a TV live show a caller suggested to Mariamma Thomas that these poor kids should be taken and left in the Bajrang dal people's houses. They should be responsible enough to take care of the poor kids and provide the wealth of quality education. Instead they throw stones at these wonderful divine nuns who have surrendered their lives for the good cause. Its high time that we weedout these evil elements who claim to be parallel government assuming their decision is final and binding.

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  • Ronald D, Udupi

    Wed, Apr 13 2011

    After all this dirty drama by BD, can we expect to read any apology or regret by the BD supporters like BJP politicians, Police, CWC or the district adminstration? Any action on goons of Mangalore? Or any good news of Bhajarangi's going to adopt few orphans?????

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  • sunil, bantwal

    Wed, Apr 13 2011

    why no comments from Nagesh mamu. may be he taken retirement.

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  • Praveen, Mangalore

    Wed, Apr 13 2011

    Louis D'Souza, Udupi/Kuwait your knowledge is poor. Mr Siddganga Swamiji has not made any discripancy between caste and religion. You can visit their visit website and also can visit the mutt personally next time. Also it has been come in the TV many times.

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  • Ajith, Mangalore

    Wed, Apr 13 2011

    Dear Mangloreans,now onwards please approach Bajrangis for all law and order problems instead of Police.Just give them some country liquor.

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  • Louis D'Souza, Udupi/Kuwait

    Wed, Apr 13 2011

    Vishwas, Kulshekar, when I lose my temper, initially same question bothers me, why we should help non Christians? But our religion taughts us to help everyone without discrimination.
    1) But we too don’t support our convent and Parish schools when they are attacked or abused.
    2) Despite 2 English Medium schools run my nuns and other one managed by Parish in the vicinity my daughter likes to go to Little Rocks. I am the culprit and don’t have an answer.
    3) Jesus loved the people ignored by Jews, he went to their towns and preached them and cured them, set an example to us that our help should not be limited to Christians only but we must love our neighbor as we love ourselves. It’s our duty to help and educate non Christians so that they too get wisdom.

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  • Preethi Dias, Mangalore

    Wed, Apr 13 2011

    Dont worry dear Sisters,we are always with you.Those Bajrangis
    have no guts to go to Kerala or
    any other non BJP states.They have
    no moral rights to attack any orphanages.Hope the leaders of VHP
    and Bajjarang Dal understand this.
    Those Bajrangi goondas should be
    arrested immediately.When Police
    officers like Gopal Hosur and Dr.
    Subrahmanya Rao were here,those
    communal outfits had no guts to
    attack any christian institution.
    Hope the present Police Officers take stringent action against those

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  • Ashok Poojari, Suratkal/Muscat

    Wed, Apr 13 2011

    I am so sad of this news and I am really proud of Catholic Community for their hard work towards good cause, its not easy to give facilities to the children like Boarding/education/food etc, lot of self sacrifice is required, now I will ask those responsible to this issue, whether they can accommodate these children for one day at their cost? I doubt very much that they could not give them water, what can they give. HATS OFF to dear sisters and my dear Roman Catholic friends, keep the good work going.

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  • nagesh nayak, bangalore

    Wed, Apr 13 2011






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  • vishwas, KULSHEKAR

    Wed, Apr 13 2011


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  • K.M.Ismail, Bondel,Mangalore

    Wed, Apr 13 2011

    The time has come to unite all minorities and backward clasS together to fight against the injustice. The miscreants failed in their evil plan.God almighty give them wisdom.

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  • Nayan, Udupi

    Wed, Apr 13 2011

    Who is converting whom? I think these Christian missionaries and organizations are doing right job. And yes.. they are converting... They are converting the bad to good, poor to rich, uneducated to educated, illiterate to literate. They are helping to make the lives of people around better.

    I think we should learn from them instead of attacking or troubling or making fun of them. If it was not by their contribution, India would have been a third-class country without order (like some of african).

    Dear Christian Missionaries and Organizations.. plz carry on your good works for the betterment of the society.

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  • Louis D'Souza, Udupi/Kuwait

    Wed, Apr 13 2011

    All parties are one and the same. They will remember minorities only during voting. Saffron’s are harassing Christian institutes & Orphanages did any congress or JDS minister visited the spot and did they condemn the police or govt officials for their partiality? The guy who master minded church attacks in Mangalore is in JDS party now, shall we think that it’s JDS hidden agenda to blame the ruling BJP? Why JDS & congress is silent about Bajrang Dal attacks on Christian Orphanages.

    Did any time Govt officials checked the records of Hindu orphanages? Let them go to Sidda Ganga Matta and check for documents. You will find only Brahmin & GSB Brahmin students over their not a single from Bhillavas or Mogaveera community or from any Dallit or back ward community.( I do appreciate 103 yrs old Samijis hard work towards humanity but its limited to Brahmins & GSB’s only)

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  • Shoukath Hussain, Mangalore

    Wed, Apr 13 2011

    My dear BD, VHP and Ramasene brothers. I would like to clarify to all of you that India does not belong to hindus alone. It also belongs to muslims, christians, jains and sikhs. Non hindus too are lawful, rightful and legitimate citizens of India. So in view of the above you are requested to refrain from harassing the minorities.

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  • Francis, Moodbidri/Dubai

    Wed, Apr 13 2011

    Rakesh Shreshta, Amritsar/Bangalore, rightly said. This is high time to think before helping other communities, where our own community people are there who do not have 2 times bread.

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  • Christopher D'Cunha, M'lore/AUH

    Wed, Apr 13 2011

    Please handover all these children to BD. They would know how easy to take care of their needs and education. Hope Nagesh Nayak would also support their cause.

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  • Alex, Bangalore

    Wed, Apr 13 2011

    While appreciating the good work we Christians are doing in every field be it education ,hospitals & serving the poor ,we need to ensure that we serve our christian bretheren .Many times in our catholic instutions we catholics are denied seats and others are given priority which really hurts . We need to have the unity which we sadly lack .We stand united nobody dare shake us .My request to the Clergy is to ensure that your motto is to serve the catholics first ,followed by other christians & followed by others.By developing catholics you would be better served.

    We have our full support Rev.Sisters keep up the good work.

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  • nirmal, mangalore

    Tue, Apr 12 2011

    it is shame on our part of the system of well developed soceity, seaching stone/sand in the curd. When someone does good, its difficult to digest for some and getting in to the problems.This is the more dangerous cancerous sickness disturbs the peace in our surrounding. May the Lord enlighten them and show the right path to move on.

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  • Oliver Mascarenhas, Mangalore / Dubai

    Tue, Apr 12 2011

    DO what JESUS would do. Keep doing good, forgive your enemies. Pray for them and bless them that their hearts would change and the come closer to GOD. Showing the other cheek when someone strikes also means to pray for those who hate you so much that they come to kiss and honour the other cheek.
    GOD bless.
    Matthew 5:43-48 (New International Version, ©2011)

    Love for Enemies
    43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor[a] and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46 If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47 And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? 48 Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

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  • Henry, Mangalore

    Tue, Apr 12 2011

    Are our officials in the Administration sleeping? Under BJP rule in Karnataka the Bhajrang Dal is the law and order! God forgive them.

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    Tue, Apr 12 2011

    God forgive these cruel people, if not distroy them.

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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Tue, Apr 12 2011

    Just chanse and undo these anti social, jobless bajrangis. They are threat to civilized society. At the same time, those who support these types of anti social elements must too be eliminated. This govt is a hijda govt. This govt takes its directives from mutts, BD. RSS and VHP. Our CM is biggest hypocite of the century. He just only knows to cry in public. But for christian educational institutions, today India would have been one of the poorest and most backward nation.

    All of us Indian must bow our heads down in gratitude to these selfless christian missionaries who are the pioneers of modern day education system. Even the british who started good governance and education system too were christians. These saffron parties only know how to disrupt peace and put baseless allegations. I pray for the death of those political leaders who are bent upon deviding the once peaceful society on the base of religion and faiths. This is high time that we get hold of them and force them to retire into jungles. These people are unfit to live where human beings live. At the same time, I sympathise with these children who are orphans..

    I whole heartedly love these nuns who are facing odds in the service of Lord and humanity. Dont loose any hopes. Put your trust in God and march forward. You shall prevail and false shall perish as falsehood by its nature is bound to perish. I love christian community.

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  • roseline madtha, Vittla/Mumbai

    Tue, Apr 12 2011

    I hate the actions of bajrang dal.The sisters A.C(nuns) who do lot of service to the poor,needy,rich people should not be harassed like this.The bajrang dal should pay for the loss along with apology.The Police,and the District authority should immediately take necessary action against the culprits of bajrang dal.This is my humble request to the authority. The Government should take all the blame for the actions of bajrang dal actions against the christian community.How can bajrang dal can act as a parallel authority?

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  • Viswanath Naik, Karkala

    Tue, Apr 12 2011

    I Hope Nagesh Nayak has to say something. If not he has lost it

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  • Rakesh Shreshta, Amritsar/Bangalore

    Tue, Apr 12 2011

    It is about time the Catholic Priests and Nuns learnt a lesson. Give priority to the Catholics first because the Catholics contribute during the fund raising. Secondly to the other denominations of Christians and third for those non-christians who can donate. All this while it has been on the contrary. God give them some wisdom.

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  • ronald, mumbai

    Tue, Apr 12 2011

    well it goes to show the govt.does not need a police force and save a lot of money as they have the bajrang dal to do their dirty works and for giving them such a free hand so bro to the BJP party and they will also ways end up saying that they will not stand up for such devide in the communities

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  • jacobnelson, mumbai

    Tue, Apr 12 2011


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  • UVR, UAE

    Tue, Apr 12 2011

    Where is NAGESH NAYAK??? Maybe he can get Rs. 25,000 from Shreeman Yeddi to make good the loss.

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  • gregory fernandes, pernankila/bangalore

    Tue, Apr 12 2011

    It is really pathetic to claim a compensation of Rs. 25000/-. This shows the innocence of our nuns. Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of God. Catholic Board of education- It is high time you start one Law college also and encourage large no of Christian youth to take law courses. They can earn their lively hood also and as well protect the society from these type of humiliation.

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  • Rathan Prabhu, Mangalore

    Tue, Apr 12 2011

    Where is the Administration? DC & SP. Are they incapable of bring this Gundas of BD. If they are incapable Why are they paid salary from public money. Have they given free hand to BD take care of law and order in Mangalore? Is the Administration serious taking action on them or leave them free to haress more people in Mangalore?

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  • jossy dsouza, mangalore

    Tue, Apr 12 2011

    Dear christian friends..please learn the institution or orphanage for Christians.If you ever think of helping other religion you will have a back kick.Look at all poor people among your eyes.Give them seats in schools and colleges.Provide for their needs.Please take my advice.Today legal issue and false allegations, tomorrow may be kidnapping or forceful confinement and unauthorized building, not enough drainage,clothes they wear and what not......why do you want to take fire in your bosom? it will burn you.

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  • Pinto, Mangalore

    Tue, Apr 12 2011

    Please do not accept for their compensation... see that those BD are really punished and also see to it they do not create such problems to christians. Let them accept their mistakes and ask for forgiveness...

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  • vinmen, mumbai

    Tue, Apr 12 2011

    is there anyways to sue police dept for their sheer negligence and siding goons and defamation suit against BD people?

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  • Jossey Saldanha, Mapusa

    Tue, Apr 12 2011

    Ajith, Mangalore.
    Where is the saffron?
    Are you referring to Nityanand?

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  • Wilfred, Mangalore/AUH

    Tue, Apr 12 2011

    So called BD is still existing becouse topclass educated Hindu civil society is quite about their goonda acts,even though many times they have been exposed to their misdeeds.The Government is unable to do anything becouse it is a sensitive religious matter.It is the responsibility of highly respected Swamijis,Trusts,religious leadrs to teach & guide this middle class men.It is absulutely baseless to hope somthing from Political Leaders,because they are the ones supporting these things for the cause of vote.

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  • Austin, mangalore

    Tue, Apr 12 2011

    Why these Bajarangis are not seen in non BJP ruled states, like Kerala, Tamilnadu, Maharashtra. It is only with the support of our states anti minority government and the machinery, they are creating all this ruckus. Sorry to see any supporting statement from the local MLA, MP’s. I have little confidence in the state government in providing any justice to minorities in these circumstances. We have the proof to Somashekar commission verdict on the church attacks. It is time that we fight our battle on our own. I am glad that majority of the secular minded progressive thinking Hindu brethren are agreeable to this. They made all the furor and commotion in case of Jillu. Noting has been proved till date.

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  • John Dsouza , Mangalore

    Tue, Apr 12 2011

    Goondas of 21st Century , Keep away from the people who do Good to the society, try to do some thing good if you can. Can you take care of just one Child of this orphanage ?. Just think , keep away your jealousy,anger aside because you are jobless , fight with govenment if you can ,fight not with innocent people . Do something good yaar .

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  • Clifford Fernandes, Mangalore

    Tue, Apr 12 2011

    I think BD and all the departments involved in this affair should be sued not only for 25000 rupees but also for the mental damage caused to theses young children and also to the distress caused to these poor nuns whose sole aim is to educate poor children of the society. I will gladly contribute towards some of the costs of litigation

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  • vishwas, Kulshekar

    Tue, Apr 12 2011

    Dear Louis D'Souza, Udupi/Kuwait,.... Agreed that BD has no right involve in any of Christian activities..  Going forward can you please advise me?

    -why our institutes should help these childeren, who in turn will be the members of BD and attack on us. -Don’t we have enough Christian families who really need these help and our institutions have not reached them still
    -why cant we leave these monkey’s apart and help our Christian brothers and sisters

    When all these questions are answered, all the Catholics will be united and BD will be left in no limelight.

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  • elias, mumbai

    Tue, Apr 12 2011

    It is better to file pil/case against the people responsible for creating problem and dist, collector and police officials to bring this people to senses otherwise these elements will trouble again and again.and recover the cost or rs 25000/-and cost as for mental agony of children and the convent.

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  • Ronald D, Udupi

    Tue, Apr 12 2011

    Psudo this article and then comment now!! Hiding?? or are busy drafting new plan for antisocials supported by atate ruling govt? Why noboby from BJP has guts to clarify if they have done right thing!! Bhajrangi goons should be taken to people if not by police!!

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  • Remy DSouza, Doha- Qatar

    Tue, Apr 12 2011

    I wonder how the local news papers might have reported this press release. The public never gets the true side of such stories because the News papers also play the communal card to satisfy their sponsors and guardians who happen to be swamijis and stick weilding fundamentalists. Even if they are obliged to report it, they will word it in such a manner that the reader is completely misled.

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  • Harold D'cunha, Mangalore, India

    Tue, Apr 12 2011

    The prayer of these orphans and the good wishes of these families are enough for these charitable Institution as a reward.
    But the tears, fear, trauma what these innocent children have gone through will not only pass to these troubles makers but also to their bosses who are acting behind the scene within 4 walls. Can any one can stop this. Time will be the witness and this will never go wrong. After all we are living in Kaleyuga and what someone sows, will be reaped in his/her own life it self.

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  • Shaila, Mangalore

    Tue, Apr 12 2011

    The time has come to all Catholics come together and fight against the culprits. We should raise our voice then only we will get justice.

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  • Francis, Moodbidri/Dubai

    Tue, Apr 12 2011

    Compensation of loss of Rs. 25,000/- is not enough. let BD to pay all childrens complete education expenses.

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  • veena dsouza, MANGLORE

    Tue, Apr 12 2011

    united christians association wake up now show your power on the street fight for your right why u r all hiding from this issue time to fight for our right and KARNATAKA need to more educate it looks like still there are many uneducated people doing nothing fighting against religions.....

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  • Hisham Ahmed, Mangalore

    Tue, Apr 12 2011

    This is a wise move by UCA clarifying if/any doubts about force conversion etc. These allegations will go in the thin air by informing concerned and its demonstrates transparency. Don't allow any one to accept any faith until and unless he/she understands it and comes voluntarily. Forced conversions wont help either way.

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  • Louis D'Souza, Udupi/Kuwait

    Tue, Apr 12 2011

    United Christian Association (UCA) where are you guys from Kulshekar? Sleeping? No playcards? No guts against Bajrangis? Dont live like cowards? Show your power now?

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  • Vivian, Dubai

    Tue, Apr 12 2011

    I think someone from Bajaranga dal working in this looks like pre-planned attack...Investigation required in this case from where did they get this information????

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    Tue, Apr 12 2011

    Every human being agrees that religion is bridge to bring people together but it is absolutely wicked and absured to use it as weapon to threaten the peopple for filmy reasons.

    BD showed be sued along with other department particularly CWC for the harssment truama and injustice in dealing with sensitive issue like this one not for twenty five thousand instead 25lakhs rupees.

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  • SANTHU, Mangalore

    Tue, Apr 12 2011

    Legal action as well PIL to be filed and those responsible brought to book. This includes not just the goondas who were captured on vidoe's but also the Government machinery that should have ensured arrests of those who took law into their hands. High time we catholics called a spade a spade and followed eye for an eye policy.

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  • vincy, shamboor/bangkok

    Tue, Apr 12 2011

    i advice the sisters should apply for a gun licence and pocess weapons and use it whenever it is there will not be trouble again by the monkey army.

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  • Peter Pereira, Pune

    Tue, Apr 12 2011

    Look at the people who tried to accuse Orphange. They totally failed in their evil plan and all had to return with black face.....'bandha dhaarige sunka illa'. Afterall, truth always emerges victorious. God is always mightier than devil. Good Shepherd always leads its flock to safer place.

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  • Peter Pereira, Pune

    Tue, Apr 12 2011

    Peel off the skin of these cruel Bajrangis who caused mental pain to innocent children. They should show their muscle power with equal opponents and not with women, children and aged people, as they always do....the cowards.

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  • Ajith, Mangalore

    Tue, Apr 12 2011

    Cheap saffron outfits will be exposed.Afterall truth prevails on facts and figures and not on guts and feelings.The scums of society will remain scums for ever,

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Tue, Apr 12 2011

    Compensation of loss of Rs. 25,000/- is not enough. Sue the BD organization and the departments involved for defamation and humiliation caused to the institute as well as innocent inmates by false allegations.

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  • Louis D'Souza, Udupi/Kuwait

    Tue, Apr 12 2011

    God forgive those guilty miscreants for this harasmment towads these innocent children. So quickly the police and the officers arrived to the spot when Bajrangis told its conversion case, else no body will bother to know even if children dies.

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