Antony John William Pinto (78), husband of Diana Pinto, father of Muriel Prema / B Manivannan, Eilene Priya / Sharun Clement Pinto and Ignatius Preetesh / Primal Vivin Pinto, grandfather of M Kavvin Medhaansh, Shanic Eulocita Pinto and Leora Ivanna Pinto, passed away on February 1, 2025.
Mortal remains will be brought to - Apt no. 202, Providence Abode 2, Bejai New Road, Mangalore on Monday, February 3 at 9:00 am. Funeral cortege will leave residence at 9.30 am for St Francis Xavier Church, Bejai, Mangalore for Holy Mass at 10:00 am.
Contact :
Preetesh - 82968 20335
Prema - 99645 83798
Priya - 98869 91460
Nelson Pinto, Pintos Lane/Vancouver
Tue, Feb 04 2025Dear Diana Aunty, Preema, Priya, Preethesh and bereaved family members. Please accept our heartfelt condolences on the demise of Tony Uncle. May the Lord give you all the strength to bear his loss. May Tony Uncle's soul rest in Peace.
Roopesh D'Silva, Mangalore/Bangalore/KGF
Mon, Feb 03 2025Heartfelt condolences to Diana Aunty, Prema, Priya and Prethesh and may god give you all strength to bear this loss. Eternal rest grant unto Uncle oh lord, let perpetual light shine upon him, may his soul rest in peace.
Gerald & Patricia Pinto, Bondel/Doha
Mon, Feb 03 2025Adios Toni. May your soul rest in peace. Our heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family.
Loy MISQUITH, Mangalore bendore
Mon, Feb 03 2025Heartfelt condolences to all the dear and near once in the family of Antony Pinto. May the Lord grant him eternal rest in heaven. May his soul rest in peace. From Loy MISQUITH ,Sybil and family.
George D Souza & family, Shivabagh/Vamanjoor
Sun, Feb 02 2025Heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family May his soul Rest in peace
Grace Dsilva, Mangalore
Sun, Feb 02 2025Dear Diana, Prema, Priya, Preethesh & family, Heartfelt condolences on the demise of our dear Tony. May the Lord give you the grace to overcome the loss .may his soul rest in peace.
David Fernandes, Vamanjoor / KSA
Sun, Feb 02 2025May his soul rest in peace. Heartfelt condolences to Preetesh and family.
Shanthi, Daryl and Deora, Vancouver, BC Canada
Sun, Feb 02 2025Dear Aunty Diana, Prema, Priya and Preetesh, Our heartfelt condolences, We are thinking about you and praying for you. May God give you all strength to bear uncle Tony's loss. May God grant his soul eternal rest and peace.
Shanthi, Daryl and Deora, Vancouver, BC Canada
Sun, Feb 02 2025Dear Aunty Diana, Prema, Priya and Preetesh, Our heartfelt condolences, We are thinking about you and praying for you. May God give you all strength to bear uncle Tony's loss. May God grant his soul eternal rest and peace.
Narayana Raju, Bangalore
Sun, Feb 02 2025To the family of late Mr. Pinto. This is Narayana Raju, ex- colleague of Mr. Pinto in Heat treatment Shop in Beml organisation in Kolar Gold Fields from 1988 He is a nice gentleman and very homely and friendly with all more than a co working person. He used to make us happy always by his style of conversations. I feel very sad by his demise. I pray to my God to bless my great friend Pinto Sadgati. And give sufficient strength to all his loving people and admirers to bear the sorrow. I request the family of Mr. Pinto to accept my heartfelt condolences. Narayana Raju. Bangalore. 9901474594
Celine Benny, Mangalore/California
Sun, Feb 02 2025Dear auntie Diana, Prema, Priya, Preethesh and family. You all are in our thoughts and prayers at this difficult time. May the soul of uncle Tony rest in peace and God grant him eternal rest ..
Kanthi & Allen, Bajpe/ Canada
Sat, Feb 01 2025Dear Dinnibai, Prema, Priya, Preetesh and all extended family members. Please accept our heartfelt condolences on the sad demise of Dear uncle Tony. Keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers during this time of grief. May his wonderful Soul Rest in Peace 🙏
Ranga Rao Kakarala, KGF/Hyderabad
Sat, Feb 01 2025May his soul rest in peace & Our heart felt condolences to the family.
Gerard and Lena & family, Borivali, Mumbai
Sat, Feb 01 2025Heartfelt Sympathies and condolences to members of the bereaved family
Manohar Pais, Bejai / Canada
Sat, Feb 01 2025Heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family. May Uncle Tony’s soul rest in peace. Manu & Violet.
A.R. Babu, Kolar Gold Fields
Sat, Feb 01 2025Very nice person. He honestly worked for the betterment of workers when he elected as the Executive Committee Member of BEMEA, a mighty trade union at BEML KGF. He deeply involved in building CWC a supportive organization of CITU. He was committed to uphold the Left oriented trade union ideology and basic principles of trade union. He stood in forefront in all struggles organized by BEMEA, CITU and CPI(M). He was very friendly and had good relations all. He has encouraged me to actively involve in trade union movement in BEML. I pay my respectful homage and send deepest condolences to his family members. Hewill be remembered always.
Mr & Mrs Godfrey Dsilva, Kankanady, Mangalore
Sat, Feb 01 2025Dear Diana , Heartfelt sympathies to u & family members. May Tony's soul rest in peace
Godfrey Dsilva, Kankanady, Mangalore
Sat, Feb 01 2025Our heartfelt sympathies to Diana, & family. May his soul rest in peace .
G. Arjunan, B. 86.Arunodhaya, Bharath Nagar, BEML Nagar, KGF.
Sat, Feb 01 2025My heartfelt deep condolences. He was selfless leader inBeml trade union movement . He was a fighter and best thinker. He was a supporter of all progressive movements. His service to the socity is unforgettable. Myself and my family was in touch with the AJW Pinto and family. Deep condolences.
Kannan. E, Kgf
Sat, Feb 01 2025Pinto is a lovely person I worked with him in electrical maintenance department kgf I interacted with him in so many occasions .I humble homage to Mr. Pinto and pray the lard let his soul rest in peace.
Mahendran Iruchappan, KGF/ Kolar Gold Fields 563118
Sat, Feb 01 2025Mr. Pinto was wonderful person to work with as a coordinating senior electrical personnel between two section of the electrical department. My humble homage to Mr. Pinto and deep condolence to the bereaving family.
Cyril Richard Fernandes, Shivabagh Mangalore
Sat, Feb 01 2025ಸಾಸ್ಣಾಚೊ ವಿಶೆವ್ ದೀ ತಾಕಾ ಏ ಸೊಮ್ಯಾ ಆನಿ ನಿರಂತರ್ ಪ್ರಕಾಸ್ ತಾಚೆರ್ ಫಾಂಕಯ್, ಸಮಾಧಾನೆನ್ ತಾಚೊ ಅತ್ಮೊ ವಿಶೆವ್ ಘೆಂವ್ದಿ. ಆಮೆನ್ .🌹