Jun 14, 2010
These days we hear about modern gadgets being used or rather misused for a variety of reasons. With mobile cameras within the reach of the common people we have also come across instances where trusted friends and sexual partners exploit the situation and blackmail their partners with threats of making public intimate scenes shot during sexual acts. These days there is a lot of awareness about hidden cameras in hotel rooms and trial rooms of important malls and shopping centers. Still many people are becoming victims to the machinations of the evil minds who are out to exploit innocent people. Hidden cameras are fixed in hotel rooms trial rooms and the innocent public oblivious of the hidden gadgets fall prey to the evil designs of such rogue elements.
While this is only the softer side of the hidden camera there is danger lurking with hidden cameras capturing the most intimate physical acts. The worst part of this is that even a person who you think is known to you and you and you consider being safer might prove to be the culprit trying to take advantage of young girls. Of course, most people recognize the danger from someone who is not known to them. But there is also the possibility of danger waiting from the known persons who might take advantage of the relationship and exploit by capturing sexual acts through hidden cameras and then sell it off for a price. These exploits of hidden cameras are also often used to blackmail girls and compel them to go in for such acts repeatedly for the fear of safeguarding their reputation and honour and also save themselves from the humiliation.
One can avoid being in such a cataclysm by taking certain preventive measures to decrease the chances of being taken for ride.
Do not go to strange places. Capturing of intimate scenes through hidden cameras takes place in seedy hotels or in apartments of those you are going with. If you do not know someone very well, make sure you avoid going to that place. Moreover, if he or she suggests a hotel think of the one that you would rather go. If the other person is insistent there is definitely a red flag there. There are plenty of hotel owners who arrange certain rooms fitted with hidden camera for allotting the same to regulars for which they get a cut from the sale of the steamy sex videos they intend to sell.
Secondly equip yourself with bug detectors. There are high-tech bug detectors with a capability to detect electronic equipment. There are even detectors that can find blue tooth and other wireless technology. By doing a sweep of the room to locate hidden cameras you can make sure of becoming a victim of hidden camera.
Especially ladies whenever you go to any trial room you can do the following test.
Make a call from your cell phone inside the trial room. You should be able to make a call if there is no hidden camera. If there is hidden camera the trial room call will get disconnected as Bluetooth device of camera will interfere with the cell.
In fact, there is no reason to become a victim. With little caution and with a sharp eye one can avoid being an unknown party (victim) of such shady deals perpetrate by those who are out to exploit the innocent.
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