May 16, 2013
I am a Woman
(A tribute to all women)
I am a Woman, multifaceted creation of God,
I am also referred to as a daughter, sister, wife and a mother.
I have the strength to bear a child and also the sorrows of life,
I feel the joy in spreading happiness around me and standing strong at times of need.
Strength and courage are my soul mates with whose support I tread this long journey of life.
I am not weak as I have the courage to defeat the challenges of life.
I am forgiving by nature but this is not my weakness, it is my beautiful thought of love.
With respect I embark the journey of life but often expected to sacrifice in return,
Not complaining the harsh moments of life but I embrace every moment with love.
Deep thoughts flow inside me wondering, did God create woman for a purpose?
leaving me in doubt when the world abuses this wonderful creation.
Then I gather strength to stand up tall,
but brought on my knees when the unfortunate makes me fall.
My belief and strength becomes tired and frail and seeks some consoling moment,
But is hard to find when the inevitable takes place.
With love and affection I was reared by my family so dear,
But crushed to death by the world that fails to stand by me here.
You will not emerge strong by seizing away my sanity,
I am an achiever in thoughts and deeds and the world now salutes me for this.
The world cannot be a better place without me as it would be a heart devoid of soul,
But I do not long to be with you without respect from your soul.
I am who I am and will always emerge strong
Above all I am a WOMAN whose strength cannot be challenged at all.
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